
(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks maw lol

The bottle of McCallen and the litre of blended seemed to kill off the baceria, lol. As well as umpteen pints from the bar and the bottle of wine on the saturday.
Suprisngly I feeel great! I didnt really have to take a day off work to recover today, but it is good to be off, apart from all the housework I am suppose to be doing lol



(38 replies, posted in JamPlay.com)

I have just come away from JamPlay site with sore fingers.lol

I am trying to learn how to finger pick properly and I am finding it very useful. Got a lot of practicing to do, camera work is good but this guy steve is very clear on how to do things, even if I have not managed to do it properly yet, but I am sure I will.

You get more support if you need it. You can discuss how well you are doing, discuss and get more help.
I have only been to one other music teaching site which I think is good but I think Jamplay beats it by a mile. why? Because of the easy layout on it, whatever stage you want to learn, it is there.
Not only for beginners either ( something that put me off going to any of these sites) even if you are intermediate player to good I would think there is still something there for you.
But mostly I would recommend this for anyone wanting to learn the guitar.
I went to the easiest basic part just to see what it was like. If I could have had this sort of teaching when I started it would have made me progress much quicker than I did.

I have had a few freinds wanting me to teach them. I tried and failed ( maybe I was over demanding what they done?) Jamplay teaches the basics of basics to get someone to understand and learn easily.

I know it is not guitar lessons I sent my wife to but I paid £12 a week on a 40 minute tuition for her ( about $23 per 40 minutes) so I think $19.99 ( about £11) per month is definitley worth it.
Only thing about that is about people wanting to spend money over the internet. It does look very safe to me though.

And for geraldine that has not actually went to the site and looked through it properly, youtube does not explain things that good unless you just want to learn a song. This site is for learning guitar and different methods and styles of guitar playing. Youtube does not give you that as clear as jamplay and also, a lot on youtube is just adverts like, " if you want to know more" go to www. dhvjhfvhv  and pay lots of money. Or if the user that put it on gets fed up he takes it off and you never see it again.

Now that I am learning this fingerpicking song which will hopefully make it a lot easier for me to fingerpick any song wit hmore than a thumb and one finger, I cannot see me playing much else unless I decide I just was not meant to fingerpick. But then I could always learn a different style. So much on it, great site
5 out of 5 from me.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

maybe because you never had the sound of the string bouncing off four walls?

Outside though ye will not get the same sound as you would in a room/hall etc. to get a good acoustic vibe in the place.
Being outside you are really depending on your guitar sound hole to be very good to give the true acoustic sound from the guitar.

I was playing outdoors and indoors all weekend. TUNING? all the time!!! go indoors the heat affects it, then back out to the cold, affected, retune, then sun comes out and goes out of tune within an hour, then back in, out in out.

My guitar sounds really good outside too thinking obout it. I would say my guitar sounds better outdoors. Hmmmm, maybe just imagining that now or too much whisky?



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

was a great weekend.
Not enough musicians this year for jamming in the lounge but still very good.

Had great weather up til this morning. A few heavy showers! but other than that, sunshine all weekend.

hope ye had a good one yerself


amazing that no one has mentioned Eric Clapton, Gary moore, Angus Young,



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

what do you mean it is tongue in cheek? how can it be when it is very accurate? lol
brilliantly put together, good wee song.

Not a song I will be singing though, I dont think it would suit me even though it sounds like it is about me



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I think Per is already looking into the "type what you see in the box" thing to prevent spam.

But Jerome, I think your idea about first time posters not being able to open a new thread is an excellent idea.
I wonder how easy that would be to impliment through the program that runs Chordie?



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi Al,
enjoy yerself up there ( thats if it is the thornhill up near stirling or is it the one down near dumfries?)
wherever it is, it sounds good, my kinda thing!

i am heading off to the Isle of Jura to pitch my massive tent ( hoping it is massive, i have not even taken it out the bag yet to make sure everything is there) along with another 30 or 40 tents, hotel is full and all the guest houses on jura are ful, so a few hundred people for the folk festival. All weekend, all day and night partying with whisky and guitars,fiddles,accordians, bodhrans,jews harps, vocals, pipes, and any other sort of instrument that peope bring along.

