Hi Jets.

I get this too, what Ido is use my mobile phone, the record part of it and tape myself either singing a few words or humming a part of music which I tihnk will make a good song or part of a song.

If your mobile has no record facility on it, try phoning home and telling the person to leave it next time you ring and hum/sing into your answering machine ( if you have one)
failing all that just keep singing or humming constantly until you get home. If you are sick of it by the time you get home then it was not to be.


p.s. I have never actually phoned home to leave a message as a new idea. I just thought of that there, but what a damn good idea. lol

(0)==#paranormal guitar wrote:

Hello everyone

That's right, you can contact spirits through music. Ask them what song they like, and ask them to tap three times or something. Better than a ouiji board, hm? And you don't need a liscence. Go on, go to a haunted location and TRY it. I haven't yet, but I will. I'm training to be a Parapsychologist.



PPS: Sorry for having a rant at Roger Guppy or whoever but you said something out of order, and I do get angry.

if you really do believe in this pile of crap then go ahead, go do some ouiji boarding and let one f the participants move something and you will all believe it and rant o for ages about it to people that just simply do no believe you.
And so you should be sorry for ranting at anyone on here. You are relatively new to the forum and aleady you have had a few people talk abut you, and not in nice ways, so some advice ( even if you do not want it) s to think before you type. It is not hard to do. And having a pop at Roger is not the wisest thing as he is a moderator of several places on the forum.
So, remember paranormal, think first and we will all get along much better

hanx in advance


I hope you are speaking for yourself when you say people in britain because I am in britain and I would disagree with you.

so you could rephrase your reply by saying "I dont read questios properly"

that way you are not insulting every person in britain.



I think mostly all music should be played loud, apart from folk songs, but even then, some of them should be played lou too.

But, a few to mention where I would insist getting played loud;

The Clash..............Koka Kola
Iron Maiden...........Run to the hills
The Jam...............Private Hell
the pogues...........sick bed of Cuchulainn
arctic monkeys.....fake tales of sanfransisco
aerosmith..............rag doll
red hot chili peppers....I want to party on your pussy
stiff little fingers..........Good for nothing ( which reminds me, i have not played this on my guitar for about a year, so i am going to go do that after this post)

And for a folk song in my house that will that shall get played loud
Flower of Scotland by the corries



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Damn good question!!!
Whydo bands or record companies, or both do this?

My guess is maybe it was first made in th UK and "see Emily play" was not ready for recording so they rushed through with the others, then when it came to releasing it abroad they had See Emily play recorded?
I dunno, or maybe like said it is to do wit hwhat the reord companies think a particular audience would like to hear? but then I tihnk all fans in the 60's would have loved to have see emily play on the first album.

I really must invite Roger Waters  up here for a few beers and whiskies and quiz him a lot about everything,lol



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yeah the drop kick murphys.
I think they should deserve a place in my top ten too, but there are so many that should be in my top ten. I never really thought about it after seeig some of the great songs that people have been posting.
But for the drop kicks,
the entire album of "the rriors code), I still listen to this at least twice a mont since it came out and I cannot get sick of it. Sunshine highway oe captain kelly's kitchen has to be the bst on that album.
And their encore ballad " kiss me I'm shitfaced" is truelly a classic punk ballad,lol

But their version of fields of athenry I got to admit, is nearly as good as my version of it,lol.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

if you really want to play on your own best thing to do is first, make sure no one is around

smile  smile  smile

in no particular order.
and I know there might be one or two that should be in this but

1. Londons calling....the clash
2. wasted life.........stiff little fingers
3. guitar and drum....stiff little fingers
4. clampdown.......the clash
5. jesus of suburbia.....green day
6. thousands are sailing.....pogues
7. londons burning...the clash
8. holidays in the sun......sex pistols
9 .god save the queen......sex pistols
10. absolute reality.........the alarm

I should add another ten to this and make a fantastic driving album


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love punk music, or some of it.
I love stiff little fingers ( as I keep saying all the time) without them GReen Day would sound a lot different, they were heavily infuenced by SLF. Not only were they punk singing abot anti establishment songs etc ,they also were big fans of reggie and done quite a few reggie songs. Jake burns got this idea and sond from The Clash, a superb punk band until the record company got their way and dictated to them.
Malcom MacLaren ( even though a manager) was infuenced for things different by The pink Floyds singer/songwriter....Yep, my old pal SYD barrett,he named syd vicious with Syd Barrett in mind. He loved Syd's zany behaviour and told Syd vicious how to act a lot of the time.
The ramones is a punk band I never really got into even though I am told time and time again they were superb, maybe  should get a few albums?

however on the other side of punk, which influenced thrash metal, I cannot stand, though a few songs from a few bands are ok.
The exploited, a punk band from early 80's now still going as a thrash metal band but still do those "hate them but got to love them" old punk songs.

