
(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I take my guitar everywhere i go, I have missed it in the past so I take it everywhere when staying away overnight. Even if I dont play it, I know it is there to be played.

If the guitar is too big to take then the uke is a great replacement to strum out a few songs

get yerself a uke, very easy to play and they can fit into a holdall



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

:lol lol
never intended it to be but yeah probably lol



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

if you cannot find the right chords yet dont worry. keep the lyrics and sometime they will come. I have got lyrics I have kept for 14 years and still looking for chords, or vice cersa, got chords but no lyrics.


and yer spelling is fine, I am sure veryone understands so it is good enough


(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

why not remove yourself?

And how long did you wait for a reply from customer services?
And what have I got to do with internet commerse?

Why not go higher up than customer service?
Karma? you wouldnt know what that meant if it came and bit yer ging gangs. You came on here ranting and raving instead of a civilised manner and you talk of karma?

You would have got a lot better response if you came on with the correct manner and complained instead of the way you did. You might have got taken a bit more serious.

So, you do not like the quality of the t shirts, that is up to you, but it was also up to you to buy or not to buy.

try going back to the website where you bought them and get a number or a contact that is not custmoer services, or rewrite your complaint in a nice manner to the website you bought the wonderful t shirts from. If you complained to them like you did to this site I am not suprised you got no reply.

Now little boy, go run along and think of the proper words and appologise, make your excuse and complain again.

i wish you luck

let us know in a civilised way how you get on



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A few people have mentioned about a few spelling mistakes on the forum, so here read tihs

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer    in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht
the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit
  porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,   but the wrod as a wlohe.
amzanig huh?



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like these lyrics too. Not something I would sing but still very good.

and for all the people going on about spelling, go read my new thread on spelling in the chordie chat section. It is amzanig



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cheers phil.
We have Olbas here too, I think it is minging though .:lol:
I bought some when my vicks inhaler ran out, used it for a while then got really sick of the smell. I love vicks though, I could get addicted snorting that al lthe time. I have not sniffed it for a while now. Which reminds me I must buy some on Sunday when I am out at the shop.



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would have to say freebird as it reamains in my top 3 songs of all time and a song I have got written down to be played at my funeral with a big kareoke screen for everyone to sing along. I jest you not. Along with " everybody hurts" and "loch lomond"



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

gtrgirl555 wrote:
SGinCYQX wrote:

I wouldn't put Avril Lavigne on that list, to be honest. I really don't think she's that great of a player or singer.

your right! her music is more poppy than anything else.

it doesnt matter what style a musicain plays, whether they play pop or rock or soul or punk or blues. That does not determine if they are good or not, it is what they play,how they pplay and what they play, and above all that it is personal preferance.

I would say I am not a pop fan at all but I do know that Mark King is an amazing bass player, and that is about as far as I go with pop or it might make me look like a closet pop fan lol

I tihnk avril can play and sing, I thin kshe is ok for a wee burd starting out young. She can only get better.

I know a very good female guitar player, she is not famous and her main instrument is the fiddle but she blows me away on a guitar and not only that, she is retired!! So she is at least 60 years old, but looks about 67. She might even be 70 but she can strum,pluck and jam.



(58 replies, posted in About Chordie)

such language, online as well where my kids can see, YOU should be ashamed of yourself!!!!

now child ( i presume since you do not know when and where to use bad language, even though I say it all the time, apart from in front of my kids) I suggest you go read a book on manners and how to complain properly.

(  i came back in to edit this as i noticed this was youtr first post, you just registered today and i think you have no right to go mouthing off, so help i was thinking of giving you is not going to happen)
all the best
keep smiling, the world is still spinning



(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


I quite like it but  icannot bevy on it, one glass with a bit extra water than normal is ok, but for £46 a bottle I wouldnt go out and buy it.
Lagavulin is my mates favourite whisky of all time and he can drink it with just ice, hmmm, na, not for me either. I like highland and speyside malts, but my favourite is bladnoch but at £45 a bottle and I can drink it like water itself, I dont buy it that much, only for special occasions.
All Islay malts are very peaty as well as Jura malt, but if you go for a 21 year old they do taste a lot better.



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cheers Ray,
Good to know you can still sing, something  iplan to do for a long time to come.

I think I have a good course in this breathing exersises and going back in 3 weeks to the ENT. I am told he is a good doctor, so I will entrust him with my nodule.
He says it is in very early stages and the speech therapy could, or might reverse it, but even if it has to come out it will not be that bad. He and the speech therapist have seen a lot worse and heard a lot worse so I am sure I will be fine.




(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

For my money anyone who has the bottle to grab a microphone and play and sing into it deserves a medal. You can suffer from stage fright with just a microphone in front of you and no audience so well done to anyone who has a go.

the exact reason why I will cheer on and clap anyone that gets up and sings at karaeoke when sober and especially if I think they are awful, they get a bigger clap for doing it.

and to a certain expent same as anyone that posts songs of their own on here.
I know that some people have written songs but will not share them in case they seem rubbish or too lovey dovey.

All attempts at singing or songwriting is good. Some songs in this section I have thought have not been that good ( not saying what ones, I am not mean) but I have tried a lot out, and some that I thought looked not very good turned out to be very good wee songs. and ones that looked good, I just couldnt do them. So everything is worth a bash.



(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

alansheeran wrote:

Please do us the honour of not polluting your whiskey with brown sugar water ! Ice or water are acceptable, anything else is an effete affectation.