Hopefully it will be as good as the past 6 or7  years. i am taking my camcorder to try capture the atmosphere in the pub for the drinking, jamming and entertainment. and if I can make it to one in the morning on the saturday night, I will attend the ceilidh, and that goes onto about 4 or 5 in the morning. ( and for those that dont know a ceilidh is a scottish dance along and get wrecked and make an idiot of yourself,lol, pronounced kaylee)



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Old Doll,
I have not got time right now to do all those excersises, had a quick look though and looks very good.
I have saved it in my favourites and will try these out on Tuesday when I am back from my weekend away if I can still talk or breath by then,lol, and If I am still alive, lol, I just wrote my bevy list down for the weekend,
1ltr blended whisky.
1 bottle geln Moray malt
1 bottle of californian red wine
12 cans of lager

I am hoping I dont run out, but if I do there is a pub there too lol
oh what a weekend this will be.

bring on the stomach pump lol

have a nice weekend yerself.


haha, PAISLEY!!!
answered for ye before you could.lol,, amazing what a reply in another post reveals.

Not too far away from me. 40 minute drive.

What sort of songs are you into doing?
What style?

I am a fussy b**ger



I only listened to one song so far and gave ye 5 starrs. Very good for covering that song " wherever I will go". I tried that but found it hard to sing I think???? canny remrember.

where in Scotland are ye?

I am into writing music with someone, or even getting more ideas for the songs I have. But I dont know how much free time I have anytime,lol, (wife's fault with her shifts)

But I could be interested. I like yer voice and ye can play. Good enough for me



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

at times likes this I wish I was allowed to swear online here, lol just to express how good a f*****ng sing that is.

Superb mate!!!

But your lyrics could be wrong there!
Because if yer ever in Scotland around my part or England around someone esle part or Ireland or certain parts of America, I am sure there are lots that will go out there way to meet ye, I know i would as I would wit hlots of Chordie friends.

Your song really sums up this community a lot I think.

well done again



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol Roger :lol;
a campaign sounds like it is needed.

I would help but I have that many web sites I am involved in with my music, I am thinking I have enough also. I have had them for a while.
I have a myspace somewhere too but even with that I dont know if I have any msuic on it, I tihnk I never registered as a musician on it and i cannot get music on it, I have got about 3 acounts with myspace, lol, and dont use any!!,
then i have youtube which I use a lot and my bebo which I am using even more.

So sorry mate lol
there is only a handful of people on here that share their music from this site, It would be nice if people do what you have asked and get a wee cheap microphone and record some songs.
But maybe they do not know how to do it? maybe they dont want to d oit? maybe they want to but do not know how to?

If anyone needs advice on this, just ask, I will help and I am sure there are others that can help too.
I can help with advice on what to use to record into your own computer.

good luck Roger



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

yea John
cats in the cradle, excellent lyrics as is "father to son" for father/son sort sort of songs.



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cheers Lena,
But I have not even told me ma yet the results from yesterday,lol. I dont tel lher much, she will maybe find out the morra when my wife tells her.

I might be getting this 3 breath thingamy jiggary next week, the woman said she was going to do breathing excersises that will improve my speak,shouting and singing,lol.



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I cannot remember where I first posted about my vocal cords, so had to open this up.

I went to the speach thearapist yesterday. Apparantly I do not breath properly when talking and this could be the cause of the nodule I have. I told her I have managed to last 37 years so far with the way I breath lol

So I have been given some breathing exercises to do, to help my diaphramic breathing.
I know I breath properly most of the time when singing so I am not changing the way I sing.
She thinks I will only need to go back once next week then back to the docs during October.
I might not even need to get it lasered out if her breathing exersizes can reverse the nodule.

