
(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks, jd05! Very interesting site and I especially liked the demonstration of the chorus pedal.

I have a question though: In one of the vids, did I see one of the guys using his smart phone to lay down the thumb app? Is that the way these pedals operate? If they do, I'm sunk, because I haven't the slightest idea of how I'd make those two things interface! smile I'd like to just stay with the kind you step on. smile

Thanks again and happy strumming/picking!



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I hear ya, bluejeep, and if it weren't for the fact that I'm 65 and there's still no cure, I probably would think the same as you.

But I have had a great and interesting life and were it to end tomorrow and if I've done some good for some folks, I'd be fine with that.




(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

To keep the costs of my Dementia medicines down, 3 years ago I volunteered myself for "drug trials".

That means every now and then I may not react favorably to whatever they give me to try, which results in me being missing in action or "spotty" interaction here, my favorite site.

But it's only at irregular times and I may go a whole year without getting anything, but they pay me for the prescribed drugs (Aricept and all three of my anti-depressants), so I can't complain too much. I am always informed of side effects and such, and so far what I've had makes me sleepy and listless. Hence, my not being here every now and then.

I told y'all all of that not because I think I'm "special", but because I think you all are. smile




(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Is that you, Justin Wilson??

I'll take your word, NELA. I've never seen live Zydeco, you're only three states away and I have been through West Monroe on my bicycle, soooooo. smile




(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Zurf wrote:

On the thumb pick - I cut it to a low profile pick.

OUCH! wink

I gotta get my mind outta the gutter, friends.

I keep seeing the word "prick".

Not you, [b]Zurf[/b}. Sometimes I just wake up this way. smile



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

No allergies, Amy.

My wife, being married to yours truly twice (for a total of 45 years) is not easily shocked, my friend, but it looks like you may have a few more orders coming your way.

How long before we start calling you "FAMOUS AMY"?


Thanks very much for thinking of me and for the surprise you sent. That's absolutely sweet of you.



(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Zurf wrote:
Strummerboy Bill wrote:


The "adult toy store".

You mean where you buy porno videos, edible panties, lubricants, scented condoms, whips, leather, hand cuffs, dildos, strap-ons, vibrators, penis enhancements, PANTLESS CROTCHIES and stuff? wink


Nope.  I mean a tool store.  I've got a lot more use for a good set of pliers than any of that other stuff.

Heh-heh-heh-heh. He said tool! smile

That's actually not where I was going when I wrote out that long list. I was trying to bring the "joke" back on myself making it sound like I had visited such an emporium once or twice in my life. smile

But I suspect you knew that, my friend and I sure hope you didn't take offense at me having a bit of fun.

Seriously, I'd like to see what you come up with when you get done, so please post picks. Pics. smile



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yep. You're from Louisiana, all right. smile

But I'll leave you to the crawfish and stick to shrimp.

I don't know why. I just always heard y'all suck their brains out of their heads. Maybe that's got something to do with it. smile

But, bon appetit to all of you!



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:
Strummerboy Bill wrote:

Didn't know you had a criminal amongst you, didya? wink

It's a bunch of musicians.  I thought that was a given.

HAHAHAHA! Good one, Zurf

True story: In one of the most recent bands I was in we used to have to bail the lead guitarist out of jail to make the gigs.

Yup. He was awesome.


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)


The "adult toy store".

You mean where you buy porno videos, edible panties, lubricants, scented condoms, whips, leather, hand cuffs, dildos, strap-ons, vibrators, penis enhancements, pantless crotchies and stuff? wink



(13 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Comment left on YT. Great job, John! Keep it up.

Russell is that Strat a pale blue? I can't tell, but if it is, she's a beauty.

All the best



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Great shot and great times, Bill.


P.S. I added before and after so the picture would show in your post. Hope you don't mind.

Thanks so much, Roger. Very kind of you, my friend. I'll check to see if I can do that with photobucket from now on.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here's something nobody knows except y'all, I swear: In the picture, see that one lone cymbal I've got? That's because I got drunk one night when we played at the VFW and as I was loading my Chevy Nova up, thinking no one was around at 1:00 am and leaving the trunk open, someone stole my whole set (of cymbals)!

