James McCormick wrote:

What happened to the 'No Future Generation'?  We're mostly fine and dandy and hoping that our kids (and grandkids) have the guts to rebel against whatever they see is wrong and then eventually have the courage to learn how to help make things better.

james this is an excellent quote from you that I am hoping to save and remember I have saved it and use it in a song sometime. I will copy and paste it, thing is... will i remember? lol



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

gitaardocphil wrote:

It is a mystery for me, that we all "love people here"on Chordie. It is a little island where we all share the same: MUSIC. Isn't it true that people say "music brings people together?"
It is an universal peace keeper and stronger than politics.
I love you all chordians, and the credits go to our founder, who had that brilliant idea.
Keep on playing.

and the funnier thing is we are all into different styles of music!!
so you do not have to like each others music to appreciate what each other is doing.

nice post Lieven



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hurt was actually a "nine inch nails" song that Johnny cash recorded and done a better job of it than the original I tihn, he put more feeling into the song. He also loved heavy rock music. He loved metallica and he also does a grat version of "I fought the law" by the clash.



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Roger Guppy wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

I am too busty for that


I am getting worried about you Ken lol

cheers Roger, if we can talk my wife into it, we can have 3 people woried about me :ol:

my sanity is rapidly fading, if i ever had any to start with, I need to get away up the hills for a break

Ok, decided, 9th nov, im away for a weekend up the hills.



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hanx ma

yer son


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

this is puzzling,:lol:. i am wondering whether to look into this more and where did i find out that it gets darker up here later. maybe it depends on what the season is?
but yeah strange how sunrise is earlier down there by nearly half hour but sets at the same time, is it the tilt in the earth rectifying itself before night? lol
why am I even bothering about this? maybe because I love to learn facts that are no use to anyone so I can bore people at parties,lol. The kind of people I know will not be interseted but I corner them and say " did you know........." then i set my stop watch and see how long they last listening.

London is a bit more over to the east I suppose so it would make sense it gets lighter and fort william is much more over to the west so it makes sense it stays lighter.
I see the weather man peter sloss now and again ( he is on scottish tv as the weatherman)
I will have to try remember to ask him as I cannot be bothered to look all this syuff up on the net, lol. I am too busty for that



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hope you enjoy that james, i know I would

Have a great day there


The "No Future" slogan was a superb peice of writing. It was also a bit of future telling there too. I am not sure exactly when it was written or if It really was Johnny Lydon that wrote it down on paper, I tihnk maybe about 76 or 77 it was written? A few years later the torries got into governement. not just the torries but a woman called thatcher, and just look what she done to the UK. She and her party destroyed so much industry, family values, they gave a new meaning to life for teenagers and 16+ and of course home owners, Lot of home owners, let the tennants buy their council homes, let them get into debt wit hmortages, let the bank of england get risher and richer and let us tax them all and take more money off them. And then we will introduce the POLL TAX!!!! "let us "test" it on the scottish people first, if they dont like it tough, take their money" and that they did. One year later when it was an obvious distaerous mistake they introduced it to the rest of the UK to decide a year later it was a dreadful mistake and they set about plans to replace it by the council tax.

Now some might be asking what has this got to do with "no future" and punk music. Well that is what punk music is all about! It is not about sniffing glue and fighting and getting arrested while wearing pins through your nose, it is all about anti establishment, and that is why I really enjoy and admire a good punk song. The clash were probably one of the finest bands for the lyrics and music for the punk era.
There was plenty of other punk bands that never sang about anti establishemnt things but could play their instruments fast and get safety pin wearers jumping up and down.

So, No future was a great slogan. it is still happening today with a new party in power and probably will continue for kids to see they have no future until they do grow up and think ,I cannot keep going on like this, mouthing off going to demos, protesting about anything that the government done. They will realise they have to start living a life, working a job, paying taxes and getting sucked into the same position as every other "working tax paying slave" to the governement. We all end up "slaves to the grind"

When I was 11, just after the big punk era  i got into punk music and  got a hold of a syd vicious R.I.P t shirt. My mum threw it in the bin!! I got a relavitley tame sex pistols 7" record " black leather", my mum threw it out, even my white vinyl Expolited album ( which I am glad now since it was terrible)  well, what did this make me do? REBELL!! 11 year old wit hattitude, hating the governement without knowing what the word politics meant.
At 14 I was a bit wiser, not much but a bit. I still loved punk music although i was veering towards big country, U2, the alarm, simple minds, but I still kept my punk attitude all the time. By the time I was 15 and 16 I was seeing what " no future " meant, and I was in a place in my life when i just left school at the earlieist opporunity. No future was whacking me in the face every day. I moved down to london to look for a future as many scots were doing, instead of living in a cardboard box I found a lovely wee matress on the floor of my aunties house, on my cousins bedroom floor. This is where my life changed and started looking properly for my future. So skipping umpteen years and a few years at college, being an assistant manager for a garden centre for 11 years then finally in the job today as a production co ordinator and having a wife and weans ( kids) I found my future but I can still relate to youngsters today that think there is no future, there is always a future if you look or fight your way through to get it

and as for roger daltrey in 64 saying hope I die before i get old, although written by Pete Townshend, what is old?, they can still sing it because in their heart they are still young.lol

And I better not start on that or it will not be a book I am writing it will be a saga or epic or whatever a long long book is called ,lol

