yep we do. They are getting rarer but they have not been taken out of circulation yet.
I tihnk the clydesdale bak stopped them years ago but the Bank of Scotland or the Royal bank of Scotland or both still have them.

I had 3 of them a few weeks ago in my change. I got rid of them quickly though straight back into the till that gave me them,lol



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

acapo wrote:

.the earth dose not travel around the sun every 365 and a half days because the sun exerts a greater and at times lesser pull on the solar system due to the ammount of energy it expels so all we are doing is playing catchup and adjusting our time .  acapo

this is why we have leap years.

it was worse over a thousand years ago, They only had 11 months in the year.

A leap year is a year in which an extra day is added to the calendar in order to synchronize it with the seasons. Since the tropical year is 365.242190 days long, a leap year must be added roughly once every four years (four times the fractional day gives ). In a leap year, the extra day (known as a leap day) is added at the end of February, giving it 29 instead of the usual 28 days.
This ballanaces things out a bit but still not exactly accurate.



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi acapo.

MY SONGBOOK is where you can gather all the songs you like to play or want to learn into a songbook. You can also have more than one, so you can put them into catergories, country book, rock book, acoutisc book etc, call them anything you want.

First go in to "my songbook" section and create a songbook.

Then whenever you are viewing a song in Chordie you can "ADD" the song to your songbook.

It is as easy as that,
All your songs are stored in chordie and so you do not need to use up space on your computer ,even though it would not take up much room anyway.

Also, you can make your songbook public so anyone can see what songs you have in your book. You can also look at other members song books, it sometimes gives you an idea of what songs to learn.
The option for this is down the bottom of the page while in MY SONGBOOK.

You can move songs from book to book as well.



(4 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Yer going to love this instrument!!

I know you will know it doesnt sound like the guitar but if you are not too sure of the sound, see it as the last intrument that can replace a guitar on the planet and learn it.
they are great for sitting strumming away at to any song, or mostly any song. I still pick mine up quite a few times a week. My wife hates it but I dont care, I love it and the sound. It is a very sort of basic prehistoric sound but it works for the music.

here are a few links
my uke is tuned GCEA a bit different from yours but hopefully these links will be of some use.

and a really good one

let us know how you are gettingon wit hit in a few weeks.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

thanks Al and Ma.

And naw it was not the seal on the whiskey. I am drinking lager tonight, not a lot as I have been roped into work tomorrow.



(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i am going to be very honest with you here.
I quickly looked at this when you posted it and thgouht $$%&* wow along song that I cannot be bothered to read, all those lyrics etc etc .
But a few minutes ago when I saw your name it made me think of you going to this johnny cash flower picking event and thought i am going to read all the lyrics james wrote, see what he has said about it.
And I must say, the thing Helena says about the tree etc getting watered by our tears etc is a magnificent line ( it never made my eyes water though, a good kick in the,,,,,,, would do that though lol )
This is an absolte classic song mate. And I think it will be a waste not to do something wit hit. I tihnk you should send it off to one of his family or get it printed somwhere.
every line every word in this song looks like you have say down and thought hard about the whole song and you have done it very well indeed. ( and for me to go on like this, it must be good!!)
I am going to go listen to it now, I hope I am not disapointed in the song from how I am thinking it in my head. I tried playing it but I dont think I am quite getting it and it probably is not a song I would do, but certainly doesnt mean that it should not get listened to.
sorry ofr going on, I will go liten to it now and give no feedback on on well...... maybe if I thin kyou can improve it,lol, only joking! I am sure it will be great.

Keep up the good work and start selling your songs. you got to d osomething with them



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great song jets, I enjoyed playing and singing this one



(7 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

the bass is known to be easier than the guitar since it only has 4 strings, sometimes 5 or more!

