
(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol daddy, I totally agree with you, they all should as should some fathers ( like me)

My wife gave me a "oh god not that song again" sort of look. I played this to her 13 years ago and i think that was maybe the last time until this wee i done it again.

And hi legate, Thanks fopr the comment on daddy where did you go. And this song is not to start a conflict.
Dont normally get many conflicts on chordie.

Hope you enjoy the site and add to the forum either for helping people, asking questions, sharing an odd song or two you have written etc, or just for general chit chat in the section for chitty chatting.

hope you find your way around ok on the site. A few things to remember that are often asked.
Since this site acts as a sort of search engine you cannot post other artists songs straight on, but you can direct from other sites to chordie.
you can make up songbooks of songs you like and make them private or public to share with others.

Any prbs just ask in the "about chordie" section or in any other relevany section



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

still something wrong.

I tried spacing those verses out but they did not space out.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this has been changed from the original one I wrote about 18 years ago, before I even played the guitar. The main gist of the song is still here.
Very first lyrics I wrote. My mates wee bro done the guitar at the time for it and unless I am singing it in a different key I tihnk the chords are the same, or I have changed the whole song and rewrote a new song from an old one.
It is not really about being male chauvanistic in a way. It can be about a daughter as well. About how kids ( even older kids staying with their parents) take everything for granted, how they cannot do things for themselves. So, no, this is nothing to do with my personal life.

A woman's placetraditional male chauvinistic song

by Ken Godwin ( a self confessed male chauvinistic pig)

D G A                chorus    G D G D G A

H[D]ey mum what ye do[G]ing, th[D]eres work to be d[A]one

Wa[D]ken up g[G]et out of bed, c[A]ant you see the sun

I[D] need a s[G]hirt ironed a[D]nd my trousers t[A]oo

Do[D]nt wash my wh[G]ites with any colours o[A]r the air will turn blue

A[G] woman’s place is [D]in the home.

C[G]leaning up after m[D]e

A w[G]omans’s place is [D]in the home

D[A]oing work for free

Hey mum don’t you know it, I’m gonna be late

Better hurry up and get my breakfast don’t make me wait

I hope you done some shopping, I’m needing fed

I want scrambled eggs and cereal, don’t want  no bread

A woman’s place is in the home

Cooking and slaving for me

A woman's place is in the home

Doing work for free

Break ( verse ) [D] [D] [G] [A]

Hey mum what ye watching? I need my dinner now

Stop watching  tv stop it now, stop acting a lazy cow

Don’t undercook it or burn it, you know I might throw up

I want my favourite dinner and a cup of tea in my cup

A woman’s place is in the home

Cleaning up after me

A woman's place is in the home

Doing work for free

Hey mum what ye sayin? ye cant go on no more

Don’t be silly  carry on, ye cant walk out the door

Who will wash my laundry? Who will cook my food?

Who will do all my work for me? I’m sorry if I sound rude





(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I missed this firs time round

very very nice old doll!!

I think I might givce this one a bash

and like James said, I want to hear this, are you puting it on myspace or youtubio or anywhere else we can hear it?



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

is there no smilies here t oindicate very big YAWNING lol

Jerome, live and let live and stop going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

there are more people on the internet that download for free than people that pay, so looks like the majority of the world are all wrong.

I will not answer back on this as I have indicated at the top I am tired of yawning at this worhtless insignificant discussion on whether it is right or wrong.

Happy strumming



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good one James,

and thanks james,Roger and Jason.

I just rewrote a song I done when I was 19 or 20. The very first song I had written lyrics too. Before I played the guitar!! My mates wee brother done the chords then.

But now I lost the original lyrics and cannot remember what chords they were, but I have rewrote it and the lyrics if not the same are very close. and I think I managed to get the chords correct unless I sing in a different key now,lol.

I will post it on very soon.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

a way to remedy this until Per repairs it is:

I found a way to help though for songs you are wanting "nice to look at " fast.

I went into improve song at the bottom, when it goes into the part to edit the song it looks like all the lyrics are on new lines for each line ( if ye know what I mean?)
Well I went to the end of each line and pressed return, so in the edit section it looks like there is a double space inbetween but when it goes back to the song, all the verses are sitting nice again.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

totall with you on this zurf,
I have mentioned this twice in the main about chordie section as has other people, so i am sure per is trying to sort this, or hopefully he is trying to.

I found a way to help though for songs you are wanting "nice to look at " fast.

I went into improve song at the bottom, when it goes into the part to edit the song it looks like all the lyrics are on new lines for each line ( if ye know what I mean?)
Well I went to the end of each line and pressed return, so in the edit section it looks like there is a double space inbetween but when it goes back to the song, all the verses are sitting nice again.

hope this helps, I mshould mention this in the main part I suppose,



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I can hoenstly say I have no idea how to play that instrument.

I did successfully blow into one years ago in school, only about 4 or 5 managed to do it.

good luck with it, All I can say is I am glad I dont live next door to you.lol



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good luck with your move

Another suggestion..
when i moved and I knew i would be offline for a couple of weeks I highjacked my mates computer now and then or the works and went into my songbook and printed out some songs, just so i was not left with nothing at all.
Just think though, if you only get 5 songs printed and that all you got for one month, think of how good you will get at those songs.



(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

what is it with all these jokes about banjos?
Do the majority of people not like the sound of a twanging banjo?
If played properly it is an excellent instrument to list to and a great one for a jamming session.

