
(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Shaylynn, Al,
do what I do, steal them from others songbooks.

Go to song books and scan thru songs you know then put their songs into a book of your own.

Failing that. Start at A under artists and pick out the artists you have heard of then look for any songs and give them a go

I am in total agreeance wit hold doll here,
I just like to say, I hate all humans from everywhere as well as love all humans from everywhere.

And before this gets into a slagging match on this thread I would suggest it gets locked.

There has been much interest in this "things we hate". Seems like humans love to hate and go on and on about things.
As for things that hapened in the past, they should never be forgotten but at the same time they should not get used to start or use in arguments ( not unless ye really hate the person,lol)

so c'mon folk, lighten up, keep it nice on the forum.



(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I know what you mean, but I am lucky that my wife jams along with me sometimes, but other times it is like she cannot stand the sound of me, or she hates songs that I play. But when someone else is in she is sitting tapping her feet away.
She thinks I play too much and also I am on this computer too much. She thinks I have a problem because I want another guitar, she says there is no need to have 4 guitars, but ifI get this new one I have my eye on it will be 5,lol.
What would your wife prefer, your hobby to be playing the guitar or going to the pub every night getting smashed? playing the guitar or sleeping around? playing the guitar or gambling? ( hmm, I do both of them,lol) playing the guitar or being a boring fart in front of the tv?
You carry on your guitar playing. My wife doesnt moan at me anymore about it, she knows it is a waste of time. Instead she goes into another room if she is tha bothered about me playing.

Get yer wife interested in something musical, a tom drum or harmonica, anything to get her jamming along. Or if you have kids, use them as an excuse. Kids always love or say they like your singing and playing, so keep playing for them. That worked for me for a few months until they got bored with me,lol



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great song rebel. Makes me want to be american now so I can sing this with pride the way it should be ( i can always pretend I suppose? lol)
This is good for acoustic and I bet it could be made into a heavy rock song and with those lyrics it is actually a great pnuk song ye just wrote.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

nice wee song there jets. I am sitting stumming away. I just cann do something with the chorus to make it sound right.lol. but great lyrics



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love Elvis ( not in a homosexual sort of way I have to add)

Although I think too much is done to celebrate him.

My favourite songs he sang ( but never wrote,since he never wrote any of his own songs) are

In the ghetto, I love playing this on guitar
suspicious minds..... a true classic that gets everyone singing.
The wonder of you... people just cannot help singing, woo oh oh oh
can help falling in love..... he does this better than the original
heartbreak hotel.
wooden heart
and the song that got him going that he had to pay for out his own pocket to record for his ma, Thats alright mamma.



(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:

By the way, Kilty, I was up your way the other day. Nice. I hope you never got food poisoning from the dodgy take-a-way.

Na, I only eat in there for special occasions, ( it costs a fortune but yummy)  ithink they are so dear since Walter Smith and other celebs eat in there sometimes. ( for those that dont know, W.Smith is the Ranger football club manager)
I am only a 15 minute walk away from there but I got another cantonese restaraunt 5 minutes away from me and it is about 10p cheaper ,lol.



(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Old Doll wrote:

Now My Sons are wearing Kilts to this wedding? As a Scot Is this in your opinion right? Or is  the Celt in them allowed this role.

some would say it should only e scottish that wear them, others say only scottish that belong to a clan ( with a true scottish name)
but I tihnk most people dont really care.
I would be decented from th Clan Campbell but I never wear the Campbell tartan. I like "flower of scotland" tartan. A tartan that is relatively new. Also the I like the black watch tartan.
It was said to me before if you do not belong to a clan then you should wear the royal stewart tartan ( the most common red checked).
Bu I think ye'll find most scots dont mind and take it as a compliment if a non scot want to wear the kilt.
Just dinny wear any knickers underneath, it gets too hot. And stand up proud when urinating in the toilets ,lol.



