This one may need moving, Amy and Co.....
Okay, some of you all (y'all) may remember me writing a song about a train wreck in a county near to ours (Carroll) from which a box car spilled thousands of cigarettes (This happened in 1903 and the cigarettes were Bull Durhams). It happened at Punkinvine Trestle and the lore is that hundreds of young boys learned how to smoke that day,
Before writing the song, however, I wanted to get my facts straight, so I put myself in contact with the Georgia Railway Association and a few other railroad enthusiasts.
Are any of you railroad buffs? If so, maybe you can throw in your two cents worth as well.
I'm finding out - a little at a time - that a previous train wreck in 1883 happened at a trestle just before this one at a trestle called "The Big Raccoon Trestle".
After that wreck our State Legislature provided funds to repair "Big Raccoon" and ostensibly funds to examine "Punkinvine", which, according to all the records I have been able to find was never done.
So now I'm involved in my own investigation. I'm not saying that foul play was involved, but I suspect the money for Punkinvine went somewhere other than where it should have gone and with the help of one of the Atlanta Journal/Constitution investigative reporrers hope to get some answers.
So far, this is all I have and I may be "full of it", but I intend to find out all the facts for myself before writing the tune.