I heard a few banjo jokes last night at the folk night.
Some were directed at my father in law as he was sitting with a banjo, but he replied to one of the jokes that he was not a banjo player, he was a guitar player and a singer and only had the banjo to make a noise thru songs he didnt like.

The joke that made him say this reply was.....

The definition of a gentleman is, a man that can play the banjo but doesnt.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:

Try making a clockwise circular motion with your right foot and then making a counter-clockwise circular movement with your right hand. Look what happens.
If you can achieve this you are a freak. lol

I managed this as well,

I had to do it on the second attempt after I realised what I done the first time.
It is very hard to do and I think impossible if you get someone to do it for the first time and tell them to do it at the same time.
Good one Al



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


aye right, then let us carry on being humans.

I will carry on thank you, just you carry on doing your thing and I will carry on with my thing.
I will e mail you and let you know, just so people that work on  "intellectual property rights protections"  lol  dont think I am advertising it freely.   lol


hi phil

I got a few things in my favourites on youtube, the best one i have came across is a very popular one called " evolution of dance"


he is really good



(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i have not been readin,lol

I was just wondering if this has turned into an argument yet as you are all talking aboutreligion



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I never knew you could copy and paste songs into a program like microsoft word etc. before. That is the reason why Per made changes so you can do it.
I noticed too though these bloacks surrounding the text but there is no need anyway. as James said there is ways round this problem by going into the edit and copying or pressing print.

there are a lot of features on Chordie, not all will suit everyone. If Per was to constantly change things to suit one or two people out of over 122,000 he would have to give up his day job and tell his wife to look after their new baby on her own so he can constantly ehlp people on here.

I am not having a go at anyone asking for help here, just saying how it is. Chordie admin consists of one guy and a few of us help moderate.

I am sure Per would still like suggestions on how to improve even if he doesnt go along with every change that is mentioned, he still reads and considers them all I am sure.
OUt of all the people online I interact with, he is the one person top of my list to get a beer and a whisky bought for if he ever enters on MY scottish soil.




(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I wouldnt have thought so apart from printing them all out, but when you move in and get connected again your songbooks will still be online.


oh, I got somthing I hate, yes folk, I hate someone.
I think hate is a very strong word but I must say I really do HATE, DETEST the bouncer in the ABC on suchiehall street in glasgow.
I hate him so much I would not pee on him if he was on fire, iF he was stung by a jelly fish or if he needed the last t spoon of my urine to stop him dying of thirst.

Phew, glad I got that if my chest.

The wee turd threw me out " the alarm" concert last weekend before the band came on. I saw my mate's band " the red eyes" that were supporting the Alarm then I went to the toilet. I was a little bit sick in the toilet pan and flushed after me without making a mess. I was not even drunk. I ate a chinese meal not long before I went in and drank a pint of lager on top of that, I tihnk thats what made me sick?.
He heard me boking in the cubicle and asked if I was ok when i came out. I said I had been sick but felt much better, then he escorted me out the building saying for health and safety reasons I had to leave.
And he made sure I did leave!!

I have writeen to the BAC to complain and the papers, I have heard nothing back from either.

health and safety in the workplace says you are not suppose to wear jewellry yet he had his lip pierced, I was not even offered to see a first aider, instead I was told to get out the side door into the street.

there, thats why I hate him

Love to all ( apart from him)


dylan was very good but also so was neil diamond and jim diamond and jon bon jovi,
yeah he done quite a few good ones, meatloaf fitted in well to start singing "I will do anything for love"

marks out of 5?   3/5


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

if it was not ok then buskers, famnous artists, everyone near enough would be getting sued.

Probably about 95% of bands I have seen have done cover version live, but have not had it on a cd or album.

Of course it is ok.

If in the slight chance it is not ok, I cannot see anyone suing anyone over someone covering their song and not actually recording it for the purpose of making money.

You go play and tell them I said it was ok, and dont listen to anyone else ,lol

freedom of speech, freedom to roam
if I want I will recite rabbie's poem
no one will hold me down to submit
I will sing what I want and dont give a shhhhhhhhhh


yeah, well,
gota bit boring after a few minutes ,but he was not bad for an act at a variey show i suppose.

I left a comment saying he was only good at doing axle rose because it was axle rose.



(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

I've always felt that the role of the church (of any stripe) had nothing to do with God.   I don't believe anyone has the absolute truth, and that God speaks to us each individually. .

this is why in my song " i am an athesit" I sing

Don’t need no “good† man how to tell us to live
He’ll put out his hand but expect you to give.

it is all about money and greed and power in all religion

agree or not, but it is true.
everyone should sit down and think about this with an open mind, you will know I am speaking sense.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

not at all jerome,
bands being greedy is wrong. most have enough money but want more. they dont need it.
Music should be shared and should be entertaining, not a way to screw money out of people as juch as they can.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

if you are playing it live and cannot sell it in form of cd then you are ok.
If you get it recorded live and sell it as cd or dowloadabvle form then you are breaching.

As long as you are not on stage pretending to be that person singing. and I dont mean pretending to be someone through a tribute band.

You can song what you want live and get paid without getting prossecuted, as long as you are not selling it on a recorded method.

all these big bands that do covers live on stage do not pay royalties for covering a song. It is only when they put it on cd.

So, you can go out and play as much as you want like bornj again, they made a fortune on abbas songs.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

errrm, guitar girl,
Errrmmm ,lol, I think you have posted that in the wrong section,lol
