
(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and also was it not chrissy boy from radio one that banned the song from his show because he felt like someone had just extracted the urine from him?

Mike Peters done a fantastic thing there by proving charts are hyped up and fixed!!
I should not matter what age a band are or how they look, it is the music that should sell the song, nothing else!!!



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I will find you easy then!!!

will organise something neaer the time, like soon,lol
I boght my tickets today for me and a mate.


(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I just found out last week that "John Prine" and "MAc Wiseman" had recorded an album together, so I got it!!! it was donr in April this year.
pretty good stuff on it and also stuff that will have to grgowon me a lot!!
all covers on it, but ye wouldnt know, unless you know the songs,lol.
all very well done

It is called
Standard songs for average people


(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

errrm, no,
I want scotland t owin naturally,lol
But WHEN we get knocked out I will be behind ireland



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I havenot looked into this Summers,bu you coud try this

Get the song you want.
Change the chord variation, then save it to your songbook ( might have to make one up if you dont have one)
then once it is in your songbook, try printing it,

I am sure I printed a song before that I changed? , I know it prints after you transpose a song. I annot see why it would change for a variation of a chord? might just be a wee glitchand if so the Admin will be onto it as soon as he can.




(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

how about mhebert's suggstion

Why fret? just let it slide!
     ( chord image)

When someone knows this is the best idea, the credit is still going to mhebert!!

I just love that Why fret? let it slide


that looks quiet nice but one problem for me, it plugs in,lol.
Acoustic for me all the time.



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cheers david,looks like my long term memory is still god it is just my short term memory that is....that is..... hmmm, what was i talking about?



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf, can you put this in the acoustic section too? I want a reply from this as I am thinking of getting a new guitar soon, but i had my eye on some sort of semi acoustic ibanez from the big Co for 200 quid.

but if I mightgofor a yamaha too, I got a few months to decide i think.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:

Never mind next year, motomad, get yersel up here on September 8th. The Alarm are playing Glasgow!

I just got it confirmed, I have a child mionder while my wife works, allowing me to freely go get blootered and watc hthe band in the ABC. horray.

Al, might even meet up in their for a pint?

hopefully buy my ticket the morra. I tihnk my mate in work is wanting to go too.

Also, just found out today, a guy in my work ( bishy) is on for a support lot there and he could only get two ViP passes and he gave them to his ife and friend. How dare he!!! so anyway. the band he is in is called "the red eyes", and I tihnk they are pretty dam good.

and moto,
Ithought "the Alarm " would be taught in R.E in te schools down there since Mike Peters is an idolidic God" and a truelly amazing songwriter!! and apart from that a very nice guy that has time for people, a caring guy and best thing of all,lol. He has a gorgeous wife!!!! he should get her on stage just to stand at the side on every gig.lol



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

motomad wrote:

Theres a guy who works in our chip shop who swears he's elvis


theres a song about that isnt there?

Cant remember who sang that, was it kirsty mcColl ? or the smiths?


I think the only person that can answer what your price range is, isyourself.


I quite like golf, but playing it, athough not played for years. Watching it is another story.

I love snooker, playing and watching even though it takes ages and makes me sleep.

I despise cricket, I got a gold medal in 2nd year in high school for this so called sport and I never hit the ball once,lol. I had one game then I went on holiday and the team ended up winning,lol.
So, there Ido hate something, even tough hate is a strong word, I go one furthr and say I despise it.

football ( the real meaning of the name ) is skillfuland excellent, if there are no goals then one team or both teams defended good enough, or the goalie in the teams are super, that is why sometimes there is no goals.

O, I hate the spice girls ( not each one personally, just theband and the music) I hate near enough all manufactured bands, but wats more... I hate the idea of a manufactured band.
and pop idol and anything like that



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi moto from the land of the southern sheep.
I am up in the land of the highland sheep  (or sort of central scotland)

And I can proudly say I have kissed a sheep, I have left lipstick on it, and I loved doing it.

The sheep was a not real I have to add. I have some great pics of real sheep though , little baby ones that would look better on my sunday dinner plate, but ......

yeah, so welcome to chordie.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

jerome.oneil wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

yer right, transposition is not hard but a capo is still good to use, especially if when it is transposed it uses a chord you do not like to play. i.e it is easier to put a capo on the third fret rather than change a C chord to D# etc.


Well, if that's the case, I'd argue that you learn to barre and use the A form of those chords.  big_smile

ermm, no thnaks, you obviousy have not seen my stubby fingers that make it hard to barr, so i will stick to my plain old chords and strumming,.......with a cappo, lmao


(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

mhebert wrote:

Why Fret? Just let it slide.
CHORDIE the most laid back community worldwide!

ou know something, I was trying to think of something for this before I read these psts, all pretty good i think. but that above is superb I think.

All I could think of was

Need chords?
Go to chordie

with a few musical notes, or the logo it has just now with a chord diagram.

How long is this going to go on for Per?



