
(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thankyou Topdown,

Sure im full of a flu here and bored outa my bickie. Glad i made you smile!

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Everything is so so serious now on the news that sometimes a serious topic needs satire
like this. I enjoyed this a lot.
With the troubled history we have had here  in Ireland untill recently, believe me we have loads of stuff like this writtten over the years.
In this kind of Madness one cannor forget how to laugh.

Well done

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The death clock rung its knell for me
said id pop my clogs in 2023
15 years hurray and great
holy moley Ive left it to late.

Ive books to read places to go .
music to listen to flowers to sow
i want new puppies to walk anew
learn barre chords and the flipping F# too.

Now Arkadys new picture is on my space
hes tall and handsome and kind of face
the death clock told him he died 2003
for 5 years dead he looks good to me  { have a look Ladies and Charlotte! He owns a castle }

I went back to death clock told some white lies
im now 5feet 3 with china blue eyes
ive never smoked or chocolate ate
Cholesterol is fine demon drink now i hate.

Now here i sit with pure delight
15 & 12 to get things right
there sparkle in these  ole blue eyes
My new deathcall is 2035...

Was that the whole forum i heard groaning???  God your all so bold.

Young Doll !.:lol:


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)


The gingerbread was delicious, just what i needed to shift my flu! As im here talking about you!
I mean gingerbread lol

Can you or anyone here tell me how and where did the GingerBread House Originate? I have googled but only get recipes.  My son brought home a kit from boston of one. It was delightful
made up.. {Picture in my space!
Mise {me} and the gingerbread house took a wee trip to my brothers house in Kildare. His wee girl had her 5th birthday sunday gone, so the gingerbread house was hers. It also went down in price by about 100,000 euro as the houses here in Dublin are a ridiculous price. lol

He wee face was a treat, but i could not tell her the story of same. So bonedaddy before you head to bed as your "Old Now", Hows about answering this for me. I just know you know the answer!!

Your such a gingerbread Man. You sweet thing you!

Old Doll{ whose allowed stay up late.:lol:


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Ark,

The finger pickings coming on fine, i think. Finger tips a wee bit soft from all the water and flowers over christmas, which always happens anyway.
I am sorry now i didnt stick to fingerpicking that song it  does sounds so much better.
If it aint broken Ark !!!!!  I Never learn.

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Charlotte dont use a razor Pet. It leaves ladies skin all  red and sore. We dont look good with bits of toilet roll stuck all ove us, aint lady like!!

Heres a vey helpful link for you!

When you get to this go to the Powder Puff Room!! lol


Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Ah dont change your name! I love the image of you in  a bra and  thingy tongies lol

Get clever with the high heels, only wear the real high ones  when you know you only have to take a few steps from a car to a pub or restaurant. Thats what most girlies do!

Charlotte, of course when your walking up and down someones back, thats a whole other story lol

Do it very gently, ya dont want to go spikeing them. Or maybe you do!!

Bold Old Doll.

Roger Guppy. Fair play to Henry! Only Gay Cat i ever heard of!.  Wooooooohooooo Henry.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

James wright,

very  very good song. A great Irish dyslexic song writer died 2 weeks ago. " Christy Hennessy"
He always held a pen in his hand? as he maintained there was a connection between it and the brain!
I have been to his shows. So shy so bashful, so so genuine, i absolutely loved him. The very essence of a Gentleman.

He wrote a song called "Star" also about how he was treated as a singer/ musician.  Never taken seriously or didnt look the part!  Some of the words from this song are.

I have known my highs and lows
i worked on every show
played in every town
brought some houses down.
critics never noticed me
im not a star you see
yet i give my heart to every part.

This a link, but its not the best sound. I have his CDs and there wonderful.


My point in all of this "Never give up on your dreams"

Dia Linn Christy!  "I so loved you .  {God To you}

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi John,
I did read this yesterday, and liked it so. My eyes were dazzled with whatever magic you put there?
One big image of Paris Hilton" i seen all through this piece? which somhow i feel was not your intention!

Very good song. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

well done.

Thank You

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Keep what you have written here.
Now change the thought pattern  on what you felt was a ending and finish your song.

I bet this will completely change the way you felt about this moment in that space and time.

Because it has had time to mature!

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I dont know how i missed this yesterday?

CHEEKY! isnt the word for it! This is the most suggestive piece of writing
ive read in a long time.  But good Bonedaddy, is this how you happened on your name also??

The mind completely boggles.:lol:  God being 40 does very strange things to some people.
Wait till your 50, i have heard its a fact finding mission of solitary pleasures!! Gosh i cant wait lol

Well done Bonedaddy.

Old Doll.


(26 replies, posted in Songwriting)


My whole being shudders to a halt when i see the word " abortion" Maybe because at one time in my life i was told id never have children.
I also was with a 19 year old girl when she decided to have her baby and not abort all of 35 years ago.. I was with her when she handed this baby over for adoption.
I was also with her 22 years later when they were reunited. Such a profound moment.
He had had a wonderful life and Parents. He was and is a wonderful Young Man.
So So very glad he was never aborted and his seed was given the freedom to blossom.

