
(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

brilliant song james,



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

songs about states?
only one I can think of is a "dogs d'amour " song, " The state I get in"
A great song about getting blootered out yer nut ( getting very drunk out your head)

Ken lol

Simon and garfunkel...........America
Doors................................American woman
elvis....................................star spangle
Jimmy...............................even better version of the above song
johnny cash........................Ragged old flag
pogues.............................fairytale in new york
red hot chili peppers............. californication


(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Firstly Lieven
The beatles compliacted chords??? NA, not at all, they used a lot of G7 C, F.

Pink floyd created such great music with the use of the synths they used and loops. They were heavily into expirementing with synths and coloured lights.
I thin kin the 60's when people were out of it with LSD they loved the colours from the lights etc, Syd loved this a lot and sometimes sat and looked at the light show instead of actually performing ( yes, he was out his face)
But as for the music. Simple chords yes, but the arangments with the drums and keyboards added a lot more to "simple stuff" and also the synth loops gave it extra sounds that made it sound complicated.
But they did use a lot of weird complicated chords as well, In the song Breathe from dark side, that is not your basic chords. And there are more but I would have to look them up.

I read somewhere online that you can play any song with E A B7, I dont know if that is 100% correct or not, but it shows that even if every song cannot get played like that and only half the songs ever written could then it doesnt matter how simple the chords are, you can always get a great song.

I know a few songs that have 2 chords and they are excellent songs. The melody of the singing carries the song

Also, with Floyds early song. Syd was very influenced by blues, even though it does not sound like it. He would have naturally used simple chords for his songs as blues does.
But even on much later album "momentary lapse of reason, they use simple chords too in most songs I think. Or you could transpose them into easy chords.

good subject mate, never a bad subject when it involves pink floyd ,lol



(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I just got in from work so this is the first I have seen of your challenge.
I cheated naturally as I can only speak Scottish english and a few words of gaelic.
so the translator online translates your words as follows


lol, Is that really what it means or is it all mumble jumble?



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

ditto ditt o ditto ditto all the posts here.
best site in our opinion on the web, useful, informative, enjoyable, friendly!!
well done to you Per for creating this site.

Hope there are many many more birthdays to come.


25Frankster wrote:

OK, forgive me for this one, but the best concert I ever saw, hands down, was KISS, the Destroyer tour.  15 feet from the stage....unbelievable. 
My ears haven't stopped ringing.

Seeing Kiss in Edinburgh in 1988 was probably the worst concert i have been to. sorry. I thought they were awful


very good song for a description , good choice!!!

I love this song but it is a song i am still to find someone else that likes it



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

enjoy yer new guitar rebel.
I am thinking still of going down one weekend and buying an ibanez I got my eye on, but this would mean I have bought a new guitar every year for the past 4 years i think, maybe 5..... thats bad, I am losing count lol



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

arkady wrote:

I think that's why Hadrains wall was built. I think those Romans knew something.  smile

very true!!
they were scared of the highlanders because they were so barbaric and did not know how to handle them wit hthrowing wellies about and hammers and cabers in the dark lol so the wall got built.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

is this the start of a conceipt album on cats? cats without the fluffy handcuffs ,lol

maybe everyone in here could write a song about cats or a cat or just do some cover version of
eye of the tigeer and the lion sleeps tonight or the black douglas,



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol

aye and when it is too dark to find where our caber landed we take off our wellie boots and play tossing the wellie lol



(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Per,

I found something wrong.
When I was in a John Prine song " Christmas in prison" I was going to add this to a songbook I have.
Before I clicked " ADD" I noticed it was going to send it to a songbook I have called " MY SONGBOOK". I wanted it in a nother songbook I have named " folk and country" so I clicked " CHANGE SONGBOOK" . I got the list of my songbooks up and I clciked on the circle for " FOLK AND COUNTRY" songbook and then clicked "ADD"

now looking at the song otions it only had "REMOVE" instead of "ADD" which is what you would expect, so This looked like everything went fine, but when I went into "MY SONGBOOK" section and saw my list of songbooks, "CHRISTMAS IN PRISON" was not in  " FOLK AND COUNTRY" it is the songbook named "MY SONGBOOK" just like the first place where it was going to put it.

So, it never changed the book at all,. I think this might have happened before as a few of my songs seemed to be in books where I thought I had changed the book.

I know it is easy enough to go through the list and check them then use the option to move them to another songbook, which I done, but could you look into this for me please as I change songbooks quite a bit, or I try to,lol

I was using I.E 7

Never tried it on Firefox.


I always thought I could be romantic when I want to be, or when I need to be,lol. But after reading most of these replies I see I am just common muck, lol, A good place to be!!

But my description is verging on the censorship side of things ,lol,

She's a bang



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

kath628 wrote:


I am in Scotland, that part of the UK that is by far much much better than the other three places ,lol. In fact, I t is better than anywhere in the world. I was thinking why do more people not live here, but I will not ask as I know the answer. Ye just dont know how good it is. High unemployment, another country rules us, We pay over the top in tax, we speak funny, and we chase haggis around the hills when we are bored ,lol.



