(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well... that raised a smile. I'm a postie and have been wearing a tartan santa hat the last couple of days. I never quite stretched to the full santa suit though. It's amazing how such a small gesture really puts a smile on folks faces. Cheers.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Group Hug!!!!

All the very best of wishes to everyone in Chordieland and beyond.

[Nicely done, Amy]


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

We never did hear from this guy again. I wonder how he got on. Or even if he's still playing. Oh well...

Loving this! Any more?

Cool. I may try this out this Christmas.

I think you mean you would sound great. I would sound my usual very average self.


I asked a similar question a while ago and never really got an answer. Is it possible to each play different chords but be in harmony with each other? Or is that just silly? And if so what chords go together? My theory isn't up to doing the leg work.


(50 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Zurf wrote:

B is evil and I have been granted amnesty.  I hear your point, but choose to ignore it at my own risk. 

- Zurf

It's precisely this attitude that has the B population on the decline. Scientists are genuinely worried that Bs will die out all together. This B amnesty has to end!


(50 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Try practicing an E chord but use your 2nd 3rd and 4th fingers instead of 1st 2nd and 3rd. Once you can do this OK then slide it up a fret and use your 1st finger to fret boththe 1st and 2nd strings at the 1st fret. If you twist your wrist just a little bit towards you it may be a bit easier.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"Wonderful" has to be one of the saddest songs I've ever heard.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

And here was me thinking all you guys were living in that 21st century that we keep hearing about. Can't wait till we get our own 21st century over here.

I love that Everclear song, by the way. One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hahahaha..... I'm reminded of my wife who is at present sitting with a look of wonder on her face as she gets to know her new mobile phone.

lol lol

Been there. Not pretty.

I think there's only one way to settle this. We all meet up, each bringing a whisk(e)y of choice and we finish all three and see what we can agree on.

Absolutely. My Dad has a way of accepting any single malt with a smile and declaring it to be his VERY favourite. It's amazing just how many favourites we've been through. A drink made for sharing. Summer night; fire roaring; whisky flowing; stories to tell and songs to sing. Anywhere in the world.

mad You go too far!

They don't even spell it right!


mekidsmom wrote:

Alvee... if it makes you feel any better... when we talk about the nationalities in our blood lines (as tho we were dogs with different breeds running thru us... funny Americans... we're all just a melting pot of mutts really) we do separate the Scottish from the Irish!   LOL!  I always considered them separate, but when I hear "UK" I get all confused and wish I had paid more attention in history class.

On a funny note that goes along with that... apparently my Great Great Grandfather came over from Ireland... and I found out recently that my Grandfather was actually the first one born on American soil.  Great Great Grandpa actually migrated into Canada not  the US.  So my husband likes to bust my chops and say that I'm not Irish at all, I'm just Canadian (and Scottish and German and Greek)!  wink

Like I said it wasn't meant as a rant and i do appreciate the huge mix of populations in places like Canada, USA, Australia that makes them interesting. As I shout about national identity and the need to see Scotland and Ireland as very seperate I am also very aware that I have a big mix of both nationalities in my veins. I'll shut up now.


I have a great view of most planes coming in and out of the airport, depending on which way the wind is blowing. I've often thought of painting some sort of huge message on my roof.

dfoskey wrote:

and over to Ireland/Scotland

Now that's interesting. This makes it look like Ireland is somehow synonymous with Scotland. It's always interesting to be able to see how other nations view your own country. It would seem that Scotland and Ireland are viewed as the same place and not as two seperate countries, both passionate about protecting their national identity. It looks like we have a lot of work still to do.

Please don't take this as a personal attack or a nationalistic rant; as I say, it's just interesting. And if you ever make it over the Atlantic give me a wave from the plane and I'll come and pick you up from the airport wink I'd be happy to show you around.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was a bit apprehensive about clicking on the download button. I take it you can vouch for the safety of this?

No idea what's on the most popular list or why they're there but yes some songs are missing. To help appease the powers that be Chordie remove any songs from the list if they are asked to do so by the artist or their representatives. I'm affraid it's just a sign of the times.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ach nonsense, big man, get yersel back in here. I'm no finished wi ye yet!


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Am I the 1st one here from outwith the US?

Thanksgiving is not celebrated over here and, I think, growing up with a lot of US TV shows it kinda got hammered into us over here only for us to say - Pah, yankee nonsense.


Maybe i'm getting old and sentimemtal but I'm starting to see it as a celebration that we really should be paying more attention to, wherever we are. Maybe not for the original reasons or historical story but for the sentiment behind it. As I get older I find myself more and more sitting back and having a look and thinking - you know, I really have a lot to be happy about - Maybe we need a day for doing that, for truly concentrating on it and celebrating family, friends, connections, experiences.

Maybe because it's so close to Christmas we overlook it. We tend to see Christmas as the biggy and a lot of the same sentiment from Thanksgiving comes through at Christmas. But hey, the more days we look about and say thanks the better.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and I hope you have a lovely time.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

No snow yet but we seem to be getting your cast-off hurricanes. Very wet and windy here.

I'm a huge fan of Justin's website and his videos. It's really good to hear his album completed. Really interesting, cos on his videos his vocals are usually quite suspect but he sounds OK to me. As if I can sing, HA!


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Pastor, you have a way of starting beautiful threads on this forum. God bless you, and keep it up.