Neo excellent song choice. Paul Kelly a OZZY song writer I admire.
EB  I challenge Peatle to do Silvias Mother.
EB  I won't  be butchering  a song  this month.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Grah you hit the nail on the head perfectly with your song. The power brokers and thier agendas are scary.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Jim and Classical Guitar thank you.
A friend of mine has a photograph taken ten years ago of a social club we both belonged to. There are sixteen people in the photo of which there are only six of us alive today.
As the people in that photo pass away the more valuable that photo becomes to him. I guess when we die the real value in our life is the good memories we leave behind.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you everyone I am pleased my writing has delivered what I was going through in a way that you good people got. With a cup of tea in my hand I toast the life of my friend who passed away. I am honoured also  to have you good Chordie folk in my life.
He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
A New Zealand  Maori  Proverb.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Interesting plenty to play with nice.


(1 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I like the way the percussion stands out and isnt supressed.


(1 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Quality  production. Neo you have a interesting music history.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill it was around 4am this morning I couldn't sleep and my head was thinking about my friend. So I picked up a piece of paper and wrote these words to excise some of my emotions. We shared a similar outlook on life and our humour was the same. Thursday night here for some reason I descided to put these words on here instead of filing them away somewhere to be lost and not shared with anyone else. Thank you for your feed back


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

This wouldn't work as a song. I wrote it early this morning while thinking about my friend's funeral last Friday. It is a poem that doesn't have much rhyme. I hope it paints a accurate picture of his funeral through my eyes.

                           Farewell You
Here I am  sitting on  a wooden pew .
Here my  friend on a Friday afternoon just for you.
This time  in a church inside a wicker coffin lies you..
Church full to overflowing..
Quietly the funeral director squeezes in late arrivals..
Mourners not a good word for you.
A better word  for you those here to celebrate.
Why not you had a good life.
At the appointed time with the family comfortably seated your only child a grown up son gives the minister a silent nod.
The organist stops playing.
A white robed minister.
looking solemn stands at his pulpit.
He looks a little bit out of place
His space infiltrated by people not usually  part of this place.
People with wet eyes.
Bowed heads in diginified  mourning.
Digging deep some pulling out friendly  smiles.
In a pregnant silence my mind see's a picture of you.
laughing and joking.
It was  just two weeks ago the last time we spoke.
You were enjoying the simple things in life,
With a wit sharpe as a knife, never short of a joke.
Your contagious  generous spirit overflowing.
Not even your heart  in a bad shape could wipe that away.
Your zest for life apparent  each day.
Trying to stop my mind from drifting.
I  focus on the minister's welcome and prayer.
I can feel your spirit  in my mind.
Fighting the desire to turn back time.
My mind returns to this place with stainglass windows..
Now with everyone standing we sing.
 Accompanied by a struggling church organ. 
The hymn Jerusalem is sung from another land.
Only five years previouse you and your wife had visited that place where those feet in ancient times walked upon Englands  mountains green:
Maybe now you are looking down on me while talking  to your ansestors about  Englands pastures you had seen.
My mind wonders how would your Irish, Welsh and Scottish family along with your  Jewish ansestory hear this hymn.
The music comes to a halt.
My backside falls down onto a wooden pew.
Your oldest sister's, time to talk.
She tells us about your growing  years.
I remember us talking about them years, over  beers.
You and I  laughed alot about our  mischievous years..
My mind ticks over as she speaks.
Thinking about your life at its lowest and  highest peaks.
Your sister's words filling my mind like time lapse photography..
Installing remembered stories into us, chapters of  your growing years.
I can't help thinking as she sits down.
It should be appropriate to give huge cheers.  
Applause as a way of thanks for those good years.
Your son and wife takes over sharing with us more insights into your life.
When the Church bursts into laughter.
In my mind I hear your hearty laugh ..
Your cheeky smile comes to mind.
Your  way of making hard work fun.
You made the most of your time.
You wanted lots of laughter here and that is what you got.
You were never a man to stay sad or to ask for a lot.
Your younger brother and one neice honour you
With a  couple of quick funny stories about you.
That's what everyone  loved about you, laughter.
The minister asks us  for a moment to quietly reflect about you.
In my mind I can see you in silence at a beach.
Realing in your fishing line.
Catching fresh fish for a table surrounded by laughter.
Table made for love of life.
Table made for good stories.
I pray in my mind that your quiet faith has delivered your soul to the right place.
After a few quiet moments,
The minister leads us in The lords Prayer.
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
The atheist sitting next me has an epiphany.
''First  time that prayer has made sense,'' he quiely whispers to me..
Your casket is then carried from the church.
Through the church sound system we hear the Byrds.
To everything, turn, turn, turn.
There is a season, turn, turn, turn.
And a time to every purpose under heaven.


(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Thank you Neo appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.


(1 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Neo I like the guitar and the vocals.


(3 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Neo this song would be excellent  as part of a stage musical.


(6 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Jandle you and Belinda work well together great sound.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

TF That is clever.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ich hoffe, es geht dir bald wieder besser. My thoughts and prayers are with you Bill and Dondra.
Love to you both.
Pete and Maree


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Mojo that is one brilliant song. It is a song that honours the life of a brave man keeping alive his life  story for many years and future generations  to come. The recording works perfectly because the song is stronger than any technical issues you had.


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

Joe is a down to earth guy with style and a way of teaching  which  is REAL  COOL Great video thanks Beamer.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Man that is brilliant song writing.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

EB  Maybe a better word would be uplifting? There are suportive or uplifting  people everywhere in the world it all depends on  what touches your heart, Though I am not good  at  giving to something that is not in  MY self centered area of interest, it does  lift people if we do the unexpected.. Maybe this short two minute video describes what you mean by supporting people???  This video shows a guy giving a Rose seller on a New York train  140 dollars for 14 dollars worth of roses.

Another example of been supportive.
Charles Francis "Chuck" Feeney (born April 23, 1931) is an Irish-American businessman and philanthropist and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private foundations in the world. He made his fortune as a co-founder of the Duty Free Shoppers Group, which pioneered the concept of duty-free shopping. Feeney gave away his fortune in secret for many years, until a business dispute resulted in his identity being revealed in 1997. Over the course of his life, Feeney has given away more than $8 billion.
Feeney is known for his frugality, living in a rented apartment, not owning a car or a house, and flying economy-class. Now that is true support for people.

Kāore te kumara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka
The kumara (sweet potato) does not say how sweet he is


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I prefer the love of my wife  more than the applause of other people. I don't construct my identity from music. If a person is down then they need support. Encouragement is for when your down. I have found Chordians to be very supportive people when it is important. We  all have diverse musical interests  and it is not always possible to comment on every post.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I always loved Fats vocal style. I  call him the Nat King Cole of rock. His  music is a much loved part of my record collection.


(29 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I can imagine sitting in an old historic tavern with a beer hearing a minstrel sing your song.

Zurf I like the guitar playing. Your laid back vocal style works for me.  Jandle thanks for your time and comment. I hope your legs is healing good I have missed you posting music and comments on line.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The disfunctional  family member  can never be easy to deal with in many ways.. It is good  that you can remember Bill's good side.
Condolences to you and your family.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

TF interesting video thanks for sharing,