
(12 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Cheers TF we have rivers here  in NZ with Brown and Rainbow Trout also in the South Island Salmon. If you come to NZ you will discover many a good spot to Fly Fish. I have had the privilege: in my time to have had the experience of living in differant parts of the world,. I have noticed as you have stated with  eloquence: that when we strip away the exterior trappings of culture and such, people are essentially the same throughout the world.  Without thinking about it until now I am pleased my writing has acknowledged and represented that.


(580 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

TF that part of that  song Time you quote  motivated me to do a twenty one day Outward Bound course back in 1974. Hearing it live just now made me think of how the whole song  has played in my head regually when I want to motivate myself when taking on new challenges. Great choice thank you for putting it up this week.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Was it Spike Milligan who said, " The blinds are drawn but the furniture is real"?


(12 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Thank you TF for your feedback. I glad some of the things Kiwi,  I  have put on here are of some interest to those from other parts of the world.


(12 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Thank you Neo and Classical Guitar for your kind comments. Easybeat asked me to put that song on  soundcloud.  I had that song in my head but wasn't sure if it was any good. Now I have lost a lot of movement in my arms and hands I can't always put the idea in my head out on the piano or guitar.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

I was wondering is that pig in the sky called Lucy?  Do you use Sargent Pepper in your cooking? Interesting poem.


(12 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Cheers Jandle I wasn't sure if the lyrics were enough to catch a bit of the Cuba Street area vibe. Thank you for your feedback.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You got a good tune going on the guitar and your singing works good.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Beamer many a person who has a guitar will see themselves in those lyrics.


(12 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Cuba Street is one of the most prominent streets here  in Wellington. It is one of the more bohemian areas of Wellington, and is the home to an eclectic collection of cafes, op-shops, boutique, small fashion stores, art galleries, and music shops.  Cuba Street  is also popular with many members of Wellington's homeless community. The street is regarded by some New Zealanders as a nexus of creativity and artistic production, featuring buskers, exhibitions, small  music venus, and other forms of expression.
Cuba Street, to me is a place with culinary and creative soul. Here is me on my cheap $20 guitar, which  I purchased from a pawn  shop singing into my cell phone about some of those who hang out around Cuba Street.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIG if I ever get back to the USA again that studio would be a place I would love to visit. Look forward to you putting some pics up.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF cheers  that is brilliant you finding that Emerson, Lake & Palmer  artwork  with my bad spelling that beast on Tarkus would have been called  a  Nuclear Amour Dilo.  Nuclear Armadillo  was part of this years Cubadupa. CupaDupa a big sucess this year.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf, Nuclear Armadillo would make a good song title. It could also be a   good name for a band.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Badeye I love the way Jeff and Collin do that song.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I have done recordings with friends who do that sort of thing we usually find the times we mess up often lead to better things.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jandle it is alot of fun. If you go next year the the afternoon and early evening to me are the best time to be there.  Now I have retired I have got very  busy with life and family it gets hard for Maree and I to go to everything that's on..


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Unclejoesband it is a great weekend with all styles of music on show. Lots of smiling happy people having fun. I didnt do anything this year.  When I get my heath back together I might do a Blues set with some of my muso friends who want to do it next year.
Zurf the nuclear armidillo drummer and the group are from what I can gather are Steam Punks using stuff that was going to be thrown out. They have this time gone for  a differant era to the Victorian connection that is usually part of Steam Punk..


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers ctech glad you could follow my poem.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

A great piece  of poetry. I have and I am sure so have many others been to those sort of emotional places in the distant past and then we get to smile again.

This weekend here in Wellington, New Zealand is CubaDupa  two days of free music and a street  party for the whole family.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxUVxb4 … e=youtu.be


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill the  artwork on the Yes album cover is my all time favourite and also the artwork on the Beatles, Sergant Pepper.  .

Zurf so much has been said about the turbulent life and phenomenal career of Michael Jackson in the media,that it has become almost impossible to disentangle the man from the myth. Perhaps more than any other icon in history of popular music, Michael Jackson remains a charismatic but elusive figure of heated debate. But one fact will forever remain undisputed... his extraordinary talent for creating truly original music, loved by millions. And despite setbacks that would have ended careers of lesser men, Michael Jackson's legions of fans remain as loyal today as they have ever been.  I went to a Jackson Five concert, years back just after he had a hit with the song Ben. Michael was the star of the show, even back then his stage presence was magic.

Jandle I have just today been signed up to The Dancing Afro. I am most probably the only one  following TDA who can't do the moonwalk. Still I like to give it a shot every now and then.

Keith Emerson and Jon Lord would enjoy playing with Beethoven.  Hopefully they are all now in the same place having a good time.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF I find it hard to like an artist music if I don't like the person. As I get older I am getting better at not bringing the person's  personality into it.
Phill when I was younger I  loved many of my mother records in her collection but as soon as she put EnglBert Humperdink on I was out of there. The busker was a very grumpy guy and I felt he was trying to intimidate me at first. As the conversation moved on he seemed to mellow.
Neo I was involved in the printing industry for forty five years as a result I developed a love of  posters  an artform.  I find quiet often some of the best posters and album covers over the years are by bands I dont  like.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Magic pic. Look forward to more.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Like But Wouldn't Buy.
A young looking man playing Billy Jean on Guitar in Cuba Mall.
When he stops I tell him his playing is brilliant.
"Man did you like Michael Jackson"? He questions me.
"I dont know I replied".
"Come on" he says to me," you just told me you like that tune".
"You got a problem with him".?
"No man", I reply," he could dance and I like some of his music".
"When your into music if you live long enough."
"You will eventually find your style of music will feel like its from a differant time."
"My style of music that reflects something about me,  is from a previous era not his.",
  "Come on man", he bleats at me. "I bet you thought  he was a freak"?.
"I bet you judged him by the press coverage"?.
"Are you remembering him because of his music or what he was."?
The intensity of his questioning gets my old head thinking.
While searching back in  my mind these words come out of my mouth, " Dude I was going to say I dont really care  much about Jackson."
"I always thought having Quincy Jones  on Thriller and a production budget of $750,000 made it work".
"But now you have challenged me here is some of my thoughts."
"We live in a world of tabloid culture."
"With fame many are hounded by the tabloid press feeding mindless culture."
"Tabloid articles are fuel feeding rumour and building on insunations some true some false."
"I guess Michael became a freak show followed by millions".
"Now when I hear his music in a bar or a radio or whatever."
"I think dance".
"That guy could move".
  "I think joy,  moonwalking."
" The big kid inside me wants to try moonwalking."
  "A little boy whose charisma and voice on stage was bigger that of the Jackson Five".
"I dont really care much about his private life".
"I thought his lifestyle and world was on another planet not mine ".
"I am still human enough to hope his kids turn out alright"
"More important things fill my mind."
"His life and death almost seem separate from the music"
"If Michael is important to you I would never condem."
My new busker friend looks at me and  tells me" Michael music started me on a good road which I am still travelling".
We part with a warm handshake.
Me not sure what our common  bond to each other is apart from one song..
If it's that way of thinking that makes this young busker play a tune beautifully.
Man that is all good with me.
Later on at home on youtube I enter the words  Michael Jackson, Billy Jean
Watch him doing it live in front of screaming fans.
Yeah he did a great show and made many people happy.
Maybe I am a fan of his music a secret within me that I don't want to admit to
More than likely his music is just another piece of happiness that I like but wouldn't buy.
