
(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Doc

I sometimes tune to open G.

It has a great sound to it and good for playing a few songs. I have not done it for ages but I do know that honky tonk woman is great for it.

http://www.ezfolk.com/guitar/Tutorials/ … pen-g.html

this page will give you chords for open G and how to tune it.

try a few different song with it. It makes a change from the normal tuning of a guitar,


awww Mum thanks
but really, it is ok, ye dinny have to send me any drink.

but thanks


(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Sorry Mum


Not the buckie I went straight for the hard stuff, the dregs from the barrels in the distillery that my back garden joined on to, the 98% that can blind you.
I do not advise anyone to try it if they get the chance, unles you want to register blind and get a white stick and dog and never see yer frets again.


bonedaddy wrote:

Bloody Scots and Bloody South Africans and Bloody Bloody TV judges!  It would be great to live in a nation that had something to celebrate once in a while!  You guys invented the telephone, the TV, the Glasgow Kiss, the Macintosh, Tarmac, Shortbread, WHISKY...

All the English ever did was subjugate everyone else and spend the rest of eternity feeling superior  hmm

pmsl lol

ok, it was a try. you were cheated ,:lol:

and Old doll, it might be the oldest distillery but we were making it up in the hills generations before distilleries came about.

I might do some research into this to see who actually made it first outwith distilleries.
Oor whisky is better anyway. So many to choose from as well than yer whiskey. lol so we must have better whisky.

Try any Speyside or highland whiskies, very smooth an elegant, or get an isle whisky, peaty,smokey rough. or the Lowland triple distilled from Auchentoshan. The glen Livet, dahlwhinnie is another fine whisky.

and what a game that was !!!!




(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)

and translated that means?

that was not a try. His foot was over the line before the ball went down.
A very tight decision but thats why there is TV evidence in rugby, it was not one guys decision.

Good on South Africa, they truely deserved that cup.

For a national song it has always got to be Flower of scotland for me. Sang it so many times and still get goosebumps when singing it at hampden or murrayfield.



(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Thank you Ken, Arkady, Badeye and Bonedaddy,

I am pleased to hear that I am not the only one who is soft with his pets because I was the one who came to Portugal and said "Definitely no pets they are too much of a commitment".

Sorry, But I was thinking more of the kinky straps and handcuffs etc lol
I dont care much for dogs and even less for cats. I am alergic to cats and I only like big dogs.
  Still a great song for the thoughts in my head ,lol



(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I tihnk bootlegger was paying respect to you that you show your emotions.

I know, I tried to take a little revenge, I was busy to add some more, but buying busy like always, I wanted to add some more "tear jerking" stuff, and I swear on the head of my unborn children, that I deleted it. It is not the first time that this happened, and if it does, like 2 months ago, working so hard on a topic, searching info verifying sources 2 hours gone in 2 seconds.
BUT I have an important question, a question also important for everyone:

If you use words or phrase like Wikipedia, DO WE HAVE TO TELL OUR SOURCES? I have all the time now to look on the web for information. When do we have to add our source?.

Ken, you know that bootlegger is a man I respect for himself, his knowledge, his skill, and he is one of the people I really like. There are more people I like.
Boot, sorry, I just wanted to reply with an attitude of a school teacher.
You are all great.
To all of you : a sunny nice morning.
Just 1 question: I know, better you know that English is not my mother tongue and if I write something, please correct me. I absorb "spoken" languages, including dialect and this is an opportunity to learn more.

I tihnk the song I would like to do but fail at all the time is an easy one

Mr Tamborine man... I just cannot get this and I know it is easy



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ye need a name for a band with a drummer that cannot play due to a broken leg?, pmsl,
how about

broken legs


No Beat


Skins not hit


Place for a drummer



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

lol lol

well thats that answered but seems like a computer problem lol

a whisky factory also known as a distillery. I have been to quite a few of them. You get a sample as you walk in mostly, especially on "open days"
It is very interesting walking round a distellery on a wee tour of the place, and the smell of the yeast is great.
I grew up with a distillery right next to me, my back garden joined on to the back of the distillery ( auchentoshan distillery which is the world’s No. 1 best selling lowland single malt whisky.)
I used to love leaving my window open at night for the smell to whaft in. A lot of complaints from other residents about the smell and noise, but neither ever bothered me.

But when will we be going? hmmm, no idea. I have them all around me here



(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

;lol: lol lol
Roger double meanings? yep this has, I dont care if it is about cats lol
this si the sort of song if someone done and tried to say it was about cats ye would get the reply " aye right" lol

good lyrics, not listened to it yet, will do tomorrow.

Good stuff



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I am a bit lost here

Errm. is this a chordie problem?



