
(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

The chords are  C  G
                        G  C

for the first two lines of the verses the nthe next two lines have  F C G C

the chorus is F C G C

I am going to put it on youtube when i either get round to it or when i can be bothered to get lots and lots of funny pics to go wit hit and spend hours matching all those pics up to the right part of the sang,lol

Dog walkers, joggers, tramps and drunks

Down in the park tonight just about half passed seven
The park wakens up and goes back to sleep about five past eleven
Dog walkers out with their pets get exercise after their dinner
They need to lose a few more pounds, they’re desperate to get thinner

Oh down in the park is where I like to go
all different people there it’s like a circus show
Dog walkers, joggers tramps and drunks
Down in the park

Down in the park tonight just about a quarter past six
Ye can see the joggers keeping fit jogging in and out among the sticks
They wear those silly shorts that go half way up their bum
And when they reach the end of the park they know they’ve finished their run


Down in the park at the weekend about eight o’clock
Bottles of buckfast flow like a stream, it’s no the time to walk
Wee neds getting drunk and having a laugh sometimes at your expense
They don’t care and neither do their parents, they never taught them any sense.


Down in the park it’s quiet at quarter past eleven
The tramps settle down to sleep, in here they think they’re in heaven
For they found some old ripped blankets that a neighbour had thrown away
Over the fence she chucked them out and in the park they’ll stay



(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I tihnk you should get yourself down to a guitar shop and play a few guitars with these chords and see what sound you get. Pick out a few really really expensive ones to try, see what they sound like.
If it has the same sound then probably the way you are playing. If it sounds clearer and different then I would be edging on blaming the guitar.


yeah he was good
His playing  sorta reminds me of me when I was younger.......... those dreams I had were great. lol


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have met a few famous people.

Lemmy from motorhead.
Nigel from ...from ,,lol, oh yeah the choir boys
All of love/hate
Tyla from dogs d'amour,
billy connolly a few times when i was under 10 ears old, he was friendly wit hone of my neighbours at the time " Jimmy reid" the famous scottish guy that stood up for the workers rights in the shipyards.
Justin curry from del amitri, he was seeing my wifes friend.
Jake burns from stiff little fingers, bruce foxton from the jam and slf,
Mike Peters from the alarm
Tom Weir ( not a singer but a great wee guy tat has walked over al the hills in scotland and had his own tv program in scotland " weir's way"
paul Di'anno, the first singer with Iron Maiden, he was pished out his face talking about how great he was in iron maiden.
Princess Anne, said hello, refused to bow and felt good about that.

hmm, I tihnk that is it, I never reaslied there were so many.



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks rebel,
that makes things a bit clearer now to me on the definition on country music.


ok Toney, will do.

I was planning a trip over there in te next few years but  iwill have to wait and see. Would be going to Georgia and Alabama if I get over.



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

sorry tim,
I never read yer name correctly,lol.



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Yep helen,yer right.

I thought maybe it might have worked in Firefox as it did not work in my Explorer but it doesnt work in either.



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love anything from John Prine altough I would class him more of a country folk singer rather than Country.
I like to do
A boy named sue....cash
hmmmm, I dont know, I am sure I do quite a few but I am still unsure exactly what seperates american folk and country folk or country music.

I see the likes of dolly parton and garth brookes as country,
but I see Johnny cash, although famous for being a country singer, I see him as a country folk singer. Big Kris..... folk, John Prine .....Folk woodie guthrie....fol. yet people see these artits as country.
Country msuc to me is what you would do certain dances to the music like the slosh and alley cat thing? etc.

well, thats my thoughts on country/ country and wetern/country folk/american folk/folk/msuic.

so, still confused



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would and ill continue to avoid "christian music".
I see it as a form of preaching, ramming it down yer throat etc. I dont have objections to thi music, but like bobby says, if you like the music then it is good. I just dont thin kI would enjoy the lyrics if it is about heaven and god etc,.
Maybe I am being naive and ignorant to chrstian music? maybe there is a lot more to it? I dont know and nor will I go out my way to find out.

Spirit in the sky song I think is very good though. I loved that when Dr and the Medics coverd that in 86? 87?

And although I think everyone that coms here or most will probably no doubt know my views on religion and that I am an athesit, but  ido love songs like Sam stone ( mentions jesus) Post war dream ( mentions jesus) and there are several other songs that mention god or heaven or jesus in one way or another that I love and love to sing.
I sometimes think to myself " am I being a hypocrite for singing about god etc when I am a loud mouthed atheist"? then I thnk Na, I am not!!. I like the song, I sing it for the tune and the rest of the lyrics and try not to cringe too much when having to sing "with God on our side" by manfred mann, which would be  seen as a very christian song, but it has a good tune, good lyrics and I like it.
So thats all that matters really.
If I heard a muslim song I liked and sang about allah I might even sing that too. I see being an athesit as youcan sing whatever ye want from any religion ( I am just making all this up as I go along, not really thought of an answer first before replying, but I do that a lot,lol)

aye so, styles of music?
I think it is certain groupls of people that determine the Genre that the music goes in unless it is very obvious.