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

not only was it said that Elvis had left the building but I do know it was said at least once at a beatles gig, and a few others I have been to. When people refuse to leave until they see their stars, a guy came on stage and announced it, this made most people leave. Whether they had actually left or not.people believe what they are told mosly, so they go.



(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I sadly cannot speak scottish gaelis, which does differ from irish gaelic a bit and is different from the welsh.
I do know that scottish pronounce it gallick and the irish is gaylick.
I love songs that are sung in gaelic, no idea what they are singing unless I am told but it still sounds lovely 9 especially when a gorgeous woman with an excellent voice is singing,lol.

It is mostly the western isles that speak gaelic. When scotland and england were forming a union gaelic started to die out. I read about it a lot year ago but I have forgotten a lot exactly why, I think it was something to do with education and how southern scotland spoke gaelic and english then it just sort of happened that people spoke emglish as their first language. Maybe the English governemnt at the time banned gaelic from being taught to take more of their identity away, to make them more british and less scottish? I recall a school teacher tellingme this before, but not too sure how accurate this is.
My personal view is it should be taught in primary school and secondary school instead of teaching 9 and 10 year olds german or french. I have a big thing about this. My daughter when 3 years old in nursery school ( pre school child minding) shewas getting taught spanish!!!! I think that time would have been better teaching them more english,gaelic or math or arithmatics, soething that would benefit them when going into primary one.

Although Scotland has a very good reputtion for education, the best in the UK and gets people from al over the world coming to our schools and universities to learn I think there is something far wrong with eduction if they want to teach 3 year old spanish, something she has forgotten all about now at the age of 7.
I often wondered why america spell words differently when they were used before america was invaded by english,scottish,french,spanish,italians etc. But maybe that is why? becasue from so many cultures they somewhere got thins mixed up to make it easier for everyone, so flavour became flavor etc??? only a guess!!
saying that, things in the english language change too thru time. we dont go about saying thou shall not...... we say you shall not, Somewhere along the line we went from "old english" to modern english, no idea why,
I think the whole world should invent a new langauge that everyone speaks, that way there is no need to learn 3 or 4 languages.
Anyway, this is going off topic, something I do sometimes but hate doing.



(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just copy the proclaimers, they are easy to imtate, but then maybe with me being scottish i find it eaasy??
And I really hate to hear people trying a scottish accent when they know they are not good at it themselves, but for singing? it might be good?

also on this subject ( and I hope yer reading old doll) Irish!! Phil Lyonett from thin lizzy, he never sang with an irish accent, he sound more american too, but look at the success he had. And also he had a great singing voice. maybe if he sang wth an irish accent no one would have bought the records?
and U2, sometimes bono sound like a martian,lol



(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

if i could show you me clapping my hands on this thread then you would see me clapping my hands.
very true on yer post and the way i see thigs too.



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

Yeah, I agree, those of us of Scotts-Irish descent are fabulous people.

But back to the nation bashing....      What is up with cricket?  Why don't you folks play a proper sport like baseball?   big_smile

I couldnt agree more with you, I hate cricket. it is an english game really, not scottish, although someone in scotland has decided we need a cricket team for some unknown reason tome!! I would much prefer to have baseball a fantastic game that.........wait for it..........steady on now........... the........the.....dare I say it............. The americans invented lol

i am not into nation bashing, not unless it is the ............
ok, stop there,
lets leave the nation bashing alone, we are all horrible humans on a lovely planet.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

tech man001 wrote:

most of these songs r tabs in stead of chords. wat if ppl want to learn to play the song.

no!! most are not tabs, most are chords, just the ones you looking at are mostly tabs lol

welcome to chordie



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi sage.

Welcome and enjoy, ask question and reply or just chat in here. whtever, enjoy!!



