
On this Godforsaken planet lol  Here ya go. BIG SMILE NOW . HE DIDNT FORSAKE YOU WITH THIS ONE.! … hings.html

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

Pioneer To The Falls Chords by Interpol, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Interpret: Interpol
Titel: Pioneer To The Falls
Album: Our Love To Admire

Gm  Dm  Faug  A       F  A  Dm       G  Bm  D
3   1    1   0       1  5  5        3  2   2
3   3    2   2       1  5  6        3  3   3
3   2    2   2       2  6  7        4  4   2
5   0    3   2       3  7  7        5  4   0
5   -    -   0       3  7  5        5  2   -
3   -    -   -       1  5  -        3  -   -

Edited by topdown. Please do not post lyrics on this forum. From the sticky above-

"Chordie does not host songs. It is a search engine that formats songs it finds on the internet. There are several reasons for this (most of them legal).

Please read FAQs on chordie's 'Resources' page for a longer explanation.

This also means that NO LYRICS can be posted in this forum.

You are however allowed to post links to songs on the internet, and you are allowed to post one-liners explaining how to play a song.

Any posting of lyrics may result in Chordie having to shut down! I will therefore automatically delete the account (and the songbook) of persons violating this rule, as well as ban their domain from accessing Chordie."

Here is a link to the song: … ls_crd.htm


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Badeye,

Im fine thank you! I was only thinking of you yesterday as i ate my way

through 2 pancakes. and Canadian maple syrup. Oh badeye! sooooooooooooo

good! Had a dose of the munchies ya know. Must be the cold cold weather.

My son made me another for my breakfast this morn. i ll be as big as a 5

story block if i keep this up.:lol:

Hope all is well in your world. Regards to Gem.

back to writing. now"


Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Marcalan,

Welcome back to the Songwriting section.  Since you were here its been decided to add chords to most pieces you post.

Ya dont want your knuckles rapped..

Lovely wee piece.lots of imagery here.   " I was dancing with my darlin at the Tenneesse Waltz, lalalallalaalalalalaalalalala.

Would you like to dance Marcalan?  lol Then ill make ya breakfast!

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is a lovely song also,

I do so believe its important to tell your loved ones everyday,

"I love you". Why do people find it so hard to say these 3 words?

Dont let it be to late. We know not the time or the hour.

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Oldnewbie,

Lovely song! You made me all broody, wanting my big grown men

a wee ones again.. Enjoy every whizzing by moment of her life.

Thank You . Fáilte go Chordie.

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You All,

Your alll so kind to me. Your words are graciously accepted.

Arkadiebudkile! You rumbled me, I will tell Tony you said "Hi" lol

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Would you believe Jerome!

its someone you know very well!!

Fáilte ya nosey git!!!  lol

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You James McCormack!

Your a Pet! 

Ps. Cosmopolitan Rag, oh sorry Mag! lol

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This song was written because i felt someone did come and lift the mist that was over me in my life. So for you "Precious Man" here it is with a simple Melody.
Thank You "Anam Cara"

My Celtic Mist Helena Donovan

Verse 1:

[G]A Celtic mist descends on [D] me

[G]Feeling adrift lost at[C] sea

[D]Creative hands carved in [G] time

You’ve [D7] come to lead me [G] home.

[G]Emotions strong water [D] tight

[G]My damaged wings have

Taken[C] flight [D] why do I cry?

You made me [G] see

You’ve [D7] come to lead me [G] home. [G/B]

[Em]Like Odens voice upon the[Am] wind

You have turned the tide

So[D7] I can swim to[G] you

Your strength my caul

You have[D7] come to lead me[G] home

[G]Desiderata comes to[D] mind

[G]Spirit souls lost with[C] time

[D]You carry me as he does[G] to

You’ve [D7] come to lead me[G] home.

[G]Your love you whispered to[D] me

[G]With truth from mimers[C] well

[D]I kiss your neck in soft[G] reply

My[D7] love you’vebrought me [G] home.

Holy God its still wrong!! lol Where me Bacardi ?


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I am all for everyone using and persuing there or out of the ditch!


Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Russell.

Thank you for the link to you tube! Went there early this morning { bad idea}

As i was a hour delayed starting work.. Anyways, i so enjoyed it.. I ve back now and your vids wont play ??   Your a very good musician/ painter and all
round Artist..

Em Science Teacher? Was it whiskey you were drinking? or bad quality
wacky backy? lol

Stick with your other qualities.

Well done.

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tennessee Strats,

What makes America great for me?   Well i know they dont all feel the Irish are Ignorent louts or are only good for road making. 

I have the deepest respect for America and its citizens.. America has been more then good to members of my extended family. Here on this island theres sometimes a begrudgery feeling towards someone who decides to do well for them selves.
In America my family were encouraged. One in his thirties is a Hot shot lawyer in New York. Another in his thirties a director of a world wide bank. Another has her own show and runs a local Tv station and so on... This would never have happened to them here. You have to be middle aged and nearly washed up before you can have such high achievements.
Another had all of his college and living  paid for from a benefactor. Whom we have met which is unusual.. She has always kept in touch with him. But he did so well she invited us  all to dinner.  An absolute pleasure i might add.

I can have tickets to Games,   Madison Square Gardens, gosh so many oppurtunities are at my disposal when i visit the States..

American People! I love them. They have an honesty about them. An Openess
to talk to all and share.

They also love my country.  There generosity to us by spending there holdays here and there hard earned dollar back in the  lean years cannot be forgotten

Céid  Míle Fáilte  is a very honest welcome to all Americans to this wee Emerald.