I know how ye feel. I carry 4 folders of lyrics about whenever i take the guitar out.
Good folders to use are the clear pouch style things, the covers are red,blue,purple, pink or clear etc
In one of my blue ones are my own songs
Orange one is full of my jamming songs ( most popular one wit hfolk songs)
Other blue one is songs I like to do but not as often as the orange book and the clear book I have is ful of pik floyd, syd barrett, a few beatles, dylan, and a few others, ( also anoter well used book)

My problem I thnk is I try to learn too many songs at once to remember all the lyrics, or if I remember the lyrics I will forget the chords ,lol
If I took one book, hid the rest,  ithin kI might manage to learn them all of by heart, but I would forget again if I idnt play them all the time.
Maybe it is the moist air we have in the west of scotland that makes oor memories so bad? Or was it the drugs I abused when I was younger? ( jokin)

Also got a music stand too that the books fit on perfectly.



(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

guarantee a soldier's life while serving in Iraq!

upyerkilt wrote:
alvee33 wrote:

Hey, Ken, do you have a collection of trad scottish folk songs? I've been looking for stuff for ages.

Too dang lazy to transcribe them myself.

yep Al, I got quite a bit.

I went to a site and worked ot chords myself, normally all folk stuff is really eas, in the key of G or C or D with very basic chords A,C,G,D, Em F

I will e mail you what i have if you like. Mostly Corries and and quite a few irish songs.


right ok, e mailed ye about half a book full so if your email looks stuck it is all the files I am sedning,lol


alvee33 wrote:

Hey, Ken, do you have a collection of trad scottish folk songs? I've been looking for stuff for ages.

Too dang lazy to transcribe them myself.

yep Al, I got quite a bit.

I went to a site and worked ot chords myself, normally all folk stuff is really eas, in the key of G or C or D with very basic chords A,C,G,D, Em F

I will e mail you what i have if you like. Mostly Corries and and quite a few irish songs.


thanks toney,
Nope never have done this,  donteven know if I have actually heard it until i hear it, but I like the pyircs an this could be a song I might do.

Old doll, superb lyrics. I tihnk I might have heard that or soemthing like that I am sure.

your reply is the next post ,lol



(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Very good topic.
One I think could be answered properly with research ( maybe more than internet research)
But I would have thought it would originate from india from a form of the seetar.
Or from the greeks or romans since they seemed to invent so much hundreds of yearsa go  or even thousands)

but I have to mention this ,lol. ( since the englis beat the scots at nearly everything apart from curling) it was the scots that played it first on the british isles, ( or could have been ireland)


alvee33 wrote:

I think you'll find that "devine right of monarchs" died with the Jacobites.

yep, that they did.

And that reminds me, I am away to play that on my guitar yet again, "ye jacobites by name", then i will do "bonnie dundee" 9 went down very well in the pub last night".

Also I am learning on guitar ( but usually done on Bodhran) brig 'o' stirling  ( translated, bridge of stirling)

Oh how i wished I lived a couple of hundred years ago and know then what I know now.

I really would be King ,lol, pmsl


i will bloody explain it, lol, na, causes arguments,
but she is not my queen even though she is the queen of Great Britain. I swore no allegience to her or the royal family and never will!!! I even hate all politicians,lol.

Land was here before humans and will be here when we have destroyed the planet so much we cannot live on it, land is no mans ( or womens fo the female extremists,lol)

woodie guthrie sums it all up in a song.lol

( why do people saythings that make me mouth off?)



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi freedom.

Welcome and enjoy!!



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

did you not already ask this before? or something along the same lines?

Only one from the 60's that I know of with the same line up is aerosmith

There might be afew others that split up and got back together?


hi terry,
i am afraid you cannot upload straight onto chordie.
Chordie works as a search engine and get songs from other sites.
If you really want to see it on chordie you have to submit it to another site, wait il it is on the other site then direct chordie to it by adding. tha is the only way. sorry.



(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Chords are my lords, good one old doll.

I beleive in this so maybe I am not an atheist after all?

good wee slogan



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

some do take things a bit too far,lol, but like you said, if he is happy then let him be.
But if he is making money from doingthis then good on him, he will have to get lots of cardboard and design his own gracelands and cover his house in it,lol



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers for that Al,

That looks just like the Ibanez I had my eye on.
But how does it feel to play?
has it got low actio yet will not buzzzzzzz?
can I pay it up a fiver a week like the big Co op? lol
HArdwood top or spruce?

I will be looking ito this guitar more though.

p.s. back in to do a quick edit on this post. I just looked again and saw the ibanez I have my eye on there, same price.
http://www.guitar.co.uk/guitars/electro … tic_guitar

it looks good and sounds good


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

fantastic topic as well as very very funnyreplies.

Whenever you get to traffic lights they are always at red.
