
(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Mojo  my father who was English  never warmed to the Fijian name Duna Mata  given to me by my mother.  Duna Mata which in english is Eel  Eyes. So the only person in the family who calls me that is my mother. I have never minded her calling me that so I am happy with any Tag given to me.  Thumbs up to Bill.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill and those others who have posted as well.  I am honoured my writen meanderings  have been read and are of some interest to someone..  Chordians have been an important part of my quest to procure the baskets of knowledge on things that interest and mater to me in this world.  I am pleased to be part of this community  called Chordie with it's way of never undervaluing  any person. I would be thankful to have whatever title you give me.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Bill when I get myself a bit more together I might give a cover of that song a go.        Anyone who is good with metalwork Abby is looking for some advice on how to get her  bells fixed video attached with her explaining the bell maintenance problem.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Badeye Bring It On Home To Me it is a top version you put up. Thank you. Weather today here in the bottom of the South Pacific Wellington New Zealand,  Sunny Day 17 early Sunday morning  going up to  around 20 later on today


(11 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Neo his name is Mark White I have heard him busking he has a wonderful sound. Great thead  TF. With only 10,000 Chapman Sticks worldwide, they are one of the most seldom seen and rarely heard instruments in the world.  With an elegant sound Mark White specializes in such music as Classical, Romantic, Celtic and Classic Rock.
Based out of Austin, Texas Mark White is one of the few Chapman Stick players in the world.  Mark was first introduced to the Stick at the age of 12 by his music teacher Matt Rogers.  Completely captivated by the sound, Mark eventually transitioned to the Stick full-time.  At the age of 17 he and Matt Rogers formed a Chapman Stick duo called "Heartstrings". After working together for almost 10 years Mark and Matt decided to go their separate ways.   Mark now has been traveling the world for the last 2 years showing over 30 countries the wonder of the Chapman Stick through street performing. He plans to continue to travel and write music on the road for as long as possible.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill that is MAGIC  I love the sound those two make.  Chris Rodrigues and Abby Roach work well together. Abby The Spoon lady life story would make a great film or book.
Abby first started street performing and busking as a means to make money traveling across the United States, primarily hopping freight trains. She taught herself to play the spoons and traveled all over the United States by hitchhiking and railroad. Today she hosts storytelling events where she discusses the lifestyle of the American hobo. She spent a good amount of her time traveling recording the stories, interviews and songs of other American travelers.
Abby is an advocate for street performance and free speech. In 2014 she was instrumental in developing a group called the Asheville Buskers Collective which advocates for street performance within the city of Asheville, North Carolina. Today she records buskers through a project called Busker Broadcast, and records interviews and songs of travelers passing through Asheville.
It is very early Sunday morning here and those  two have started my Sunday good with the  words of that song they sing.

I know, I know I've been changed
I, I know I've been changed lord and I know
I know I've been changed
the angels in heaven done signed my name
the angels in heaven done signed my name

Thank you Bill
Love to you and Dondra


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

EB you describe that muscians nervousness  well.  Before that big gig for some the apprehension of being judged badly by others can cause  some  awful moments of anxiety.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Badeye that is a brilliant way to describe what is happening to Mother Earth, Keep writing poems you have the gift,  Your poem is a great way to make people think.  Those forms of story telling are very important in my family circles.
I am part Fijian and even though most of my people are Christian today we still tell keep alive our old stories and myths from nature, involving indigenous plants and animals.
One popular Fijian creation myth that explains the existence of human life on the islands is of the ancestral snake god, Degei. In the beginning, Degei lived a lonely life with only Turukawa, the hawk, as a friend. One day, Turukawa disappeared, and Degei went in search of her. He came across Turukawa’s bird’s nest, in which he found two abandoned eggs that he promptly took to his own house to nurture. After several weeks of nesting, the eggs hatched to reveal two tiny human bodies. Degei raised the humans, grew vegetation in order to feed them and told them stories that revealed the nature of all things.
After a good deal of time, Degei traveled through the ocean with the humans and their progeny and landed in Lautoka where he established the village of Viseisei, which is believed to be the first Fijian settlement. According to legend, Degei created Viti Levu and the smaller surrounding islands and now lives in a cave in the Nakavadra mountain range in Viti Levu. Newly dead souls pass through Degei’s cave and he determines whether they will be sent to paradise or flung into a lake to await punishment.
Degei is the most powerful god in the pantheon (or “Kalou”) of deities that make up the old Fijian religion. Other gods in Kalou include Degei’s son, Rokolo, the patron of carpenters and canoe-builders, Ratumaibulu, who ensured and health and abundance of crops, and Ravuyalo, who was known for obstructing the newly dead from their journey into the afterlife. Most of the gods who were widely recognized and venerated throughout the islands were not viewed as gentle or caring but rather as indifferent to the affairs and troubles of humans. Part of our mindset is a respect of land and sea a living entity, .plus the creatures that inhabit this world.
In our tradition the land is the physical or geographical entity of the people, upon which their survival...as a group depends. Land is thus an extension of the self. Likewise the people are an extension of the land. Land becomes lifeless and useless without the people, and likewise the people are helpless and insecure without land to thrive upon.

Jandle I enjoyed your Carol King cover, Welcome back to chordie seems like you have been away for a while,


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers Jim,  I am glad the brush strokes painted with words worked. Thank you.


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers Baldguitar I would like to hear it as a song but havent got my head around doing it as  a song. Thank you for your feed back on my poem,  Maybe someone on chordie can figure out how to turn it into a song.
My week has been messed up with a good friend of mine passing away suddenly. He is a bachelor with no close family so we his friends have had to think about a funeral for him and deal with our sadness..We his friends will celebrate his life in a fun way once we get his body back from the coroners.
Maybe once I have  worked through the grief of this week I will get my head in a better position to turn this poem into a song.


