
(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Phil Williams!
We meet again so soon! ill be getting a name around these parts!

Every one here on the forum has the right to there opinion. You are no exception. I was maybe a wee bit sensitive to your comment, but i do try
to be honest and encourageing to all.

I hear you loud and clear!
I also thank you for your sensitive piece for me.
Welcome to Chordie. Enjoy enjoy!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Phil Williams,
This song reminds me of the park where i walk my dogs.
A real old Couple walk there! Very slowly i might add. I ofton speak to them.
They hold hands always.
I never see there hands as old. When i speak to them, i always see there hands as young hands. Its so lovely to do that with older people. Look beyond the age.. I hope i never see this man alone on a bench in the park!
I know the words of your song will sing in his head.

Lovely topic.

Thank You.

Old Doll.

James McCormick!
How could you! Im really tired tonight, and your talking about Gravity!

Last weeK It was the Other Old Doll Maisie" Brought tears to my eyes.
Tonight its Gravity? Well now James that is a word that woman of my age
know so well!
Theres only one way to prove it to you but! This would
probably give you a heart attack. Your wife and family need you! Your
students need you! We  need you here! so James your just gonna have to believe me...  Gravity? I prefer the words Au Natural!:lol:
Good one James.

Wheres me old Segosha Badeye when i need him? More panels please Son!

Old Doll.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You as always for your kind words.

They play and sing next week. Oooooooh i all delighted!
I also could do with about 3 extra days in next week also!

Old Doll.

Back to work!


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Re! Phil Williams.!  My comment was never meant to deflate you! In actual fact One word "Orphan" in your song
connected me to The one i posted from you tube. I am so long singing and  learning songs, its impossible for me
not to connect them.
Weejie i can assure you this WAS meant as a compliment. I read nearly everything  in the" Song Writing section"

If i was only here to deflate  you  or anyones work. Then i reckon  im a very sad case indeed!   Weejie! only i know in this situation this is not  true. I always write honestly whats in my head. " Gosh why do  i feel like i am defending
myself here"
I guess when you put the melody to your song it will be unique! For you personally, I sincerely hope its sung as long as the  old one i posted.  Dont be deflated if i or anyone else says it reminds them of another famous song.
To be  classed in the same league as famous songwriters is indeed a compliment. Be proud of all your
creative ability..There are Brilliant musicians here in chordie who have in past post said "They wouldn't even know
where to start with writing a song. I do try to  encourage people in all walks of life "You weejie are no exception!


Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

South paw41l,

My sons have given me  1,000 Dollars to buy a Guitar for my Christmas
Prezzie. Bless them!

I had picked 3 i really liked! Tanglewood-Heritage superfolk.
849 euro, on sale.

Martin 000 x-1  600 euro on sale.

Taylor 114E  899 euro also on sale.

This last one i only played today as i was in the city, shopping like there was no tomorrow. 3 beautiful sounding guitars.

I come home this evening and low and behold. My first christmas Present
not wrapped with a big red bow attached.

A Yamaha semi acoustic fx37oc from a friend. Its a beauty. beautiful sound.
it just needs a better guitar player:lol:

I now have 3  beautiful guitars.  My original "A Vintage! A small Classic Herald.
and a yamaha!

Do i stick with these or what! The yamaha is so good to hold, as its much smaller then my other one!
So now what do i do?

Southpaw41L I have loads of shoes but i know i can only wear one pair at a time.
Its gonna be the same with the guitars!

Comments please.
I will post a pick of my new Guitar to my space this week!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Mission acomplished!

So good. I have a song written called Canvas! Your song  reminded me of it.

Must go read it again.

Thanks Jets!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good one Jets,

Im very happy to say my cholesterol is fine! But the rest of me is

knackered lol

Old Doll.

Ah! the pennies dropped!

Chuffed? Bonedaddy?

Thank you for making my song Purdy. That other Beautiful Man "James McCormick" usually does it for me! But he's so busy at the moment he hasn't
Time to Bless himself. So i send my blessings your way James From a very
wind torn Emerald!  Barrogá agus Póga to you!.

Roger Guppy has also done this for me, and explained. Still couldn't get it right
But someone else, here on the forum has sent me what i hope is a fool proof way to do it. so next time Fingers crossed.

