
(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I listened to you doing "when you say nothing at all". I love this song.

Your guitar playing is good, you play it very well.
Your singing is very good, great voice but....lol. the recording could be improved, vocals are a bit too loud I think ( just my personal opinion) or maybe not the vocals are too loud, maybe the guitar is too quiet? yes!! guitar is too quiet.

But very good



(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I wouldnt have thought The Who or the Kinks were underestimated at all. They were/are massive

Maybe this will depend on what part of the world you live in? I know in the Uk The Jam were hugely massive and quite rightly so, but they never made it in america so they were underestimated there.
Also Oasis, very big in Uk and europe but never quite done it in America as big as they did elsewhere.
So it really depends where they were very big and where they were underestimated.



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Upyerkilt's youtube page ................... http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=upyerkilt123


(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

well since this section is bands and artists, I guess we could make a list here.

To keep the list going the next person to post just has to copy and paste the list then add their youtube/myspace page. and so on and on so we have a big lsit.

good idea Phil



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yep replacing the nutt is probably the best thing to do but for short term you can get a small bit of paper or thin card and put that on the nut where the string goes ( letting the string rest on the paper. That will stop the buzz. But make sure it is on on that string and no others.

Alternatively, if you have very light weight gauge strings on, you could go up a gauge, that might cure it. My mate tried that with his Fender acoustic and it solved his buzzing but if he wants to go back to light gauge or medium gauge he will go back to getting a buzz.

This is short term solution, best get a nutt.

they are cheap



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Go watch some of my videos on youtube, you will lose that complex very quickly lol
I have fun doing it even though I know I am not great, but as long as you enjoy yerself ye can ignore everything, or learn to live with knowing yer not great but you enjoy it.
Thats what I do anyway. I seem to get a lot of compliments sometimes but I really dont see why. But still nice to have them even if it is someone just being nice. lol something I find hard to do sometimes, I just like telling people straight.

So hope you have lost theta complex and it is rid of forever.

and that goes for anyone else that thinks they are not that good. Just like Roger said somewhere on the forum, if you have the balls/guts to go and do something then it is good.
And you if like it, someone somewhere in the world will like it too, you will not be the only one that likes it, and if you get only one person liking what you do then you have succeeded.



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

no idea but i would thin kfor every make there is the manufacturer probably makes a small one



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol, jerome yer doing yer best to plug this cave man gorg guy/band and no one is talking about him/them

I have never heard of him/them/it lol

A few bands getting mentioned that I have never heard of, and I know there will be totally original bands that I have never heard of but neither has anyone else. Tells a tale? crap or no P.R from record companies?

Phil Nirvana did influence a lot but not original. They brought the grunge scene to get noticed but they didnt actually start it or the great sound they had.

A band or two I am thinking of is "Great big sea"  and "drop kick murphy's"
Why? very heavy from drop kicks but use bag pipes and mandolins etc, I tihnk quite original for a punkn band.
Great big sea are like a rock folk band, I think they are a superb band that should have international stardom by now. they ooze talent. I would love to see them come to glasgow soon.



(10 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

it wasnt all cocaine, that was far too expensive then, that was for the rich kids or the well off bands. To substitute that there was glue sniffing, Gas buzzing hash, poppers, jellies and a lot more other prescribed drugs getting abused.
Not that I took any of them, I just know a lot that did.


I was reading these replies thinking that Chordie should be recognised so  iwent looking. There is a place that does a competition for best web sites. I have no idea what category this site would come under though, I thought music then I thought no. Maybe hobby?
Too late for this year anyway as winners for 2007 have been picked. Maybe next year?



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Guitardoc just reminded me even though it is not 9 ft away from me, I have a baby ozrak travel guitar that doesnt do much travelling! It is small enough but the uke is smaller,lol.
I bought my Ozrak to take with me when hill walking for a few days but not done much of that this year, always took the car, or on a short walk I have taken my big guitar.

small travel guitars are great, I highly recommend them to anyone that misses playing the guitar while aay from home.



(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love the verses, not too sure about the choruses yet, but then I have not picked my guitar up since I am just out of bed about half hour and getting ready for work, but all in looks a great song.


ah ha,
the big question is, did the mods like the yardbirds?

if so, then they must have been, and yep, they certainly do look the part to be.



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I know Admin will be looking for a link to the song you are trying and also what you are using i.e Firefox, explorer etc.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

2 good replies already. they might be giants, yeah, they were a bit different but so far, although not all songs, Janes addiction is high up on the list for original rock bands, one of my favourite bands as well, lol.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am wondering if anyone knows of any original bands from 1990 onwards.

