
(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just returned from a business trip and had the good fortune to spend most of today with my wife. I hadn’t written anything in a while so this song seemed appropriate. I hope you all like it.

The Best of Times By Jeff Gilpin

September 15th, 2007


[G] [D] [G] [D] [A] [A7]

Verse 1

[D]Pretty day

[E]Starting right

[G]Waking up with [A]you

[D]Wash my face

[E]Brush my teeth

[G]I’m ready in a [D]few

Coming [G]down stairs I [A]see that you’re

[D]Reading the morning [G]news

So I [G]pour a cup, sit [A]down and smile

[G]Glad I didn’t [A]hit the [D]snooze

Verse 2

So [D]off we go

On to [E]something

[G]Whatever’s planned for the [A]day

It could be [D]cleaning up

Or [E]sightseeing

[G]Either is o[D]kay

I [G]get to spend the [A]day with you

[D]Sneaking a peak when I [G]can

So [G]whatever it is you [A]have in store

I’ll [G]take it [A]like a [D]man


But [G]sometimes I have to [D]go away

Those [G]times that are few and far be[D]tween

I [G]get through all those [D]trips okay

Because I [A]know what coming home [A7]means

Verse 3

It means [D]cleaning up

[E]Honey dos

Or [G]fixing stuff that’s in [A]need

Or [D]maybe we’ll

[E]Go some where

For a [G]coffee and something to [D]read

[G]Both will be al[A]right with me

What[D]ever we do will be [G]fine

Just [G]so long as [A]I’m with you

It’ll [G]be the [A]best of [G]times [A] [D]


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is just a song about God, life and death. I tried to keep it generic so as not to offend so if I did I’m sorry in advance. Anyway, I hope you all like it.

Living On By Jeff Gilpin

September  10th, 2007


[Bm] [A] [G] [A] [Bm] [A] [G] [A] [D] [A] [G] [A] [Bm]

Verse 1

[Bm]I don’t [A]want to [G]die

But I [A]know some [Bm]day [A]I [G]will [A]

A [D]ways [A]down the [G]road

[A]There’ll be [D]no more [A]time to [G]kill [A]

It’ll [D]come

And [A]I’ll be [G]ready

[A]But for [D]now

I’ll [A]just hold [G]steady

Chorus  1

[D]Watching my children grow

[A]Working to make it so

[G]Living on until that [A]judgment day ar[Bm]rives

Verse 2

[Bm]I [A]could have been [G]better

[A]And [Bm]I [A]could have been [G]worse[A]

[D]I [A]could have drank [G]less [A]

[D]I [A]didn’t have to [G]curse

[A]But I [D]did [A]

So I’ll [G]pay [A]

Whatever [D]price [A]

But not to[G]day

Chorus 2

‘Cause I have to [D]watch my children grow

[A]Work to make it so

And [G]live on until that [A]judgment day ar[Bm]rives

Verse 3

I [Bm]do be[A]lieve in [G]God [A]

But some[Bm]times I [A]don’t under[G]stand [A]

Why God [D]lets so [A]much go [G]on [A]

So much [D]pain for [A]every[G]man [A]

But I [D]guess[A]

It’s not for [G]me [A]

To have to [D]know [A]

So I’ll let it [G]be

Chorus 3

While I’m [D]watching my children grow

[A]Working to make it so

[G]Living on until that [A]judgment day ar[Bm]rives

Verse 4

[Bm]I was [A]thinking a[G]bout [A]

The [Bm]world [A][G]today [A]

[D]Won[A]dering [G]if[A]

[D]It’ll [A]be o[G]kay [A]

I’ll [D]do [A]

My small [G]part [A]

It’s not [D]much [A]

But it’s a [G]start

Ending Chorus

While I’m [D]watching my children grow

[A]Working to make it so

And [G]living on until that [A]judgment day ar[Bm]rives.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey James - Really like this one - peppy stuff that made me grin...


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I was just strumming around tonight and thought I would put words to what I felt was a nice chord progression and it ended up like this. With grown kids starting out in the world I was hoping they don’t follow too far down the path we’ve blazed for them and I guess that is where these lyrics come from. Anyway, I hope you all like it.

