(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You gotta go with the heart!

more difficult pieces give guys like me a goal!


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I didn't mean to misinterpret. Not being familiar with the cockneys, the way it was described made the "rhyming slang" sound to me like a dialect, and I have always considered the Scottish enunciation of words as an accent.

Sorry UYK. I guess I am confused.

I need to get across the pond and discover the joys of the Scottish culture, sample some good whiskey, and figure out what Haggis is!


Viva la differance!


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Okay, I couldn't find anything on this, so I started this thread.

I have been listening to some great music from the Chordians, and want to post some of mine.

I don't want to go onto "MySpace" because my ex-wife will track me down and post stupidity there. (divorced for 15 years, and she still won't leave me alone).

I opened a "Facebook" page, but can't figure out how to post a *.wav file to it?

Must I create *.mp3s?
How do I do so?
Can I convert my *.wav into a *.mp3?

I have a CD of music (somewhere) that I recorded. Most is covers of some of my favorites, but some of my original stuff is on there too. I think it is all in *.wav files, though.

Any thoughts?

Also, please post any replies in American Dumb-Guy English, as I am unable to read binary, C++, or any other sort of computer-speak.



(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks 'pix,

and happy birthday to the little man.

I spent some time cussing my youth, too, but now, it's just full steam ahead.


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have a friend who, in my opinion, spends an obscene amount of money on guitars. I think he thinks they will sound better, and it is easier to buy one than to learn on one.

Kind of like the guy who buys the $200 running shoes so he can go faster?

I am still holding out hope that the story gitaardocphil posted was intended to be sarcastic...


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Grandpa always said it's hard to drown in shallow water!

busy is definitely a good shelter from the crap life throws at us all. Playing can be very busy work!


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Awesome tune, sir. When I hear a voice like yours, I want to stab myself in the neck with an ice pick and never sing again! smile  Well done, sir.

Even your joyful odes to love make me want to sob like a school girl.

I faked my way through it once, but can't quite get it right (stupid barre chords), but I will keep trying! 

Very cool.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill - Nice lyrics, sad though, because memory does last longer than unrequieted love.

awesome arrangement, Roger. Really conveys the feeling, and even I can play it! smile

this Chordie thing is too cool. I'm gonna order a coffee cup!

Some great, and some obscure, tunes mentioned here. What a great diverse world in which we live!

My first single was a .45 called "Louisana Woman" by Jim Ed Brown (not to be confused with "Louisana Woman, Mississippi Man" by Conway and Loretta). (I still know the words, but can't quite get the chords). I think "Louisana Woman" might have been the "B" side?

The first album I bought with my own money (and the first one I remember) was Kiss "Rock and Roll Over" on 8-track.

I also still have an old "Buffalo Springfield" album that I don't remember buying, but have had since I can remember.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice daddycool.

Light, and not too deep, with some great turns of phrase!

Like something to be sung to a child on waking up in the morning!


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)


I have noticed that some of the other folks have done that. I actually made a CD last summer. I think I will open a "Myspace" or "facebook" thing, and see if I can figure out how to post stuff there.

Thanks. Good idea.

And I think I might be getting with Zurf and possibly Jets60, they are close by, I think!


(74 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)




You guys need to get to Hocking Valley.

Okay, so it's not the New York nightlife, or the sensory overload of a metropolitan area, but when you look at the green rolling hills, and toss a cork into grand-dad's pond, and hope the fish don't bother you too bad...

goodness, I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon.





(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Will do, Roger, thanks.

I'll probably just rewrite one. Might do that this weekend.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Daddycool.


(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

picking calluses, of course... smile


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Arkady - I certainly wasn't knocking TV watchers. I am also one (in moderation). I watch House on Tuesday, and sports on the weekends. I was just commenting on the fact that people who say they "don't have time" are usually saying that they "don't care to spend the time", and most can tell me about every episode of Seinfeld or something like that. It usually isn't a matter of time, but of priorities. Of course, there are exceptions, like the working folk who have mountains of housework to do and children to raise, for them, I feel truly sorry, and hope they find some time each week to at least enjoy a little bit of music.

I am fortunate, my wife is home by 2:00pm, and takes care of all the house stuff for me. (God Bless her!).

Zurf - I would LOVE to get together with you guys!  Send me an e-mail and we'll work out the details! (JAM SESSION! WOO-HOO!) But, no laughing at the old fat guy who can't play barre chords! smile

And James, I would think it difficult to sing your songs while playing the bassoon?


