
(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I will accept the fact that the troggs did not write wild thing, but what I want to know is why did the singer from the troggs rake in all the roylaties for it and made him a rich man when wet wet wet spent 15 weeks at number one with it. Why was it not the original singer that got all the royalties?
Maybe because he sold the rights to the troggs?

Anyone know?



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

pmsl, hanx for that advice bootlegger, will keep that in mind




(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After reading some of those posts, especially geraldines aboutn her hubby being jealous of her musical ability, it has made me think.
ithink i am a wee bit jealous of my wife's musical abillity too. Although I can strum away and write a few songs which she cant, or doesnt want to try, she can finger pluck properly and makes it look so easy, yet she is crap at strumming. She is good/half decent on the violin for a beginner, she can pick up a tin whistle or recorder and start getting the right notes straight away , even a harmonica. And also because the mandolin is tuned the same as a violin she can do all the wee lead part on the violin where I just strum the mandolin chords.

So, yeah, I am jealous she has a better ear or abillity to play and jam more than me.

But the two of us together work quite well as long as I dont try something and fail for her to pick it up and show me when she has never done it before herself,lol.

Aye, i got a cracker!!



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

cheers old doll and cheers roger.

roger maybe you could seranade a 3rd mrs guppy with this song, just so she knows where she stands from early on ,lol



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)


ok this is it.

the video to a womans place.
took me three hours to record guitar, mandolin,uke and kazoo along with vocals and searching for all those pics and placing them in the right place.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi Lena pal, lol

I never meant for any slagging, it was all fun, well it was here anyway. I was having a good laughreading your posts to me and having a good laugh replying to you. I am thinking you were taking it all as a joke too, or i hope so, yeah ,ye were. and now I am expecting you to reply back saying you were serious, lol, but now you wont because I have spolied that for you by predicting what you were thinking, so now you will tell me you were not thinking that so I look inferior ,lmao,
ok, stop, this could go on for a while.

I have just spent the past 3 hours recording the song and making a video for it.
In the middle where the break is I forgot to show a picture of the mandolin along with the guitar, uke and kazoo, but too late now!!
Also, I got the words wrong in my own song at the begining but after four attempt of trying to put the vocals down over the guitar and mandolin I thought " good enough", I sang " hey mum where you doing" instead of  "what you doing".

ah well, hope ye all enjopy it and take it as the joke it is intended to be

All the best Ken


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great wee story there Zurf.

Must be something with music and animals. It would be good to live on a farm to test the guitar out on all animals in it.


p.s. I thought the name groundhog was just made up for that film. We get hedgehogs but that is it.
I am thinking a groundhog might be a mole or like a mole?



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

pmsl, old doll, it is sunday, a day of rest, even for women, well it is if they have finished all their duties from yesterday,lol

And people say a woman's work is never done. Not true, they get the guys to doit properly for them lmao,

I just get this feeling I deserve a slap smile  hmm, yes please!!

why would a guy want to be a woman? a few reasons

1. so they dont get nagged at.
2. So they have last say.
3. so they have a pair of breasts to play with whenever they want.
4. So they can sit down and do a pee without thinking I should be standing for this
5. So they have an excuse to blow £100 and show nothing for it and say it was spent on the       hairdo

Thats just 5 from the top of my head ,lol.

Old Doll, you sit down and put yer feet up and enjoy the day.
Get yer boy to run around after you or even better if ye have a daughter get her to do it and let yer boy rest ,lol

I am going to go record a woman's place now.lol


I like this and I thin kit is an ok size, not too long, not too short.
I played it really slow and done the chorus twice at the end, works for me!!

cheers daddy



(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

good post phil!!



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just remembered this after reading Dado's post in " local band" "let hear about your gigs" where he was talking about having a dog not appreciating his music lol

And although looking at the subject heading for this thread it has nothing to do with women being chained to the sink lol

When I was camping about 10 years ago, lovely day, white clouds ( not the normal grey/black we are used to in scotland) with the sun somewhere up there making it quite bright, I was sitting on the bonnet of my car strumming a few chords. I was not playing anything in particular if anything at all. I might have been sitting just making a noise, i really canny remember now.
A herd of cows started to pass, or most passed but the younger cows, not quite calves but a bit younger than the bigger ones stopped and began to look at me. There was a bout 4 or 5 of them listening to me.
At this point I began to play a song, Knocking on heavens door I think it was. They began to walk toward me as I played while the rest of the heard moved on. When I stopped they young cows stopped coming towards me and started to face the rest of the herd. I began to play and they started coming forward again.
I done this three or four times, stopping and watch them move on then play and watch them come toward me.
I stopped when I thought they were getting too close. Not that I am scared of them but thought at the time, how close will they actually get if I keep playing? would they have came face to face? would they have kept a certain distance? I didnt really want to find out since I would have no idea what to do if they came face to face, especially if they started to drop their guts out on my camping area.

So, next time yer in a filed whether yer camping or not and there are cows in it, try playing your guitar, especially if there are young calves in, see if they take an interest.



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Cheers Don, lol
I think I will show my wife this page and let her see that she really has to try harder around the house.pmsl

Old Doll, thanks, I know I am a git, but a lovable one,lol. Hope ye had a good time out, i was stuck in all night with a few beers and 2 good drams of whisky.

And now I think I will have to do something today while it is pouring down, record this song. take my time and make it sound good, add in a mandolin, add a uke and maybe an african drum. I feel like I should get the african drum in as the african women really do know how to do the housework, it will be a sort of nod to them,lol.

this could turn out to be one of my best ever creations, lol



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

patrick, I think it could get applied by spraying onto a cloth first, then it would not get on the varnish.
But what Dino says, makes me think, if human body oil harm strings then fish oil might too, thats if it really is fish oil. But then maybe oil from humans would harm them if human oil dries out and wd40 doesnt, or not as quick?
I think this would go into biochemistry area here, something I have no idea about.

