(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you need any advice on how to stop GAS before it becomes problematic, DON`T ASK ME.   I am the last person to come to for that. LOL

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … amp;type=3


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome from JJJ. I`m the hoarder of the group.

A 1983 MESA Boogie S.O.B. Pic on FB. Help me picture fairy. 60 watts of tube power.  Looks like it has definitely been used. When they asked me to turn it down at GC, I bought it. I asked them if it was for sale. As in can I walk out with it today. I bought it before buyers remorse can set in. My motto-- Buy it now. Cry about it tomorrow. Lol.



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nice collection. I see the Zenith Trans Oceanic there. I have one .


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You Picture Fairy.  I was 23 when I first saw one and wanted it. I guess my patience paid off.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

neophytte wrote:

Tried to take a look, but your profile has an incorrect link for the Facebook site - I think it should have a dot between your first and last name, but when I tried that, I could only see a picture of someone with a Banjo ... wasn't sure if it was the right page ...

Try Joey Terlizzi. That is how to get to my page.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This time it is a TEISCO Del Ray from the 60s. Pic on Facebook. I have always had a thing for the cheap guitars from the 60s. I could never find the right one of these. Now I have one. They were always too expensive. This needs some work. It is all there, the electronics work. And it is a Del Ray.



You have been a good and patient boy young Joey so I have put your pictures up for you. (The Picture Fairy)


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So Sorry for your loss Scott.

Baldguitardude wrote:

I always use Discount Tire. They are great. Have for years. And if you're trying to support Chordie advertisers, I'm pretty sure we just get ads from Google so no need to worry about that.

It has nothing to do with supporting a Chordie advertiser. They had a great deal for 17" tires on rims. With the pressure sensors included. I will look up Discount Tire.

There was a tire store that advertised on here. Now the ads aren`t popping up anymore. Does anyone know what the name of it is?? I need tires for my FJ before winter comes. Thanx in advance.

My father knew how to play Organ. He had a big Estey with the Leslie speaker. A cousin of mine ( Tony Zano ) was extremely well known  pianist in the hard core jazz circuit.  I could never get into his style of jazz.  His first 2 albums The Gathering Place and Everything Swings were in the house. I tried listening. Couldn`t sit through it. I tried Violin and Saxophone in school. That was a disaster. Finally I went out and bought a guitar. Everyone thought it would be like the other instruments. I proved them wrong.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You may find this hard to believe. I have been banned from FB again.  Seven days this time. Anyone that knows me will have no idea how that could happen. Lol


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tenement Funster wrote:
Russell_Harding wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

He is still alive. Not for long. Until then, he hasn`t passed yet. CBS acted too soon.

From what I have researched ( a lot)  he remains alive and his family has a do not resuscitate order in place but is not expected to live thru the night, this I do not understand unless he is in a coma or has lost all brain functions why not resuscitate him? more updates are needed to clarify as a whole lot of people are confused including me.

Without going into detail, my father passed away on March 17 of this year. Dadhad a "DNR Order" put in his personal care directives, and it was his choice ... no one else's. I would expect Mr. Petty had something similar in place, as I don't believe a family member can make that decision, unless they were granted legal rights by the patient beforehand. The laws might be different in the US, but that's how it works in Canada at the moment.

Sorry to hear that. My father passed away on March 17th too. In 1984.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

He is still alive. Not for long. Until then, he hasn`t passed yet. CBS acted too soon.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome to Chordie.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I wish we could.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

There are a bunch around here. One I have seen twice. Foreigners Journey. The name should say it all. After seeing them twice, it is boring and predictable.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just want to say Thank You to everyone that has been with me all these years. Through the good times and bad, The best and worst times. Just Thank You. You have all been great and supportive.You are all like family.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Oldbikes. Welcome to Chordie. I`m joeyjoeyjoey. Triple J.      J x 3.    JJJ.  I`m the hoarder of the group. Lol. You`re in a great group here.


(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The beginning of the Joey Bishop Show. "Joey !  Joey Joey Joey".    Plus my first name is Joey.  Joe,  Anything but Joseph.

Another moment of restraint. We were coming back from a car show today. I drove by the Guitar Center in Natick, Mass. I have never done that. I just don`t feel a need to buy anymore lately.

Phill Williams wrote:

We were walking through town when I spotted a cutaway electrified acoustic. I went in the shop and tried it. It didn't feel as good as the Tanglewood I eventually bought but her indoors guilted me saying you don't need another guitar! So I walked away....but that guitar was on my mind until I got the Tanglewood.

I must be a borderline guitaraholic?

Any chance of a wife swap JJJ? Just till I get a couple more guitars?

Edited to add... I'm only kidding, there's actually 4 I fancy

This is crude and mean. Sure, I`ll do a wife swap. I can guarantee you total silence while you buy all the guitars your heart desires.

Went to Guitar Center for the Labor Day Sale.  Nothing was really calling me. Until I went to the acoustic room. Tried out a few and saw a Gretsch Single 0. It played like a dream. Was louder than all the other guitars I tried.  I put it back. I told Chris that I am trying to get room in my house. That isn`t how to do it. She knows I like Gretsch`s. She grabbed it and said she was going to buy it for me. I told her to put it back. I have plenty now. She insisted on buying it and I still said no. I don`t need another guitar in my house. There it is. I turned down a Gretsch. I turned down a Free Gretsch. I was actually proud of myself because I left it at the store. I have one less now because I sold one last night. Anyone that knows me knows that is a major accomplishment on my part.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is a new beginning. Lol. The amount is going down. Sold a Recording King Dirty Thirties last night. A kid that wants to learn how to play. So I threw in a tuner and a set of strings.