(49 replies, posted in Electric)

I agree Roger ... it doesnt matter if you love a $1000+ Gibson Les Paul or a $100+ Fender Squier ... if you love how it plays and sounds, that's all that matters

Me personally?  I love my Gibson Les Paul ... my next dream guitar is a Gibson ESS 335 semi-hollow .. I tried an Epiphone model and it sounded good ... then the dealer said if you love that one, try this one out and I fell in love a second time!

besonp ... Schecter makes a GREAT guitar in that price range if you're into Hard Rock/Metal ... suprisingly their guitars sound very good on clean/acoustic channels ... I've owned two Schecters


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Everyone else will echo this same response R3born


You'll find a section on strumming patters ... it's where I learned


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)


A great place to start


Have you had the chance to hear what they sound like?  I went to SamAsh a few weeks ago to try the RG series out and wasnt happy with the pickups on certain models ... I tried out the RG370DX with the INF pickups and loved it ... that's going to be my next buy


Either way, good luck on it and hope you like it!


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

lol ... I'm sure with his millions from ManUtd he can buy someone to play and sing for him tongue


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Roger that ... I'll work on it this weekend if I get a chance ... thanks for the response!  Hope you're a Ronaldo fan!  tongue


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)


One thing I've noticed is certain questions creep up constantly via new users, etc.  An example would be the:  How do I read tab?

Could we make a sticky on the general forum on how to read a tab?  Then we can point them to the sticky or they'll see it beforehand and we wont see the same questions over and over agian.

What do you think?


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

Good job Radchael ... we usually get this a few times a month ... maybe they can pin it to the forum so we don't have to repeat

How's the footie team doing?


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

It wont take very long if you play for 1-2 hours a day ... calluses will come and go even if you have been playing for years ... I play pretty much every day for a few hours and if I spend 3-4 hours playing nothing but acoustic sets, the next few days new calluses will start forming


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

06 ... how much do those run you ?


(1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I sold a few things on craigslist ... one being my Schecter Omen6 ... so far I haven't had any issues with selling things ... you'll get the person who says their interested in buying something and they wont return your email, etc ... but other than that, I'm happy with it ... I actually have my PRS SE Custom for sale on it right now as well as a Boss Blues Driver


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

It all depends on the sound your going for ... I prefer the Les Paul over the Fender Strat because of the sound/style of music I play which is classic/hard rock (nothing against Strats) ... the Epiphone is still a good choice but I did notice a difference when I compared the two (I ended up buying the Gibson Les Paul) ... it just depends on your taste ... you can always buy the 490R/498T pickups later and put them on the Epiphone ... you'll definitely save some $$$ buying the Epiphone as compared to the Gibson (around $800) and being a lefty you can tack on another $50-$100


(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alansheeran wrote:


There's the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is made up of Scotland, England and Wales. As it's a Kingdom, it's ruled by a Monarch - Queen Elizabeth II. As a result of her ancestors having their heads cut off or getting chased out of the country, the Queen has limited powers. The country doen't have a constitution, and any parliament can set whatever laws it wants.

It has a Parliament ( Congress) and the effective Head of Government is the Prime Minister who leads whichever Party in Parliament is the bigger. Just like the states, there are two Houses of Parliament - the House of Lords ( like the Senate, but not elected, they are now mostly old politicians) and the House of Commons (like the House of Representatives, elected, and the main seat of power).

The Republic of Ireland is a Republic on the same lines as the States, with a President. Interestingly, although the President in the Republic has similar powers to the US President, there is a custom that they let the Dail (Irish parliament) make the running.

Here in Northern Ireland, there is a continuing dispute over whether we should be ruled from London or Dublin. I'm not going to go into that as it's too painful and convoluted. We've just been through thirty years of murder and mayhem fighting over it. I'm just glad to have peace, for the sake of the kids.

That's probably too much information !

Wow ... thanks alan ... I'm a big history buff so I like things like this ... I knew about the United Kingdom but never really knew too much about Northern Ireland (other than what the media potrays and U2 songs tongue) ... although I do LOVE U2/The Corrs/The Cranberries

Thanks for the History 101 lesson mate!  Have a pint of Guiness on me smile  On a side note, the only time I've ever been to Ireland was on a layover at Shannon and it killed me to not be able to holiday for a few days!


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Sweet ... thnx that helped A LOT!


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks SP ... how does it sound?  Are you able to mix certain effects, etc.?  Do both amps mix together and and the sounds come out of both amps?  What kind of pedal do you use?  Any special cables?

Sorry for so many questions! lol


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Has anyone tried this?  I've been on the Line6 site and saw they have certain mixers that combine two amps together and the sounds are pretty sweet.

Can you do this with your amps at home?  If so, how is it done?  I have a Line6 Spider III 75 watt amp and a Marshall MG30DFX and was wondering if I could buy something that would let me combine them.


(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ahh gotcha!  So the PM is equivalent to the President ... thanks badeye

Alan ... does Northern Ireland have it's own?  I'm assuming if they do, then the Republic of Ireland has their own or do they fall under the United Kingdom realm and claim Queen Elizabeth as their Queen?  Does this apply to Wales as well?


(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm going to claim ignorance on this question; does Ireland, Scotland, Canada have Presidents?  I never really thought of it.  If so, what are their term lengths?  Are the political parties right or left wing?

Just curious smile

I play the "G" using the 1/2/3 position but every now and then I'll put the ring finger on the "D" string and put my pinky on the "e" for a more full effect

I was taught that way but I agree, if I could go back and change it I'd learn the 2/3/4 to gain pinky strength

Oh also, I use JamPlay a lot for my chords ... great variations as well

http://www.jamplay.com/guitar-chords/fr … hords.html


(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I for one am glad for the change ... too many years of the same old problems that continue to grow in our country ... this nation needed a change and we'll finally see what it brings ... this was the first election in a long time that I've FELT the words from a candidate ... there will be a bright future for everyone as the world over will feel the effects of this new president ...

History was made yesterday ... smile

Which model 06?  I've been looking at those recently ... specifically the RG370DX ... I played one at SamAsh and the tone was amazing


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

geoaguiar wrote:

Elixir Nanowebs for me... Light. But let your guitar dictate by what size it's set up for. I really have been happy with Elixir Nanos. They sound good and last longer. Unlike a lot of folks, I hate restringing my acoustics so longer life is better. I used to use Martin Marquis and still have some leftovers. If you're a newer player the Elixirs are kinder to your finger tips.

Elixir Nanos are what I use as well ... love em


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I've only used Elixirs on my acoustics ... still my favorite strings so far


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry 'bout that ... I took the post down


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

Whatever you do .... do NOT take it to a Pawn shop!  You will get ripped off!