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I sang it to her, and made an acappella recording of it, many moons ago.

She has heard me play it, but usually doesn't stick around too much when I am playing.

(I think there was originally a second verse, but I can't find the old recording, nor the note pad it was written on...)



(74 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Born in Columbus, Ohio,
Grew up in Logan, Ohio,
Went to HS in Norfolk, VA,
Lived near parents in Charleston, SC, for 10 years
Currently live in Woodbridge, VA, 30miles south on I-95 from Washington, DC.
(sounds like not too far from Zurf)


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Cool song, Barlow.

Sounds like you sampled some of the local culture there!

I'm still having trouble with some of those chords, and I have all of my fingers.

(Oldnewbie pounds his head on his desk, muttering to himself...)


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I'll be there Friday evening!

However, I insist on sleeping in the music room!

I was born in Ohio, Frankster. about 30 miles SE of Columbus in Hocking County, a little town called Logan (not as little anymore!). (we might have met on the Air Guitar circuit!)

Used to get to Cincinnati once a year to watch the Reds play! Great times. "Go Big Red Machine!"  smile


(33 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I'd rather not repeat the words in mixed company!  smile

Suffice to say that if I had been called that, I would have sounded like crap, too!


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good to meet you, Ranger!

Looks like there are more late starters out there than I thought!

I have found it interesting when I play for family and friends how many people will say "I used to play" or "I always wanted to play". I think that is just a way for them to make themselves part of it, and I guess that's okay. I have found that people do what they want to do. I made excuses for years, and then decided that I was going to do it and put one item on my birthday list.

My wife is not as appreciative of my music as I would like her to be, but she is tolerant, which is more than some I have heard of.

Time to play is something people either make, or they don't. Lots of guys have told me that they aren't getting any better because they don't have time to play. That's okay. again, people do what they want to do. It is awesome to meet so many people that make time to play. Doesn't mean we have less going on, or that we are unemployed, it just means that we have set a priority of Guitar over TV!

(ETA) - The last paragraph is actually the reason for my signature "just play". I have friends who continue to spend money on guitars but refuse to spend time on them. One, in particular, owns three fenders, and a Takamine, and can't play more than three chords. And that's okay, too, but when he complains that he can't keep up with me, I just tell him to quit whining and play.

I do, though, kind of like that most people who pick up a git-box end up putting it back down after their fingers start hurting. It makes what we do more special! (and it keeps the pawn shops in business!)



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My only guitar is an inexpensive, laminated acoustic. It's made by Takamine, it is the "Jasmine"- their "student" or entry-level basic beginning guitar. All of the "guitar snobs" that I know have seen it and said, "This isn't bad, for a beginner's guitar". (they always have to put that qualifier on the end!) they also love to make a big deal out of the money they have spent on their Martins or their Taylors, but I know that it took me much less time to get my money's worth out of mine then it will them. The good thing about having a good cheap guitar, is that I am not afraid to play with it. I beat the heck out of this thing, and it just keeps sounding good. I have played Martins, and Takamines, and Taylors, and I know there is a diffference, but it will be hard to put Jasmine away when I decide to move up, and, maybe I won't!

Oh, and I don't think "cheap" necessarily means "crappy". I prefer to think of mine as "inexpensive"!  smile


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Russell_Harding wrote:

welcome you old geezer i can say that because im 60 plus and still pickin so kick off your shoes and sit a spell

Thanks, Russell!  I know I'm relatively not too old, but my daughter sure makes me feel like a geezer!

shoes off, feet up, taking it all in!


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Awesome!  Thanks for the feedback, guys.

Nela, I actually have a funny story about my first attempt at playing.

Roughly 12 years ago, my wife bought me a cheap classical guitar with nylon strings. I had a Mel Bay book, and was learning some chords. I got tired of the "toy" sound of the nylon strings and decided I wanted some "manly" strings, so I went to the local music shop and bought some nice steel strings.

Two weeks later, as I was tuning up, the saddle ripped out of the laminated top. I was in much worse financial position then, and couldn't afford to replace it, so I stopped playing until about 2 years ago when my wife bought me a "real" guitar (with steel strings!) for my birthday!

Thanks for the kind words, and encouragement from everyone! Good to be among future friends!