
(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Thank you for having a listen Neo. The appealing factor in Teeks music to me is it' feels like he is digging deep when he sings.
That  song of his , Wash Over Me is tinged with sadness and, while Teeks is not particularly religious,  the river water in that song to me comes through as a powerful cleanser and purifying substance.
"People can interpret that song the way they want," Teek says. "I wrote it after everything that happened last year. I just felt I needed to write something that would help me start anew. My grandfather passed away so it's a dedication to him as well. When he was sick my dad asked me to sing a gospel song for him. I didn't really have one so I thought I would write one for him."
                      Wash Over Me
I'm ready now would you please take me down to the river
To the river
Wash my body, cleanse my soul
Down in the river
In the river
Wash away my sins let them flow away
In the river
Till I'm purer then I was before I came
Smooth waters can you carry me to my redemption
My redemption
Deliver me from the dark
Pour my thoughts into here, let them soak in the river
In the river
Till their pure just like the waters on my skin
Pull me in, pull my down in down, pull me deep in your river
In the river
Fill my cup, fill my glass, fill my soul
In the river
Take me back, take me home to when I was a child
I was a child
Where my mother was the only world I knew


(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

TEEKS (real name Te Karehana Gardiner-Toi) grew up surrounded by music and performance . Teeks has just released  his debut EP GRAPEFRUIT SKIES. Recorded both in New York and in New Zealand, the EP makes a powerful statement that boldly introduces a young artist, who is unequivocally in my opinion one of New Zealand's next great talents.
Steeped in old-school soul and yet glimmering and shimmering with golden moments that capture TEEKS’ strength of youth, the songs that make up GRAPEFRUIT SKIES - from its velvety smooth lead single ‘If Only’ to the simmering soulful ‘Wash Over Me’ - are no short of stunning.  The fact that 23-year-old  is completely unassuming about his talents only makes him more appealing as an artist. He’s a clever, kind, committed songwriter, and I am sure  he’s on the road to big things. I will attach three of his songs.

Wash Over Me

Never Be Apart
If Only


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Sacanaday I am trying to get what your comment is about.?
"I love to sing, and I love to drink scotch. Most people would rather hear me drink scotch."
— George Burns


(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers TF glad I got your morning of to a good start.  Here is a bit of humour with the lyrics of Bluegrass love songs.


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

TF and Badeye, excellent I love Charlie Christian..

Neo the broad range of styles you cover is impressive. Jandle you and your ukulele working well together. Zurf your guitar sounding niice and your laid back vocals real smooth. I will attach a cover of a Rod Stewart song done by a young  seventeen year old that  a friend sent me, which to me  captures the spirit or essence of what  good entertainment is about. Good cheeky fun from a confident kid.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Mojo that is one top song.


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Beamer all you need now is a bass player and you got a got the complete sound.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome great to have another person join us.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf your right Fishermen take care of their own.  One of my uncles spent his working life on the sea. One of his jobs he had back in the fifties was skippering a boat  that people would hire to go fishing around Fiji. He use to say to me Fishing is a great leveler of people. Apart from  those who got  seasick most people would no matter who they are become fun everyday folk once onboard .An example of this was around 1953 Burt Lancaster the American actor hired the boat he was skippering and to cut a long story short through fishing got to know my Uncle. They ended up exchanging letters about once a year. About ten years later my Aunty ended up going to Honululu University on a scholarship  to advance her teaching  career. Uncle Jim mentioned to Burt, that Aunty  Nancy was over in Hawaii in a letter. Burts contacts got hold of Nancy and made sure she was well looked after during her stay in Hawaii. Topdown and Zurf it would be great to sit around a camp fire with you. Jim here in NZ  your gift of a guitar would be considered a taonga.  A taonga is  a treasure in Māori culture; can be anything from a word to a memory or a gift with a meaning and a story. My Aunty who was a teacher aways told me  teaching was not  a career it  is a vocation .Most the kids she taught came from poor families  and to see these kids life's  and families transformed by education was an honour to her.I am greatful for the good teachers I had back in the 60/s and the bad ones I soon forgot.
Below is a link to  Eamon Wood 'writing about himself.
https://themighty.com/2017/07/traveling … sability/.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jim that recording worked good. You have a natural way with finding the right lyrics that work and say something that has a good point to it.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here is a short video with Eamon talking about his plans.  I will attach it to my original post aswell.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TIG I like these lyrics of your's                            Just remember life goes on and on
                                                                                with challenges to face   along   the way
                                                                                 if  you let it get to you, it’ll drive you  mad
                                                                                 With your  heart and soul tested every day     
Can't wait hear it as a song..


