(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Could you send me a link to that post again, Ken?


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Seems like a bug. We need to sort this out on mail. I will follow this up directly with you.


(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I found out what you mean. Search did not return any results. This was most likely related to the dns-update, and that is a week ago. I did not know about this. Nobody has reported it, and I rarely search myself. Just browse.


(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

what do you mean?


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

GuitarHero81: Please send a mail to admin@chordie.com. I will have to log into your account for trying to find out what is wrong here.


(17 replies, posted in About Chordie)

OK. I could add a chopro-format button. I will then replace the "mail song" button. You can always mail urls. Does this sound like a good solution?


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

You should still get this. However there have always been a few song in tab-only format. This do not have chord grids.


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

This message is written from my new iPod touch. I bought it to see how this would work for surfing chordie. So far i am really impressed. This might be the ultimate device for displaying guitar chords. Anybody else tested it?


(17 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Have you tried the build in print function? Try pressing the print icon on the right hand side. This will let you adjust the text size, and also move the grids around.

Pressing first "the print button" - adjusting the size - and then choosing "print preview" in your browser will let you do all the things above without copying anything to word.

It is possible for me (fairly easy) to make it possible to copy the old chord format. Just making sure that this is really what people want me to do (and that it cant be fixed by improving the print instead)


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I think this might be related to stylesheets not loading, but I need to see the screenshot before being certain.


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Anybody else see layout problems with the song above using IE7?


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I mean, do you see the bad formatting when you go to "file - print preview", or do you have to physically print the page?


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Great! Usually I put up a message like "down for maintenance" if I have to take the site down for more than a few minutes.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Yes, I am considering placing ads on songsheets. It will be a very small ad in the top right corner, it will be guitar related and it will not "waste" any space on the songsheet. This would mean less ads elsewhere.

The current box is a bit annoying though, so Ill disable it for a while...:-)

The advertising policy is that the ads should be unobtrusive and relevant. In an ideal world there would be no ads on the site. But in that ideal world hardware and bandwidth was free too, and I had an unlimited amount of spare time to hack on the site.


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I had two technical problems the last few days. Stop reading here and go back to playing your guitar, if you are not interested in the technical details...:)

1. - I have had some problems with my dns-servers. They were located at a fairly unstable branch of the Internet. When they were offline for more than a few hours, people are starting to get problems accessing chordie. They get errors like "domain name not found". I decided to move them (this actually takes 24-36 hours), and it should really happen silently. However it failed terrible when the owner of the new dns-server turned out to have a policy where they are directing all new customers to an ad-site for a few hour. A lot of people thought Chordie was hacked. However the move is complete now, and you can expect more stability in the future.

2. A disk was full yesterday, and the site was down for an hour. Many thanks to James for reporting this immediately. I was just on my way out when I noticed his message. If he had not sent it, the site would have been down for almost a day.

After moving to the new server about a year ago, things have been very stable. The only real problem has been the dns-servers, and that seems to be fixed now.

If you ever are unable to access the site, send a mail to admin@chordie.com.


(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

The title is used to identify the song. I can try looking into this to see if there is an easy way to fix it.

Maximum 100 songs in a songbook. Try creating a new book.


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Could you send a screenshot of what it looks like when it is broken to admin@chordie.com?

On the right side of every song...


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

What version of Internet Explorer? It looked OK in the version I tested.

Do you see the error in print preview?


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Please post the url to the song. There are multiple versions of American Pie on Chordie.

It is also great if you tell what browser you are using (Internet Explorer/Firefox/Safari).

Are you getting this when you use the print-function in the browser, or when you click the print-button?


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Good idea. I will look into this...


(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I have fixed a bug causing a lot of songs not to print, and other displaying too much white space at the top.

However, I am not sure if this will have some negative effects as well. The critical part is that it might delete too much white space. If you see this, please tell me. Post an url to songs having this problem.


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

It might be time to look at this again. It is very easy to alter the number of chords that are considered easy. It is however vey difficult (read: impossible) to base the rating on more qualitative measures (like fast picking pattern).


(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Oktober 25th it is 5 years since I started Chordie. This should of course be celebrated, but how? Let me hear your suggestions!