I'm really glad this idea is getting such a great response. Before I posted, I was a bit worried folks would find it kinda dorky.
But... As the internet is obviously much quicker than the postal service, we are getting well ahead of the package. I believe we are in route to NELA in Louisiana, then to KAP in Canada and from there to Roger in Portugal. (Cool - first trip across the pond!) That's great, but I fear this idea/ thread may get buried and forgotten before the package ever arrives.
So, how do we keep the thread current with the package? I would like to ask that after Roger, we stick to the original proposal. No more "jumping in line". Is that fair? How about instead of email (or in conjunction to) the person to receive it would post that info (i.e. "Package Received") and the next member to post to the thread gets it. Seems fair to me.
Another thought - It might be cool to see some photos of the picks as it makes it's travels. I would be interested in seeing what was taken and added as it makes it's journey. I should have done that from the start.
Thanks again folks. This is turning out to be quite interesting.