
(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ah Rhiannon,

Your a little Peteen!  { A wee petal } Im sending Roger Lemons to wipe that big cheesy smile off his face.

Looking foward to seeing this finished.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great Jets,

Kinda like my list of things to do in life. Hmmm A 5 year plan thats a good one.

Where's me pen and jotter! lol what have you opened up here Jets?

Old Doll


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good message here!

Dulls the senses thats all. The emotions are still there when sober.

Alcohol I only yesterday picked a Elderly man up off the ground. I thought he had taken ill. He was just  absolutely stocious drunk.  I was left wondering what was a  man of his age trying to blot out.
He then tried to get me to put a bet on in the bookmakers as he couldnt make it there. Heavens preserve us. lol I did laugh.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely Daddycool,

You cool Casanova you!

Happy Valentines to you also.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

Sorry Topdown,

I should have known better!

Old Doll.


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Do any of you know whatever happened to M Hebert. Last i know he moved.

I used love his post!

Just wondering.

Old Doll.?


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Last rebel,



Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)



Maybe  try that link.! Now you must record this when learned and send it me please.  I dont know the words , so is it any of the above ? or below?

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

James McMurtry Lyrics - Miscellaneous

Choctaw Bingo   

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Edited by topdown. Message from the sticky on the top of this forum:

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You are however allowed to post links to songs on the internet, and you are allowed to post one-liners explaining how to play a song.

Any posting of lyrics may result in Chordie having to shut down! I will therefore automatically delete the account (and the songbook) of persons violating this rule, as well as ban their domain from accessing Chordie.

Good song!

But it reads to me like you were using one another for obvious reasons.

She just believed it could lead to more!


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill Williams,

Oh i love this piece. So so good.  I have a bag of runes i was given as a gift some years ago.  I am assuming your faeries are the same as our Fairy.

My favourite is The Lady of Charlott! She was known to us as the Lake fairy.

When you get time check out "The children of Lir" I reckon you will love the story.

Thank you for this it was a pleasure to read. I do believe! All things magical
that happen  to us, is the positive vibes we give and recieve.

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James!

Very good recording on this one again. I guess your getting the hang of this lol Good Man. Good song.

Dont forget now James??

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


You go on and on and on and on, because your a chatterbox like your

Irish Ma!  Also now i know whose using all my oil of Olay.

And finally, the right answer... Due to copyright difficulties, Olay was called by four different names, depending on the area of the world; Oil of Olay in America, Oil of Ulay in the U.K. and some of Europe, Oil of Ulag in other parts, and finally, Oil of Ulaz in the rest! All of the copyrights ran out last autumn, and the company was able to standardise worldwide to the true name of the brand... Oil of Olay.

Delighted this brought out your feminine side Son. Now arn't ya only delire
an excire i know dis?

Stick to the Uisce { water! None better for keeping your delicate skin supple.

never use water with whiskey though. This mix is only for wusses Son!.:lol:

Your Ma.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Fáilte to youTone Freak,

From the Beautiful Emerald.

Tommy Emmanuel!  oh I just love that Guy.

Have a blast here.

Old Doll


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Oldnewbie ,

I think this is excellent! I have read this many times.

No you do not have to hate the people /persons or there God!.

But your allowed hate the unadulterated evil they perpetrate.

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


They sell a product here called "Brawn! In the pork butcher shops.
Its made as far as i know from pigs cheek, with out the brains. It was eaten a lot with the famous black drink here.
For years  I used to meet my Mam in town in a real old part of Dublin, callled Thomas Street. { Where Guinness Brewery is}

Well  in this area there were great pork butcher shops. Family owned. They all used there long held secret recipes for there own brawn.  I used buy brawn and eat it as we meandered the shops.
Its certainly not everyones taste . Very few i know here eat it!
is it the same i wonder as hogs cheese?

Ps, while im here. Diago/ Guinness, Shame on you and our planners for allowing the  beautiful 18th Century buildings around Thomas Street and Guinness Brewery to decay. How can you allow your name to be synonymous
with this kind of decay.
You should be forced to use Some of Your profits of 1,31 Billion last year
to repair our rapidly dying heritage. Our visitors to Guinness have to look at this appalling mess happening in  The once ornate thriving Thomas Street area.
Every single one of you need a good kick up the Jacksey for allowing this to happen.

Brains? before Brawn? I ask ya!

Old Doll.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Doncorleone Sir!

Hows the GGes doing for ya! Are ya winning loads of dosh?

Will you tell me what cabin bread is please? And

Is the weather only gorgeous there or what?

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you all as always,

Phil! I  used to get Valentine Cards from admirers with padded satin hearts.
they were always in boxes. When you opened the box it always  held a strange scent/ perfume. It must have been a  marketing ploy of that time.
When i think about Valentines Day they always come to mind.

Thank You for your interest.

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Be Eco Friendly now Newbie,

Use A Willow Casket, New item here for funerals. Just means you disintegrate,

Or biodigrade faster lol

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)



  I reckon your gonna need more then cackle berries for stamina to learn this one.

Try this wee link for the chords. It a good one for older stuff! Like yourself! lol


Old Doll.

Back to the grind for a while.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hows you me ould flower!

Good old corned beef and cabbage! Very Irish dish you know. Or ham and cabbage with bread sauce. Yum.
Did ya ever try Dublin Coddle? Great stuff puts hairs on your chest and muscles on you piddle as they say here.

Im just having a cuppa here myself. could do with a B,L,T.

Badeye would ya ever explain to Nela how a woman peels her A## off a chair.

I know you can do this ! lol.

Them hot dog things? god are the real meat or what?
Superquinns sausages
and add those trimmings delish.  Are hot dogs not German? Or ami geographicly {sp} disorientated with hunger:lol:.

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Newbie,

ah your hooked all right! Just listened to your new adds. "Dont hurry the Years"

I love the melody to this one. Universal song that one is.

Can you put the lyrics up? James does this its so much easier and nicer to listen to with the words.

Get some sleep now, you'll have your self knackered. { Tired}. lol

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

As always jets,

Good One! I think your getting the hang of this ? lol



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Midnight Moses,

You have Captured very well the feelings of someone in this position.
I do know some people who were left like this. One a guy whose wife left
many years ago, still to this day cannot undestand this happening in his life.
He never did move on, he is still stuck in that moment. Love hurts eh!

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)


How did i miss this one? Its lovely. I love the countryside on dark nights,
as Roger says no articifial lights just the skys in all there glory.
When i was last in Croatia i never seen anything like the stars in the skys there.  Truly lovely, as is this song.

Old Doll.