(38 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Stevei Ray Vaughn!!!!!!!!!! That's it. Say no more. Hands down.Best solo???Listen to the Carnagie Hall CD.

                STEVE B.(JV)


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks for the O.K. James.Once I get a little more time on my hands I will do that.I like the social comment aspect of your work. I am all about story telling, observations, and lessons learned.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yea I'll bet it was. I was in the same kind of thing working in the oil industry in western Canada (Alberta) Makes you kind of feel hollow doesn't it! Question James. Isn't there a Johnny Cash song about or that mentions the Starkville Jail and something about pickin' flowers????

                  STEVE B.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I am in the process of opening a rehearsal/recording studio here in beatiful downtown Cornwall Ont. Canada. The emphasis will be on a safe, hassle free, and quiet place to rehearse, with recording facilities.No pressure for the amature and able to accomadate the semi-pro. Equipment rentals and consignment, concert promotions, a stable of acts, including my own band, CHAMPAGNE WHISKEY, lessons and repairs will all be part of the mix.Any suggetions on marketing, soundproofing, set-up arrangments, etc. I figure that this is a great source to get a wide range of ideas from a wide range of artist and experienced music people. Every chance a person recieves to obtain a respected opinion is another opportunity to succeed.


                     STEVE (JV)


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good-Day Gentlemen;

I would like to get some opinions on the songs that I have written.I don't have access to any kind of camara for the U-Tube route.Some of my songs are all about rythmn and style, while others are lyric based. If I post the song with a brief description of beat and presentation, will that be sufficient? Also, does anybody have any objections to me performing their songs, with complete acknowledgment of course.




(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hello Gentlemen;

One last question. If I have a choice to go from mixer to computer(guitar pro 3) or mixer to MTR, which is the better set-up.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

All the Best to You And Yours.

Born with a silver capo in his mouth,

The Chordie Kahuna has a kid.

Picks for fingernails, strings for hair, and a tuner attached to his lid.

He came out strummin',pickin' and pluckin',guitars that are already his.

Let me know when he gets old enough to take over the family Biz

                good luck

             Steve Boileau

               (johnny v.)


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Yes My Friend I do agree. Without CHORDIE I would not be having the success that I'm enjoying today.Anyhting and everything that can help a player is here.If you get stuck on something ask in the FOURUM and guys like James McCormick and others will have, or suggest a place to find the answers. Good like and stay positive.

                 STEVE BOILEAU

                 (johnny vitalis)


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hell-o People out there in CHORDIE land. I have a few questions about recording. What do I need to add to my Yamaha MG12/4 mixing console to record.I have good quality mikes and a 350 watt self powered Silk Road speaker. Can I go direct from this to my computer, or is there something else to add. Any advice given please make it in as basic as you can. My knowledge is obviously limeted.

              Desperate to set up!

               STEVE(Johnny V.)


Price is an issue, if I have to buy a new computer, so be it. If there is another or better way, let's hear it. What's My Options??


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hey James,

Thanks for the tip. Yes I know of Shel Silverstein. Have you ever read "The Devil & Billy Markem"?

Great stuff. Always wanted to attempt to put it to music.



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks alot James,

I kinda figured as such. That is the way it used to be, but with "modern" times I wasn't quite sure. Thanks again!



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

How are you doing Mr. James? Steve Boileau here from up Canada way. By the way, that structure you suggested for "Don't Try To Lay No Boogie-Woogie Music" has worked out just great! Can you help me out with something a little more on the business side of performing. How do I go about owning the songs that I have written. Is there a registry or patten that I go through? Any suggestions?




(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hell-o Everyone;

I have written X amount of songs. I use about 3-4 a night when performing. What do I have to do to protect, or own,etc. these songs. Is there a registry, or something to that effect? Can anybody help me out here please!!

              STEVE BOILEAU

               (Johnny V.)


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

Does any body out there have  songbook of Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show material.Something a little more than "Sylvia" or "Rollingstone" I'm looking for stuff like "the Ballad Of Lucy Jordan" or "Years From Now". It sure would be nice to get this in a song book so I can edit and transpose etc.        thanks

              STEVE(Johnny V.)

Presley! The Beatles! & Bob Dylan!

any thing after that is just imatation. END OF STORY!!!

             Johnny V.


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Thank-You Mr. Sir. Obie-Wan.

I got the Sr. thing after my second request. Do you live behind a curtain, with puffs of smoke and crap??? Ha> Ha>> Seriously folks, I'm here all week: Try the roast beef, Thanks for clearing that up so quickly. Good-nite.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

What is the difference between  Jr and Sr members? Is there a fee? What are the advantages etc.?




(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

I love The Los Lonely Boys. There is a prety good and easy version right here in CHORDIE. On the "Boys" page about half way down. Am-G. good luck.I'll attempt that one myself.

              johnny v.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hey Ken;

That might not be as far-fetched as you think. A fomer bass player of mine's younger brother played over in the Scotland, England Area. Any chance that you ran into a very good and rrowdy fellow named Carl Wollinger on your travels?? Any way thanks for the encouragement.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hell-o to my friends at CHORDIE.

This is a letter of thanks and appreciation to all those who work at, and contribute to Chordie. About a "hundred" years ago, back in the late 60's- early 70's, I was the front man for a rock'n'roll revival group called "Johnny Vitalis & the Brylcreem Kids, featuring the V.O.5's + Conditioner" We had quite a bit of local success, with some tours in southern Ontario, Canada. After that life grabbed hold,things moved on, marriages, carreers, etc..For the last twenty years I have picked up a guitar a dozen times and attempted to learn. Not being able to find music, lyrics, chords, trying not to scatch the shit out of albums for lyrics, buying $40 books to get two songs etc. became too much hassle and would get dropped again.About Five years ago I got married for the first time and lo and behold this fine young lady had a computer.Stumbling through sites one evening I stumbled upon CHORDIE!!!!!  I know this sounds kind of "corny" but it has changed my life!!!!!With the help of CHORDIE, being able to find songs instantly with chords, lyrics, transposing, and the help of people like James McCormick(simply the best) I now can hold my own as a decent rythm player, have about a two hundred song list, and my wife and I have begun playing local venues as a dou.(she plays piano)We have quit our "reg" jobs and opened up a small buisness from our home. This was only possible becaues of the extra income from playing, wich was only possible because of CHORDIE. Our stress levels are way down and our fun level is way up.So again, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, to every-one at CHORDIE, keep doing what your doing 'cause sometimes it effects people more than you know.


            a.k.a. Johnny V.


did I say thank-you


(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

Thanks Colb. That is a good site for Bromberg fans. However it does not give any lyrics or chord structure, so I am in the same position. Does any one know where I can find David Bromberg ala CHORDIE style?


(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

Has any-body out there ever heard of this guy besides me? He played guitar for Jerry Jeff Walker for years and put a a couple of albums in the late seventies. I'm looking for one song in particular. "I LIKE TO SLEEP LATE IN THE MORNING" and anything else that any one else can find.I need the words and chords together.

                thanks JOHNNY V.


(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

Does anybody out ther have any "Gary Puckett and the Union Gap" songs such as Lady Willpower, etc. I'm looking for lyrics and chords in place. thanks Johnny V


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hey what can I say. James to the rescue again!! Do you have every song on the planet in your "tickle trunk" or what?

        Thanks STEVE