I've not wrote this much in ages about one subject. I have not even read back to see if it all makes sense or not, so sorry for the typing errors as I know there will be quite a few. and if it doesnt make sense to you then it might to someone younger or no one, but it made sense to me as I sat here typing it,

ok, ok, ok, I know, stop going on and on,:lol:




(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


flower picking festival? that sounds kinda good but dont tell my "hard" mates that I said that ,:lol:



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

arkady wrote:

I thought the clocks going back was to help you poor old Scotsmen find their ways in the dark old Winter mornings being like closer to the Artic circle  than us Southerns.:)


Yep, well no, well yep, lol
It was the english government that actually brought it in to help the farmers in britain. probably more to help the southerners since it gets darker down there before it does up here. I think i am right in saying it gets darker down london 20 minutes earlier than inverness, although I dont know exActly why when the sun rises in the east and sets in the west???
But it does help up see a wee bit too.
It also means the weans ( the kids) can go to school in daylight and come home before it gets dark.
I think what we have just now in GMT is the proper time and BST is the not so right time,lol

Roger Guppy wrote:

Ken, the clocks going back would have given you an extra hour in bed. You should be as bright as a button and full of beans.

It was because this upset wit hthe time that I felt like I was suffering jetlag lol on sunday night, monday morning and monday night lol or maybe that was a week of 4 -5 hours sleep a night that done it?
I never actually had an extra hour. I got up an hour earlier and went to be a bit later than normal, meaning I went to bed very very late according to my body clock.



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I've got a heart of gold too but it is only 9ct plated lol


(12 replies, posted in About Chordie)

only had one virus on my computer in the past 5 months and it never came from chordie.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I was wondering again.

see in this forum it has at the bottom of the main page the people that are online now? are these the people that are on the forum or the people that are loged into the chordie site and not just the forum?

I was just curious



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Roger, I never knew that.
Now I will have to try and remember my names for myspace so i can delete them,lol

and yes arkady, lots of @@%$&ing,lol

I will have to do this when i find time. I have got so much I still have to do on this computer wit hmy songs. I have recorded them but still dont know if they are good enough for a cd yet. Then I got to make my album cover, inside cover complete with lyrics and acknolegments etc,lol, then post them all off for family's crimbo pressies ,lol. Might not cost me a lot but has taken up an awful lot of time, and for what I get paid in my work, I will be giving away a few weeks of work,lol.

and then ,lol, I will have to make a few new songs up for myspace as I think I have most of my other songs on youtubio.
AND, with the clocks going back at the weekend I am knackered,lol


only thing I can think of then is do not have your pic on the net anywhere or your real name and then no one can claim to be you!

maybe make up an alias for your computer life and only let close frinds and people you trust 100% know that a name you use is not yours or a pic, or just dont tell anyone at all unless you plan to meet them.

If you do online banking etc, never have the computer remember your name or passwords



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I have created 3 myspaces to get music on and then found out I couldnt because of what arkady says. I never signed up as a band!
I think I will have to make a new email address so I can make a new myspace and register the name under a band.



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I used to be able to hold my breath in for over 1 minute 15 seconds, then slowly exhale.
I can still manage a minute quite easy just now.


I cannot see how someone can hack into your computer thru these sites.
But if they can do it there then they can do it anywhere at all on the net where you register for an account I would think. So it could happen here, hotmail, gmail, youtube, mayspace yahoo and the list goes on.

Although maybe possible it is unlikely that someone will hack into your computer. If you have a firewall and virus thingamyjiggery do thing ye should be ok.
It is like saying you dont want to cross the road in case you get run over.

but to answer Lieven in the best uneducated way I can, ( meaning the way I think)
If you put one of your songs on youtube, I do not know legally if it is protected but you could probably take someone to court and prove you had the song put on at ???? date , proving that the person that sole your song supposidly made it up after you posted it on the WWW.
So, if anything you could prove you had done the song first on the WWW.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I am thinking maybe because someone has added this to chordie, not realising that this site is called CHORDIE and not lyricay.

but if you looked below that entery there is another entry wit h4 version on it, so you can still get the chords. it is not as if they are not there. But this should be vamooshed from the site in my opinion.

http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.g … 25492.html

for the chords


well there's the first.
Great answer. I had to look up the lyrics just to make sure,lol.
I never really thought of that as a love song but I guess it is!


I am stuck already, but I know I thought of one a few months ago.

any ideas anyone/



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

that's why I'm easy.... easy like SUNDAY mornings   
Lionel Ritchie or before him was still him in the commodors?

then faith no more done a super cover of it.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

or the dubliners 7 drunken nights
they mention everyday there is



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

less than jake I hate top say it would probably be classed as punk too, but if we can catagorise punk even more they would be pop punk,lol.
I saw them in glasgow when they were playing with DRop kick murphys. I did not like them that much, but they were very very tight on stage and had a good sound for what they played, just not my sort of punk music.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I tihnk you will find you are wrong there Tib. Green day are classed as punk rock.
They might not be the same sort of punk rock as sex pistols or dead kennedy's but all the same the are punk and they play rock music and are punkrock. heavily influenced by Stiff little fingers.
Now, if you want to differentiate punk rock into different categories then where do you stop with catogorising music? Iggy Pop and the stoogies and new york dolls which were both out before the sex pistols and the clash are classed as the god fathers of punk rock.
It was the UK that came out with the anarchic punk rock music.

But to me, all punk, heavy metal, heavy rock, thrash,grunge is all ROCK to me. Once you get a group of fans following them that is when they start getting put into genres.
