and a chorus pedal, maybe a reverb...


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Furiouscrak,  do we dare ask about the origins of that name?


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Hi Walt, Welcome to Chordie! On mine rig,  the transmit unit is attached to my guitar strap. Like John said above, the first item in your pedal board is the receiving unit.  It doesn't need to be on the pedal board, but it is the first item in the effects chain.  From there, just connect your pedals accordingly and plug them into your amp.  I have mixed feelings about wireless systems.  Some days, I like them but most days I prefer to be hard wired.


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Joey is correct. Mine's a bell brass chinese clone.  Loud as all get out but it is heavy!  Mine doesn't have the buzzing tail piece problem but the headstock did break off once.  It's fine now and I love playing it.  Resonators are not really the kind of guitar you want to strum.  Strumming sounds muddy. They sound better in open tunings and played with a slide or finger picked.


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)


Alan Horvath has graciously posted some printable chord charts for open tunings.  I have them on the wall in my "guitar lounge" and constantly refer to them.  Here's the link to his Open G chart


(15 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Thanks Blakem,  Its tuned GDG because of my affinity for delta blues.

Thanks Pete,  I'm currently trying to secure a booth at the Apalachicola Seafood Festival next November. I'm hoping to sell a few there.  In the meantime, I'm having a lot of fun building these things. Currently I'm working on a 4 string guitar and a 4 string mandolin.  I just carved the necks this past weekend.


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Guitarpix!  that bug gif had me reaching toward the screen to squish it!

Wow Det! Thanks for the video.  That's one crazy pedal!

Cool looking stomp box Detman!  What do the surf and hurricane settings do??

I'm gonna make at least one mandolin, one banjo and a slew of 3 and 4 string cigar box guitars.  I'm looking forward to 2011. Oh,  and hopefully, during all of this wood working, I'll forget about eating for a while!

My wife got me a Radial ABY pedal for Christmas. Detman, I never did get around to making the design you posted (fortunate for me!) .  I had been playing electrics through the pedal board, and  acoustics through the acoustic amp/ PA. Needless to say, this entailed a lot of plugging and unplugging and awkward stage antics.  Now, I can play everything through the pedal board and play through both amps, or one or the other.  Both together sound good in a lot of circumstances as well. This pedal is completely passive and includes enough switches to keep the hum out of your chain without coloring your sound at all.  I run all my stuff through the same power source so I don't have a problem with this, but things could be different for other people.  All in all, a great amp switcher and a great wife!


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gateway Vista?? Holy hell, is that the curse of eternal damnation???!!!

I'd take a 12 gage with me in case the "kicking " part doesn't work out as planned... Just a thought..


(9 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I think if you put some pin striping tape where the frets are supposed to be, you should be able to play it just like a mandolin! smile


(76 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Aircraft structural repair and modification/ Sheet metal fabricator. Have rivet guns, will travel.


(15 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I'm also working on a cigar box amp to go with the guitar.  An electrician friend of mine is helping with the hard part.  Here's the box next to a Moviola URS for size comparison.


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hmm..  Thanks Guitarpix, I think I'll try that!


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have 4 guitars that smell like mold. I don't keep them in cases anymore. I'm hoping that smell goes away with the extra ventilation!


(15 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Thanks Dino, Sophie is a curious cat. She loves eating the wires of Christmas lights.  I hope she makes it through the season! I worry for her.


(15 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Thanks Topdown. I made the scale length 25.5". I probably should have made it 24.5 but it still plays easy.  Its tuned in GDG. I tried DBG but I like the sound of GDG better.  Its a little thin on the bass side of things but the mid range and treble are both good and loud.  I have not glued or nailed the top down yet.  I'm still thinking of pickup options but I'm sure it would sound clearer with the lid secured with either glue or finishing nails. Its a proto-type for me so I'm thinking it will go through a few more iterations before its finalized. I'll keep up with posting the upgrades/ improvements.  Thanks go to for providing the fret spacing for free! BTW the neck finish was 6 coats of tung oil applied with a rag. I applied one coat per day and I let it dry til day 8 and sanded it with 400, 600,and 800 grit sand paper then applied 3 thickish coats of nitro-cellulose spray lacquer. The next day I sanded that with 1000, 1200 and 1500 grit paper and called it done.


(15 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Ok, here it is, from poplar table leg to 3 string guitar. Thats Sophie over by the Dobro. Getting there.


(18 replies, posted in Acoustic)


Can you play a B on this guitar?


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

Craig,  I haven't played one, but that 5 watt Bugera looks very interesting to me..  the price is right too!


That reminds me of the time that I found an "overdrive" button in my pickup truck, two years after I bought it!

Glad you found the sound.. Now what exactly is a "Freeze" pedal?


(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I was aware of the "Canadian Connection".  I was also very happy to purchase a very well made North American Made guitar at a reasonable price.  By the way, the finish is especially impressive.