(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol Phill,
I get that all the time " phone back at 8:30 tomorrow".

I could not even make an appointment 2 month in advance as their system only works for 4 rolling weeks at a time. I asked why, they said " its just the way it is"



(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well no matter if it is private care or NHS humans being humans will always make mistakes. It doesnt make a service better here if you go private.
Going private here just means you can jump the queue for an operation.

The NHS is a very good thing I think. The money is taken from taxes that the government take of every working person.
Some see this as because they pay their taxes they should get treatment whenever they like and in a way yes they should but with such a big waiting list it is not always possible.

I get my jaw fixed on the NHS free. It took about 2 months after seeing my Gp to getting an appointment in the facial dept of the hospital which was not too good as I was in agony that long. All in from when my jaw locked and crunch and I could not open it wide enough to eat abanana it took about 15 months. If I had done it privately I think I was told it would have cost roughly £2000 but would have just cut the time down by 2 months ( the time I spent waiting)

Nhs also does dental treatment here which is harder to find an NHS dentist as they are all opting out to go private.
I wish I still had my receipts from a few years ago. ( the reason my jaw was knackered was after a visit or three from the dentist)
I had to get root canal tratment. I got this on the NHS. All in it still cost me about £150. If it were private it would be £400 or thereabouts.
To get a filling on the NHS it costs £15-£30. Privately it is £ 65-£80.
So not all NHS servces are free to the working man.

All NHS treatment for everyone under 16 years old is free.
Dentists that opted out of the NHS will still take kids under 16 on NHS. I tihnk they are forced to do this.

I would always support the NHS but right now it is becoming a shambles a bit because of cut backs and forcing the managers of the trust funds to make targets. i.e. to get waiting queues down.
I have got my nose fixed now but about 10 years ago when i was on the waiting list I got referred to another hospital. I found out later so many that got referred to this hospital got told the same thing. " we recommend not to operate". So the ymanaged to get their queues down quite a bit, even though this year I was told I really should get it done. I got it done and I am so glad I got it done.

has its good and bad points, but so has the private sector. Just because you pay it doesnt mean ye get better treatment as most times you will get the same surgeon, just means you get to see him quicker.
Also my wife who is a nurse has witnessed folk waiting on the NHS list in hospital. Getting told they would be there for 3 weeks before getting operated on. They pay and hey presto, all of a sudden there is room by the same surgeon in 7 days time.
Money comes forsit to the NHS trust. Good or bad? both I think



(13 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I know yer quite new here but do you really have to reopen really old threads?
it is taking me ages to read through everything yet again.
and apart from that, I dont think folk will still be looking for a reply.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

superb job on this, great lyrics.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

cheers Trevor,
I have to play for fun as I have not found or looked for anyone to pay me lol



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ye know which one irates me a lot, when people say 
" well basically"

if i was discussing something "then obviously" it was not basic   
"then obviously" another one i just used that i hate to hear

" you know what I hate"

lets all just stop talking



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

also, if it is because you dont like the name. You can also make a new name up you just need another email address and tarrra, ye got a new account.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love this song. Only thing I could say is it is pretty short, not enough breaks between verses/chorus. But like I say many times, not my song and this is the way it is.
very well done

And this line

"wipe the clouds out of your eyes your every thing that you despise"

What a great line that is.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i like it too, well done



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i tihnk maybe because he never got a ticket for greenday so he went in a huff and wants a new name? lol



(124 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

moths wit hbig furry eyes are the scariest of all insects, especially when ye see there fangs dripping with blood



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

you can also contact Roger Guppy.
Per and Roger can delete you from existence lol



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

dont know about the mac but I am sure there is a free one on the net somewhere. I am sure someone has posted a link to it somewhere in chordie.

If no one replies to this try googling it. " free chopro download"



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

so the english didnt really have that many "english kings"? french kings scottish kings, german kings, dutch kings ????? geeezo man, they seem to borrow folk from everywhere to rule for them lol lol


(124 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

chicken in the fridge, yep theres a chicken in the fridge. No head, no guts but there's a chicken in the fridge
its sitting next to the cheese
strawberry jam if you please
theres a chicken in the fridge, theres a chicken in the fridge.
the tub of meat is out of date
the tomato disovling into the plate
theres a chicken in the fridge, it has no feathers and it has no chin but theres a chicken in the fridge.
the lettuce smells like a compost heap
the yohgurts are not fit to keep
theres a chicken in the fridge
beetroot a natural ink
and the maonaise makes you think
theres a chicken in the fridge, there's a chicken in the........
the chickens in the oven all I got to do is turn it on.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well said Jerome, saves me typing it lol

And daddy 1066, battle of hastings? King Harold Godwin, I might be related so I have got my title correct for in here lol apart from Harold was not Scottish.

but still the french have got a lot to answer to the scots. lol

( just to let anyone know that gets the wrong idea of my words since they have done in the past. Because I am scottish and I want independance this does not mean in any way I hate or dislike the english. I just hate the government, I also hate the scottish governement too, I just dont like the way the union came about or how a parliment in another country has the power over their supierior country north of them lol )



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

post numbers are only a number, dont mean nothing much unless it is your 1st or 50,000th lol
but well done and I am sure loads here saw you as a regular as soon as ye posted yer 2nd or 3rd post.



(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

flippin great song!
I love it all nearly. The last verse is a wee bit too goddy for me. Half of goddy stuff would been good for me but hey not my song and still very well written and a great idea for it too.

The idea of this song could inspre more writers to write about the unknown the unexplained the unidentified.
If i remember tomorrow I might sit and wrote a new song. If I dont then this has still gave me the thought on what to base the idea on for next time.

Good stuff



(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

they just keep coming now. ye have a talent and thanks for sharing. I like this one too



(51 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Syd1994 wrote:


hoobawho? lol

yep weird name



(10 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

roseofskye wrote:

so theyre religious! I think theyre great and people have no reason to dislike them as people or dislike theyre music!
Thats my theory! wink

While i am not into religious music I would not say I dont like it if I have not heard it.
I know there are probably some superb great religious songs out there.
They maybe great people and yer right, folk should not dislike them because of their religious songs/beliefs etc.
BUT people can dislike their music for what it is or what it sounds like.

I hate take that, but I dont hate each one of them personally, I hate their music too but it doesnt make them bad people.

great thing in life is everyone is different and have different opinions. no one is right no one is wrong. but the minority of folk will be seen as wrong in things because they are the minority, and in some case I would say some people are wrong ,this is not wrong of me to think this although it maybe wrong. Life!!! wonderful thing. And debates and discussions are what make it better as well as understanding and helping others that require help.

still never heard of them though . But if they sound like the beatles without the swearing then they might be OK, then again they might be rubbish


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

wb dino
why would you think we would forget a name like that? My favourite cartoon pet lol

and welcome johnboy ( and try not to highjack other folkies threads)


Hi ctech
and welcome.

I dont know if you have read this  http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1957
but that tells you exactly how to post things that will show in chopro form.

if you need any help on this a moderator should be able to do this easy.



(43 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Kenny brilliant Lyrics and like the rest I look forward to hearing this. I can imagine John Prine singing sometihng like this.

Ark, yes you have missed out with not knowing john prine. Look up
Sam stone
Hello in there
spanish pipe dream

after them you will be hooked



(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I tuned up my 12 stringer last week and had a right good jam wit hanother two 6 stringers.
Gives that certain oooomph in a jam session.