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIG that is a excellent quote you put up'
We are not imprisoned by our circumstances, setbacks,or defeats....
We are freed by the choices we make !
Keepitreal, Eamon is an inspiring character.  I will attach a video of him singing and playing  one of his songs. Home made so you cant hear his voice at times. He would be a good guy to have on chordie.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A  young man and his guitar.
Meet the Kiwi who backpacked around the world solo in a wheelchair with his guitar.
Eamon Wood decided he wanted to travel  and to let go of everything he had going on... and be free.
His  original plan had been to hitchhike the more than 250 kilometres from Miami, Florida to Key West. 
But when he heard a tale of the legendary cycle trail that ran between them, he knew he was going to give it a shot. 
Since setting off on his solo backpacking journey some four months beforehand, Eamon Wood had embraced his natural tendency to throw himself headlong into the great unknown and force himself to adapt. Born in Nelson, New Zealand, Wood has been in a wheelchair since the age of four-and-a-half, when a car accident left him with permanent damage to his lower spinal cord.
Now 28, he's spent a lifetime pushing himself to his physical and mental limits; representing New Zealand in wheelchair tennis and basketball, and becoming the first person in a chair to complete an apprenticeship in engineering, helping, as he says, to "deconstruct a few roadblocks for people using wheelchairs who want to become fabricators"

So, the trail through the Keys was a comparatively easy feat. Or so he thought when he set out. 
"I love the sun, I love adventure and most of all I love to push myself physically," he says. "Not only because I know the wheelchair won't slow me down, but because exercise is the perfect antidepressant. The biggest high you will get is from pushing your body and mind past what you think it might be capable of. To get to a point where you have to talk to your body to keep it moving... I live for that feeling."
With zero planning, he pumped up his tyres, grabbed a coffee, and began pushing in what he hoped was the right direction. The first day was easy enough for a man of Wood's endurance: a 32km ride down "an endless backroad" in the baking sun followed by a night in a hostel to "tend to my sunburn with some aloe vera from the garden". 

But on day two, things. got real. Setting out from Key Largo at 9am, he kept going until about 3pm, when he realised he'd veered off the main track. Despite hitchhiking being illegal in Florida, he managed to score a lift from a couple who showed him a few local hot spots before dropping him off at a beach they said he might be able to crash at for the night if he couldn't find anywhere else. The beach was pretty busy, however, so he decided to push on. And on. By nightfall he still hadn't found a place to stay: being Easter weekend and spring break every place he enquired at was booked out. 
Setting a precedent for the rest of the trail, he kept rolling until the early hours of the morning, only stopping when exhaustion forced him to find a safe-looking spot to lay his head on his backpack. That night, he found himself pushing onward until 5am, chanting "I push for days and days" in fatigue-induced delirium, having been forced from one likely looking sleeping spot by a cluster of "beady-eyed spiders" and another by mysterious noises that left him fearful of who, or what might be lurking unseen in the bush. On day six, he completed the final stretch to Key West, arriving to find he'd become a minor celeb.
"People in stores and on the street would come up and say they saw me wheeling along the road. There was pretty much no one on this path down the Keys so I stuck out more than I usually would."

After finding a rooftop pool to cool off in, he met up with the guy whose  houseboat he was couch surfing at for the night and headed to Mallory Square to hang with the "proper tourists". 
"I watched the performers and looked out at the ocean and sunset and said thank you. Thank you for teaching me that I don't need much. That things will work out even if you have to sleep outside. That you can journey as long and as far as you like if you appreciate the journey."
Growing up, Wood didn't have much interest in travel until films such as Into the Wild got him thinking it might just help him find that sense of pure freedom that had eluded him thus far. At 22, he decided he'd hit the road before his 28th birthday, giving him time to complete his apprenticeship, work for a year and save up. Making good on his promise, he set out for the UK last December, aged 27. His aim: "To find out what's important in life to me without the distraction of routine". 
"My main plan was to not have a plan and to just see where I ended up. I didn't really overthink it, I just did it."
Wood's spontaneous tour of the UK saw him head wherever the train system, or new friends, would take him. Getting by on his savings and the occasional bout of busking (he plays the guitar), he met people through staying at hostels and joining local basketball games whenever he could. 
A highlight was discovering he could hire a car with hand controls. In characteristic easy-going fashion, he picked it up in Sandwich and headed north, planning to "get in and drive and see where I ended up". That somewhere turned out to be Iona: a tiny island off the southwest coast of Scotland. Having been told by an ex-girlfriend's father that it was a spiritual place many visited to find peace, he decided, spontaneously of course, to make it the destination of his own pilgrimage. 

