
(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Can anyone help me here please.

I was admiring my neighbours Arkadiebudlike's Slide show on myspace. I

decided to try one on my space with scenes of Dublin. I never was successful
with this  before. Some how this time i managed to upload 3 slides shows.

Ive a pain in my ould head this evening needing TLC, as i have tried

everything to delete them or even 2, to no avail.

Anyone out there know more about these things then i ? If so this Old Doll
needs your help!

Muzzy headed Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am a very nice Old Doll!

I see absolutely nothing wrong with Masterbaking! Jamie Oliver,

Gordon Ramsey, there all good at this art.

Support! The word does not enter my everyday vocab! Happy Days!

Now back to writing.

Angelic Old Doll.

Ps. Its very hard to fit your name Bonedaddy into a writing without laughing?

I wonder why that is?


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

John Walding,

I love this song. Loads of everything left unsaid between each line.

Id love to be able to write songs this way.

Well done.

Old Doll.

Its  now raining here without the Buckets!!!.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)



A very sad little song. I actually think memories can feel very heavy at times.

But then im a soppy old romantic anyway.

Thank You.

Old Doll.

Hi Temus99,

I finally got it by downloading and saving! I have listened to and am playing it

at the moment here. Its  a  Great piece . All kinds of images went through my head listening to it.

So thank you!

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Bonedaddy,

Will ya book me in for a pedicure also, I just about need one to start the new year.

The Dixie Chicks must be delighted with you. Taking them to the limelight with your song !

Dont be worrying about this big marrow swelling you have. I know exactely what that is !!

Its  Only your ego trying to escape. lol God help the Nursey tomorrow!!

Heres a joke i heard recently. Sorry admin a bit rude!

Man goes to doctor. Hasnt a clue whats wrong with him?

Lovely young lady doctor examines him.

She says! Sir you are going to have to stop masterbating!  Why he asks!

Well she says " I am trying to examine you to see what your problem is!  lol Boom Boom.

{So you just behave your self tomorrow Bonedaddy}

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You John Walding,

You Darling Man. With me in mind, How cool is this.

Yes! The rain gets me down also. We get so much of it here lately, its one big {Groan}

Last year we had 3 months of daily rain, so you be thanking your lucky stars you only get the odd day.:lol:

Sunshine to you From "Me" as the Emerald has none to offer at the Moment. lol

Your email is on the way!


Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

GoodMorning Bonedaddy,

Hows you today! after your week of Stardom? Are your "Bits" Feeling any better Now? lol.

Old Doll.

Hi Temuss99,

I have tried several ways to open your link ! but to no avail?

Old Doll.


I have no doubt, as i know this. Sure the Dubs and Dublin get themselves in everywhere lol

I am having a great evening here, Ive discovered my Great Great grand Father had an eye for the ladies!!  Its looking like he had a young wife here in Ireland with no family, and another abroad with One Son?. " The STud Muffin".

He has criss crossed his way from Ireland to Scotland, on to Haywood in Manchester, then to Canada, and back here to Ireland..With a wee stop over in Liverpool England. Im looking forward to seeing what this fella died from?

Stds Comes to mind lol

God didnt porridge give these old timers great stamina? Little did he know cyber would eventually catch up with him.
He is one interesting   Subject with the wonderful name of John. I have 8 brothers, and one who died  many years ago  who was known as John.
Obviously called after this Charmer! lol

Old Doll.


Deres no use in bein iggorant unless ya can sho- w- eh  like! lol

When your asked " Were a ya goin wit no bell onur bike an yr knickers wringin,

den ye need ta worrie?.

Molly Malowne!


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Rhiannon Darlin,

Its actually quite refreshing for me to read a post like yours to Gerry Woods.

It shows me the strength of character and respect you have  about you  For your friends.

All good.

Well Done Girl.

Old Doll.

Lovely Song Rhiannon,

You have a very distinctive style in the writing of  your  stuff, which is always a good thing.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely  Stuff  Zurf,

Its wonderful to see parents take the time with there Children to do these things.

These wee ripples we start as parents impacts there lives for evermore.

So always enjoy them, they go by so fast. Your making  an album of great  Viaual memories to share for later times. {Great}

Old Doll.

Ah Yes Arkadiebudlike!

But did you understand the Dublineese? Its more about the accent its spoken
with. Probably why all my life ive been told i dont sound like a Dubliner,

In Dublin that is. My Mam would have given me a very distainful look if she heard me speak like that.

But i so love it.

Old Doll.


Delighted to make your aquaintence! Fáilte go Chordie.