Well, that one cymbal came from my high school band room (when I was still playing tenor drum in the marching band).

What I'd do is: Every Saturday morning when we had a gig that night, I'd drive my car around to one of the windows (which I had left unlocked on Friday afternoon, being it was me who was in charge of that), crawl up on the fender and boost myself up to open the window, slip inside and "borrow" that one cymbal for that night.

I came back early Sunday afternoon and did the same thing in putting it back. In broad daylight.

I was brazen, I tell you! BRAZEN!!! smile

Why only one cymbal, I hear you asking, aren't there at least two in a marching band?

Yes there are, but this was the "concert" cymbal. The others were too heavy to use with a drum set.  I'd at best get a "TINK!" from them if I  hit them with a stick. No, this one was "Golidlocks". Which is what I named it.

I had to do that for about 4 months until my Dad lent me the money to buy more cymbals.

Didn't know you had a criminal amongst you, didya? wink

Have a great weekend, my friends!


PS: This year is The Watchmen's 50 Year Anniversary, being we started in 1965. We thought about reuniting along with some other bands from that era, but we're too spread apart.

PPS: Thanks to my bud, TF for the compliment.

PPPS: The Watchmen may be heard on YouTube by searching Watchmen 1965. What you will hear is VERY primitive, as it came from an old Scotch reel to reel tape recorder. We cleaned it up as best we could and you can hear a few splices, but that's me on the drums and "Hangin' On With Sloopy". wink


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks, you guys! smile Compared to drum kits today, TF those almost look like toy drums, don't they, but when you look at Ringo's from that era, (Yeah, dino! the Swingin' Sixties), they're the same size. smile

By the way guys, I'm not wearing white socks in that pic! I am wearing none at all and am wearing "Jesus Weejuns". They were Penny Loafers we cut up to look like sandals. It was the High School style at that time. smile




(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"Stuck In The Middle With Yall!"


Yours truly on drums




(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I received the glass slide and several picks from you today and I thank you VERY MUCH!!!! The thumb pick was a special bonus as was the pink one! smile Please e-mail me the cost (shipping etc.) and I will PayPal it to you ASAP.

Thanks again for thinking of me and I hope you didn't have to weather any dangerous roads on the way to the post office!!!



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Since the subject is Mr. Emmanuel, I thought y'all might wanna watch this little interaction between the master and a young man he met in the hall. Note the kid's fingernails. Isn't that usually a Flamenco guitarist's thing?





(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Those speakers look important with all that fancy writing on the labels, guys. 65 watts is more than I'd ever need, but I sure would like to hear them in action, [b]TF{/b].




(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

..... Every now and then to the right of the page I see something which says "View New Messages". There's a picture of envelope and the word "inboxNOW" at the very bottom.

We don't get that kind of mail here, do we? I haven't clicked it, but just wanted you to know that it is there.




(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ah. Okay, I got it: New Guitar Day, yes? wink

I LIKE it , Sir! That's that 50s early 60's retro gold sparkle, right? Now we need to find you a gold lame' suit to match! wink

Grats, Joey



(9 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Danny Gatton gets honorable mention, but only because he's real short of breath.

Dead, in other words.


ETA: I just noticed I put Chet on that list and he's passed as well. but are we limited to live people? Anyway, I still would have put Atkins in first place. wink


(9 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hmm. That's a tough one, TF...

Chet Atkins----- Strings

Jako Pastorius ------- Bass

Mark Knopfler ------ Strings (Rhythm when the "Maestro's" on lead); voice

Keith Emerson ----- Keyboards; voice

Carl Palmer ------ Percussion/Drums      (This was a tossup between Palmer and the guy who plays for Rush.)

I know those are some very divergent tastes, aren't they, y'all? But those are the best in my opinion at their craft.

Thanks and very nice thread, TF! smile



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I don't know what NGD means. sad

I'll have to download Skype, but if that's what y'all are going to do, okay.