Dia Linn to you. [God to you ]

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I know this should be in Chat! But as Jason contributes so much writing to this section.
I would like this left here "PLEASE ADMIN.


Use all your senses today. be so aware of them and you will remember how good today

feels for the rest of your life.

Etch this somewhere in your being today from Old Doll.

Give up the "want" Know in your heart this day you dont need one more thing to make your self
complete. Then see all the materiar things become less and less important for you to have a great life.

This fella cost a packet to perform for you Sunshine! But we all know here your worth it lol


From the Emerald.

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Forum,
This has been recorded now for some time! mistakes and all as usual.
I did change the way it was played originally. Now im thinking May be i shouldnt have?

Its now on Foc. Thanks again to Mr Guppy. When you get time give it a listen to.

Thank You!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks to all as always.

Thanks James!  Glad you also liked this little tune. It was a couldnt resist one after i read Southpaws Post.

Maybe im not such an eejit after all! lol

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks as always Roger Guppy,

Now my use by date is  Saturday { well thats one night ill be heading out and it wont be with the girlettes lol Ill be heading out the way i usually come in "flattened, {I jest Hmm well not really} 18th  November 2023. One less gift for the lads to purchase. lol such a thoughtful Mam!

Theres a lot of pluses here! It gives me 15 years to learn the F#. 15 years to travel more!
15 years to love my Kids! 15 years to smell the coffee and flowers along the way. 15 years of
music . my friends , birhdays, sure ill be glad to go.
Then im going be a siren Ghost, and check out all the the men who promised us girlies Heaven On Earth lol under the blakets with the  Angel Girletts.
Roger Guppy ! As your gonna be around for a long time WHOOOOOHOOOOO,THATS THE SOUND YOU BETTER GET USED TO . TEEHEE.

Siren Ghost!

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol lol

Nice one Charlotte!

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Alvee! where on the forum is the deathclock post?

Because when i woke today i felt like i should have been in the obituarys!:lol:

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Ark And Roger!

It took me so blinking long to make sure i got it write, and then! I just feel such an eejit
when i get it wrong again and again. The lift never seems to go to the top floor with this format.
Im going to use your link Ark next time. It looks good.:lol:

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Morning Docs.

Aw Docs this is so good. One cannnot beat the writings of reality. I love this.

Is it me only, feeling that cold cold wind, caressing my face, darling
E                B                      A                          B                      A                    B
My body feels soaked, having wet cold, feet too, wish some warmth, oh my darling
  E               B                        A                                 B
I’m so afraid when it rains, like 1000 angels weeping on me, my darling
  E                 B                         A                            B   
Will we end up like me and the tree, both broken, my darling.

Its a very cold place to be when your feeling unloved, by your lover that is!

Well Done.
Have a painfree day.

warm hugs to you.

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Thank You Chordwayze,

Beautiful! Just what this Brandy soaked Brain needed this morning.

Happy New Year.

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

How could you not invite the forum to your Birthday Bash?

Are ya that mean with your cheap plonk?. I have bottles of Cava, bucks fizz, and as we have a Chilean Restaurant in the family , copious amounts of your Favourite, Concha Y Tora.
Well now as your an Earth sign like meself
I know as a rule  were not mean. So cough up now and tell why we wern't asked?.
Your so bold.
I would have played this for you youngfella.:lol:


Belated Happy Birthday with Warm Hugs from The Emerald.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well Jets,

Thats the real deal. If you cant say a good word learn to say nowt
I agree actions do speak louder!

Nice one!

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Southpaw.
This wee song came about after reading your newyears resolution. I do try every day to live my life like this. I never had a problem telling people i love them. Unfortunately sometimes  for me its misconstrued  for sexual love, which is not  the case. In saying this " I love you as a fellow human being,and what you do here on the forum. You have brightened up many a wet day here for me with your writings.
Your song is quietly sung and picked  all through. Im not great at bridges so you do what you like with this one as its now yours.
Blessings from "The Emerald" Old Doll.

Southpaw41L Resolution 2008Helena Donovan

[G]You have arrived and you are [C]free

[D7]when your thinking just not [G]me

[Em]to cir--culate the [Am]vision

[D7]that's the love that is your [G]soul.

[G]To give out not to [C]receive

[D7]to all that you [G]believe

[Em]is your key to being [Am]thee

[D7]that's the love that is your [G]soul.


[C]Throughyour Music you [G]impart

[D7]from the rhythm's of your [G]heart

[C]everyday to us [G]anew

[D]That's the love that is your [G]soul.

[G]When you love with self [C]respect

[D7]see real people not [G]objects

[Em]you have found your noble [Am]call

[D7]that's the love that is your [G] soul

[G]Enjoy your new [C]resolution

[D7]you have found the right [G]solution

[Em]With truth live love, your [Am]being

[D7]that's the love that is your [G]soul.


[C]Throughyour Music you [G]impart

[D7]from the rhythm's of your [G]heart

[C]everyday to us a[G]new

[D]That's the love that is your [G]soul.

[D]That's the love that is your [G]soul.

Once again i didnt get this right! lol I give up!


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have read lots here about the use of thumb while  playing guitar. Keeping the wrist well out i

understand but! If you can do this like this great guy then why not?

Or! He is the exception?


Old Doll.