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Damn good replies there lol
That was not all my own personal thoughts by the way, just what I hear others saying.

yeah America did put man on the moon first, but it was the great soviets that put him in space first, and also if america didnt do it, someone else would have anyway, so you will have top retract that. Winning a race doesnt make someone better.:lol:

And your reply about the religious thing, although I dont really mind what people think about religion, but you have a point about a minority making everyone look like nutters. ( we have a minority in scotland that wear kilt yet lots think we all wear kilts and run around chasing haggis in the hils)
Maybe there is too much attention on the minorities and less on the better side of things.

oh yeah and talking about being great, lets see
the scottish discovered penicillan
61% of American Presidents are of Scots or Scots-Irish descent
James Pollock, of Scots descent, put the slogan "In God We Trust" on American coins!
A Scot, James Watt, developed the first efficient steam engine and in so doing started the Industrial Revolution.
A Scot, John Logie Baird, invented the Television.
A Scot, John Napier, invented logarithms and the decimal notation.
A Scot, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, invented the bicycle.
A Scot, John Paul Jones, founded the American Navy.
A Scot, Alexander Fleming, discovered Penicillin.
A Scot, William Paterson, founded the Bank of England.
A Scot, Alexander Graham Bell, invented the telephone.
A Scot, John Chalmers, invented the adhesive postage stamp.
A Scot, John Boyd Dunlop, invented the car tyre.
A Scot, Captain Patrick Ferguson, invented the breech loading rifle.
A Scot, Major General Lachlan Macquarie, know as the 'Father of Australia',
A Scot, Sir John Alexander Macdonald, was the first Prime Minister of Canada under confederation.
A Scot, Thomas Blake Glover, was one of the founding fathers of modern Japan.
A Scot, Henry Faulds pioneered the use of fingerprints as means of undisputed identity of people.
A Scot, Robert Stirling, invented the Stirling engine in 1850. Stirling engines are being studied at NASA for use in powering space vehicles with solar energy!
The Scots invented Golf.
“History credits the Rev. Elijah Craig, a Baptist minister, with being the first in 1789 to make bourbon.† He was a Scotsman. Kentucky is the place for bourbon because of the limestone which makes the water almost iron-free. “The first bourbon recognized by brand outside of Kentucky probably was produced by Dr. James Crow...a Scotsman who settled near the Rev. Craig’s place.† He was known by the locals as Jim Crow.
The Scottish-American Hall of Fame contains more plaques for the military than any other category. Twenty-one men are installed including Daniel Boone who is listed as an “Indian Fighter.† The list is as follows: George Rogers Clark, Frontier hero of the Revolutionary War; Stonewall Jackson; Joseph E. Johnston; Henry Knox; Arthur MacArthur, army general, father of Douglas MacArthur; George B. McClellan; Alexander Macomb, general and hero of the War of 1812; William (Billy) Mitchell, controversial air power advocate; William Multrie; George S. Patton, WWII exponent of mobile warfare; Winfred Scott, Mexican War and Chief of staff; J.E.B. Stuart, Confederate cavalry general; Christopher “Kit† Carson, frontiersman and explorer; William Clark, explorer with Merriwether Lewis; Davy Crockett, frontiers-man who died at the Alamo. Two individuals are listed under the category of “Naval.† They are David Glasgow Farragut, Civil War naval hero, and John Paul Jones, Revolutionary War naval hero.
Famous Quote: "If all else fails, I will retreat up the valley of Virginia, plant my flag on the Blue Ridge, rally around the Scotch-Irish of that region and make my last stand for liberty amongst a people who will never submit to British tyranny whilst there is a man left to draw a trigger." George Washington, Valley Forge.
Scottish Freemasonry is now officially recognised as being the oldest in the world and is now recorded as a Guinness World Record.
Scot invented suspenders.
Although the Scots comprise less than one-half of 1 percent of the world’s population, 11 percent of all Nobel prizes have been awarded to Scotsmen. Quote from "The Mark of the Scots" by Duncan A Bruce.
The world’s first university faculty of engineering and technical science was in Glasgow.
67 US Politicians were born in Scotland that we know off.
There are estimated to be 20,000 Americans living in Scotland and half a million visit each year.
It is estimated that 15% of Canadians are of Scots descent.
Scotland invented branch banking and so brought banking facilities to the people and the world.
"The Reverend Malcolm MacDonald, a native of Whitton, Quebec, a descendant of the early Scots settlers and of the first church established in the area, says:
"‘The Book of Books was the library they opened, and the Church of Jesus Christ was the first institution they established and that in their homes, and the Gospel of Christ was the philosophy they espoused.’ "
"The most casual observer and historian must admit that these early settlers played a leading part in setting the course in which the Nation travels today.
"I am indeed grateful that we are privileged to stand in the stream of a noble, spiritual, national and cultural tradition, which has flourished in Scotland for centuries, and for some 150 years established firmly on this North American Continent, in both Canada and the United States.
SCOTS emigres to the US are five times more likely to become dollar millionaires than those from any other country, according to a study of wealth. Thomas Stanley and William Danko, in their book The Millionaire Next Door, analysed the ethnic backgrounds of the wealthiest members of US society and discovered that while people of Scottish origin make up 1.7% of the population, they comprise 9.3% of its millionaires.
At the battle of Trafalgar (The British under Nelson won a decisive naval battle off southern Spain against the French and Spanish.) in 1805 around 30% of the fleet's crew hailed from Scotland and Scottish industry provided timber products, sails, ropes, iron cannons and iron balls.
Scottish Explorers and Fur Trappers
Read about how Scots dominated the Fur trade and by so doing opened up Canada and the West.

