
(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

yesterday I saw this but never read the lyrics properly. I saw it as a sort of christian song ( something I have no interest in as everyone probably already knows by now) so I skipped the thread.
Today,just now I have came in to read comments on it and I read the lyrics this time.
This is absolutley brilliant.
I dont see why anyone should get offended at this, no one should not even christians. It is an honest song.
This song sums up my views on religion. I am a total non believer but I do believe that some people really need to believe and this is good for them if it helps them through life. This song sums it all up.

Very well written indeed.

Now go record it and get it on F.o.C or make a video and put it on youtube and F.o.C ,lol



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and i made up my mind, i aint wasting no more time, coz here i go again,
just another sole in search of rescue, waiting on love's sweet chairty

Yeah whitesnake from 1987 i think

great song. but their album saints and sinners is their best stuff



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and also
rain rain go away go to spain for a holiday


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi sum

I have thought this a few times before but I think even if you have stickies, people will still not see them and ask the same questions.
I have seen someone asking about posting songs on chordie and another one right underneath asking the same question.
It is like people dont want to read other peoples replies to the same question. Maybe everyone likes a personal reply?

the youtube thing is quite easy to rectify, since it is artists etc, these could be posted in " artists and bands" if they are anywhere else they could be moved by a moderator/admin to the rellevant place.

This is just my personal opinion on it, maybe it would be a good idea. It would still mean replying to the same questions, but maybe with a different reply like.... See sticky.

that would save expalining all the time.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)


Welcome to Chordie. Unfortunately Chordie does not host any songs, apart from the original ones by members in the Songwriting section. It is a search engine and it collects the songs from the Internet. Pease look in the Resorourses section for more information.


( Roger, yep you do recognise this,lol, I copied and pasted it from one of your replies. Looks like a frequently asked question and this reply is short and sweet and helpful)

arkady wrote:

UYK. Have you been Unofficially deposed.:)


I stood down as the unofficial king of my country. I am tihnking of going for the official title but it might take a while lol I will let the politicians fight it out first, once we get independance then I will strike up an army of rebellious idiots and overthrow the government and I will get some peasant to crown me at the stone of Scone.
So for now I shall remain Moderator of Chordie. When I get my title, everyone will know about it lol


Thank you all, lol.
I might go back and read all of it now . lol

My retreat was great Old Doll, wonderful time

and Rockchick

rockerchick wrote:

I dont want to grow up this may seem weird but if there were a neverland I would be there in a second. I already want to be younger. I want to be 11. Now those were the days. UYK I actually read that whole thing. I must say, you are very amusing.

stay in neverland but stay in touch with reality. Glad you found that amuzing, that means you must have had at least half a smile and that is good. Keep thinking silly things to get you thru any crap and you wil end up like me. lol

Nae more whisky for me until SAturday I think, no more alcohol either!!!!


Just wondering, who were you replying to there?


Des.From.Liverpool wrote:

What does that say at the end of your letter??
                                                If it ain't broke,don't fix it

Hi Des,
Like Arkady said, he left a while ago in a huff.
I cannot remember exactly what he was saying or what was said to him but he took some advice the wrong way and went in a big cream puff.
He is a young guy that felt like he didnt fit in, But if I remember rightly he didnt do much to try and make himself fit in here, so maybe he was the same away from the computer?
Trying to tell young folk how to act and behave etc is a bit hard, they complain about parents the nask for advice, when they get it they think you are a know it all and act just like their parents, a vicious circle somewhere there I tihnk.
I think if 13-16 year old need advice then best person would be a 19-22 year old. They are bound to listen to them more than they would 30+

He was an alright wee guy. I get the feeling he has changed his name and is still coming in though as this website is just too hard to stay away from.


I just read.....nope, I never read it. I just saw how much dribble I typed last night.
I was going to delete it, but I think I will leave it on to teach people, especially the younger folk.
this is what drink can do. Best thing is not to drink and go on a computer into a chatroom or forum.
Best thing to do is to pick up a guitar and ignore the computer.
Write a song! some of my songs were wrote while under the influence and some of them you can tell.

I remember doing this last night and laughing at the same time with some parts, deliberatly not making sense wit hsome advide inbetween.

If I was someone else, I would not read it at all, it looks like half a book.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great idea phil,
but sadly I am leaving soon to go watch Scotland hopefully beat Ukraine in football at hampden park.
Then tomorrow I am away for 4 days up in the hills.
Hopefully this will still be going on Thursday.


that is a fair bit of research ye done there phil. Good work,
and this is not meant to sound cheeky, just something I say all the time that is very good useful information. I like reading stuff that is of no use to anyone but good to tell people. My head is full of what I call useless information, but to someone somewhere it will be useful, so Plaese dont see me saying that as cheek ( just in case there is a language barrier thing here)

So, roughly if not, there are more people in Europe than USA. that is not hard to believe but, big question is, what is the average age of people that listen to mainstream bands? as in how many concert halls does europe have compared to europe?
In europe the age expectancy is higher than america so I would think that you could get more americans listening and going to concerts. Maybe that is why so many want to make it big there? also the langauge thing again, Europe has a high volume of english speaking/singing bands but for an english singing band I tihnk more englsih understanding listeners would come from america?
This is all complete speculation from me.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi eric,
welcome to the forum.
Your words are very similar to a lot of people's views here.