But it can be just as hard. Learn all the scales and you will find it easier. Also your fingers will ache until they are broken in. Your fingertips will ache until they toughen up, and they will toughen up and you will find it easier.

start off just playing basic notes along wit hthe drums for a song.
Also mentioning drums, play with the drums and not the guitar, the drums and bass is the backbone to a band, the guitarist should be playing along with drums and bass. Lots of ego maniac lead guitarists think that all instruments including drums should be listening to him or her all the time. I have seen this in a few bands, these are usually the bands that get nowhere.
Also these guitarists want to be heard so much that he  amplifies his guitar so  loud that no  can hear their own instrument


that is a very good point there.
If they start even with amatuers for the olympics they will eventually want to make a british team. Something I dont think would ever happen though Not only would the scots not want it, the english wouldnt either, I dont know about the N.Irish or welsh? but I wouldnt think they would either.
And although i am very very patriotic to my country ( no really I am, even though it doesnt look like it sometimes,lol) we are all on one island ( apart fro mN.Ireland)  and maybe should have one national team? If we can get the english and welsh and N.Irish to speak a scottish accent, make them accept that scottish pound notes are legal tender as well as the other scottish notes, and let at least half of the new national side be born in Scotland then I think it could work. lol
I just seen a pig fly passed my window, so it could happen

hmmm, now I am sitting on that high fence.

Should we ? shouldnt we?

Maybe since football is not an olympic sport they should not have it in the olympics at all? that would save me thinking about all this.



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Oh no Daddy,
not yet another chrimbo song!!!!

you do realise you are making us more aware that the time is getting closer?

You do realise this has reminded me to pull out all my chrimbo songs and get them ready for me playing them all one after another and your song that is very well written will have to be added to it lol thanks a lot mate!! my wife will love you for this, lol, she hates all chrimbo songs.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

aww gee thanks Roger

But my sense of humour I think its limited to a few people and as for my fairness, well my hair is getting more and more grey every day, I suppose that does mean it is getting fairer then, not a lot of brown left on top, or below! I got one or 7 grey chest hairs now as well. I was thinking of dying them but not many see them. I could always get a felt marker pen and colour them when i am at the beach of loch lomond in my paddington bear duffle coat.

Aye, so thanks,

no more congrats please. one is enough. If you feel like you must though, please send a donation to help the grass snake fund ( if there is one)



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I have had this a few times also.
I just stop the song, find out what the chord is then replay the whole song or take off from where I left.
If you are not familiar with a chord though and it comes up would you not have to stop to look at the diagram then play it? Maybe not.
maybe having the chord diagram at the top and bottom? would there be enough space to do this?

I think this is a good request though, even for a refresher half way thru a song to see what a chord was like Fm#7 I tihnk, I have to keep looking at that diagram to make sure it is the one I am about to play.

UNfortunatly Per the webmaster is busy just now. Hopefully he will see this and take a note and maybe, if possible do something later.



(14 replies, posted in About Chordie)


Got a reply from Per. He is aware of this problem and will repair it when he gets the time. He is pretty busy at the  moment.

Since this is not a bad bug like an earthquake measuring 12 on the richter scale I can Live with this slight problem.


lol david spoken like a true old firm fan.

I think if it was made up with amatuers then yes, But once we get independance we can put out our own scottish olympic football team and get beat at everything. lol Although we are doing ok just now.
Just spent an hour and ten minutes with the phone to my ear pressing redial redial trying to get an extra ticket for the Itlay game. I will just have to make do wit hthe one I have.:(



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

ok, domne a qucik google

How good am I eh? lol … nuary.html

world tour like i said, well rumoured just now.

looks like I will have to go see them yet again, ya beauty



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

if they do bring out a new album I very much doubt they would let anyone disapoint anyone.
They have had a couple of dodgy albums in my opinion but still remain in the top 5 bands for all time in my mind. But that is not bad for over a 30 year reign.

I will have to go google this now to see if it is true, because iof true, I would put a bet on that they will do one last world tour before throwing in the dishcloth


I was just wondering without causing a big debate about it.
Just a reply yes or no and a few lines to why you have answeered yes or no.

Hmmm, the rest of the world could give a reply too I suppose since it has to do with a world event.

the question is:
Do you think England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales should merge together to make a British Olympic team for football?

I say NO.
I tihnk because we go in as a british team then it could be accepted but to take proffessional players away from their their teams when needed is wrong. If they want to do it, get amatuers to compete and maybe from there these unkown ametuers could become stars later.
I would not like to see a british team if they want to make it up with professionals like they want to.