Maybe Some Day By Jeff Gilpin

September 3rd, 2007


[Am] [C] [Em] [C] [Em] [Am] [C] [Em] [C] [Em] [C] [Am] [G] [Am] [G] [Am] [C] [Em] [C] [Em]

[F] [G] [Em] [C] [F] [G] [F] [Am]

Verse 1

The [Am]wonders I’ve seen in [C]my life

Can [Em]still take my breath a[C]way[Em]

As I [Am]think back when I was [C]a child

My [Em]how far we’ve come to this [C]day[Em]

Verse 2

[C]Just the thought of putting a [Am]man on the moon

Was not [G]possible way back [Am]when[G]

Yet we [Am]did that back when I was a [C]child

And we’ve made [Em]other achievements since [C]then[Em]

Chorus 1

Yet [F]children still starve and [G]people still kill

And it [Em]happens each and every[C]day

You’d [F]think with all our ad[G]vances

We could have found a [F]way... maybe some[Am]day

Verse 3

[Am]We now have a [C]global world

[Em]Businesses throughout all the [C]lands[Em]

With [Am]great minds working to[C]gether

To [Em]make a strong corporate [C]stand[Em]

Verse 4

We’ve [C]far surpassed the dreams of our [Am]fathers

Who dreamt a [G]future not quite like it [Am]is[G]

I [Am]still wonder where it's all [C]going

And the [Em]world where my children will [C]live[Em]

Chorus 2

Will [F]children still starve and [G]people still kill

And will it [Em]happen each and every[C]day

I [F]hope with all our future ad[G]vances

We can someday find a [F]way... maybe some[Am]day

Verse 5

What [Am]will be our next great in[C]vention

A [Em]flying car or the cure for [C]AIDs may[Em]be

For [Am]sure it’ll make lots of [C]money

But [Em]we’ll have to [C]wait and [Em]see

Verse 6

I guess our [C]future’s still a bit [Am]foggy

But [G]hopefully our children will pre[Am]vail[G]

I [Am]hope I’m still around [C]to see

The [Em]path we take on that winding [C]trail[Em]

Ending Chorus

Where [F]no children starve or [G]people kill

And we all [Em]love each other every[C]day

And our [F]future advances re[G]inforce this

I hope someday we can [F]find a way... maybe some[Am]day


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks to you all - Frank's a good kid and will most likely figure it out without me but we're all human and some, like me, are more human than others.

Hey Reb - I like that one too. I was trying to figure out how to say that money's not everything but being without money does tend to suck quite a bit.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

My sister asked me to give my nephew, Frank, advice on going off to college. I'm never one to pass up on a song writing opportunity, so I turned my advice into a song. Here it is for the world and Frank to use or not as the world and Frank see fit. Hope you like it.

For Frank By Jeff Gilpin

September 2nd, 2007


[F#m] [E] [F#m] [D] [D] [E] [E] [F#m]

[D] [E] [F#m] [D] [E] [F#m]

Verse 1

[F#m]So you’re out on your [E]own now

[F#m]It might not feel like it but you [D]are

[D]Here are a few things [E]that I’ve learned

That [E]might help you here at your [F#m]start

Verse 2

[F#m]Trust in your [E]judgment

[F#m]Let no one else make up your [D]mind

You [D]already know what’s [E]good and what’s bad

But [E]when in doubt try to be [F#m]kind


[D]I’m no expert

I’ve [E]just been down a few more roads than [F#m]you

You’ll [D]need to figure it out for your[E]self in the end

I’m sure you’ll know what to [F#m]do

Verse 3

[F#m]You’re going to meet a lot of [E]people

Not [F#m]all of them will be your [D]friends

Yet [D]some will always be [E]there for you

From [E]when you meet until the bitter [F#m]end

Verse 4

[F#m]Temptations, oh you’ll [E]see them all

Just re[F#m]member what’s wrong and what’s [D]right

[D]Some are more forgiving that the [E]others

Just [E]be able to sleep with yourself at [F#m]night


[D]I’m no expert

I’ve [E]just been down a few more roads than [F#m]you

You’ll [D]need to figure it out for your[E]self in the end

I’m sure you’ll know what to [F#m]do

Verse 5

[F#m]Life’s not a [E]game

[F#m]Yet in some ways it [D]is

[D]Winning isn’t all about [E]money

But [E]sometimes losing it [F#m]is

Verse 6

So the [F#m]best advice I think I could [E]give you

Is to [F#m]love yourself and also to [D]know

There are [D]people who’ll always be [E]there for you

So [E]when you need them make sure to [F#m]go


[D]I’m no expert

I’ve [E]just been down a few more roads than [F#m]you

You’ll [D]need to figure it out for your[E]self in the end

I’m sure you’ll know what to [D]do [E] [F#m]


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey thanks you all - I'm sure the wife will like this one too. She told me to write a lot of songs while she's away and play them for her when she gets back tomorrow but this is it so far.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Wife’s away playing golf this weekend and I get to stay home and write stuff. For once she left me with not one honey-do this time. So this first song is for her. Yeah, like most of my songs are not already for her. I hope you all like it.

