
(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Even listening to your song Phill I couldn't give you a safe answer.  The New Zealand  Enimen case took along time because of all the differant expert opnions. One thing for sure is I am not an expert in this area. It is a bit like taking a bet on a racehorse. My sister is an expert on race horses even she can't pick the winner of a horse race.
The New Zealand defenition of an expert is a Ex Spurt is a drip under pressure


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Even listening to your song Phill I couldn't give you a safe answer.  The New Zealand  Enimen case took along time because of all the differant expert opnions. One thing for sure is I am not an expert in this area.
The New Zealand defenition of an expert is a Ex Spurt is a drip under pressure


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good advice Classical Guitar.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

It is a song that has a good country quality to it TIG.  For me writing good songs is a mystery I have been trying now for about three years I just can't put it together.  I wrote some songs also  back nearly forty years ago they werent that good either.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Even though it could be considered not  legal, what you want to do, most  artist will not sue someone for doing a parody if they can see your not going to make a fortune out of it. After the Eminem case in New Zealand it could mean if the club use your Parody they could be sued. It is a minefield. Legally people are expected to pay for songs even if they use them in a church or charity unless they have permission of the composer and publisher.
It is usually pretty safe and the artist will in most cases only sue if they think that your a person who has the ability to payout big money in a court case. The main thing is to state it is parody of and your doing it for  fun not money. Soundcloud will take it down if the artist complains. The way things are today if the artist thinks your making serious money then they will sue you. I heard Paul McCartney been interviewed about people doing his songs on youtube without consents. He said something along the lines as long as they are having fun with it he didnt mind but if they were selling it and making  big money,or for big personal  financial gain he didn't like it. He even admitted that sometimes he checks out people doing some of his songs on youtube and has enjoyed some of their efforts. Apparently his agent will ask him when songs covered by other's  on the net take of in numbers by those who havent paid for them what he wants them to do.  I had one of my songs taken down by soundcloud as they thought it was too much like anotherr artists song.  They emailed me and gave me the opportunity to oppose their action. I didn't as I could see that my song was very similar to a song writen by some person in Israel who I  never had heard of or listened to before. Having said that it is most probably impossible to write a song that is completly original. Someone somewhere has most probably done something simililar.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TIG that is a gift your talent to write like that.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill an interesting subject Advertising and music. It is a minefield full of legal traps.
A New Zealand political party has been ordered to pay more than $400,000 to US rapper Eminem for using music similar to his 2002 hit "Lose Yourself" in a television commercial to help win a national election.   The National Party used the song 186 times during the campaign before taking the ad off the air, the court said,
The National Party purchased the track, titled ‘Eminem Esque’ from a company called Beatbox, who had obtained the licence from a music library called Labrador. The National Party believed that they had gone through the right process.
The National Party purchased the song  which was licensed with one of New Zealand’s main industry copyright bodies, the Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society
Legally they had got it wrong but looking at it I can see how you could be caught out through not knowing. 
Copyright and royalties is very  complex it is a minefield to walk through.
According to the Court, there is an infringement due to the fact that the composer of  “Eminem Esque” was aware of the original track including bearing in mind the name of the latter song. In this case the purchaser got punished not the composer who copied Enimem
The Court order $412,896 considering the fact that the infringement happened for a limited period of time.

What can we take from this case?
The hard thing is  a company or person  paying for an advertisement can become liable for music content which they  are unaware  of.  Lawyers and legal situations benifit who???? This prominent intellectual property case is likely to have implications in many jurisdictions.
. Copyright protection automatically exists from when the work is created, and does not require registration.
In answer to your question Bill, How is it in the UK? New Zealand? Australia? Canada?  Do they also get paid for a  time-limit "contract" and what's the royalty system like?
Here in New Zealand   the right payments,  for the broadcast, of  music in an advertisement vary..  Types of licensing contracts can include: a flat fee for a defined period of usage,  or for each time the advertisement  is broadcasted.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TIG I was impressed by the  smooth and cool the way you did  "Some Days" on soundcloud.
A very Happy New Year to all Chordies and your families.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks guys I love that song Old Fat Boat

Thank you TIG .TF  My grand niece is searching around to by a horse to break in and train up for show jumping. She likes to prepare horses so for other people who don't want to  break them in. Every horse she has sold has given her a healthy financial return which also adds to her love of working with horses..  She has just turned sixteen so the money she has banked over the years has meant her being able  to buy a nice first car. We are in summer down here. It was hot days before Christmas day from then on  it has been raining on and of. Boxing day I spent with extended  family and attempting to make a few videos with my cell phone and laptop. Tonight Thursday  I will put my old Jim Croce album on the turntable thank you TF for making me think of his music.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Chocolate is one of those beautiful words that sustain me, describing a  health food item guaranteed to  make me smile.  Now a piece of visual art  design to seduce me  into devouring its beauty.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Back in the 1960's the Vienna Boys' Choir came to our city Wellington here in New Zealand. We school kids from around our city got to go and hear them in concert. They did a wonderful show it was a privilege for me  to  have experienced their brilliant voices. As a thank you to us here in New Zealand they sang Vole Sing Matilda which we appreciated  even though it is not a New Zealand song. The fact they took the time to learn Waltzing Matilda and sing to us beautifully in their accents is still  a  treasured memory of my childhood.
For years this  song Bohemian Rhapsody   I always thought Queen were singing Miss Miller instead of Bismillah.
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No! We will not let you go - let
him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me

This video I made with my neighbour whose night time activities can be a bit wild. This is not the place to mention what he does with the odd chick or bird he encounters. Safe family viewing no offensive content.