(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

To be loved, to give love, to live every day with love, is me

Your own awareness of your everyday actions is an example of love.

well said old doll, apart from I changed a wee part,lol, but credit to you, lol

I love me lol



(12 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi ark

The difference is a moderator can only moderate the sections he/she is named for moderating.
they can edit, delete, request to move posts that seem to be in the wrong place. And I think they can ban members too although I am not sure of this as I have never felt the need that I have ever had to ban someone ( apart from spammers)
the administrators can go anywhere in the forum and change anything like a moderator can do but does not have to be named for one section, they have the freedom of the forum to moderate it. I think there are one or two other things but I am not too sure apart from what I said. They are like "god" moderators ,lol.
It means that if I am on holiday or away for a few days and there are any posts that are bad i.e spam, swearing etc, the administrator can change it/delete it/move it etc.

but the only thing admin and mods have to do really is delete spam, delete swearing ( although doesnt happen a lot) and move topics to rellevant places.
We do our job better ( thats if we could get any better,lol) by reporting spam and irrellevant use of sweary words such as f... c.... ba...... wa.. sh... etc etc ,lolthe quicker it is dealt wit h, the better this site remains

( Im ust have nothing to do,lol, such a long reply for an easy question, sorry)



(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Jeff, I sometimes have this problem too. the good thing is you can get the chord progression.

What I usually do is sit wit hthe guitar and try strumming a chord continually until I hear it is right with the song. Or sometimes a G. or A or D. usually find out what key the song is in then.
Then just fart about wit hthe chords within that key.
If you know the song very well then it makes it easier.

But also remember that sometimes bands tune down as well as tuning up on their guitar so if your guitar is tuned in concert pitch then ye might not get any of your chords sounding like the song you are trying to work out.

I had a lot of trouble years ago when I was learning bass lines for Guns 'n' roses songs. they tune down, just like Jimmy hendrix. When I finally bought the bass line book, that told me they tuned down. after I tuned down I never had much bother whith the bass lines.

Hope that helps, even if a wee bit



(51 replies, posted in Bands and artists)



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I wished I could remember the name of the song but instead I can tell you the most outragsous I have heard just for being completely different was a Van Halen song. Eddie played the guitar with an electric drill with plectrums attached that spun round very fast.


is it?

I would say it is up there in the top 10 MAYBE. but not the most famous I wouldnt have thought, not when you have other songs like

Stairway to heaven....led Zep


Bohemian Rhapsody....Queen  ( voted best song year after year by Virgin radio listeners as well as magazine polls

my generation..........the who

satisfaction..............Rolling stones

I would say all these rock songs are more commonly known than smoke on the water. It is a good song though.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love that first verse Doc.
The rest is good too but that first verse is amazing. I will try this later and I might steal it off you,lol.

Also the line about an empty sky is good but I have heard it before ( not that there is anything wrong with that and I am sure you never got it from the same place as I have heard it) on Stiff little fingers " guitar and drum" album in the song called " empty sky" fantastic lyrics I tihnk.

But well done and hopefully ye will get the rest typed down.


hard one for me to answer.
I think I learned 3 at the same time so I am not sure which one exactly was first, but it was between

KNocking on heaven's door ( played wrong, I never used Am just G D and C)
I used to love her......Guns'n'roses
or House of the rising sun.

I think the first one I could play right through properly though would have been house of the risisng sun as well.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

eagle, I too have short stubby fingers.
I usually cheat with the chords when I cannot stretch my fingers.
But like you said, thru time threy will get better, I find mine have got a little better, and I really mean a little lol
I cannot barr chords properly if at all either because of my fingers, so again, I cheat.

I am sure there are finger exercises you can do, I am sure I read this on the net somewhere a while ago.



(12 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I dont think it really matters at how many posts a person has made before becoming a moderator. Someone could be typing nonsense all the time to get their post numbers up ( sad as it sounds, people do this in other forums)

Being a moderator is more to do with the person themselves. Even if they only had 4 posts they could make the best moderator on the net.

Moderating a forum does give you "powers" to edit, delete, move posts/topics as well as banning spammers but to be honest Chordie is an excellent forum with relatively hardly any spam, which does get deleted as quick as possible, mostly by the administrators.
We ( admins and moderators) do not really have to edit or delete much posts through arguing online,swearing,or useless posts. So we have a pretty easy time really.

But, this is not to say Old Doll would not make an excellent moderator. I am sure she would as would lots of others. But since Old doll has posted so many posts that does indicate she is in the forum a lot and therefore would be good as a moderator, and also ye just get this feeling over the electrical wires that she is a good person with a kind heart and most of all, she knows whats right and whats not. ( I have to say this, she is my "Irish ma"  lol )

Danspr, lol do you just ignore all my posts then lol and james' and the Doc's ? lol

I am sure after this thread Per ( thee admin of all admins) will now consider her if or when a space arises, or he might just throw her into a section?



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lovely lyrics, nicely written



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

are you the only two that have it? or the only two that have it and want to post saying you have it?lol

I quite like old brucey boy, not a great big fan but I like him a lot.

So how good is the album? I might give it a listen as I have heard one or two saying it is good or great or not bad.