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well I have just opened a bottle of red. My wife is not in for a few more hours, just ordered the chinese food, I usually call it the chinky, but I dont want to offend anyone. I am not calling people from china that name, just the food, and since the chinese guy I get it fro mcalls it chinkies too when it comes to food then according to him I can say it.
So, food ordered, first wine in glass after letting the bottle breath for half hour beforehand, kids upstairs playing at making as much noise as they can for no apparent reason, unless they really are out to annoy me. I got my guitar beside me and I will sit here strumming some tunes until the food is here. then prbably ge onto my second glass. After the second glass is finished I will get into my third then forth then the wee dribble at the end just anbout the same time my wife comes in. At least she will get a big warm glowing smile from me. Then the wine is finished and no beers in the fridge either for a change, a big change!! But the bottle of geln Orrin ( only £10 from Aldi) is begging to be opened and if it is lucky enough I may sample one or two.
Not going to get too platereted tonight though, I think I might go walking tomorrow morning depending on the weather.
and I am getting so sick of monkey nuts now!!

anyone live in georgia?



(14 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi Golder,
I have reported this too.
I am thinking Per is working on it, or will do when he gets the chance, It is annoying.

the only way is to let the songs go into  "your song book" then click on the "my songbook" tab and move them from there.



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

sean of the dead is really scary.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

the highland clearances is still happening today, only instead of burning the houses and forcing the folk onto boats to america or forcing them by the end of a gun to get in the towns and cities, the government are doing it through politics!!, oops no busines here, how are you going to live? yes matey, move your butt!!! ,lol
But iof it was not for these clearances, I would have no bothies to visit!! and this is partly why there are hundreds of abandonded houses in the hills today.



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am in the time zone of Scotland, so Gmt right now.

and halloween, although good for the kids I thin kpeople take ittoo far, especially ( sorry guys) but the americans, way over the top, I know it is meant to be fun, maybe it is not my sense of humour? this greeting " happy halloween" it just does not sound right.
And as for the irish inventing it, well hmm, yeah, say no more!! lol

turnips, now we are talking!!! I used to carve and hollow out turnips when i was younger as pumpkins were just not to be seen in shops wheni was younger and I dont thin kanyone in scotland grew them until the last 15 -20 years, even then 15 years ago they were pretty scarce.
A big tumshee ( turnip) was excellent at the time but pretty hard to cut and hollow, no where near as easy as a pumpkin!
I was going to get a big pumpkin for the kids this year but told my wife to get it nearer the time. Nearer the time came and she bought one the day before, halloween eve I guess you could call it lol but instead of a great big one she got one that looked like an overgrown tomato!, we still hollowed it out and sat it on the windy sill ( window sill) and lit a scented candle inside.

I just found out the other day it costs about £3 to step inside a taxi these days!! I have not got a taxi for years, last time I got one it was £2.50 to step inside and I thought that was bad.
As for fags ( cigarettes) I stopped buying packets of them when they hit £3 a pack, now they are over £5.
Money should be banned!! these things have went up much higher than the rate of nflation. Taking of which, $2.06 to the £ the other day. Right now is a good time for UK to go on holiday to USA. Such a great rate, I could get a really cheap guitar now.
Bad thing about that is it is a very bad time for americans to visit the UK. So we cannot take all your money to help our ecconomy,lol. We rely on the scottish tourist board and people coming to look for the loch ness monster and all the wild haggis running about. Forget about the red squirrel and red deer and our seals, otters, golden eagles, ospreys, capercallies, grouse, pheasant, scottish terriors and kilted scottish tartan army fans, it is the HAGGIS that you should be coming to see and hunt.
I should start my own business " kill a haggis, win a bevy Ltd" charge £57.43 per head, I will rake it in.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

for tabs and not chords? well thank goodness no one can post tabs on CHORDIE,lol. Might have to change the name to tabby,lol

You can post tabs on a nother site, chordie does not get any chords or tabs or lyrics posted directly on to it. People add songs by adding links to another site.
See resources



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi hows it going?
the reason you have no idea about who is saying what in this thread is because of the tpoic name maybe? We are typing anything we like, and maybe get a few replies before someone changes the topic.
there are some really good topics out there in chordie land, this is just a good topic or topics, I can confuse myself quite easily when talking about brush handles so dont take any notice of this post apart from HELLO



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

pretty cloudy here tonight!!
but the good news is I should soon have an extra bedroom up in my loft or attic whatever you wish to call it.
I was going to use it as a music room and an observatory to look at the stars with my telescope but instead I have been told it will be a bedroom for my boy since he wants to be up wit hthe stars. I tihnk he should just pick up a guitar,learn it good become famous and be a star himself.
