I had no idea what dissonant meant, so I looked it up
Main Entry: dis·so·nant
Pronunciation: \-nənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English dissonaunte, from Latin dissonant-, dissonans, present participle of dissonare to be discordant, from dis- + sonare to sound — more at sound
Date: 15th century
1 : marked by dissonance : discordant
2 : incongruous
3 : harmonically unresolved
Lots of what I play is harmonically unresolved, I'll even step it up to say to say my playing is largely musically unresolved, so I believe I am an expert in dissonance. A dissonant extraordinaire, if you will. And incongruousicty runs in the family - I was born with that attribute! I gotta see if I can create a custom title.