Zurf that was  what I was trying to say more people should take time for their elderly instead of leaving it to agencies.   Jandal and Zurf I just wanted  to say I wish there were more people like you who look out for the elderly without some sort other agenda. Old people can end up been put where they shouldn't be and don't want to me.. I have seen elderly who have been ripped of because there was no family there to protect them.

Neo I love the way you do Captain Kennedy. ,

Jandal and Zurf I just want to say I wish there were more people like you who look out for the elderly. My family spend alot of time with my mother who is 97 but I can tell you around the world there are many elderly who are forgotten by their families.
Elder abuse is a global problem.  International studies report that 3% - 10% of older people experience abuse or neglect each year.  It happens to men and women of every religious, cultural, ethnic and income group. However, much abuse goes unreported.  It has been estimated that only 16% of all abuse incidents come to the attention of service agencies which can assist the older person to live safely.

What’s happening in New Zealand?
Each year, Age Concern’s Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention (EANP) services receive more than 2000 referrals for older people who may be facing elder abuse or neglect.  That’s eight referrals every working day.  About three quarters of these situations are confirmed to involve elder abuse or neglect. 

Often the abuse experienced by an older person involves more than one type of abuse.  In cases seen by Age Concern’s Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Services over the last three years:
75% involved psychological abuse
over 50% involved financial abuse
15-20% involved physical abuse
10-15 % involved neglect
10-15% involved self-neglect
Abuse is also identified by other agencies including health providers, the Police, lawyers, other community support organisations, and other non-Age Concern Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention services.

Age Concerns report that they are dealing with an increasing number of older people who have become the victims of scams.  Predators are deliberately targeting lonely older people who have assets, forming friendships with them through the internet or in person, then requesting money for various hypothetical emergencies.  In many cases, it is the family that contacts Age Concern for assistance.  But the older person is often prepared to incur their loss in exchange for the proffered friendship.
Almost half of abused older people are over the age of 80
One third of abused older people live alone
Three quarters of alleged abusers are family members; and we know this often continues even when the older person moves to residential care
Almost half of alleged abusers are adult children
Abusers are as likely to be female as male.

Neo that is very cool bit of your history thanks for sharing.


(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

TF  great choice Muriel Anderson for this one hundreth post. I love her double-album, Nightlight Daylight,. I love the way that even though she is doing something very complicated it feels relaxed and flows. Watching her on youtube her smile and the almost very casual way she relates to the audience makes you feel part of what she is doing.. Brilliant thank you.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill I say unto thee thank you for thy comment on my efforts as a scribe of verses.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill when I lived in London outside some pubs you would get Barrow Boys selling Jellied eels. The dish consists of chopped eels boiled in a spiced stock that is allowed to cool and set, forming a jelly. It is eaten cold. The Barrow Boys would also sell cockles and mussels done in vinegar. They would sell their food to you in little plastic containers with little wooden picks to eat it with. Something that might amuse our American friends is our local Pub in London use  to serve Faggots.  That is  Faggots, gravy, mashed potatoes and peas. A faggot is traditionally made from pig's heart, liver and fatty belly meat or bacon minced together, with herbs added for flavouring and sometimes bread crumbs.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Jandle for your feed back. I wasn't sure if this poem would make sense to any one.  For those who don't know who Sam Hunt is. Here he is doing one of his poems.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you UJB .  I remember as a kid children schools here  taught us"Peter Piper" a English-language  tongue-twister. It is only now that I realise what  the pickle peppers are.in the ryhme.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

There are alot of gibbies collecting dust in music stores around here.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Excuse my ignorance  is a pickle something like a gherkin or an onion preserved in brine.????   When I was kid I remember my Grandmother saying " Now now  don't get yourself in a pickle". I just thought it was her way of saying don't get confused. When I lived in the  UK some pubs sold pickled eggs are they pickles??? My mum use to  make jars of onions in brine which she called pickle onions.. Am I on the right track or is it something else ??? Congratulations TF you are  good person to have as a Moderator,

Neo I love that Banjo on Country Road.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

TF thank you  for your kind comments . I agree with you our Distinguished Musicologist TIG, and CTECH have written some amazing stuff recently,  Maybe later on in the year when I get together with my  guitarist Robert we might put this poem into a musical landscape like you sugested. For now I have just recorded me reciting it link atttached
https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/rippl … alm-waters


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TIG Good one you have put out a good song. There is a need for action to stop these shootings.. Good seeds need to be sown to stop any  apathy around peoples right to a safe enviroment..


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love the sound of that guitar and your voice.  Keep that Jim on he knows what he is doing and his taste guitars perfect. .


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ctech a bit of drums and bass and you got a good song going there.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Easybeat asked me to come up with something new for chordie this is the best I could do.  I hope it is not confusing in the  Kiwi way it is written

Ripples Over Calm Water

As I stand to face the sky.

Looking for a song to send out.

Waiting on words and tunes to come.

My precious stone to throw  into calm waters.

A small seed to make ripples around this earth

Within this restless, hurried, modern world

For a very brief  moment no more  the sound of words and music.
I  speak to the few who love me.
Those who think I can come up with a perfect dream
Looking  to me in their exhaustion.
Me the wrong one  without any clear  vision.