Then there is the "pop" punks like Adam and the ants.
also the stranglers, they were very good and turned into sort of poppy punk.

there is a lot more to punk music than just rude behaviour, spiky hair, sery words etc.

And now I am going to do a newthread on more punk music,lol


( good post by the way)


(14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hi paranormal,
if you do not want called this , then maybe you should not have name yourself this.

did you expect people to answer you back as Jimmy MaCTavish?


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

on bebo,lol

Upyerkit4fun is my nickname on it.



(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

is paranormal guitar one person?
Is it two people using the same id on the same computer?
Is paranormal so confused he thnks he is two or three or ten people?

Or do you like replying to yourself in a gratulic sort of way?



(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Eric Clapton said in an interview that after the isle of white festival just before Jimmy died that he and Jimmy had plans to either jam or actually do something together, He was saddened he never.

also while on the subject of Mr Hendrix.
In March 1992 ( i tihnk, or 1991) I thought Jimmy hendrix was alive.
I was well blootered out my face at the red hot chili peppers gig in the glasgow barrowlands ( before they became very comercialised). I cannot remember most of the gig but I do remember hearing their last song, or one of their encores "cross town traffic". Taht made me jump up and shout JIMMY!!!!. then I realised I was not at a jimmy hendrix gig after all.
thats about all I remember of the gig. I dont even remember if it was a good version or not,lol.


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

sorry rae,
I now have no idea then.

Might need a response from Admin.
Give him as much info as possible and he will look into when he can, I am sure..




(14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I misread your reply DocPhil, appologies
that makes a bit more sense.

but jokes and joking is always good, it makes people smile ( most times) and anything that makes someone smile must be good.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

all the best to yer son david,
i remember my first and I was 20 years old, at least at 20 I could buy bevy and get blootered.lol



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks doll,

lol, I went in there forst, I have added you then asked if you are from chordie ,lol.

acmecorp, i will try adding you just now

ok, thats it, I have added you.



(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

to become a friend, you have to open a bebo account then search for upyerkilt4fun. Should take you to me, Ken G, mle 37 living in balloch,scotland

and yeah,. strange how a 13 year old doesnt know this,lol.



(14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Firstly para,
He doesnt have to report you. I watch over every topic in y sections, bu i see nothing that you have said that should get reported. I do think you were a bit soft on the guitar doc.
I would have taken his comments as cheek.
"Conclusion: you correct, but there are a lot more factors: BRAIN, INFLUENCE, and probably genetics. Try Google, and look for ARTISTIC CENTRE IN THE BRAIN.
I really hope that this answer is a good one for you"

maybe it was an attempt at humour?


I think I my wife has music in her blood, she can pick up somgs very quickly and correctly and is damn good at improvising, her dad is very tallented too, Guitar,banjo,mandolin,bodhran,violin, keyboard as well as a few others. His dad, also played instruments, but thats all I know about him, so on my wifes side, they have musical blood.


acmecorp wrote:

Spot on, that's the one. ( I say that sounding like I already know the answer, but I don't, it just sounds right)

this made me laugh a lot that answer, cracker ,

good one

I tihnk I remeber that nme too actaully but maybe that was from the cartwrites on bonanza? did one of them play guitar?


a wee squeeze box,

And nope, never knew a blues harp was a harmonica ,lol

I keep hinking i cannot learn anymore as well, I can be wrong sometimes I guess.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

acmecorp wrote:

My favorite is to piss them off with stuff like the Spice Girls until they actually here you singing along and wonder what drugs you're on.

superb idea.
I hope i remember this next time  igo and try out a guitar. I should make a point of going to mcCormicks in glasgow for this.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I dont know if i will participate but James' last song just made me think of this.
Everyone write a song desrcibig themsleves in 4 verses.

1st verse, describe your looks
2nd verse, personallity
3rd, bad habits
4th good hoabits.

chorus to be everything

i reckon this might be hard to do, but  iam going to watch big brother now, so i have no time to do this, lol



(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

brought a smile to my face.
good one James



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good subject Acme,
but who is willing to tell?
me!!! lol

I like to play 2 little boys by Rolf Harris. This make my wife leave the room. And if I ever pay it elsewhere I get lots of laughter and comments until I stop.

it is a great song.
