
(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi J.C,
there certainly is a way.

if you make another song book up first and name it ****acoustic, or anything you want to.

Then go into your current songbook, tick the ones you want to move and go to the bottom of the songbook. there is the options sextion where you can copy or move the songs to another songbook.

It is as simple as that.
If yer having any more probs, just ask again.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi toney,
not confusing there, I was just saying how the chord diagram showed as if you started on fet 0.

The way you mention G/D is slightly different to the variation I am using now. It shows it as


I can carry on using the G chord instead of using the other variation, but the variation makes the tune sound so much better.




(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

i think ye might be right James.
But i will not be playing this chord away up there either ,lol.
I have used yet another alternative that sounds no bad




(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi folk

I have no idea where to ask this, so I ask here.

I was playing a song where it had the chord G/D in it. I  didnt like the sound of the first option it gave me so I click on the chord to get an alternative.
If you follow the link at the bottom it should take you to the page of G/D chords.
The one I am very puzzled with is the second one.
It has the number 0 next to the fret indicating, if like the rest this is fret 0 ( as in one below fret one)
But it has marking where your fingers should go.

Can this be explained or is it a mistake?

http://www.chordie.com/voicings.php?tun … rd=GslashD




(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

gig gig gig and then gig some more even if you gig for free.

Thats how to get notcied,
or on the net on youtubio or myspace. or make a website deicated to your band and have live stream videos at certain times, see how many people log on.

best way though is to gig gig gig gig gig



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I think this is fantastic feature, just have to work out the correct speed sometimes.



(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

go here



(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I read some posts then some posts looked like chapters then turned into books themselves so I never read them all,
But just to get a wee mention here about church and government. If it was not for King William years ago we might still be run by the catholic church, which made too many laws before they were overthrown.
Too much involvement with royality and what their beliefs were. I am glad in a way we have a governemnt for that reason, But i would rather have a monarchy dictaing to us, Then, I do not believe we should have a monarchy when there is a governemnt. geez ohh, I have too many mixed up opinions.

The Church of Scotland and the church of england still have a say even though a very small say in some political matters, they are just not voiced out from the church to make it law. It is probably all corrupt backhanders back and forth.

I do believe that religion was needed many years ago as a method of control, and also it is good to teach good from bad and it comforts people that need it, but ahts about as far as I will accept religion anywhere. It is merely a label that people like to say they are even though if they follow their own books, no matter what the religion you will find there is a teeny weeny minority of people actually follow their religion to the book.

And I dont think it should be brought into music either, they sing every Sunday ( thats if they ever go to church to start with) they could keep it within those four walls, even if just to please me.lol

ok, I am going back to my silence on religion for a while again.
sorry to butt in.

mon' the lizards



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

welcome back michel



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I do this all the time,lol
I do what JAmes said sometimes, other times I just keep searching then give up, coz I can be a bit lazy that way.
And when I go into my profile and click on view all posts I get hundreds



(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I said I would and I have.
In about 3 days time I think, maybe 5? I will be the owner of a Chordie t shirt, just in  time for me to wear at the folk festival on Jura next Friday

cheers Per


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just put another video on youtube. I would have posted this in the songwriters section but i never wrote the song,lol.

I managed to squeeze in a wee advertisment for chordie at the begining, These plectrums from chordie are not just for picking and strumming, oh no, they make a good prop for advertising.


Another one of my " lots of pics with music" vids.


Coz we like to spread out and let the whole world know, lol.
It is a secret plan of ours for many years to take over slowly,lol

ermm, not a secret anymore ,lol

Well, truthfully, I could mouth off a bit here and give my political opinion, but  iwont.

I will just say I have no idea why, but I like it



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/?url= … anspose=0#

That is one of them, but i think it is happening a lot.

and I have just put a new video on youtube and put the CHORDIE plectrums to good use.


but the best part about ac dc is the Young brothers are SCOTTISH!!!!



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Dave,

This has been reported a few times.
Per ( the admin) asked for an example of what song and also operating system and browser.

I reported it as well giving a song and my browser.
Hopefully Per will get onto this and sort the bug when he has a chance.