Roger! are you ok out in Portugal? Those cats of yours havent got you
Shackled or anything?  Held hostage for prawns and chicken!
Spoiled rotton those cats are! lol

Old Doll.


Whats this about a Haircut?. Please keep your voice low as the Ceann { Head} aint feeling to good this Morn! I wonder why:lol:

Old Doll.

Bone Daddy,
its 3 am here. I was been totally taken to another place with a beautiful Email i had from a friend.

I saw a Email from you about format, and thought "Bonedaddy is on the cheapo Plonk again! " asking me about formatt, Sure i may as well be looking up a ducks A##.:lol:
and now this. You Precious Man! How very kind of you! It looks fabulous!
Ill have to get back to this tomorrow.

Ah Bless you my friend! I owe you! Big time. such a sweet thing to do.
Now my song is all PURDY.

Thank You!

Helena. hugs and Kisses across this infinite space in time.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)


This is lovely Song, well Done!

It reminded me of this one i used sing about 99 years ago lol


Have a listen.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

So So good Jets!

Old Doll.


Thank You! My beautiful Grandmother would be so pleased. I was in a restaurent some years ago. A lovely young waitress served our group.
I remarked on her name as it was Helena. She said"Her Mam called her after a lady she had worked with. On leaving the premises her Mam had callled to take her home!
Yes! i had worked with her Mam but never knew she named her Baby after me. I was as they say here "Chuffed" I very seldom hear my name anywhere.



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James,

This song made me shed tears. I so love dogs. Any dog lover will so
understand what a terrible decision it is to make.
My beautiful Dog as a puppy used to lie  on my bed on his back. His new paws, were like the softest italian leather. Im going all gooey even
thinking of them now!

My Border collie before these 2 spared me! She at 18 years, just had a heart attack lying at my feet one evening and died in my arms...

Is [C]mercy in the moment, . . . . is mercy in re-[F]lease
Is [C]mercy in the medicine, . . . . is mercy in the [F]grief
Is [C]mercy ever easy, . . . . is mercy bitter-[F]sweet
Is [C]mercy in the moment when the moment [G]is com-[C]plete

My other dog is gettin on and im dreading the day
i may have to make that decision.

Mercy is in the moment James, beautiful way to word it. But you and your family are still gonna cry! and why not!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful insight into this unusual Subject.

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hope your Birthday Rocks Doc!

{De reir a cheile a thogtar na Caisleain}

"It Takes time to build Castles!

Big Hugs.

Old Doll



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Selso!

I read this song when it was first posted. I didnt comment because i could feel your pain to much. I want to shower you with understanding hugs.

We have twin girls in our family. One is gentle and quiet, the other we  call

Miss why where what when cailín { Girl }She i think is taking after this old Doll.
they are so different but so close. So i can only try imagine how you feel.

You must cry and cry some more, talk about him and some more. You will have good days but the missing never goes. on your down days write for him.

Please embrace your face in the mirror. You may look like him, but you are a separate soul... His mortal remains have been removed. His body life cloths.

His soul like yours mine and other beings on the planet , to me is a soul of loving light.
A soul is not born? So how can it die? {quote- Mary Gaulthier }

The image you knew is gone. Feel his presence, know it still. and still cry some more.
I would like you to have the Happiest Birthday  Tomorrow, as you not only celebrate your soul but his who still lives in you and all who knew him.

These words are from a very old song. I taught myself how to do this.

Selso! You can to! love and light to guide you always.

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
and be yourself for a while.

Old Doll

Thank you as always for your comments!

You wonderful people!

Love to all!


Old Doll.


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thinking Russell has a priblem!


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

where does this fuse go?

Im going back to work while the lights come back on lol

Old Doll.


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The Emeralds in total Darkness.

Thank You Docs,

We had a beautiful piano in our family home. When clearing my parents home i was offered it!

GOMBEEN THAT I AM at times "I REFUSED". for various reasons..

So Santa worker of Magic, Ive changed my mind. Id like this piano back on Christmas Morn please.

Old Doll.


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Plug back into the unscrambletronascope!


Can you do this Old Doll a favour please. Start another thread for material Gifts for christmas. I cannot help feeling i spoiled that thread for everyone.

This was not my intention..

Have a happy pain free day!

Old Doll.


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well its alright as long