My only answer,your tired overworked  have a *moe my darling .
You will find yourself  in a  dream a vision of  what you want for  your  future..

For all of us there are distant thoughts just about to rise above the ocean.

Underneath the depths is  clever air and new   ideas .
Above the depth of despair a universe of posibilities.

Whirling around  the horrizon .

Slow and steady when their ready.

Probabilities out there drifting towards my fragile shores.

A sandy shore  full of grains and rocks  waiting for a  good tide to wash away unwanted debris .
The power of the  moon. pulling and pushing   emotions.
A common bond shared by all  a need  for a clear light

Painted  thoughts   in differant colours pushed by invisible wind.

With a line or two

I will unfurl my sails.

Singing out at the top of my voice a part of my soul once hidden.

Without fear of truth.
My  inner  self screams out make it fair for all..
From life's depth  powerful explosions push out of my mouth.
Sent to wake sleeping minds.

Riding on sound waves in my head good  music.

Smashing into and running over any negative thought.,

Strong lines holding sails to the mast while heading towards a promising  horizon..

Floating in and over  the  harshness of unpreditable  swirls and tides
Something  a  power better than me keeping my ego humble..

A common belief in good powering my speeding vessel.

Challenging  oncoming waves.

Out of the unexpected  a time of peace is found a perfect moment  to drop my song  a peice of stone into calm water.
*Waiata now bringing differant souls together.

*Haumi e hui e taiki e  let it be done.
As ripples spread over calm water.
From beneath the four winds.
My song will flow.
                                                     * Moe (sleep )
                                                     * Waiata (song)
                                                      *Haumi e hui e taiki e  ( let it be done ).


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Deadeye when I was younger drifting around from place to place your song reminded me of many a biker I met. Men on the run from relationship break ups.  Your chorus: is spot on. I enjoyed the way you did it on soundcloud.  Those words below of yours  bring back many a memory of Bikers I knew.
Girl I got nothing left to hold but the  throttle.
I got nothing left to kiss except the  bottle.
The open road sends an  invitation.
So I ride like hell with no  destination.


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Moderators  that is real cool that  our Distinguished Musicologist Tenement  Funster  will get to choose a title for himself.. I think this  is the song sung by many around the world on special  occasions to a good bloke.
For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow , and so say all of us
And so say all of us, and so say all of us
For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow  and so say all of us!

If we had a group of New Zealand Maori sing it, It would sung something  like this.

He tangata pai rawa ia
He tangata pai rawa ia
He tangata pai rawa ia
Ko irā tō matou ki
For he's a jolly good fellow
"A person good very is he "
For he's a jolly good fellow
And so say all of us.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

He' has got a  good piano player on Mr Lucky I wonder who it was?


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I  went to a Carmine Appice drum clinic years back. I remember him telling us the only proper way to play any musical instrument for many is what works for you.
Jimmy Page was one person he mentioned
This one is a bit of a matter of taste and opinion.  Jimmy Page is occasionally mentioned as a poor player in terms of guitar technique by guitarists. For me when I was younger he sounded great to me.
His playing still is good to me even though I have moved on from listening to Led Zep.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF thanks for letting us  know where TF originated from  . For some reason up until now  I thought it came from you been a fun  guy  when you were younger living in a area full of rental properties.  . I think you could do with another title other then Honoured Member even though that is is great. I think it would be appropriate to make you Chordies
Distinguished Musicologist if that was OK with you and the those who decide on here.

Ctech I would also check out how the board of that guild is elected and who is on it. Then you can  also  check out the board members credentials to see if they are any good.
Looking at the name and placement of the word Guild in their name makes me think it could be just a business but I could be very wrong, So for instance we have here in NZ organisation that are guilds the word guild is usually  placed as in this example. Rather than having the Guild Of ........... 
NZ Merchant Service Guild   
That  Guild is the union representing maritime pilots, masters, deck officers, tug masters, launch masters and shore-based personnel who hold maritime qualifications and work in a supervisory capacity. It even has its own facebook page which might  be a place you can also do a check on the Guild your thinking of joining.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF  congratulations on your three thousanth. I enjoy your posts keep them coming. You help make this land of Chordie the place of good Kings and Queens  A place where all people count


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill you have a wonderful sense of humor loved by me and many others on here.
Those little critters that suck.
One day you will  kick their little butts out of there.
Keep up the fight and you will come right

A friend of mine once worked as a broadcaster like you he use to tell many jokes. .  He did many a interview and the Rudyard Kipling poem below was something he had to learn at radio school while developing his skills.

Rudyard Kipling – I keep six honest serving-men

Kipling’s daughter Elsie Bambridge claimed that “I keep six honest serving-men” referred to her as a little girl when, due to the number of questions she asked, she was known in the family as “Elsie Why”

I Keep six honest serving men.
  (They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
    And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
    I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
    I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five,
    For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
    For they are hungry men:
But different folk have different views;
    I know a person small –
She keeps ten million serving-men,
    Who get no rest at all!
She sends ’em abroad on her own affairs,
    From the second she opens her eyes –
One million Hows, two million Wheres,
    And seven million Whys!