Always On The Back Of My Mind By Jeff Gilpin

August 31st, 2007


[C] [C7] [C7] [F] [F] [C] [G] [C]

[F] [C] [G] [C] [F] [C] [G] [F]

Verse 1

[C]Woke up to[C7]day

[C7]You were going a[F]way

[F]Not for too [C]long

But I’ll [G]miss you any[C]way

Verse 2

So I’m [C]figuring out what to [C7]do

[C7]Alone here without [F]you

Read a [F]book maybe watch a [C]movie

Or I [G]could write a song or [C]two

Chorus 1

But [F]you’re in the back of my [C]mind

Just[G] like you’re there all the [C]time

[F]Getting me through this [C]weekend

[G]It’ll be just [F]fine

Verse 3

I [C]don’t have to do a [C7]chore

No [C7]shopping at any [F]store

I [F]might play some ball with the [C]boys

It won’t [G]be too much of a [C]bore

Verse 4

I’m [C]pretty sure you’ll [C7]call

Saying [C7]you miss me and [F]all

But if you [f]ask me what I’ve been [c]doing

I [G]won’t be able to re[C]call

Chorus 2

Because [F]you were in the back of my [C]mind

Just like you [G]are all the [C]time

[F]Getting me through the [C]week end

But It’ll [G]be just [F]fine

Verse 5

And [C]you’ll get home safe and [C7]sound

It’ll be [C7]great having you back a[F]round

[F]Telling your stories about what [C]you did

While [G]you were out of [C]town

Verse 6

We’ll [C]have some time for [C7]us

But we [C7]won’t make too much [F]fuss

It’ll [F]just be great having you [C]back

And [G]sharing your [C]trust

Chorus 3

Because You’re [F]always in the back of my [C]mind

And you’re [G]there all the [C]time

[F]Sharing both our [C]lives

And it’s [G]working out pretty [F]fine

Ending Chorus

Yeah you’re [F]always in the back of my [C]mind

And you’re [G]there all the [C]time

[F]Sharing both our [C]lives

And it’s [G]worked out pretty [F]fine[G] [C]


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Roger - It sounds great. Glad to see you back too


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You get to live in the mountains at least. I really miss living in the mountains. Oh well retirement's not that far off.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Her bf is the new soccer coach at the highschool there and shes helping with coaching the girls team. I use to go to Ruidoso sometime when I lived in west Texas, it was a really pretty place. She's having a great time and really likes it there.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey ken - I had a blast singing and playing. Great song


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Brad - thanks - Its pretty tough for me to play and sing so I slow it down. It does sound good though. I guess I'll have plenty of time to practice this weekend while the wife is our hitting golfballs.
Hey Selso - Shoot, I missed seeing him when he came up here. BTW, do you know where Grants is? My daughter just moved there over the summer and says it's pretty nice.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Okay, this song comes from me trying to make my wife feel guilty about going on a golf outing this weekend but she turned it around on me and reminded me when I was too busy for her in my younger days. Wives forgive, but they don’t forget.  Anyway I hope you like it. What I am calling Bbdim I play like xx2323.

I should Have Seen It Then By Jeff Gilpin

August 30th, 2007


[Dm] [Bb] [A] [Bb] [A] [Bb] [Dm] [G] [A]