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

sex buddies? free love???
And where exactly are you again? lol, ( dont tell my wife,lol)

Cheers old doll



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I tried to reply to your hotmail address but that got sent back too saying it could not be deliever. No idea why.
I will try again later, had a few wines to make up for a disapointing night last night,
Will do this thru the week. If I cannot get thru, I will let ye know here.

But here is a link to Belfast14 wit hJake burns doing it.



(87 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi MArc,

I got to tel lye, This link is probably the best ever link I have ever sen on the net ( apart from chordie,lol)
For anyone wanting to learn anything, guitar,harmonica, mandolin, violin, this site really is the place to go.
I will be directing everyone to this site that needs help.

thank you very much for telling me about this site. I am going to try the harmonica and the mandolin now.




(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)


http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/?url= … anspose=0#

I have seen this a few times. If you look at the second or thrid verse the lyrics are missing under the option box.
I am using I.E .



(87 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi marc
Glad to know I am of some use sometimes.lol
I have just started on the mandolin again this week, I keep picking it up puting it down.
But now I have sussed the strings are like a guitar but upside down, I am finding it easier to learn the single notes.
I am trying to experiment on recording on a multi trakc with guitar, vocals, mandolin with chords, mandolin with notes and the uke, I might even bang away at the bodhran.

Wife being in the house is preventing me from this right now.lol




(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Crowed house??
are they not australian?
I have no idea, I just remember someone telling me that a few years ago.

I am sure if they are not someone will correct me.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had to copy and paste this from my e mail, I tried to reply but it came back saying your e mail was no longer valid.
so..here was my reply

Hi Geraldine ( lovely name by the way)

I canny remember what I replied to you early today,lol. I now have had a few beers while watching the scotland game. I have looked but I dunno what ye posted for me to reply,lol, I have looked but failed to find,lol.
I am into rock/heavy rock in a big way, even though I shave my hair now, but I only play the acoustic, all rock songs turn into acoustic for me and also I love and play folk music, trad. irish and scottish and go to folk sessions in a couple of pubs to jam along with others, ye just canny beat the friendliness and the banter.

ahhhh I remember now,pmsl, Belfast 14, excellent song and superb to d oon acoustic, it is not a punk song in any way apart from Jake burns wrote it, he also has a great solo album out that is acoutical called, "drinkin again"

if ye canny find it I will email you a copy of it

game back on
the unofficail "but soon to be official once I get my government to break away from the south" King of scotland


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just re-recorded this song today as I have done with 16 other of my own this week. ( all my family are getting a cd of ME for christmas ,lol)

it might look a bit bad but it is not that bad really. It is not bragging about taking advantage like my wife thought. It is trying to point out the dangers of getting smashed out your face so much that the female has no idea what she is doing or what is going to happen.

I have this song on youtube as well.

Too drunk to care

A  E

She asked me up to dance and I said yes
She said is this your kind of music
I said can you guess
She said No.
She thought I was weird coz I wore a bra
I have no breasts, it’s just for the charm
And she knew
I wore it on the outside when we danced to our song
Seemed to go on forever, it was too long
And we danced

A, A/B

I took her by the hand and went to the bar
I never got myself a drink coz I brought the car
I had to drive
So we talked for a while into each others ear
I thought to myself what are we doing here
We should be home
She wasn’t drunk enough so I bought her a gin
I knew the time was right when I saw that grin
And I’ve scored

A  A/B

D, A, E, A  /  D, E, A
D      A           E                            A      D       E            A
Too drunk to know what you’re doing, she’s too drunk to care   X2

I got her in my car and I took her to my home
I knew that we were going to be all alone
But did she
We were lying in bed after we had some fun
She was fast asleep, should I have done what I done
It was fun
When she awakes in the morning will she remember me
Will she say she had a good time? We’ll have to wait and see.

Too drunk to know what you’re doing, she’s too drunk to care

there is also a very good tribute band in the UK I have seen twice ( if they are still on the go)
They are called AB/CD
they have an angus too but he is about 6 ft tall,lol, and they have a bon and a brian. 2 different sets