We are a nice friendly bunch on here and have a bit of a laugh now and then in the chordie chat corner. We all help each other. Even the experienced players get help with stuff.
In the songwriters section we share our own songs witheach other and give links to places such as myspace ( roger guppy has created a "friends of chordie" page, where chordians ( thats us people that are hooked to chordie) can share our own written music. Also youtube guitarpix created a page for chordie members.
There are very very new starts to guitar here as well as people playing for over 40 years.

hope you enjoy the site



I was trying hard not top reply to this as my silver tongue will probably come out but......

Rockchick, save this page and look at it again when you are 23. You will realise how silly you are being.
Nothing wronf with being silly though. I am silly all the time.
I do things and say things all the imte I think later maybe I shouldnt have. but I never regret any of it, what happens happens, what is said is said, what is done is done, what is anything is anything, life is life, crap is crap, good can be good, hippies are cool but fok music is better, parents are a pain no matter what the age unless they are babysitting, even wifes are a pain sometimes. never become a wife you will only be on here wanting to know why yer hubby is drinking so much when you ask questions, nothing is clear when there is a dead fly splatted over yer windscreen first thing on a frosty foggy morning. even cd's are good for ashtrays if you melt them and mould them properly, anything can be looked at in a different way if you put your mind to it.
I have a wee modem here flicking on and off showing me it is connected, so fast I cannot count the flashes per minute and 14 seconds, nor would I want to as that task is pointless and has no meaning in my life at all. A wise man said to me once, go forth and multiply, I thought at the time he meant I was to go and create babies but now I know what he really meant was...... was....... aaahhhh, now I know. Go forth? he really meant go fifth. why? because forth is just like fourth and coming in fourth is being a loser, so if yer going to lose, lose in style and come in where no one is interested in you. So where was I ? oh yeah the chocolate marshmallows. Keep away friom them in the month of October when the cow pats have just been laid upon the wet dewy grass, they never taste the same.
Rovkchick, ever had one of those puzzle rings? or ever seen one? very complicated. I undone my wife's yers ago and spent 4 days nearly continously trying to work it out. Knowing that I got it apart easy, it should click back in easily. I ended up taking it to a proffesional ring puzzle solver. A jewellers. The broke it and put it back together then welded and buffed the ring so you could never tell it was brke, amazing what these people can do, you get people verywhere that can hide things as well as help, it is not always plain to see why there is a face on the moon but when you work out what the dark side of the moon is all about you will understand life on a lilly pad, just like a frog after laying its spawn in the pond and decided it is time for air. They struggle up onto the not so steady pad and with their weight they sink again. But they always get back up and face the lilly pad in the stem and say " stop it". Sometimes frogs have to do this as well as those talking dolls you get for wee girls. My daughter has a doll that pees itself, it cries and she even has one that you can open the belly and see its guts, because on the outside things look very different to what is inside.
I found that growing up with a forest and a distillery at the bottom of my back garden helped a lot when i was younger, we made bows and arrows and atacked the milk float when it done its rounds, same milk float knocked down my cat and kiled in front of my eyes so he had to pay. I was 7 years old and... and well that has nothing to do with this reply, so on with the reply..........
The rolling stones sang a song ( actually a few hundred songs but lets not get into useless details) called you can't always get what you want. I was always told this when i was a boy. Then when I heard this song I listened to it and heard " you cant always get what you want repeated about 50,000 times then the next line is " buut if you try sometimes, you might just find, ye get what you need". Now you can take this great advice and do what you want with it like I did, but dont get caught like my mate's brother,
parents and frinds are wonderfull but the people that are even more wonderful are the ones that try to bring you down. the more the better, it lets you see how much better you are than them, and they will know it. one day when i was at school I told my french teacher she was a prostitute, ( i am using a nicer name, i actually called her a f***** g w**re, she annoyed me, but I learned from this, if you go mouthing off you get into trouble, so I stioped mouthing off....to her.... Only gets you suspended and then you miss out on things like how to really matter about the important things in life like life,
I have not got a pet anymore, I like big dogs but I hate ankle biting dogs. The kind that when they bark at your feet you just want to give them a right good boot across the room. AAAhhh the memories are flooding back now of that wee pominairian my grandad had,  iused to call it up on the chair to get clapped ( and it fell for the same trick all the time), once up I would see how far across the room it would fly by using my right arm then again with my left arm, I would mark out the places it would land with the dead mice I trapped. If you have raly read this far then I would say yo ureally have to speak to someone. i know i do since I typed all this, anyone ele read this far? Personally I could not be bothered to read something so long and boring and ......what was allthis about anyway? my cat? yea, so the big lesson is dont run in front of milk floats on a saturday afternooon. Well that is unless it is snowing, the milk boy through a snow ball at me with a stone in the middle and hit my eye, nearly took it out.  he came round and appologised and gave me a bag of jelly tots, what I really wanted to do was kick him in the kattangas.
aye so, just put up with all the crap just now or tell your mum and dad ye want t ostay with an auntie, I went and stayed with my auntie wheni was 14 for a few months to get away from my family,  ilearned a lot then like, like, errrrrm, hmmm, like how to watch people get blitzed out their face, fall down stairs, seing people get knifed, seeing guns and meeting some very unfriendly people. So thin kto yourself, is it that bad? live your own life, ignore everyone around you that need to be ignored, that should be ignored . play more guitar. write more songs on your experiences while you are young, bythe time you are 20 you will have a few albums worth of songs and if you are good enough and get noticed you can get rich thru it and hire some bodyguards, go to the houses of the peple you hate, start a fight and let you employees take care of it.
Or you could try growing up ,but  iwarn ye, that in itself is dangerous!! you have to pay bills, take care of kids, go to work whether ye like it or not, make sure you eat proper food, suffer unpteen hangovers and vow never to drink again but do the following week, yer 13 gilr!!!! enjoy yer teens, stop rebelling so much and feeling sorry for yourself, there are people younger than you in this world that have real problems. although your problems may seem real to you, go watc the BBC news for the next 3 days, watch reports they havein iraq, afghanistan, africa, romania, then think to yourself, do you really have a bad problem?
You have had quite a few replies here as well as your last online tantrum, take the advice from them and use it, listen to them, they are older, wiser and smarter, whether you like it or not, it loks like they are genuinely trying to help, not like me, I am giving advice by telling you to listen to them and stop thinking you have a life or death situation problem. deal with your problems, its all part of growing up.


