(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yeah, I think it's a fine line.

In my mind, the difference is tha a dialect is an accepted, proper way to speak, while slang is generally thought of as improper speech, which is sometimes accepted and used so often as to be part of the language.



(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Man, that Garrison G-20 is beautiful. I love the minimalist, simplistic approach. Very nice. Looks like a satin finish? That's what mine has, and I love it.

Thanks for the pics. Nice collection you have there.


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I think I'll be ordering me one of those.

The genius of simplicity! Changing strings is thirsty work.


(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I definitely learned a lot hanging around people who play better than me.

I think it cuts the learning curve in half.

There are a surprising number of late bloomers on here. It's pretty cool!


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Glad to know you are safe.

We just got a little rain, but you guys were hammered.

Gotta love the Blue Ridge.

(I guess they are the Smokys in your neck of the woods though, huh?)


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You guys are awesome...

arkady - I used the program you referred me to. Worked like a champ.

Roger - mp3 = much smaller, and quality as good as before!

I opened a MySpace account under an assumed name and away I go!  You can hear my rendition of "Lonely Man" there, now!





(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I figured it out!

I have a "MySpace" now, and converted the *.wav to a *.mp3 and posted it on my page!

Thanks to all for your help!

You can hear my recording of this song at http://www.myspace.com/oldnewguy


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks, all.

I appreciate the help. I will try several of these!


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Awesome, Jets.

Made me wonder when the last time was that I just looked at the stars.

Maybe me and "Bug" will do that on the next clear night we have.

Very playable, too. I have a daddycool song to try tonight, maybe I'll check this one out, too.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

too nice, DC.

I'm going to try this one when I get home.

Fitting for this time of year in my part of the world.


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


I had thought that I was cheap-skating it, but from your response, I feel like I am right in the ballpark.

My buddy got a Seagull, and it was a lot of guitar for the money, but I wasn't crazy about the sound. I have tried a few Takamines, and may go with a G Series. (I haven't seen anything terrible about them).

You bring up some brands that I hadn't considered, or even heard of. the Guitar Center near me has some Epiphones, maybe I will check them out too.

Looks like I have some sampling to do! (This is the fun part! I might stop on the way home...)


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That, Mr. Frankster, is refered to as the "Generation Gap"!  smile

I was in California last week, and wanted to get my daughter something from there. I went into a surf shop and felt as if I lost 30 IQ points. I saw many cool T-shirts that looked very "West Coast", but I was afraid to get them because I didn't know what the saying on them meant! I might end up getting her a "hook up" shirt or something!

The more I learn, the less I know. I never realized what a big goober I was until my daughter hit her "tweens".

I ended up shopping at the airport. I know what "San Diego" means!


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Guitarpix wrote:

I always put a piece of cloth between the puller and the bridge to eliminate any markings. A piece of old t-shirt does the trick well. As far as them being hard to push in...Try bending the ends of the strings to about a 45 degree angle before you put them in the holes. Doing this puts the ball out of the way making it easier to insert the pegs. It also helps to eliminate that dreaded string slippage that scares the #*^% out ya when your tunning up...lol

Yeah, I've had that "Oh Crap!" moment, too!

I keep a T-shirt near to dust off when I change strings, I'll try using it to protect the bridge, as well.

And, a few nicks do add character!


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have been doing what Frankster talks about, pulling out the easy ones, then pushing the others from the inside.

If your football bat doesn't settle down, then you need to invest in a football bat bat. Very effective, however the football bat tennis raquet requires less precision, and saves more time for putting jelly on your sourdough sugar biscuits! big_smile

My problem with the pullers is actually getting them under the heads of the pins. maybe the Dunlop would do that better. That is called "knowing your market" - making a pin-puller / bottle opener combination!  smile

And, to display my ignorance, I didn't even realize there WERE wood or brass pins. I will investigate!


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks, again, Pix.

