Cheers Richard glad you liked it.

That would be a good track to have running on a travelling video. Nice smooth guitar.

Since no one seems to be posting I will put a modernised version of Father And Son up. Based on what  I hear some fathers and sons saying about each other today. I stretched the cover version rules a bit here..


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Beamer Arthur Fiedler was  responsible for making my Fathers parents realise  that the Beatles were good at what they did. For the first two decades of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, New Zealanders stood for God Save The Queen. at the start of every movie session. We have two official  National Anthems one is God Defend New Zealand and the other is God Save The Queen. This God Save The Queen anthem was a problem for me as my Mum a royalist loved it and my father an anti royalist despised it. .The problem for me as a kid was  I didnt like going to movies with my father because when they played God Save The Queen at the beginning of a movie my Dad would make us stay seated. This quiet often ended up with my  father getting into fights and arguments with people telling us to stand up. He got us kicked out of a few movie theatres.  In the end I would only go to the movies with my Mother and stand up like everyone else.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Danke schön   Bill God bless Hank Williams.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF and Joey , Zurf, interesting memories you guys have thank you for sharing them..My mother  was into Herb Albert and people like Frank Sinatra plus Elvis and also  South Pacific Island music and classical.  Mum suprised me when she  heard Jethro Tulls Living In The Past and ended buying the 45rpm  of it. My Dad died back 1967  he  was open to all styles of music his record collection was huge and covered all styles. He would buy most of his records of Seaman friends whose ships had been to ports that  sold records that we couldnt get here.. When it came to singing and playing songs with  his friends it was  mostly  skiffle music. My mum when she played her ukulele would mainly sing songs in  Fijian and other South Pacific languages. Every now and then she would sing songs like Red Sails In The Sunset.


(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Great drums nice ,keyboards and  guitar. That style of vocal worked good also.

I like the way you guys flow together.

Zurf you did that song real cool.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Bill
You have had a few rounds to fight, Like  a real champion you fought like a Bee and made those things flee. Soon you will come right, once you get rid of those pesty mites.  That rotten Devil  will  have to flee..
Love to you and Dondra


(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

You guys worked well together. I like the sound.

My father and grandparents from his side were English and  loved to sing at parties. My fathers parents when I was a child also  taught me old songs from the era of English music halls. My mother is Fijian loves to sing and dance. She use to play a bit of ukulele also. My childhood is full of memories around singing and dancing. My fondest  childhood memories of my time in Fiji are of music and dancing.When I came back to New Zealand as a kid I could sing in english better than I could speak it. Though with all that music in my childhood I was never able to sing or play  real good. Most of my childhood was spent here in New Zealand but both my parents differant tastes in music influenced me. We also had huge collection of records at home when I was growing up. On my mother side most my relatives are musical. Elvis was most probably the one that started my interest into Rock music. Then the Beatles and the Rolling Stones grabed my interest and it spread from there. Here is a video which I think explains Fijians relationship with music and dance.
I would be interested to know what other Chordie growing up music influences are.

My first song is before I could remember as music was there from my first day. Having that background I still can't sing good. Both my parents loved music it was an important part of my growing up.


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

It moves fast good one to get the crowd moving.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beamer it looks good. Can't wait to hear it played.


(27 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hello Trevor sorry to hear about your lungs. Your doing the right thing getting that guitar I don't own one of those but have  played one and man they play  beautiful, even in my hands, With your large family it must be beautiful to have you all together making music? If you ever get the chance make some recordings. It would be nice if you feel like it to hear your playing  here on Chordie. Keep  posting on here its good to have another voice join in.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beamer I should have mentioned apart from a few reunion tour"s Split Enz split up as group years ago.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Beamer here is a poem I wrote  a while back about writing songs.
People ask me, how do you write a song?
I don't write the song's they  write themselves.
If I try and write a song it won't work.
I can't go to a song  the song has to come to me.
Yeah you know  a song can have it's own  feet.
It doesn't need me, but I need the song.
It has to come to me.
I don't know when a song comes.
Usually it comes at inappropriate times.
When I am having a conversation.
And suddenly  this song will come to me.
And  I got  to sort of go home and write it down.
Pick up a guitar or  put it on  piano.
That's what happen's to me.
A  song will alway's come to me.
I will never go to a song.
If I try hard it won't work.
If I take it  easy and just relax.
That's when it come's out.
You got to  have  a clear head at time's to write a song.
Don't  want to over think it.
And you want to let it sort of  take it's  own course
Yes a good song has it's own  feet.
It doesn't need  you.
A song has a life of it's own.
Yeah a song is it's own beast,  it's own identity.
It has a life after your life.
If it's a good song.
Yeah  a good  song can travel further than youll  ever travel and be around lot longer than you.
Yeah a song writes'  itself.


(23 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill this subject is close to my heart as Maree and I when we were working with the Salvation Army we became very  aware of a big problem here in NZ of domestic violence
Not only the violence but also the constant  verbal abuse they had to endure. It can be  hard to convince  beaten women that they had to escape relationships  not only for themselves but also their children. With  a big input from  Jandle we  put together these lyrics below   about that subject, which we both later on  turned into songs.              
Move On
Whatever happened to
that beautiful lady
I use to know
what's happened to you
for your self esteem
I think that it's time
for you to move on
he is all wrong
He's been abusing you
It's time to move on
he's all wrong for you
it's time to move on
You got to regain
yourself and forget
for it's to his shame
don't you take the blame
you're far to good
to put up with that
he's a snake in the grass
get out real fast
it's time to move on he is all wrong
it's time to move on
he is so wrong
He's been abusing you
it's time to move on
he's all wrong for you
it's time to move on
And when you move on
you'll become real strong
and reclaim your life
you'll become what you like
he has no rights
you have your own life
It's time to move on
he is all wrong
it's time to move on
he is so wrong

Richard I like your version. I like the way you make guitar playing that would be difficult for most people  look so relaxed. You say your voice isn't great, but I actually I like it's laid back quality.
Jandle good to hear your voice and playing again. Easy Beat was telling me the Now Is Only Once Poem I wrote has had 4780 views.
I remember you did an amazing job of making  it into a song. I have just  listened to it again after not  hearing it for a long time  and loved your version. Attachment below for anyone who hasn't heard Jandle's  top version.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Jandle glad my words work.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Richard just listened to your vocals you have a good voice.  I liked the arrangement also with the backing vocals and nice playing.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Maria I just realised this is your first post welcome. This challenge though a tough one got me thinking. Even though there are many songs out there I love. I thought if I had to pick one  it would be to show case New Zealand talent. We have a band here called Split Enz who are pioneers in NZ music.  .Annie Crummer  is a New Zealand pop singer and songwriter who has seen success in both a solo career and as part of various musical groups. I rate her as one of our best live vocalist. Put Annie together with a Split Enz song and you get a top preformance. Attached is her doing her magic with  their song Hope I Never..    Maria I would love to hear your choice of a song.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just listen to your track Richard. Nice guitar and the lady has a good voice. I just play piano and guitar  by feel but recently I have stoped playing due to a medical condition. My singing is Kwrap.  Blues is my comfort zone style of singing. I usually just record using a cell phone no fancy tech. I will attach a track that seems to be the one chordians have given the best feedback on


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I watched the Super Bowl  for the first time this year. I  watched the New England Patriots playing  Atlanta Falcons. What a game and also what a entertainment spectacle. I enjoyed the drama of the game. Next year I will watch it again. Even though I don't know the rules it made sense to me.