well, sorry to go on a bit there, but with me being scottish, I am damn prooud of how internationally great my country is and how we are loved internationally for our friendliness, our humour, our music, our hospitallity. Without us the world would be a worst pace to live,lol.

Amazing the trivial things ye find on the nett to reply back to people ,lol

the only thing I am shocked at is it was an merican woman that invented the ar's windscreen wiper. Although I would put a bet on she must have scottish blood in her,why did a man not invent this? lol



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Kiera,
yea well just outside on the stalkiemuir roa on the way to drymen.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

superb lyrics james,



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gilmour fan

Did you ever go up to Carbeth inn for the folk night?

I was up again last Thursay and it was even better than the last time. Was a lot more scottish and irish songs.
Hopefully be making it this thursday if I get a child minder for a few hours.



(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ok, along with st paddy's day this seems like a good day too, as long as they dont start selling cards to celebrate it lol


(45 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am a boring git!!

I like my toast with low fat slightly salted lurpack butter thinly spread and a wee bit of sea salt on it. Also it has o be granary bread, none of your white additive added sort of bread.


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy womens day?
ffs!! is there a name for different occasions for every day of the year everywhere on the planet?
And do women really celebrate this? and why?
why is there not an international Men day? not that I would want one o those either.
Along with this other silly days:
Christmas, easter,fathers day, mothers day, birthdays, st george's day, st anyone elses day ( apart from st patricks day coz that is when slf ply in glasgow and it is a great party)

the only day I like to do something is my anniversary ( I got to say that or my wife will put the nut in me) :LOL:


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

where are all the atheist artists?
And who really cares about what religion a singer is? I know I couldnt give 2........about who goes to what church and who they believe in. It is their music that is important.
religion is a very controversial subject, one I could start an rgument easily but I will refrain



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

echoingwhat dadd says.

Too many sections is not nly harder to moderate but it maes you ask the question "where do we stop"?

anything other than the subjects that are already on can get mentioned in here " chordie chat".

I think all other places cover what Chordie is about.

p.s. anyone want to disagree, I would love to hear opinions. dont hold back ,let your fingers type away your thoguhts, as long as they are good ones and of constructive critisism)


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi ICe,
superb song, one of my favourite alarm songs I think.

I was jamming with one of my mates to this in march, but i canny remember the chords

If I remember when I see him next I will ask him, but I will not see him for a few weeks.