She told me that I have to try not to shout!!! impossible for me, so i have to take a proper deep breath in frst before raising my voice,lol.

I will let ye all know after I have seen the doc next month what is going to happen.



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ahhh, Don in the cathouse??? I used to talk to him a lot. I remember him talking about a band he was in but never knew the name.
He played what I wanted in the late 80's early 90's, all guns 'n' roses, poison, motley crew, dogs D'amour. Ah the hairspray glam rock, I looked like a burd sometimes ,lol



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol

so thats why they make that moooo sound? they just havent got the ability in their vocal cords to get the sic out after the mooo, and people think they are just noisy animals, what they really are asking for when they moo is moosic, I think yer right lol

( no appologies) lol



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I listen to a loacl radio station here.
It is called ROCK radio. it is on 96.3 FM and broadcast from Paisley near Glasgow.
It is the first radio station in Scotland to play nothing but rock/classic rock.


the early morning DJ is a bit of a pain, it sounds like he is exagerating his scottish accent, or maybe he sounds different because he sounds so polite on the radio? They have a wee irish dj on a sunday afternoon who is very good, canny remember his name though.
Also got the scottish famous Tom Russell, wild wiley and some other nobody,lol.

Tis good to hear Led ZEp, Black sab, bad comany, the who, g'n'r, nazareth, alice cooper, hendrix, ac dc, chili's, gun, foreigner, and many more.
No dance, no rave,
while the other radio staions are talking, this one is rocking!!!! ( their own slogan)



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mhebert wrote:

my rabbit just loves the music and always comes running up to me when I play only I have to watch that the little sucker doesn't nibble on the wood!

it must be something to do with music and animals.
My mate said a few years ago that his goldfish acted different when music was getting played.

Someone in a lab must have done studies with music and animals.
I dont know why I am getting so interested in this but if I remember and get a chance I am going to look this up.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Old Doll wrote:

Hey UYK,

Any Black eyes yet? or were you inundated for Autographs? by your male friends!. Ive been practising this one for "My Sons house Warmer" the W/E.

Old Doll.

lol, No , No queues for autographs yet. I could e mail people it I spoose if I get a scanner and scan my X on it,lol.

No black eyes either. I showed my wife the video but she thought it was boring after watching my " big old goofy world" video. She says same as before, nothing new, blah blah blah, But she did say it was catchy wee tune even though the lyrics were not to her liking. When I told her it was not about someone wanting their mum to run around after them but the way kids take people for granted, she did not believe me as she knows my mum ran around after me,lol, even though I hated it and still hate it when she tries to even wash the dishes in my own house. I would rather my wife done that,lol



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I tihnk if yer using it a lot Al, it will be fine.
think of all those guitars in the shops that are haning for longer than yours or even mine would be hanging for.


I got a reply fro mmy complaint from rock steady security, they accpet they were wrong and I am getting a refund for my tickets, still doesnt mean I saw the alarm that night though sad but at least they accept fault and gave me an acceptable appology


(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

but did he spend the night in jail for picking flowers  like the film showed?

or i heard that or something?



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Al,

I have one of these wall mounters too, I keep my 12 string on it. I dont know what your looks like but mine has big padded parts on it where the neck rests against it. I remember when I bought it it said it did not damage the guitar, but I think sometimes if it is sitting off centre a little for a long time would it put a slight strain on the neck and bow it a little, even if hard to see by the eye.
I used to have it down at least once a week but I think I have only had it down twice in 6 months.
So I am hoping it does no  damage.
The 6 sting I most often use is on a florr guitar stand as it is easier to have it next to my seat whenever I feel like picking it up and playing.

A guitar on a wall is better than a girly picture with lillies or roses on it, so my guitar is staying there ,lol.



(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

anyone else got a tshirt yet?
igot mine in the post a couple of days ago.
Good t shirt quality.
It is in the wash today,lol, not going in the tumble dryer  just in case !!!

I tihnk I might be the first?