Verse 1

[Dm]When I [Bb]was a [A]young man

[Bb]If[A]I can [Bb]rightly re[Dm]call

[Dm]Work and [Bb]play and [A]family life

[Bb]I [A]tried to [Bb]do it [Dm]all

Verse 2

But[Dm] I did [Bb]not know [A]at the time

[Bb]T’was [A]an im[Bb]possibili[Dm]ty

Only [Dm]so many [Bb]hours are [A]in a day

[Bb]And [A]there is [Bb]only one [Dm]me


I [Bbdim]should have seen it [Dm]then

But [A]youth was in my [Dm]way

I [Bbdim]should have seen it [Dm]then

[Bb]And [A]now I [Bb]rue the [Dm]day

Verse 3

So [Dm]I worked as [Bb]hard as [A]I could

[Bb]And [A]I played as [Bb]time permit[Dm]ted

My [Dm]family [Bb]got the [A]rest of my time

[Bb]Which was [A]less than [Bb]I inten[Dm]ded

Verse 4

So [Dm]I would [Bb]try and [A]balance it

[Bb]But [A]it was a [Bb]losing [Dm]game

[Dm]Just when [Bb]I was [A]catching up

[Bb]I [A]would fall be[Bb]hind a[Dm]gain


I [Bbdim]should have seen it [Dm]then

But [A]youth was in my [Dm]way

I [Bbdim]should have seen it [Dm]then

[Bb]And [A]now I [Bb]rue the [Dm]day

Verse 5

[Dm]These days I’ve [Bb]got time a [A]plenty

[Bb]But [A]to my [Bb]cha[Dm]grin

My [Dm]family has [Bb]many [A]things to do

[Bb]And [A]I’m short [Bb]changed in the [Dm]end

Verse 6

It [Dm]was the [Bb]hole I [A]dug myself

[Bb]With my [A]youthful [Bb]best laid [Dm]plan

That’s [Dm]now come [Bb]back to [A]haunt me

[Bb]Like the [A]fall of [Bb]hourglass [Dm]sand

Ending Chorus

I [Bbdim]should have seen it [Dm]then

But [A]youth was in my [Dm]way

I [Bbdim]should have seen it [Dm]then

[Bb]And [A]now I [Bb]rue the [G]day[Bb] [A] [Dm]


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks everyone for your kind words.
Ark - Yes I am but most songwriters are romatics don't you think?
Eagleeye - I wasn't a much of anything other than fun loving until I met my wife. She gave me direction, support, and love which is sometimes not so easy over 25 years of marriage. I was lucky and it looks like you are lucky as well. I hope you and your wife have a wonderful marriage. Just don't forget to laugh a lot and forgive when you need to and you'll both do fine.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Oll Doll - Thanks, it is a great day that holds a lot of memories.
Hey Daddy - Thanks, it is nice. It's really nice now. We have a great relationship.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Just a little song I wrote for my wife. It will be 25 years we since we got married back on the 6th of September, 1982. More sappy stuff from me so sorry for those of you who don't like that kind of music but what can I say. Anyway I hope you all like it.

My Partner Body and Soul By Jeff Gilpin

August 28th, 2007


[G] [D] [A] [D] [G] [D] [A] [G] [D] [A] [D] [F#] [A] [A7]

Verse 1

I’ll [D]never go a[A]way for long

And I’ll [G]always come right [A]back

For [D]when I’m far a[A]way from you

There’s [G]something that I [A]lack

It’s [F#]like I’m missing [G]part of me

I’m like [F#]something that’s not [G]whole

That [D]drives me back to [A]you again

To my [G]partner [A]body and [D]soul

Verse 2

When [D]first we met I was [A]drifting

Like a [G]ship with no rudder or [A]sail

We [D]braved those waters [A]fearlessly

And now that [G]calmer winds pre[A]vail

We’re [F#]heading to un[G]charted waters

[F#]Ready for whatever may [G]come

On our [D]journey started [A]long ago

That has [G]only [A]just be[D]gun


[G]Many years of just [D]getting by

That we [A]laugh at now looking [D]back

We [G]kept our sense of [D]humor all the [A]way

It’s [G]true we shed a [D]tear or two

Yet kept our [A]sanity in[D]tact

So [F#]here we are today and we’re [A]doing o[A7]kay

Music only

[D] [A] [G] [A] [D] [A] [G] [A] [F#] [G] [F#] [G] [D] [A] [G] [A] [D]

Verse 3

So a [D]quarter century’s [A]passed

Since [G]first we said our [A]vows

That [D]bound us to one a[A]nother

But I [G]look at you even [A]now

And I’m [F#]humbled that you [G]found me

And that you [F#]let me find you [G]too

So [D]I’d be honored if you [A]let me spend

The [G]rest of my [A]life with [G]you[A] [D]

Hey Phil - sounds pretty interesting so far. Can't wait to see the finished product.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Brad - Yeah, I had a little fun writing this one. A little faster song than what I usually come up with I think.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This was my last day of this crazy work schedule I’ve been working so I let the kid in me out and wrote this song I pulled back from my days when I was a boy in the little village of Reems Creek in the back woods of western North Carolina where I sure hope a crawdad or two still lives amongst all the new golf courses that have been popping up there lately. I hope you all like it.