Sure! Cranberries, pancakes, spare ribs, buswiser, yankee candles, syrup,
New york Rhuben sandwhiche, Yum. Just a smidgeon of all that i love American.

Old Doll


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Grits i always thought was "Corn bread"? Never did have it in the States.

Tennessee Strat, now says he had it with butter.? so it probably is a type of bread?.

I think i was born on the wrong side of the planet!  I love Cinnamon,
pancakes, southern style chicken, cajun style cooking.
But heres a tip for barbecuing Chicken... Marinade your chicken in

White lemonade, / soda / pop . { Sprite/or 7 up/ tumeric/ curry powder.   Delicious. My childhood friends hubby is a spanish chef. He gave me this tip.

So good on the barbie.

Im afraid to ask what Mayhaw Jelly is?

But i know the feeling of toe curling.   It happens me all the time reading a good book in bed. lol

Ps. theres 2 lemons in the post for ya Nela.  Split in half and suck vigorously!!

There to wipe away the  ten minute smile from last night lol

Life in the old dog yet eh Nela!!  go on ya boy ye. 

BUALADH BOS FOR NELA!!!!!   { round of applause } lol
Keep the grits warm im on me way.

Bean Deas!


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I like this. Its unusual.  Also on the very day we celebrate St Biigids Feast Day.

May you receive your request by Valentines Day!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

Bo Diddly!

Daisy Daisy, reminded me of many years ago our group was asked to entertain at a old Folks holiday retreat home.. One of our group worked for  The famous Guinness Brewery at that time.

He decided  in his wisdom to bring some crates of "The Black Stuff" for them..

Well the Guinnes was flowing, The music was going and so were the Old Folks.

I remember thinking i want to be as lively as them at there age.

Phone calls the next day asking " In the name of God what did yis do to them ?
Some of the old dears slept for 2 days solid. A combimation of meds -booze
and dancing. As far as i know none of them died!! Well Bo if they did they died happy, thats for sure.:lol:

Thanks for the memory!

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Professor Bonedaddy!

Thank you !..   God i gave this one no thought at all..

That Nela fella trying to take the Michael out of this Bean Deás [ Nice woman}

Its a good slap around the swamps he needs!!  Nela your very Bold!!

Cackeberries!!! Why dont ya just call it { úbh  }

like we do here,   Simple like lol

Old Doll.

Ps. Daddycool, they sure aint talking about the same Bickies as us.


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)


Is this what your looking for? … _Town.html

ahhhhhhhh James Taylor!! sigh!

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Twang town!

You cannot be serious?  For all the young kids on this site!


  You just may damage all the nerve endings to your finger tips or even worse cause infection.

So many people around the world have type i diabetes, and are not aware of this. Burning the tips of your fingers

can lead to infection. If your a diabetic this can lead to bigger problems.

The immune system is affected when levels of glucose (blood sugar) rise above normal. As  a result, people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or other forms of diabetes are at an increased risk for developing an infection. Once a person with diabetes has developed an infection, the body is less capable of fighting it off because high glucose levels interfere with the normal action of white blood cells.

Believe me this is no joke. I watched my Sister in law for 3 years waiting on a liver transplant because of undetected


If at my age my fingers could develop calluses, then so can everyone elses.  PRACTISE PRACTISE AND MORE PRACTISE.

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just finished writing here Nela!

Im away to me bed. But before i go tell me whats" Rooster Bullits" ? I dont

want to be having night mares now so be nice to me lol

From the dark brown peat bogs of the Emerald

To your marshy swamplands,

A cold and snowy  Oice Mhaít  { Good Night }

Nosey Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Way to go South Paw,

Having my Freaky lunch here on the Emerld! Yes! Every thing is glopped on.

YUMMY!   I could be worse, i could be feeling like these Guys??.

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well Now,

There was i expecting a simple answer!
Yes i have discovered as Bonedaddy
says,  Jello!  We here call this Jelly, hence the confusion.    Topdown we do have preserves and jams, which we use on bread or toast of a morning.

I was trying to picture others putting Jello on same!!.

As for Rogers Trifle! Well all i can say is " You have never eaten one of mine.

Delicious, even if i say so myself.. Stale Dry sponge cake???? never!!,

I have always baked my sponge for this treat.  Soaked gently in Sherry or Irish mist. Covered in Jello {Strawberry} Topped with  Delicious creamy home made custard
with fresh vanillapods. Then Topped again with lightly fresh whipped cream.

I have seen grown men cry eating my trifle so good is it,  and had proposals of marriage for same lol

James Mcormick!  Come on now ! Say hello to your twisted freaky friend

on the Emerald!

I love cranberry jam, jelly, or preserve on icecream. God how kinky is that!

Thank you Topdown and all.

Bonedaddy Darling your right.  You and Me { class comes to mind} lol

Freaky Old Doll.

ps.. we should all be eating more gelatine, good for nails teeth and so much more in the human body.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Simple question here!

When Americans say the have eaten Jelly and Biscuits" What are they eating?

Jelly here is something we eat with icecream/ or trifle.

Theres an abundance of biscuits here.  Sandwiche creams/ chocolate covered/ mallows/ lemonpuffs/ coconut/ bourbons/ chocolate chip/ and so on.

but we only have these with tea/ or coffee.  Explain please to this

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beautiful Scrimmy,

As is your little girl.

well done to you.  Dont you just love the feelings  your kids give you?

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Jets the feelings mutual here.    But! Id also be lying on a golden sandy beach somewhere today,

with a hot sun heating my bones, and my ipod playing all my favourite tunes. Not to much to ask ! Eh!.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bliss.

Old Doll.