Here is me trying a Irvine Berlin Christmas  tune with Robert Anonymous on Guitar and my not so good vocals.

A good  Christmas song you wrote EB. I also like the photo of the Pohutukawa tree in flower with your song.  For those who don't know what a  Pohutukawa trees is. The Pohutukawa tree with its crimson flower has become an established part of the New Zealand Christmas tradition. It only flowers on or around Christmas and New Years.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Badeye great thread I check it out regularly. Here is a Kiwi  Country  Blues Group. they are good but I must say they need more  of a traditional blues  feel instead of their smooth flow.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Neo I like the idea of people drawing cartoons to tell every day stories. The thing is is with cartoons you don't have to be a great artist. It  also can be another way of doodling.


(23 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you clippath. At the time when Jandal put that up on soundcloud I got some very good feed back from people. It was wonderful how Jandal made the song work.
I was pleased to read Phills excellent poem on this same subject that tackles a problem for many woman around the world.


(13 replies, posted in Recording)

That was a great idea for a cd  Did it happen ?


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TIG I like the way  your song  reveals hard times are good in their own way.. For  me as I see life, the only way most people  achieve true happiness is after they have experienced true sadness. You are a very talented songwriter.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is my way of making a cartoon of a  office Christmas party. I tried to make it look like an exaggerated snap shot of three people at a party by doing a  simple pen drawing.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Tig I should thank  Irving Berlin for the tune. My guitarist who wants to  be called Robert Anonymous for his playing.
"White Christmas" is a 1942 Irving Berlin song reminiscing about an old-fashioned Christmas setting. The version sung by Bing Crosby is the world's best-selling single with estimated sales in excess of 100 million copies worldwide. Other versions of the song, along with Crosby's, have sold over 150 million copies. Here is me with my version with  the  lyrics Guitar Christmas selling no copies  worldwide.


(5 replies, posted in My local band and me)

A nice reggae Christmas vibe ctech,


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is my Santa wish attached.


(24 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

In winter it  is even more cool.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Love the video TIG . I will attach a short 40 second video of me drawing a Christmas Cartoon while listening to Vivaldi.


(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Interesting Guitar and vocals.


(24 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Fantastic beautiful city Neo. Here is a tourist promo  video of Wellington.

I meet up with a group of friends including Easy Beat  usually once a week and one of the things we have debated about is the fickle bussiness of copyright and publishing music. I thought I better look into it more.         The origin of copyright law began with efforts by the church and governments to regulate and control the output of printers. I have learnt that many artist have received a pittance in royalties simply  because they signed away their copyright.  This is called assigning your copyright to a third party. Music must be one of the most over-hyped and unregulated industry of all time. The great publishing houses of the 1940's were active in one thing exploitation of the work of songwriters who wrote to order. to meet the demands of popular singers and Broadway musicals of the big band era. Many songwriter were on salaries. Writers started to realise the  enormous capacity of  their work to mesmerise a nation and catapult  the recording artist to fame.
A movement began towards songwriters sharing the copywrite royalties. Why not publish yourself? The better known companies have the ability to  market and make more money from your writing than you can do yourself. Another advantage of a big label or music publisher is they will collect- vigorously- every cent owed to you. So how does it work for the publisher or record company?  The copyright payment is deducted  immediately from the  amount  paid by the retailer or what business buys your song. It is then paid to the publisher- the owner of the copyright or held in a seperate account until claimed by the rightful owner.
What you get depends on what your percentage agreement is with your publisher. Anyone can be a publisher. You just need an address a computer and a standard contract. and the ability to convince the writer it is a good idea for you to exploit their work for the life of the copyright. Which now also means up to after fifty years after the death of the writer. Many songwriters have been taken to the cleaners through signing bad contracts,

When the person on the street buy's 'someone else's  music it does not provide the rights to use this music in a commercial or public setting. Music is sold for private/domestic use, so any use of this music by a business or organisation is a public performance that requires licensing. The same rule applies whether you have purchased a physical CD, bought a digital download or stream music through a subscription service. 
Modern day  International copyright can be traced back to the  British Statute of Anne 1710.. Initially copyright law only applied to the copying of books. Copyright now covers a wide range of works, including maps, performances, paintings, photographs, sound recordings, motion pictures and computer programes..
Today national copyright laws have been standardised to some extent through international and regional agreements such as the Berne Convention and the European copyright directives. Although there are consistencies among nations' copyright laws, each jurisdiction has separate and distinct laws and regulations about copyright. Some jurisdictions also recognize moral rights of creators, such as the right to be credited for the work.


(24 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Cheers Neo it is 24c  today or 75 f here in Wellington today. Your Mum  was a good lady it is sad the cancer got in the way, Here is a  short videos I made of around our city  Wellington today .


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I with you ctech the simple home made things are better then all the mass produced things and the madness of the city.. I am not self sufficient but I can see the benifits of that way of life.
Here is a little video of a song I did on life with my friend. Robert Hall He had trouble with the soundmix when we did the vocals so they only  come through on one channel.


(24 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Neo  I am enjoying what everyone is adding to the thread. More the merrier keep it going. I havent been to Perth but everyone I know who goes there tells me it's a beautiful city. My wife  visited Fremantle on a ship she was on and loved the place. A young guy who use to do a bit of guitar for me loves playing music in the bars around Fremantle and also in Perth itself. My friend's son  use to work out of Perth driving trucks from Perth to Port Headland. Another friend of mine son lived there and life was going good until his other half murdered their 22month old son at Hillarys Boat Harbour.  She had claimed at the time that the boy unfastened himself from his stroller while her back was turned but when police reviewed CCTV footage her story did not add up. Thats my two bobs worth on Perth.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Your style of singing and playing get the anger behind the lyrics out real good.  I like the how your song tells   it in a confident way, "don't you dare  think I am stupid"

You think you’ve got me,
Caught in your trap,                               
I’m not stupid   
I’ll never fall for that,,
Great lyrics


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ctech I can feel pain coming through in your song, man you put it together good.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TF  Your words hit home to me about how oppresive the news can be and how it's a struggle some days to not drown in all of the sadness we're having crammed into our ears.
Ctech the world is more connected but the truth is it's a big disconnection out there for many. I am with you TF when you write "Our thoughts need to be constantly focused on what is true, good, precious, and important".                   Good lyrics ctech


(20 replies, posted in Poems)

That is an excellent  quote from Frank at time's he could put together clever thoughts and words.. Strange how sometimes words come into ones vocabulary I became aware of the word  Bromhidrosis.after listening to Frank Zappa  song Stinkfoot.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

For me I prefer the Joni mitchell and Mathew Southern Comfort version's with the original chorus.

We are stardust.
We are golden.
And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Crosby Stills version  and their changed chorus didnt work for me.
We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year-old carbon
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden.

Neo your a very talented music man. I enjoy your videos and your warm family setting.