I think I want to stay in the $500-$600 range, but  will buy the write box when I find it, but I certainly won't approach the $1,000 mark, as I am married to a very frugal woman, and I enjoy sleeping indoors. smile

At the moment, I am feeling out the various options in my range, and know that when I decide, it will take some saving to make the purchase. (probably will be purchasing in the late spring, early summer.)

Please let me know if I am whistling dixie, thinking I can get a decent instrument for this amount. I am happy with my Jasmine, and am only looking to go A/E, but don't want to buy another laminated-top guitar. If I have to save more, and for a longe period, I will do that, as I say, I am in no rush.

I really appreciate everyone's input. Very informative.


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Yeah, Tibernius, I have used pliers myself...

Last string change, I pushed the pegs through from beneath (which requires removing all strings at once, to stay on topic! smile ). that seemed to work okay. I used the flat edge of the tuner winder to push up on the pegs from below.


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Well, concerning used guitars, my standard approach with e-bay is to go into the real world, and decide which one I want, and what the price range is, then find exactly that on ebay, hopefully less expensive.

I waded through your thread on this issue, and see that you certainly did some homework on the subject. I have been "considering" a purchase for months now, and I go into every shop I see (in and out of town) to play different makes. (That's how I discovered the Tanglewood). I have a good idea what sound I want, I just need to make sure I'm not buying a hunk of crap that will fall apart.

Thanks, again, for the link, and your input!


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks for the input so far. I have been scouting e-bay for some good deals, and may go that route.

My biggest concern is being able to recognize a "good deal" when I see one. The problem with used (either e-bay or pawn shops) is that I don't think I would be able to spot a warped neck, or cracked whats-it or even a gnarled thing-a-clacker, and I could be easily duped. At least if there is something wrong with a new one out of the box, I can take it to my local shop for a refund/exchange.

any other thoughts?


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I meant to post this this morning...

I hope Tennessee Strat, and others from that area are okay.

Let us know how you fared through the tornadoes. I'll send good thoughts your direction, and hope all are out of harm's way.

(misspelled "Tennessee". sorry about that. too many double letters!)


(54 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)



(54 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

What did the Zookeeper say when the monkey asked for more bananas?...


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My German ex-neighbor / mentor said he always wanted a band called "The Jellybeans". He started calling us that. (in the glory and splendor of our own Kitchen Concerts).

Don't know why. He said it made him think of America.

I mean, we were no Crash Helmut Jug Band, or anything, but we had our fun!  smile


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Nice, watsonchad.

Anyone have advice on pegs? I seem to be unable to get them out without scuffing up the bridge, and I find it difficult to get them in tight enough (I am always afraid I will push my hand right through the top, and end up with the pre-mature Willie Nelson look.

I have a peg winder with that little divot which is supposed to be a "peg puller" but I find it to be as useful as a football bat.



(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I may be duplicating a previous post. If so, please direct me elsewhere, and accept my apologies. I looked but couldn't find anything.

My question:

How does someone (like me) who knows little about music, and even less about the Luthier business, choose a good instrument that won't break the bank and that will actually cure and improve with age as opposed to being a future badminton raquet?

I am interested in upgrading to a solid top, A/E, and have been looking at the Takamine G series (the Jumbo, in particular), but don't know why I like it or if it is even a good choice?

I have seen the Tanglewoods in a local shop, and on paper, it looks like more bang for the buck, but I am unfamiliar with the brand, and leary of purchasing an unknown.

It's purty... and it sounds pretty good to my amature ear, but I don't know about how long it will last. I don't have tons to spend on a guitar, but I am willing to buy a quality instrument, if I know I won't have to buy another one for a long time.

I want to spend my money on quality, not on adornments like fancy Mother-of-Pearl inlays and crap. I really don't care too much about what it looks like, as long as it sounds good, and will last a lifetime.

Any help?


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


I didn't see the price on this beauty?

When I see all the inlays and fancy crap it really turns me off. I tend to be a minimalist.

But, strip all the excessive crap off of this guitar, and it would be something I would normally be interested in. I see words like "Martin", "solid top" and "Mahogany" and I think "quality".  Without reading the reviews, I would consider buying a less adorned version of this.