I agree with you there, so much I used to tell people off for wanting to dilute whisky ( note i have left the "e" out as I mostly drink whisky lol ) with lemonade or coke etc.
But then after watching a whisky drinking tv program last year sometime on a sunday evening the expert whisky tasters were saying how it is ok to dilute your whiskies with whatever takes to your taste buds.
It made me think of Vodka, Gin, Bacardi, Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort etc etc etc  , mostly everyone duliutes these drinks with lemonade or coke so why not whisky? If someone likes the taste then who is to say it is wrong ( apart from me you and about 95% scottish and irish lol )

anyway, sorry for going off topic, just thought that had to be said as I love my whisky with two lumps of ice and half the amount of water than the whisky.



(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

wouldnt say a crook, just a manipulative greedy swine lol he is/was human after all.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

i dont think someone from olga will get the credit, this is not directly linked to other sites like that. It will not change the song on another site, only on chordie it will change. And I am sure the credit goes to the person that changed it. So you can see in chordie if someone knows how a song actually is or if they have made a mess of it.
And if you do not think someone is right you can click the option to go back to the original.

If you really want to change it that much then go ahead and make the changes thru chordie, or another option is to go to ogla, submit the correct song then direct a link from there to chordie,


nope lena
I have not, not yet anyway

cheers for that.



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After the last thread asking the same question about good women guitar players, I might have to admit now there are a lot of good women guitar players after seeing all those name.
but have ye seen them drive? lol


lol moddish @ the greasy bikers and pill poppers.

I still say all these so called "mod " bands were not actually mods, or they were but not the music.
I see "mod" as a fashion not the music. It is only because the fashion sensed "mods" like a certain bands music that they were called a mod band, but the music was and is rock music.

just like punk bands, the music is rock it is punks that was into the music.

Now if we get onto Ravers and rave music, then yeah it is all cr*p but rave msuic is in fact Dance msuic that ravers like. NO idea why they would like that, I tihnk they are too much out their faces on drugs to really know what they are listening too.lol

anyway, back on topic.....
Paul Weller called himself and probably still does, a mod. even though they started out as a punk band. The music? well ........ it is still rock music whether punks or mods like them. Bruce Foxton considers himself to be a punk even though he dressed like a mod and now he does again. ( and I cannot wait until the 15th of december when i go to see them, also got some great videos on youtube of "two from the jam")

So, all this stuff about styles of msuic and fans, it is the fans that carry the label in terms of rockers and mods. Even though there could still be a good argument to consider some rock music as mod music because it was people that considered themselves to be mods that liked that particular music. And if a band said they were rockers but mods liked them, they would not have much of a choice but to go along with the fans in what they want ( thats if the band wanted to stay successful)

I think the things with mods and rockers was simply the dress sense and what they drove rather than the music.

I love what is considered mod music and also punk music and rock music and country music and folk music and some blues and country. What am I classed as?
A punk rock mod wearing a cowboy hat wearing a kilt with a harmonica in my mouth.

lol lol

too long a name.

I am a Ken



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol Al,
glad to hear yer weekend turned out good too.

Only saw one guy wit hpipes, he was great!! A guy called Eill ( I tihnk thats how ye spell it)
Well, only one with the northumberland pipes if thats what they're called? ones with the bellow under the arm. He done funny poetry, great chants and fine songs.
One of his best was The portree kid by the corries, he done a superb version of it, had us all laughing.



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I just tried adding songs and it worked fine.


Hi Kibzz

When you make your songbook and name it and then make it public let your friends know what your user name is, and what the songbook is called and what section it is in.
that way they can look up the section you have it in i.e. easy songs, rock songs etc.

They can go to "public song books" and find your book there.
tell them to save it to their favourites. Then they should have no bother finding your book.
Or maybe after making your songbook public you can send them a link to your songbook?


Hi Phil,
I can tell you that the who and the kinks are both rock bands, as are a lot of bands from the 60's that were classed as "mods".
It was more the style of clothes they wore, nicely pressed trousers with a firm crease down the middle, a shirt with a big collar and a three buttoned jacket. And when it was cold they wore a parka. ( a british army coat) over their nice clothes.
They drove about in scooters ( just as the film Quadraphenia shows) and this is probably why the rockers and mods did not get on well. The rockers that were mainly big bike riders didnt see scooters as real motor bikes and probably a lot of slagging off went on that led to fights.

Rockers Were into led zep, sabbath, stones, and more that I cannot think of right now.

Although you have entitled this ENGLAND : the sixties etc, this was all over britain but mainly stemmed from London. the so called mod bands played in Scotland,wales and Northern Ireland too so it was not confined to just England.

The film quadraphenia shows a good story of one guy's life in the 60's when the fights were rife with rockers and mods but people have to remember that it is a film, made up through fiction but based around a true fight at Brighton in 1965. I know a few that thought this film was based on a true story and everything they saw is real, just like some think braveheart was all real.


I play a lot, hmmm, an awful lot of pink floyd, syd barrett, some eagles, chili peppers, john prine, scottish and irish folk mostly, slf, the jam, ac dc, the beatles,
Hmmm, lots.

a list from one of my books would be :

gunners dream
hey you .....floyd
final cut....floyd
possible pasts... floyd
bike.....floyd. also,  the gnome, brain damaged little black book with me poems in ,lol effervessing elephant, dark globe by syd along with Love you,wined and dined,if its in you, love song

then i got stuff like

eleanor rigbey, ballad of john and yoko, shook me all nioght long, no expectations, tuesday morning, t.n.t. , Polly, Otherside, civil war
iused to love her, brown sugar, helptimes are a changing, dedicaTED follower of fashion, piano man ( without a piano)i walk the line, broken stones, tequila sunrise, peaceful easy feeling, lying eyes, in the ghetto.

And I got about another hundred or so songs. and about 16 of my own


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Had my second breathing test today lol

I heard a recording of me talking normally, I do talk fast! ,lol.  I didnt think I spoke that loud and fast and running out of breath.

I have to slow my speaking down and take more deep breaths even if it makes me sound silly,lol..

This should be fun at work tomorrow