Down To The Crawdad Hole By Jeff Gilpin

August 27th, 2007


[E7] [E7] [A] [D]

Verse 1

[E7]Summer days when I was just a boy

I [A]knew just where to [D]go

Where the [E7]creek got wide just down the road

That I [A]called the crawdad [D]hole

Verse 2

In [E7]those days I didn’t have a computer,

[A]IPod or cellular [D]phone

I would [E7]leave my house in the morning

And [A]I was sure to [D]roam

Chorus 1

Down to the crawdad [E7]hole

Where the [A]water ran cool and [D]slow

Down to the crawdad [E7]hole

Yeah that’s [A]where I use to [D]go

Was right [A]down[B7] to the crawdad [E7]hole

Verse 3

At [E7]first I didn’t believe it

Or [A]know what it was a[D]bout

[E7]Then I got to see it

And it [A]kind of freaked me [D]out

Verse 4

So I [E7]made up this game

Where I’d [A]catch them just for [D]fun

Then I’d [E7]give them each a name

Back in those [A]days when I was [D]young

Chorus 2

Down at the crawdad [E7]hole

Where the [A]water ran cool and [D]slow

Down at the crawdad [E7]hole

Yeah that’s [A]where I use to [D]go

Was right [A]down[B7] to the crawdad [E7]hole


[B7]Simple things for simple times

But [A]lordy it was [E7]fun

[B7]Now a day’s kids [A]barely leave the [E7]house

But[D] just one day

I wish I could take [A]all their toys away

[D]Kick them out of the house

And make them [B7]go...

Ending Chorus

Down to the crawdad [E7]hole

Where the [A]water runs cool and [D]slow

Down to the crawdad [E7]hole

Yeah [A]that’s where they all should [D]go

[A]Turn off their Ti[D]Vo

[A]Take away their remote con[D]trol

They’ll be [A]amazed and surprised when they [B7]go

Right down to the crawdad [A]hole[D] [E7]


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Reb - I'd keep it, that last verse I mean - It kind of ties the story up and brings it to a sad country ending if you know what I mean. I don't know about the title though, maybe something thats more specific to the song because Country song is kind of a generic and the song isn't in my opinion. I kind of like the last line of your chorus for the title. What do you think? I'm also a big Hank fan so I love your chords.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is just a song for all the people out there who work hard every day to be with the one or ones they love. I have another working weekend again...sigh... and this song is hopefully going to motivate me to work hard and stay positive and cheerful all through the end of Sunday. I hope you all like it.

Times Like These By Jeff Gilpin

August 24th, 2007


[F7] [C] [D] [F7] [C] [F7] [G]

Verse 1

[D]Forest green

[F7]Smells so clean

[C]Life abounds

[G]Not a sound

[C]Of city life


Verse 2

[D]Lost in thought

[F7]Worry free

[C]Feeling at peace

[G]Push on ahead

[C]Breathing hard

Blessed re[D]lease


[C]I work hard for [G]times like [D]these

The [C]times I get to [G]set my work a[D]side

[C]Some days I [G]wonder if it’s all [D]worth it

But for [F7]times like these it’s [C]well worth the [D]ride

Verse 3

A [D]picnic lunch

A [F7]mountain top

[C]No one else but you

[G]Puffy clouds

A [C]cool light breeze

And a [D]pastoral view

Verse 4

For [D]days like that

I’ll [F7]pay the price

[C]Worth every penny

A [G]bit less sleep

A [C]few late nights

For [D]pleasures aplenty


[C]I work hard for [G]times like [D]these

The [C]times I get to [G]set my work a[D]side

[C]Some days I [G]wonder if it’s all [D]worth it

But for [F7]times like these it’s [C]well worth the [D]ride


There are [F7]days I second guess myself

I want to [C]hang it up and do a little [D]less

Then [F7]I look at you the wonder that is [C]you

For[F7]get my second thoughts and go do my [G]best

Verse 5

[D]I came home

The [F7]other night

[C]You were sound asleep

I [G]tiptoed

Over [C]by you

[D]Just to catch a peek

Verse 6

[D]You were off

To [F7]somewhere else

[C]In some peaceful place

And [G]while you slept

[C]I just looked

At your [D]peaceful face…

Ending Chorus

[C]I work hard for [G]times like [D]these

The [C]times I get to [G]set my work a[D]side

[C]Some days I [G]wonder if it’s all [D]worth it

But for [F7]times like these it’s [C]well worth the [G]ride [D]


(44 replies, posted in Acoustic)

A real easy one is Jackson Browne's Bright Baby Blues. Just G, C, D, Em and a C/D thrown in which is just C with a open D string. I just heard Jackon's version on his Accoustic Vol 1 CD and he playes it with a slide. It's on Chordie here:

http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.u … ;id=268511


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Neon - pretty cool song - the chords fit well as do the lyrics - Nice job


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I've kind of bounced around for a few years with the military but I think Gainesville, where I live now, is nice but it doesn't feel quite like the home I remember from when I was a kid. That was Asheville, NC and it was pretty nice but most of the people who live there now are either retired or part of service industry which is a nice way of saying it's tough to make a good living there unless unless you already have money. I kind of wish I had what you have: a one place you think of as home. For me home is more about the people that the place.