Yes! I have heard this expression before. Now how the young maidens of Ireland know this in discos is beyond my comprehension!!! Even a thought
like that in my day would have been a real mortalar. {Sin}. But i knew nothing of asses at all at all in dose days lol

Enjoy your time here. { Ders a lorra decent ould skins here righ!

dyeknowwharrimean  Bud? lol

Old Doll. Taking the P### outra de Dubs.

Sure everyone knows i love the Emerald.

Fáilte Phillyp,

For all my chordie friends here! Phillyp is really saying !

" Bloody Dubs! We  as Dubliners really get on the nerves of anyone who does not live in the Capital of Dublin.  We as Dubliners think we own the F###ing Country. We as Dubliners have a Dublin  born and Bred "Taoisheach"

Leader Of our Goverment! ?. Bertie Ahearn is also an avid  Dublin Football Supporter".This is probably the real problem here lol

Every other county lovingly disregard us in every game of football ever played in this country. We as Dubs can take it all on the chin. The Gaa
{Gaelic Athletic Association } Absolutely love us as we are the biggest
money spinners to follow our teams { win Lose or Draw }

I as a Dub did not vote for Bertie and his crew to run our country. Im much to clever for the brown bag brigade.
So he who dipped his wick must pay for the oil. lol  Now! would this have been you Phillyp ?

Also did your Mam/ Teachers/  Nuns/ or Priest never tell you not to go
upsetting yourself on the Sabbath?

Lighten up Petal.

Slán Mó Cara.

Old Doll


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Song James,

Here in holy catholic Ireland, " You made your bed so lie in it" Is laced around marriage vows, but never spoken about.

People here have the attitude, sure your in it so long why leave! That idea is rapidly changing Thanks be to the holy one.

But transition is difficult for all concerned.

Old Doll.

Dublinified English. Wha!

  Arkadiebudlike, As Jerowimm De Man sais,

He had  me in miund for dis song wit dat word bollix in.  Da ya nowarra i mean Righ.?
Dose dat think its the same as Bollix in Engleland are wrong Righ!.  Here Bollix dozen always mean dat ting  the pudendum? { God dats a maffice word dat is} me Ma id be reel proud a me an dat wan. { shed also box de head a me far bein cheeky like}

Handy Bollix tips in Dubalin Arkadiebudlike Righ!.

Ya berrer  Know who yr sain dis te in Dubalin. Righ, Or getyrself a good
pair a runnin shoewes.. Cos ya cud get yr self killt. D'ye know wharrImean Righ?.
Ya cud be takin tablahs fer de res of yr daise, Righ!  lol

Janey mack i jus luv my people from Dubalin an de whiffy liffey, der wily
charames ar de bollix.
Were in de worrold cud somewan say" {I see yr Ma but up er prices agin}
an get a rowend of applawse Like.  lol

But yeser are all welcome like, ask Jerowimm! lol sure e onie luvs us er!

Ould Doll.
De Dubalin Wan! lol

In Dubalins fair city were the girls are so pretty, ahem! gettin carried away  here Righ!

My Mam Always said,

"Any one who had to resort to using bad language had a very low command

of the english Language" Well with the way bad language is used here every day now in  everyday conversation, she must be spinning in her grave.

Bean An Tíg.  { Woman of the house }

God Jerome what kind of company are you keeping here in Dublin! lol

Fáilte Jerome!

Emm! What about a good strong womans verse. Irish Woman love to use this word when riled!

Bean an Tíg!


would i do that on you! I know you know im talking about A## H###s

in decent relationships.    Chords? The f# is my biggest cheater, well at the moment lol that i know about!!

At this stage who gives a Highlanders. lol  Well past all that now. Thank God!

Goodnight Now.

Tired Old Doll In a very Rainy Emerald.

I feel a sun holiday coming on Son, and soon!


Lovely lovely song. Your right you know, never be second best in love.

Cheaters have a very low self esteem. or over inflated egoes,

Either way they lose in the end.

She missed out bigtime.

Old Doll.

Well Thank you Zurf,

I have great friends in Ohio. I was to go last Year but, unfortunately  lin the weeks prior  I got a suspected Bloodclot to my leg... So no long haul flights.

Yes, There's an open invitation in Ohio all year round for me. So Maybe this year?

Thank You for the invite. I will Keep your offer in mind.

Now please tell me what Buckeye friends are?

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Gerry woods,

Its  plainly ovbious you are not an animal lover, or maybe not even a lover!.

Because most people here on the forum have a lovely sense of respect and compassion about them.

We all in our own way live life as we want to. You need to remember everything you give out verbally you get back.

I dont need to defend the writer of this song, but as a fellow human being, i want to show respect for his feelings. as another human being. 

You Gerry Woods needs to learn how to do the same.


Old Doll.