(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Thank you TF  I enjoyed Don and Calum playing.


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers  Phill us Kiwis and Welsh love our Rugby Union. It would be good to follow summer around the world. Thank you  for your kind comments on my writting. Newspapers are hard going to read.and TV news gets a bit much. After hearing the same News item on the radio a few times I have had enough. I read the free Newspaper at the library or give the internet a bit of a quick scan.   New Zealand summer temperatures are around the mid twenties this month. We are a little closer   then OZ to the South Pole so dont get as hot, .
TF thank you for your comments. Our politicians here in NZ are also good at sneaking unpopular legislation through Parliament . Here in NZ they do it often in the middle of the night when the rest of the country is sleeping'
I guess we should be thankful for brave reporters a total of 65 reporters were killed doing their job in 2017.around the world,


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers EB  thank you for your kind comments. It seems to me most news  we see and hear is negative, and replete with disasters, terrorism, crime, scandals and corruption. Does the media create that negative news bias or is it responding to a human  preference for bad news over good news? ???? I am sure it isimportant we know about what is wrong. but do we get hear about the positive things out there.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

EB the wild west had many a saloon fight.  USA was the same as New Zealand in the old days when  the Chinese were treated bad There were many interesting real life characters such as Judge Roy Bean.He was the  owner of a drinking saloon which was also his court room. As a judge, Bean relied on a single law book, the 1879 edition of the Revised Statutes of Texas, and when newer law books showed up he used them as kindling.Bean did not allow hung juries or appeals and jurors, who were chosen from his best bar customers, were expected to buy a drink during every court recess. He was also known for his unusual rulings. In one case an Irishman named Paddy O'Rourke shot a Chinese labourer and during the trial a mob of 200 angry Irishmen surrounded the courtroom and saloon. They threatened to lynch Bean if O'Rourke was not freed and after looking through his law book Bean ruled that "homicide was the killing of a human being; however, he could find no law against killing a Chinaman" dismissing the case. Your idea of the Sherriff hoping for a quiet life sounds good to me. Fertile soil this town and it's people,  I cant wait to hear your recording of this one.


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

Hi it is summer here in Wellington the capital city of New Zealand. Here is a poem about a hot summer day in Wellington with all the politicians on holiday and  a lack of stories for the local reporters.

                                                           Take My Photo Reporter
On a slow news day.
One man standing outside.
Waiting for a cool house.
With no heat and friction..
Under the glow of  burning midday sun.
No pictures painted by  clouds.
Just clear blue sky.
Paralyzed harbour looking for a distant wave.
Water not to walk on.
Just a mirror for today
Mother nature not ready.
One day she will breath.

Grab a photo reporter and write my story down'
Yeah  grab a photo reporter and write my story down.
A mingling circling  crowd.
Heading into the mall.
Looking for cool air.
Melting icecream and rattling cups.
Over table stories,
Grab a photo reporter and write my story down.
Yeah grab a photo reporter and write my story down.
'Our Prime Minister is having a baby.
That would be strange if she was a man.
Grab a photo reporter and write my story down.
Yeah grab a photo reporter and write my story down.


(10 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Ctech I like your style of music. Your references to your country interesting folklore and history..


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you TIG.  I hope you get over your cold soon. I admire people who coach and help sport people all the best to you and the players.. I am sure someone will turn out a real good version of Jesus Is My Hero.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I love this thread Badeye.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill thank you. and all the other moderators also. for clearing chordie of all the rubbish and making it a great site to visit. You do an excellent job


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Jim I thought I should have another crack at this song this time on guitar. Sorry about my poor voice and guitar playing. I will take it down after a few days but in the meantime it is downloadable if you want to save it. I am pleased that Jandle is going to have a shot at it as she has a good  voice for this song.

Neo and Tig your guitars look great. I admire those who are good at woodwork even though I am no good at it.

Hi a simple question. Does anyone on here build their own guitars?


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You have a good pop voice. I think your strength are more those  songs that provoke thought.


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ctech first time I have looked at both or your latest song. Challenging lyrics on both. I went to school until I was fifteen so my learning on life is through experience,  travel and reading so I am no expert on this.  I can see them  making some people uncomfortable which doesn't make them bad. Debate is good and sharing differant views. can only help people form their own ideas, Having said that no one  has questioned your lyrics yet but I suspect they will.
Obviously all religions have sacred histories and narratives, which aim mostly to give a meaning to life. which I am sure we all respect. Most will accept things done in the name of religion that are bad don't always reflect people who practice those  faiths or  beliefs.  Perhaps, a common factor in history  no matter our race or where we are from  is our ancestors hope of immortality made those warriors face death without a tremor.  No matter their  religion they believed, that cowards would miss the bliss of the future state.  AMONG all the problems with which man has busied himself with,  none so appeals to his hopes and fears as that of the future life. Is there a farther shore, and if so, shall we reach it? Few races in history, if any, have doubted the existence of a future state, but their conceptions of it have differed greatly. Of course today in the Western world many peoples perceptions on life have changed. I don't have an answer but it saddens me all the powers of the world spend millions making weapons to kill. The arms trade a big money earner. Peace ,love and goodwill lost to power and greed. Maybe I have it wrong, I think the average person on this planet wants to live in peace. Confucius said,“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.“  Every culture around the world has had some form of power and corruption in it's history. Good that your writing about it in the good Folk song tradition.