
(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

True artist her to reveal


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Silence of one's own Beauty.


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That takes a strangers hand


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was looking for a .......Highway
named Chords and songs

Boxer Petals
i recieved your gift of Naked Men! Fair play to ye, me young flower,
me heart went all pitter patter. Heading for the carwash??.

with a pep in me step! lol

Ill send you a pic of how buffed and polished i am when i get back. Big Smiles!

Old Doll. lol

"Without question, the greatest invention in the
history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the
wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does
not go nearly as well with pizza."
~ Dave Barry

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.

"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.
This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells.

But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

lol  Sláinte.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely Jets,

Sure if we all knew how long we were going to live , we would all mind ourselves better? Or would we. I have had a blast. Still do only less of it.
I also know now there are lots of things that can only be done with youth
on your side. { Big Groan}

Ah well! Off to the pleasures of work. Yipee! Its friday.

Good luck with the Bloods. If green shows up! dont worry its the Irish
in you! For a small nation, we have managed genetically to infiltrate
every other gene pool.   .:lol:

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I need some hair of the dog that bit me last night
took a big ol chunk outta me
so i poured a double shot of my favorite brew,
had a double shot of jim beam.
chugged down a beer  i heard somebody call
in my bed was a cyotte queen
I Know I can't go on this way,
gamblin, drinkin, womanizing,
and thinkin that  I'm free.
I know that if I sleep with the dog,
I'll surley wake up with the fleas.

The coyotte Queen Man did she scream,
How could you drink all that
Im clad in lace your off your face
No loving  aint happening round here.

Now you can take your  whisky Brew
Right back to the end of the line
cos theres men  around here who dont drink beer
but lovin a woman in lace is on there mind.

i say these dog hairs are everywere but you hairs still on my bed
you left a scent on all of my things its hard to forget
you when your everywere

oh am not sacred to wake up with out you i know ill be alright
when i wake up with my hangover if your not there ill be just fine
but your everywere

and on a morning when you did your hair
i stared at your complexion through
the old mirror i miss you still whys it
so hard the dogs lieing everywere
and this place looks a mess but your everywere

This reflection that you see, has had a real good time
while you lay drinking smoking not thinking
good times i was having elsewher
So ill just move on and leave you here
empty bottles  and your old dog hairs.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Zini,

I can vouch for what Acapo, just said. Why! Because it was very  graciously

written for me! Called "Maiden ODonovan! I recieved it today its a beautiful instrumental piece.

Indeed i have been asking James here on the forum to do the same with  His Autoharp, another beautiful sounding instrument, not especially for me now!

But to allow others to hear the beauty of the sound.

As soon as Roger is up and running again, he will be only to glad to put
Acapos piece on FOC for all to hear.... Then we will await James and
His piece also.

Thank you  Russell.

Old Doll.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I enjoyed reading that post.. very few id  heard of before. But funny and enjoyable just the same.

Thank You!

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Thank you for taking the time to answer this one for me. Yes! is a little clearer.

Well me poor segosha, you really want that fancy jalopy? So much your
yearning lept off the post,.
So i have arranged one to be delivered to you christmas eve! will that do you?

Your delivery Gal, said it will take her that long to sort out her christmas lights order. I took the liberty on your behalf to tell her you wouldn't miind at all.
so dont forget now Christmas Eve, 3 pm...:lol:

Old Doll.


You must remember when your Dad left. It was because of his failed relationship with your Mum! Not you.! This is usually not recognised
at the time because in that situation, its more about the Adults then the
heartache for there childrens.

Some adults do have the sense to see,  this.. But to few of them in my book.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Zini,

Always have a note book or small dictaphone.  sentences can just hit you or
Themes. Ofton for me its something some one said/ walking my dogs.
Generally waken in the morning with a ton of stuff floating around in my head.

Personal /life / reflection. any thing. What sounds boring to you may not to

I have some great melodies! Stuch in my head" So hard for me to get it to

Give it a bash anyway!

Old Doll.

Alvee !

Cryptic or what?

Old Doll.

Or did you cat run accross the keyboard lol"

REcording i hope 3 more soon,

Busy time for me coming up to Christmas.