Well, I think I will not bother using it just in case, unless someone comes on and says it is good, or just when I think it is time for a string change I wil try it. Be a while now as I just changed them last week.


i dont think you would be funky. I would like to see different ones too.
I thin a lot will agree withyou but have not said.
I know from my point of view I just got used to seeing it and maybe even ignored it after a while and went searching on my own.



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Ah, this song gets the reaction I thought it would, apart from calling me a male chauvanistic @@@$%*&("$%*
Maybe my disclaimer before stopped lena ? lol

Lena, I was going to add all that in but it would make the song too long,lol

legate, this is a song you will have to play to your wife,even just to get a reaction.

Cheers selso, but humour? I am deadly serious ,lmao, ( also had a few beers tongiht)

And thanks roger, now go play it to your wife see what she says,

and for anyone else wanting to play this to their female partner, do it with a serious face, just so they get the message lmao,

I cannot stop laughing now. and I am glad my wife has just went to bed or she ight start thinking what I am writing is what I think she should be doing, well.........



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Cheers Roger,
( and how ye doin?)

It can be played moderatly. I play it fast or slow or inbetween sometimes, depends on how i feel or how much I want to annoy my wife ,lol

I think I might make one of my picture videos tomorrow or might even do a vid with me in it,lol

but will let everyone no doubt as i always do,lol



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

legate wrote:

Cool, i checked out your website..  Its so weird for me to realize that i am chatting with people from across the planet.. I'm kinda new to all of this..  So, your from Scotland ?.

yep I am, living next to loch lomond in Scotland, well a 10 minute walk away from the loch.

I was new to all this as well about 8 or 9 years ago and still remember the thoughts I had when talking to people in america, australia, singapore and even russia. Fetl really weird knowing I could type to someone from thousands and thousands of miles away, dont even know them personally but it is fun and educational sometimes to know how others think in parts of the wolrd.
the internet really does bring people closer together, and in this site which I consider to be one of the best forums i have been to for the community thing. hardly if any, an argument, not like ye get in all other forums i have seen. Probably because the main thing in here is music. heavy rock, country, folk, pop etc, it doesnt really matter as most play intruments or starting to and respect one another and along the way you can make "internet buddies" ( as oppossed to sex buddies,lol)

hope you stay around, I am sure you will find it is good hear to see advice and to give

all the best



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Old Doll wrote:

Hi Boxer,

Your to kind to Upyourkilt! Dont be buying him  Drink... Its a large" BOX IN THE CHOPS HE NEEDS". He is lucky the Irish Sea is between us or he would be wearing one of his instruments  as a decorative piece of his attire tonight for his gig!! Lol.

Boxer! I will be in touch soon. Promise! xx

Old Doll.

I am thinking you know me so well already , lol


very good advice and something I had never really thought about.
About the singing and playing. I would consider me a singer more than a guitar player although I love playing the guitar. But I think sometimes it is the song and the way I sing it that carries off the song. Also about playing with someone you know is better is really good advice, I knew this already but I dont thin kI have dished this advice out.
Once you get to a certain stage where you think ye cant go any further, you can and will always learn from others.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

aye happy birthday to you boxer.
I will be having a wee drink tonight so I will have the excuse to have a wee dram of my favourite but expensive whisky ( any excuse really,lol)
I might even say cheers to you while drinking one of my 12 bottles of beer.



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol, no not at all. lol

no disrespect taken at all.

We sometimes put link to songs that are recorded too on youtube and myspace as james mentiioned.
I have a few of my own songs on youtube and tell everyone when i put them on.

If yer interested my user name is upyerkilt123 I think for youtube. I do some pink floyd songs and syd barrett too, but mostly I tihnk my own songs are on? maybe half and hlaf?

ok, just looked it is upyerkilt123 and here is a link in case yer as lazy as me and cannot be bothered typing things in to search ,lol




(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

lol, good topic phil, maybe not the right section but still good.

D.I.V.O.R.C.E  by whoever done it ,lol, billy connolly done a version

woman....the human league

hmmm, thats all I can think of right now apart from
Any song from the sex pistols ,lol ,lol ,lol, lol

( also phil, sorry to be pernickity but you mentioned great britain as a country, it is not a country mate, it consists of 3 and a bit countries, a lot of people dont like it getting G.B getting called a country, even the P.M refers it as a country sometimes)



(133 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I said it three times and I will say it a fith time, Cheat, if ye canny play the chord properly then cheat until you have practiced and practiced until you can get the chord, or like me, just continue cheating

For the F chord I just play the 4 strings, leave the E and the A string out completely, ye still get that F sound, same as Bm, F#
And although the likes of Em7 is easy, just play Em and dont play the B or e string.

cheating is wonderful on the guitar.


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I got an e mail a few months ago about the internationally famous oil in a can "WD40"
great stuff, it can lubricate hinges, make polished floors look waxed, water proof things etc and smells nice too,lol

Anyway, one of the things it said was it was good for cleaning and coating guitar strings.

Does anyone agree or disagree that this would be ok and would it make string last longer?
I know it would clean them but would it imrpove the life of the string?

Since it says it on this email I am thinking it might be right since I tried a few other suggestions on it and they seemed to be right.

It also says the main ingredient is fish oil, so , would fish oil help guitar strings/

well educated replies and total guesses are all welcome here.



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

yeah hi, I just gave a welcome speach after your comment to me in a womans place.

Welcome again