Wood got rid of most of his possessions in the US, deciding to travel with just a small day pack and his guitar.
Arriving on the ferry, he wheeled down what appeared to be the "more promising" of two roads, feeling, as only the sound of the ocean broke the silence, that he was as far from home as he could possibly get on Earth. Opting to sleep in a field over the hostel at the end of the road to save money, he got his first taste of that pure freedom he'd been craving. 
"Looking out from the island, I felt like I had it all to myself... This is what I envision my dream of peace would look like. I just lay there looking up and out."
In late February, he moved on to the US, initially planning to buy a van to travel around in. When this proved harder than he'd expected, he decided to look for work on Workaway, a website which helps people find jobs in exchange for accommodation, and go wherever he found something. This had proved hard in the UK. "I had emailed so many places and, being in a chair without any references, I don't think people knew whether they would have to help me with everything. I just needed one person to say yes."
Fortunately one person did. A woman named Priscella offered him work painting car radiators in Locust Gap, Philadelphia - a village, he discovered after digging a path through the snow one evening and joining a St Patrick's Day celebration at the local fire station, where most residents had never met a foreigner before, never mind been overseas. 
Wood spent the next seven months moving from Workaway job to Workaway job in the US and then Europe, embracing what he terms "the life of a true vagabond". He grew a beard and gave away most of his possessions, travelling with just a small day pack and his guitar. He was, he realised, closer than he ever had been to achieving his dream of leading a simple life in tune with nature. 
Now back in Christchurch, he plans to work for about six months to a year before hitting the road again. He doesn't know where, if anywhere, he'll end up settling but it's a fair bet it'll be some remote outpost, probably without easy wheelchair access.
Writing on his blog from the US in June, he said he was waiting, as ever, for "the right moment to let go of everything and start the true life of a vagabond or go bush for a while. I picture myself in a bit of land on the west coast of the South Island, New Zealand completely in it. Like a man in the movies stranded on an island who has to let go of his modern world and learn to live off the land to survive... Why not strap myself to my chair and swing like Tarzan? I want to have the chance to approach life differently than in these 28 years so far."       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gpgr2NmqxM     
Eamon Wood is  also on Facebook.
https://themighty.com/2017/07/traveling … isability/


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you everyone for your kind coments. I am impressed by the number of young people I, meet  who rather than just fit in for the sake of fitting in, are trying  to stand out in good positive ways. Though we are told, on the downside  we here in New Zealand also have the highest recorded rate of youth suicide per capita in the developed world. ..  The population of our country is about four million.  In a normal week two teenagers or two children kill themselve.  About 20 young people will be hospitalised for self-harm each week, it is estimated.

E B I like the guitar shame you cant hear the vocals.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I heard a one hour radio interview with Bonnie a few years back. Not only is she a talented muso she is also an interesting humble person.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

A poem about navigating changes in circumstances after a discussion I had with two differant young  people. They are both looking forward to next year with a bit of nervousness thrown in.  They are thinking  about  flying out of thier  family nests  and taking on the world in the New Year. It is now Springtime  in New Zealand and they willl be making their life changing move in summer.
                                                                                              Time To Bloom
All the seeds sown in me.
About to germinate.
Earth circling on it's  axis
Aligns with the sun.
Bursting light through dark clouds.
Creating tears of joy.
Droplets  sprinkling me. 
Time  to burst out and   sprout.
Under the sun's spotlight..
No longer a spectator.
Waiting for my show..
My time my time.
To  grow,

Sunlight and water.
Sunlight and wind.
Sunlight in the stillness.
Dark nights getting shorter.
No  better time to be me.

Sitting in familiar fertile soil .
Sits my anxious roots.
No longer  looking for comfort.
Just change and posibilities.
Uncomfortable, mixed emotions
overthinking what will  be.
Springtime turning the spotlight
The spotlight on me.
Sunlight, sunlight , pulling at me.
Sunlight  sunlight.
lifting me.
Time for me  to break through.

Sunlight and water.
Sunlight and wind.
Sunlight in the stillness.
Dark nights getting shorter.
No better time to be me..

I'm branching out and flowering.
My limbs  getting stronger.
Empowering me  
Clearing out the rubbish.
That's trying to cling to me. 

Sunlight and water.
Sunlight and wind.
Sunlight in the stillness.
Dark nights getting shorter.
No better time to be me.


(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here is a bit of light hearted Bluegrass with a bit of humour thrown in.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Grah that is a brilliant song it works well with your guitar and singing.  Video and voice nothing wrong with it  a good protest song.

Neo that is a  song  that would have got the crowd bouncing up and down on the floor.

Neo  nice guitar  rythmn and picking.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beamer I like that Lou Reed vibe you got going there on guitar and vocals. Your voice works great when you extend words like out.  So when you sing  Turns me inside with a slightly extended out it works a treat. So if  you  ac|cen¦tu|ate     those last words  in the lines ... night,   light,  fright your voice sounds great.

Neo nice sound.