Acapo. I have tried this so many times i make an awful mess of it altogether.

Id want someone here giving me a step by step instruction.

an awful gombeen at times.  BLONDE MOMENTS! more senior! lol

Deffo going to my shower now,

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

All you experts out there please explain this to me.

I fill  today 1,200  litres home heating Oil. 800Euro. Expensive! yes! last year at this time i paid  around 600 euro.

1000 Euro changed today for family member for Boston Shopping. I got nearly
1500 Dollars. Brill.

9 billion wiped off our pension   in the last few months? Now we are only a little island.

All i can hear on the radio here is, The barrel of oil is still below the psychological Barrier of 100 dollars " HuH" While i know what these
words all mean individually. I cannot put the whole thing together in my head.

Are we the world in major trouble. Now this wont keep me awake, But
James Darlin, if your around the site later, as your the stats man,
can you explain please.
Now be gentle with me, im trying very hard to understand this position.

Goodnight now.

Old Doll.

Well Im delighted to hear that also.

I emailed him for something and heard nothing. I thought he had blown out
his Dollie lol


This song is about how some people can be left damaged all there lives, by some form of Trauma in Childhood. Unfortunately this is often carried for so long it damages every relationship they have. Even very long ones with people
who love them.
To the experts the chords may seem all over the place, but the melody is fine.

I have a major problem with bridgeing. even though i do understand it. Just cannot seem to bind it! So open to suggestions. Thank You Mó Cáras.

Pretty Tag!   Lyrics/Melody Helena Donovan
[G           Em
Her inde  pendence is
Am                 D7
Plain for all to  see
{G                         Em
she wears it like a  pretty Tag
Am                     D7           G
Highest price the  bid was He

[G                              Em
His roll of eyes, Steely looks
[Am                              D7
She could never under-  stand
[G                                 Em
One so young and  inno   cent
[Am               D7          G
She loved you,  foolish  Man
Your Ma she never loved you
Was the cry she heard so long?
But She did she loved you so
      G                  Em
She wrote it in a  song.
     Am                 D7               G
In a song, in a  song in love  Song.
[G                       Em
No Music in your  voice
[Am                        D7
your sullen childlike  screen
[G                                 Em
The honesty of making  love
      Am               D7        G
Was  mixed with  silent  scream

[G                                             Em
She wrote your words so long  ago
     Am                            D7
She sang them in the  rain for you
[G]                                        Em
Sang them everywhere with  love for you
[Am            D7                G
But it never  eased your  pain.

[Em                                       Am
Now it’s too late to sing your song
[D7                           G
your bidding now is   done
[Em                                         Am
for all that you once meant to  Her
[D7                                        G
Her pretty tags worth being alone
[Em    Am            D7          G
alone alone ooh oh  so  alone. 

Sorry admin about the formatt. I never can get that blinking thing right.

Michael Jackson

Way back in The County of Cork. Southern Ireland,

I only went to take my son who was a fan then.  Mother of God  he was


Old Doll.


(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

God twist!

Your so bold! Stop that now!

Zurf is being serious. But between you and me i wonder why he left it so late?

Did you forget ZURF LIKE MOST DO..

Old Doll.


(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


This one is beautiful. Says it all.

Don Williams. Your my best friend. { a Doddle this one, but a winner}


Old Doll

Hi Friar 101.

Re! Our conversation. Some info for you through these links.

My wings are still tangled lol ?.



Old Doll.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Altex,

Very much so, despite its every day useage... I have friends and family in Aussie. Got the oppurtunity to go on a paid trip. I had to much work on.
Now i do regret not going. Anyway another time.
Heres a big long list of words i would hear most days.
Also! If you ever meet a middle age Dub. Ask them about "White Flour Bags?
If they can tell you, there are real Dubs.. Heres the story for you to know
just between us you know lol.
When i was a wee Girl { That was when Adam was a Boy, and Pansy was the name of a flower} lol anyways   The women in the area bought "Big White
Flower Bags from the Mills near. People had very little money then.. They would sew them together to make
sheets for the beds.. Now Altex! They were beautifully white forever, but
the hardest most uncomfortable sheets to sleep on!  Looking back now my skin was like a road map getting up in the morning, so dense was the thread!