(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)

congrats phil on being an administrator.

Looks like I will not really have to moderate much at all now then, quite a few administrators on board.

good luck to you all



(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would think this impossible to answer but

fields of athenry
hush hush
ye jacobites by name
the final cut

I have too many. I cannot say I have one favourite song.



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good song Roger,
I just listened to it on F.oC
Then I noticed Old doll had a page, so I clicked on her page, OI, MAW, great singing voice there hen!!



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i dont know the songs you mentioned that this goes like but I was playing it and got a wee rythum. ( by the way, great lyrics, i like them a lot and the tune i am doing goes very nicely)

The way I was playing it I found the thingamajiggery part didnt seem to fit because of that D chord at the end of the second line. It might just be the way I am playing though? I found G and C fitted in better.
It is hard to tell since I do not know the actual way it is meant to sound.

this songwriting thing could be good on youtube for help, if you dont mind sounding bad. By that I mean playing a song you have wrote and stopping and talking thru parts of the song you need help with.
I personally would hate to do this as I tihnk I sound stupid when i hear myself talking,lol as does everyone, but might be a good way to get great help?



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

rockerchick wrote:

Thank god for this web site.

No need to thank me. I think it is Per we need to thank for it lol



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi Doll
I dinny know much about the chieftans but I think from what I have heard of them that GBS are influenced by them? maybe not?

I will have to get some chieftans stuff


ok, changed again,
Still listening to John Prine but I am hooked on
"UP" from Great big sea
not a bad song on it, not a boring song on it, even the slow lovey dovey song is superb.
folky, rocky, jamming upbeat feel good superb album.



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Anyone else heard this absolutely fantastic Canadian folk rock band?

itihnk they have been about for years but I only discovered them about 4 years ago.
And now I just got a hold of their album "UP". It is right now my favourite album. It has drums, guitar, fiddle, mandolin and they are just superb.
First song is a SLADE cover " run away", superbly done!
the rest as far as I know is their own songs.
If you have not heard of them then I recommend this band.

They played one gig in scotland this year in Inverness sad. I need them to play a bit closer!!

I have been trying to get a hold of their albums for a few years now. I only had a few odd songs of theirs, but now after getting this album, I thin kI will have to ( against my own self made religion "dont buy anything abroad") buy from online from Canada.
I will keep looking for their albums here or try a record shop, see if they can import for me, but they rip off so much I think I might have to chance the internet abroad thingy.

Aye so, Great big sea. superb.
some songs if you are going to look for them

Its the end of the world, ( yes REM, but they do it better and faster)
old black rum
the jolly butcher
nothing out of nothing
when im up i cant get down
run run away
mari mac ( go look up the lyrics for this song. hard to sing but i am learning it)
going up
consequence free

probably get some of their songs on youtube no doubt since I know they are big in canada.



(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Hi Rebel and Ken,

Well done the pair of you. The collaboration has worked very well to produce a great song and a nice, relaxed performance from you Ken (but you should keep your feet of the settee or Mrs Upyerkilt will bat your tab lol)

Thanks to both of you,


Cheers Roger.
My wife has not seen this video so she doesnt know ,lol. I do it all the time and she hates it, just as well I have no dirty boots on lol



(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

Hey nice job Ken!!

Why don't you get a haircut, hippie.

In Admiration of Your Work,

Funny you should say that, lol
the day after doing that I shaved all my hair off again. So thats it  neat and tidy for another 8 - 10 weeks.


nice lyrics old doll, nice song.