(5 replies, posted in My local band and me)

All  the very best everyone for 2018 here is a New Year party song I wrote a few years back.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I listen to songs I never really hear the lyric content until someone explains them or I read them.  For most probably all my Sixty Three years I have heard Danny Boy been sung by friends and family this is the first time I knew what the lyrics are about.
Bill there are two Waltzing Matilda Songs. The Aussie Folk Song
Waltzing Matilda is Australia's best-known bush ballad, and has been described as the country's "unofficial national anthem".
The title was Australian slang for travelling on foot (waltzing, derived from the German auf der Walz) with one's belongings in a "matilda" (swag) slung over one's back. The song narrates the story of an itinerant worker, or "swagman", making a drink of billy tea at a bush camp and capturing a stray jumbuck (sheep) to eat. When the jumbuck's owner, a squatter (wealthy landowner), and three mounted policemen pursue the swagman for theft, he declares "You'll never take me alive!" and commits suicide by drowning himself in a nearby billabong (watering hole), after which his ghost haunts the site.
The figure of the "jolly swagman", represented most famously in Banjo Paterson's bush poem "Waltzing Matilda", became a folk hero in 19th-century Australia, and is still seen today as a symbol of anti-authoritarian values that Australians considered to be part of the national character.
A swagman (also called a swaggie, sundowner or tussocker) was a transient labourer who travelled by foot from farm to farm carrying his belongings in a Swag (bedroll). The term originated in Australia in the 19th-century and was later used in New Zealand.

The Band Sang Waltzing Matilda  is the other Waltzing Matilda song.

And  the Band Played Waltzing Matilda is a song written by Scottish-born Australian singer-songwriter Eric Bogle in 1971. Many cover versions of the song have been performed and recorded  in differant counteries around the world.
This the  other Waltzing Matilda Song  is an account of the memories of an old Australian man who, as a youngster had travelled across rural Australia with a swag (the so-called Matilda of the title) and tent. In 1915 he had been recruited into the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and sent to Gallipoli. For ten weary weeks, he kept himself alive as around [him] the corpses piled higher. He recalls that terrible day ... in the hell that they called Suvla Bay [they] were butchered like lambs at the slaughter ... in that mad world of blood, death and fire. He is hit by a shell and awakens in hospital to learn that he has lost both his legs.
When the ship carrying the young soldiers departs from Australia the band plays Waltzing Matilda while crowds wave flags and cheer. When the crippled narrator returns and the legless, the armless, the blind, the insane are carried down the gangway to the same popular music, the people watch in silence and turn their faces away.
I will let the song tell the story below.



(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Tig that is a wonderful Christmas song. If you had a drummer and a bass player on there you would  have the full package.
Ngā mihi o te tau  I look forward to  listening  to more of your fine songs,
Ngā mihi o te tau hou ( New Zealand , New Year Greetings)
Happy New Year
Pete and Maree


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill sorry to hear of Dondra sister passing. I pray that 2018 will be a better year for you and  Dondra,  Christmas day  a few years back my Nephew's  Father inlaw passed away Christmas  Day as a result  this day has a tinge of sadness for the family. What sustains us is the memories of the good times,  So I raise my glass to the good times from better  years and remember  the treasured memories of times with those  who can't be with us this Christmas.


(23 replies, posted in Poems)

Strummer Bill Wrote
This great my friend, and like Phill's very personal.  Would you consider giving some domestic violence support site publishing rights free of charge, or does this work now belong to Chordie? Same question to you, Phill.
Thanks to both of you!
Bill if domestic violence suport site  wants to publish Move On to help stop domestic violence I would be honoured they can use it free of charge. Jandle needs credit also as she wrote some of it. Christmas day here now  Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas  Pete


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Tig it is coming up to Christmas Lunch time now and I have just shown your song to the young ones here. They love your song shame they wouldn't let me record them. singing it.
Merry Christmas.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill Merry Christmas.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Bill, once again Merry Christmas , I can't play piano and guitar that well now days due to me now having limited movement in my arms and hands. I put this little video together for you. It is trecorded on my cheap laptop so it is a bit patchy in sound. Most probably a good thing as it covers over my not so good vocals and playing. Here made for you and my chordie friends my song  I Wish I Could Play Real Fast.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Tig I like that line in your song, "Oh I’ve seen  the river Jordan, but I  ain’t ready to cross"


(23 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill I have read lots of poetry in my life. My Fate would have to be one of those poems that stand out above the rest. Here in beautiful New Zealand we have major problems with domestic violence and abuse in it's many forms. Your poem is  not only written beautifully it has opened up a healthy discusion many need to have.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

JJJ Merry Christmas to you and all the Tripple J family.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill and Dondra
You are a wonderful couple and I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2018.
Love to you both .
Pete and Maree