I still love only white cotten sheets! Egyptian" Heaven to sleep on. My one
great lndulgence now!

With Irish slang of course you need the "Lilting Voice for same. Have a go anyways!
Some Irish slang

Word or phrase Example Meaning !

Acting the maggot He was just acting the maggot as usual Behaving foolishly, annoyingly
Bags.  He made a bags of doing it Messy inadequate job (see hames)
Banjaxed.  It was banjaxed beyond all help Broken, can also mean tired
Bold .  You are a very bold boy Naughty
Crack, craic.. We had great craic that night Hard to translate, roughly meaning fun
Culchies.   The culchies were all over the place Rural people, usually used disparagingly by city people
Cute hoor   I always knew he was a cute hoor Untrustworthy male person, often a politician
Desperate   The place is in a desperate state Bad, needing attention
Drawers   Her drawers were the size of Cork Knickers, panties
Eat the head off   I'll eat the head off her Attack verbally
Eejit   You're a right eejit Idiot, fool
Fair play   Fair play to you Indicates approval of someone's actions or opinions

Fella.   Come here young fella Male person, also used for boyfriend
Flitters   The dog left the shirt in flitters Tatters
Fluthered   He was fluthered again Drunk
Foostering   Just foostering about Not getting much done, fussing
Full shilling   He's not the full shilling Mentally competent
Gas   We had a bit of gas that day Fun, enjoyment
Giving out   The teacher was always giving out to the class Scolding.
Gob   He never shuts his gob Mouth
Gobdaw   That fella's a right gobdaw Fool, idiot
Gom    You're just acting the gom Fool, idiot
Guff       Don't give me any of your guff Idle talk or excuses
Gur   He's been on gur since Saturday Staying away from home, usually a child
Hames     You made a terrible hames of that Messy inadequate job (see bags)
Header   Keep away from that header Mentally unstable person
Holliers   Two weeks holliers for me Holidays, vacation time
Holy show   You made a holy show of yourself Spectacle
Hop   He's been on the hop since Tuesday Playing truant from school
Horse's hoof   That's a bit of a horse's hoof I think Spoof, exaggerated story
Hump off   Would you ever hump off? Go away, leave me alone
Jackeens   The jackeens think they're smart Dublin person, usually used disparagingly by culchies
Jacks    I'm just off to the jacks Toilet, restroom
Jaded   We're all jaded after it Tired, exhausted
Kibosh   He put the kibosh on it Added the last straw, completely banjaxed something
Langered/Langers   We were all langers Drunk
Letting on   I was just letting on Pretending
Mary Hick   That dress is really Mary Hick Unfashionable, drab
Messages   I have to get the messages Groceries
Mooching   He's mooching again for money Sponging, almost begging
Mot   Have you got a mot? Girlfriend
One.    Some oul' one told her Female person
Pictures.   Want to come to the pictures? Movies, Cinema
Puck     He got a puck in the gob Sharp blow
Puss    She'd a right puss on her Face, usually sulky
Reddener.   She took a reddener when she saw him Blush (see Scarlet)
Reef.. I'll reef him when I see him Attack, non-verbal
Scarlet .  I'm scarlet for you Blushing, often in sympathy with a friend's reddener
Scratcher .  He's always in the scratcher Bed
Scrawbed  ..Her face was all scrawbed Scratched by fingernails
Shook   He was very shook looking Pale, ill, scared
Slagging.     I'm only slagging you Making fun of someone, generally good-naturedly
Sleeveen  Shes a bit of a sleeveen Sly person, calculating
Stocious   He was stocious this evening Drunk
.Bazzer. Hair cut. Usually accompanied by " God did ye really pay yr Man/ woman for that Do? ye were robbed.:lol:

Altex these are a very few of the words i hear everyday. Your friends may be interested. Thank you for your interest.

Sláinte. { Slawn Cha  "A SOUND AS IN DRAW" lol

Old Doll


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Dan /Pati

These songs are all so good. Look forward to the music.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


So thats where his Da got that from. Well he aint telling his son this!.
Thanks for the info etc_04

Old Doll.