(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

yeah, i said it in the email but welcome southpaw


certainly is!!
Nevr played it but I have watched and thought Ouch, people think rugby is rough? no seen what pain is till you see these stick fly,lol

I read about shinty a few months ago up in newtonmore. It was brought to scotland by n irish priest that fell out with other hurling players in ireland, and he changed the rules slightly the way he wanted them to be and so shinty started in scotland.
Thats all I can remember from a big story that is on the wall in the village museum in Newtonmore. Great museum it is too, it is an outdoor one wit hold houses the way they lived in the 1700's and an old school from early 1900's and more things that I canny remember and now I am babbling,lol



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hanx Old Doll.
I am goin to see him play in Glasgow in October, 22nd i think in the royal concert hall.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yer right, transposition is not hard but a capo is still good to use, especially if when it is transposed it uses a chord you do not like to play. i.e it is easier to put a capo on the third fret rather than change a C chord to D# etc.



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just spent a good part of three hours recording this song then making a video for it.
It is a John Prine cover, and the pictures I got from the net, but still took a long time.


I also put a few others on a few days ago. Lies of despair, i am an atheist and the very first song I ever wrote in 1993 " memories" but it is badly done with an awful drum machine,lol.


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yes, this can be annoying when it shows a song in E,C,G A butit does not show you are meant to use a capo. I have found this with a few songs.
Thing to do is find out if it should have a capo first, then you can go in and make changes to the song yourself, so you can type in "capo 2ND" etc.
the reason it does not come automatically wit hthis instruction is no fault of chordie.
Because chordie works as a search engine from othr sites, it would have to be the other sites originally that has to state " capo 2nd".

hope that explains and helps


SouthPaw41L wrote:

With all due respect to the moderators, these forums are open to almost any topic. These "exchanges" of views and opinions are healthy and educational. Opposing views and dealing tactfully with them is the essence of life at its finest. We don't need a "big bad wolf" telling us what to say and how to say what we have to say. Let the chordians vent. In the long run it's the right thing to do. Some of my best friends today are people I've opposed in past days. Whether it be a differing view on politics, religion, music, or whatever, it's beneficial to understand or least be wise to, life on the "other side of the  tracks." Just my $.02

the last three posts were superb!!!

now, Southpaw, yep, opinions are good but when you can see it turning into a slanging match or argument that is when itturns bad. bad for the two or three or 10 involved and bad for the newcomers visiting the forum and also this is a site for music, mainly guitars and chords for songs. Although this is a chat corner, it shall be moderated in such a way that there is no illfeeling in a bad wy, which is why I had to speak up.
I am not blaming anyone for it, iot will happen a lot more times no doubt.
Wit hso many people, yer always going to get a difference of opinion which is good but arguing abot politics,religion etc is not ood.

I am a keen bothyer ( someone that visits bothies) and there is an unwritten law in the bothy world, since you meet so many strangers and yer in an isolated shell of a house for a few days at a time sometimes it s not good to talk about these three things.
1.Politics....... always get argumets even if two people support the sae party.
2.religion........wit hit being the biggest cause for wars, it is so easy to startan argument
3. Football, ( as in real football, not gridiron) uless you get two supporters of the same team the n fireworks will fly, words will get louder, fisits will be waved.

So, if there is no mention from these three subjects you are bound to have a great time, great conversation and enjoy good company.
this forum dos not have this policy and so people can, I suppose, talk about these topics,but it just means it will gt very closely watched.

It is for the benefit of the chordians to read nice things, or even heated discussions, not arguments that get personal.

I was going to say that is my 2pence worth, but that is more like £1 worth.lo

All the best


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I first started to read your post I honestly thought " oh ffs, ere we go, a life story that I cannot be bothered to read" ( I am like that sometimes i am afraid), but I continued reading and what an excellent post it is. A tough one to answer to as well!!

I migt sound realy harsh here and I appologise if I do, but I got this habit of telling peopl straight the way I see it ( which, i not always right, nor is it always the right thingto do)
I thnk you should do what you want to do, if it means plaing the guitar morn,noon and night then go for it. Also, if you want to go out ad have fun wit htfriends, then go for it. But if you want to go out and get blooteredthen maybe organise to stay at a friends?
Although you may/do love your hubby very much it is his prolem. Even though help groups ecourage partners to get invloved and say things like a prolem share is a problem halved, I do not believe this, i see it as one perons problem and the have to deal with it. I know alcoholics and the ones that want to help themselves will, others just bring other people down and make them feel like it is their fault for some reason or other.
Like I said, a tough one to answer an something I am not traind to responisbily answer for you to say you have got to listen to me. This is a question for a proffesional person, as already mentioned in a way.

But I wish you all the luck in the world, sorry I cannot pray for you as I am an atheist, but my thoughts are with you right now as I type this.
Once you have sorted out something that you want to do, and you want to , I am sure people here will be interested how you are managing.
It is very brave ( even though we are all strangers to you) for you to type all this in here, but then typing to complete strangers can be good too, opinions from people that know nothing about yourself is good I tihnk. I have done it often.

All the best



(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks Col, will do if I ever get it.  iwill see if it is downloadable later.

and welcome to the forum, yer no that far away from me.
I am in balloch.
