Hey Emma - good job your dad. The neat think about the songs are they don't have to be sung as the writer entends. You have my permission to sing as you like and I'm glad you like it my way too.
2,177 2007-05-15 02:21:36
Re: composing: wich instrument to use (4 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I use my guitar but I want to write for my mandolin as well once I learn to play better. The last song I wrote I had in my head all the way driving home, just a line, both words and music, that eventually became the chorus: I use to be indestructible. I thought of how to fill in the rest of the song around that idea that fit with how I heard the line in my head. Anyway that's how I did that song and I used my guitar to figure it out.
2,178 2007-05-15 02:14:55
Re: Little sister grew up (7 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Nice sequence of chords that sounds very good indeed. If you expand on it some more it could become a very good song.
2,179 2007-05-15 01:49:28
Re: "Would You Let Me Down" (6 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Well done - way to stick with it. Very interesting song here. I still like the Em A without lyrics at the end of the verses. Sounds very nice.
2,180 2007-05-15 01:41:18
Re: It's a Blank Page (5 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Hey Emma - Thank you very much. I really like it too...Just wish I could have sung it a little better. It's posted on my Myspace page: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu … =182857949
2,181 2007-05-15 01:36:30
Topic: Indestructible (2 replies, posted in Songwriting)
This song is for all those, like me, who were a little too active in their youth and have a tendency to be a little too active in their older age (I didn't say old age). I’m not sure what the folks I work with think of me gimping around the first part of the week, getting healthy towards the end of the week…just to come back gimping the next Monday morning. Anyway I hope you like it.
Indestructible By Jeff Gilpin
2,182 2007-05-14 03:40:54
Re: "Would You Let Me Down" (6 replies, posted in Songwriting)
This is pretty nice and I really like the Em and A at the end of the verses that tie into the next verse...you end it well too with the D. The lyrics seem to me to be calling for a much longer song - like you have more you wanted to say but couldn't fit it in....really good first posting though. Now wait for the push for you to record it.
2,183 2007-05-14 03:21:28
Topic: Things Turn Out for a Reason (1 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Just a song from an idea I had written down. The old question: What would you do different if you had it to do over again? Hope you like.
Things Turn Out for a Reason By Jeff Gilpin
2,184 2007-05-13 17:33:14
Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys" (18 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Now James you know you need to throw in a yodel at the end of the chorus. I improvised one that sounded good
2,185 2007-05-12 12:51:57
Re: PING PONG MUSIC (2 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I really think there are better areas of the forum to discuss this but since you asked: I think the US is still a little race sensitive but I don't just think it is a southern issue. I've seen hateful actions all over the states due to nothing more than the color of a person's sikn. People are still dealing with race issues handed down from their parents and their peer group. It is about equality and seeing others equal as ourselves or at lease no different than ourselves regardless of the color of their skin. Actually I might use this for my next song so maybe not so off topic afterall.
2,186 2007-05-11 02:57:13
Re: Go Matrix (5 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I'll give it a go...and I'll let you know how it's recieved.
2,187 2007-05-11 00:56:28
Re: "Sanctimonious Profiteering Fear-Mongers Out!" (3 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Just a great song with a great message!!!
2,188 2007-05-11 00:54:39
Re: "Sorry Old Doll" (5 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Roger you old smoothy - well done. Not only a good form to apoligize but a damn fine song to boot!
2,189 2007-05-11 00:04:25
Re: Go Matrix (5 replies, posted in Songwriting)
THnaks James and Roger - That's high praise from two great mentors. I was thinking of recordng this for them. I just hope my singing and playing is up for it.
2,190 2007-05-10 02:46:13
Re: "Our Family" another for Mother's Day (2 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Great song James - I am behind on this one but I'll catch up by Mother's Day...I hope
2,191 2007-05-10 02:43:30
Re: Mesh of Flesh (13 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Crongrats Mike as well - I'm having a little trouble with this one but I'll keep at it and post later. Have you recorded it yet?
2,192 2007-05-10 02:33:14
Topic: Go Matrix (5 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Just a song I wrote for the soccer team I’ve helped coach for the last 4 years. Work is getting in the way so I have to stop coaching and the team is breaking up due to a couple of different reasons. I doubt the team will be the same core group of girls who started years ago. I’ve seen them grow from 8 year old girls to12 year old teenish girls who still remind me of those little girls I remember at the first tryouts.
Go Matrix By Jeff Gilpin
2,193 2007-05-09 03:28:39
Re: My Troubled Angel (7 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Sounds great - lyrics kind of remind me of she talks to angels by black crows which is one of my favorite songs. Would love to see/hear the finished product.
2,194 2007-05-09 03:23:18
Re: "Shades of Grey" (3 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Very nice song on a very complicated idea - I played it through what sounded correctly the first time which I sometimes have trouble on newly posted songs here. It sounds great.
2,195 2007-05-09 02:59:55
Re: Opportunity (3 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I like the Am to E and I agree it sounds familiar but I cant place it either. My musical taste are all over the board so it could have been anything or anyone. Glad you like it. I'll keep at the clean up but I forgot I posted that many until I went in to clean them up. Like eating an elephant though, I'll keep at it one song at a time.
2,196 2007-05-09 02:48:12
Re: No End in Sight (3 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I'm not really a political person but I was hopeful something would have happened before my son went back over. It's would be different if it was me going. I'm okay with that but when it's your son going for the second time...I just don't know who if anybody is listening to what I believe is the majority of the people.
I'd love to see your song on this James, thanks.
2,197 2007-05-08 03:09:11
Topic: No End in Sight (3 replies, posted in Songwriting)
No End in Sight By Jeff Gilpin
2,198 2007-05-04 16:44:21
Topic: Opportunity (3 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I had the idea for this song at the DC United game last night when Fred, one of the new players on the team, passed up a scoring chance and passed the ball to...well to no one it turned out. He was not looking to shoot so he missed his chance, and that is where I got this idea. I think this can be played either fast or slow but I'm leaning toward fast. Hope you like. There is a little musical interlude in there that I may or may not put words to later but I'm up for opinions.
Opportunity By Jeff Gilpin
2,199 2007-05-03 02:33:34
Re: "My Geezerly Years" (7 replies, posted in Songwriting)
At 46 (47 in 2 months) I'm not far behind you there James. Great song that I can surely relate to.
2,200 2007-05-02 04:30:55
Re: "Along Beside Chance" (2 replies, posted in Songwriting)
James, James, James...I can sum this song up by saying this was written with "ambitious zeal" and yet these words are curiously absent - Now this one I want to hear.