Got to have original sound, more than two albums. Do not sound like anyone else, do not use other riffs that other bands have used, have their own dress sense.
So, a band/singer that is original that have influenced other bands 1990 onwards.

I find it hard myself.
I dont think I can think of any, can you?



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

2002? that late? lmao..
I stopped listening to mainstream radio in 1986 when i was 16. I decided then that it was the fault of radio stations and commercialised nonsense that was destroying other really good bands rearing from fre depths of the suburbs, from the bedrooms, from the garages, from the "apprieciated" borrowed school hallls.

and SGin,
I think jPage already answered this but so many artists sound the same because so much has already been done, so many styles etc. You will find it hard to get any original bands or sounds now. But now and again you do get a band coming out with a new sound, but it doesnt usually last, they all revert back to "stealing" or "borrowing" other riffs and sounds from long time ago.

There is nothing wrong with this I dont think, as long as it is not very obvious what song they have stolen something from. And as long as the lyrics are different and a bridge etc the nit is a different song. But as far as originallity goes, I have not heard anything original in years. This is why I am stuck in my own personal time warp listeing to The Who, early chili peppers stuff, early stones, ac dc, slf, the alarm, the clash, johnny cash,and a lot more.
I do like some modern day bands but i would not say they are original.
Maybe I just cannot think of any? time for a new topic I think!!



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yep Per,
that is fine.
I will edit the song to put my comments in. But no need for them to be hidden really. When I print it out I would still like to see my comment.




(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i dont think i can help but i am wondering what the VA is.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am dreadful at drawing.
I used to make things with wood too. I am good at survival techniques like making a shelter, building a good fire, cooking outside, what to eat outside ( although stuff that idea when there is dried noodles)
But as far as artistic goes? i am near the autistic side to artistic. My wife can draw though and she plays fiddle.


pmsl, I was at that concert too. What a gig.

I still want Pete Townshend to do a solo tour before he retires. He is superb live on his own.



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

The best microphone to use would be a condensor microphone at over 50 quid, but you can get bye with cheaper ones. I got a microphone that was claiming to be a condensor mic on e bay, so i bought it for a tenner. the make is "trust". It is very small but works great. Also I bought one from pc world "plantronics microphone" it is a desktop one and that works fine too.

Basically any mic will do as long as you do not mind not getting `1st class recording but still good enough.
When recording close all windows in the room and doors etc so no outside noise interferes. You often dont hear these noises until you playback.

good luck



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Per,

i was wondering if it was possible and eay to do this for a feature.
I just came across it while learning a new song.
I had to transpose the chords -5 seimitones and I still could not sing it properly, so I tried other transpositions but found some chords hard to play, so I put it back to -5 semitones and put a capo on the first fret PERFECT!!!!
but what I want to know is Could you put a box for notes in a song that is only visible if you put it in your own songbook? So it is not showing for everyone to see,
So if I save a song like this and I have to transpose it -5 and dont play it for a while I will have a wee reminder box to put the capo on.

I know I could go in and edit the song and do a { st:  capo on first } sort of thing, but just wondering how easy it would be for an option like I am asking.

If it is not possible or too much hassle then I will just edit it like I said for my own songbook.



as far as I know it is on every song.
Firstly I have to ask, Have you got a songbook made yet?

The " add song to songbook" is always on the right hand side under the transposing part.. and also under the rating, where the stars are.
If you have the song already in your songbook it changes to "remove song"

unless there is a bug? it should be ok


i dont have to reply, eagle has said exactly everything i could ,lol, I was born in 1970 too, and i agree with everything you typed.
I have also had a few e mails from people here wanting to ask me things without it being in the international eye. I dont mind getting or sending e mails. I love helping people when I know about something.

But eagle  you said "but arrogance is ignorance". I cannot get my head round this. I am thinking it doesnt make sense. Or the way I perceive these two words doesnt make sense. Arrogance is to be overwhelmingly assume, where ignorance is to not be aware of something.
hmmm, maybe it does make sense smoewhere, but not to me lol . I dont admit not understanding easy things sometimes lol

I am a member of quite a few forums that I visit on a daily basis to give my opinions or just to act the clown and enter something I tihnk is funny. ( and I always spell think wrong, ever noticed that?) But this site is I would say far better tha nthe rest for a community online, a near, very near second if not it is drawing with this site would be my bothy site I go to. All very friendly there and meet up very often to maintain bothies. But that is more of a national rather than international like chordie, so for international status chordie would win my vote for best.