(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I understand your english very well, I think you do superb in english. You probably speak it a lot better than a lot on here too since it is not your first langauge you would not have picked up so many bad habits thru dialect than  a lot of englsih speak people.



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I got a copy of this album today. Listened to it once. Well, not actually once because I am still at song number 7 just now " I will work for your love", great song and the album is very good. I am liking it already and it is not even finished.
I was not too sure about the first song though. Too much effects in his voice. Unusual I thought as first songs on albums are normally the strongest songs to get you into the album.
Maybe it will grow on me after two listens,lol



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Kath

Nae wonder I was not here when you asked,lol, it was 5:50am when you asked.
I was not so fast asleep in bed watching the time tick to 6am, then i got up and got ready for work.

i am more of a 6pm - 11:30pm sort of computer guy lol

unless I am off work then it can be from 8am to 3am, depending on the day.


hmm, very hard question and i have not got one answer.

For atmosphere and crowd and the band I think it would be one of the times I saw big country in the Barrowlands in Glasgow. Not too sure what year as I saw them many many times within 6 years.
For tightness and sheer proffesionalism on stage really does have to go to Livin colour in glasgow barralands on 28th March 1993. (  iremember the date so well as this is the date i told my wife she could get an engagement ring or bikers jacket for her birthday)

And recently, for sound, John Prine at the royal glasgow concert hall. This place for acoustic set at least has to have the best sound I have ever heard. Might have had a lot to do wit hthe way john prine played so good maybe? Every single tiny note on the guitar was crystal clear. The sound in this hall is awesome!!



(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

gitaardocphil wrote:

Hi Ken
I "smelled"this already a few times, ( see bands as Metallica).
But how much do they tune lower, or higher? Is it like playing F# on the second fret, and tune the guitar resulting in F# played on thhe first fret?

Possibly Doc,
I did not know that metallica tuned down though. I used to play " for whom the bells toll" on the bass.
I know guns and roses tune down a semitone as does Jimmy, but others I am not sure about.



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi caatea,
welcome to the forum.
Friendly crwod in here, new members coming in all the time, please feel free to give advice or ask.



(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)

see since this is an english speaking site, can we have all posts in english please?
thats if that is ok. this way everyone can understand



nadine2 wrote:

( I always scream for Scotland when the boks aren't playing).

you are in my top ten favourite foreign people of all time now lol

I will in return shout on S.A all the time ,even though I was on Saturday for the first time lol


. Ok,
for anyone that has never heard John Prine or unlucky enough not to see him, if you hear his stuf and think yeah ok, country/folk same old same old, then you are wrong!!
John Prine was once described as the new bob dylan in the early 70's and now I reall can see why.
The guy is a genius!. Not only is he a great singer/player/guitarist, he also has this poetry dwindling in his music too. Not the type of poetry where you would see a poet stand up and just recite a poem, he keeps playing the guiotar and somehow makes his words fit in perfectly.
I have 2 dvd's of John Prine and thought they were great but when actually seeing him live, it is something esle.

He started of with Blow up yer tv ) spanish pipedream), then ..... the .... ye know, I cannot remember,lol Illeagal smile perhaps? , anyway, out of the 2 and half hours he played there was only two songs I did not know. And those two songs were good too.
Starting with a double bass, him on acoustic guitar and his sidekick electric guitar player it gradually went into him on electric guitar and an electric bass, even an electric mandolin for a few, the gradually back into acoustic again. superb!!
he played a few classics on his own with jus him and his guitar. I was in awe at his playing. it just sounds dso much better live, hearing what he can do wit h6 strings and his voice is something to be heard.
This guy had a stroke and went through some sort of ancer treatment and still at 62 or 63 he tours over in the UK, and not just one or two night but an actual tour, Credit!!!!
he done the tour last year as well, but since I only heard of him at the time he was doing it last year  Inever went to see him.
But if he comes back again next year I will be going and I recommend everyone to go see him of they get the chance.
If you do not like country or folk or country folk, it doesnt matter go along anyway, I guarantee you, you will walk away with a different attitude to this music.
3 guys on stage, no drums, and no drums needed. this was in my top 3 of concerts I habve been ot in my 23 years of going to concerts.


much to the not so much delight of my wife, I am playing John Prine right now. I am leaving in a bout half hour to go get something to eat and drink before the doors open to see him at 7:30.
I am wishing I booked tomorrow off for a holiday!


yea bonedaddy
I watched the news, his foot was touching the line before he placed the ball so technically he was out.
silly rule when it is as tight as that but then the defending south Arican did deliberatly try and get his foot over which he now seems did successfully do.

So, well done to the South afriicans. It will be scotlands turn next lol ( yes, that was a joke)
but watch those argentinians. A nation that do not play rugby. They only have anational team so hats of to them, in my eyes for the little they play they are outstanding  contestants.
