
(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ok,so a few more names?

how about

literally stupid


but rub


the truth


mended bones


Last night


public nuicances

or head live invasion


Bird flu



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good song James and one I can relate to.
I was telling my mate yesterday I am selling my renault laguna cdi for a smaller car, one i can open the bonnet ( hood) and say yeah, I can fix that, instead of the big cover hiding the engine, then you take the cover off to find a big lump of metal that looks nothing like an engine.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i like driving in my car.......madness
red cortina......................saw doctors
cars ..............................gary newman
under my wheels...........alice cooper
baby you can drive my car.......beatles


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ive not heard any of he stuff yet but she is gorgeous!!!
My wife will probably buy her album. I will listen to it when she gets it



(14 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yep Per,
thank you very much.
It was just a silly wee glitch but I am much hapier now,



gitaardocphil wrote:

Why do they use the same name, no, FOOTBALL HAS TO BE AND REMAIN FOOTBALL.
IT is sad that the word "soccer" (derived from the word "sucker") is used in the USA.

USA FOOTBALL should be HANDBALL, it has nothing to do with a foot

they also use the word soccer in New Zealand as well. My brother moved there ;ast year and all the time in his emails he mentions soccer. He never used this word before but he says he says it now because everyone else does there. If he mentions football they would not know he was talking about football as in the real football,lol

Now americans cannot call their game hand ball as they do use their feet too I think???
American football so i am led to believe is really called gridion, or is that an entirely different game? or maybe the american football derived from gridion?

If they started calling it a different name they would be totally confused.

I just dont like it when people that call it soccer start dictating that it is called soccer as they have their own football term.

Even the french I think call it soccer, or the few french I have talked to called it soccer. maybe they were deliberatly winding me up?
But since football was invented in china then reinvented in the UK with a scotsman from the Aberdeen area making up the rules ( yes, I am sorry english people, this is true. it was proven last year sometime) and it was called football then in the 14 centuary I think???? ( probably completely wrong with the era) it should be known as FOOTBALL all over the world. Even before america got invaded by western folk the game was getting played.

Also, while on the subject of football. I have to let my useless info into your minds too so you know as much as me lol
It was a scotasman that took the rules of football and leagues for football over to Brazil and set the foundations of them being so good at the game. So, us scots have shot ourselves in the foot a bit by doing that.
Also, I think a lot of Scottish women should emmigrate to Brazil and take their young children with them so they can grow up playing and breathing football, eating football, being fantastic at football, then when hey are 16 they get a flight back over to scotland and become the greatest bestest footy team in the world.

Now, thats a plan!!!



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi unicorn and welcome to chordie.

So a baratone uke is similar to the guitar for chords? I dont know what kind my mine is GCEA. And when you play the chord G it is like the chord D on the guitar, this mixed me up a while until i got used to it. Now I love playing my uke regularly.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

thanks Lieven, I dont usually get embarrassed and since no one can see me  i will say I am still not


it has took me 8 days before readong this,lol, sometimes i skip peoples songs, but usually get round to reading most. So if people think I dont like or have nothing to say about songs they post the ndont think that, I just cannot be bothereed to be honest to type things in a bout every song i read or I would spend all night here after work telling people the same thing all the time. good good good crap, ok, not bad, keep it up , blah blah blah etc etc.
After a few days on I jsut think, ok, too late now I should have commented earlier than this.
but wit hthis song I have to mention

lovely lyrics ma!!!

I cannot song this though, my wife might think I am gay lol

Good work.



(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Guitarpix wrote:

I bought a guitar from an older gentleman a few months back and upon getting it home I discovered a 10 year old rattlesnake rattler inside the guitar. I mentioned this to a few of my friends and they said that allot of old timers do this. So my question is why? Does anyone have any ideas? I don't think it really adds anything to the sound (unless you shake the guitar..lol)but I could be wrong my ears aren't exactly the best trained...Thanks!

how do you know it was 10 years old? is there a way of telling by looking? Coming from Scotland we only get grass snakes and adders,

can you still hold one of these rattles from a rattlesnake and make it rattle? does it rattle when you play the guitar?
maybe if it does rattle when you shake it, you are suppose to hold it while strumming like one of those wee hand shaker things that you hold while strumming?



(9 replies, posted in Song requests)

thats the version i play. dont know if it is right with mr petty but I like it this way



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi kimo

I think the webmster had answered this in a previous thread.

I am sure he said it was a microsoft word error and not an actual problem with the program that runs chordie.
I might be wrong, but that doesnt happen very often lol



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

those two last posts gave me a right big grin on my face. In fact i was chuckling. My wife asks what i am laughing at, i tell her, she stays straight faced. She cannot see the funny side.
I tihnk ye have got to be involved to find things funny sometimes?


lol lol lol

good vid ma.

i dont carry an axe about with me..................all the time lol :;):



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

OI Ma,
yer no one of these vegetarian sort of people are ye?
Meat is wonderful to eat, if it gets accidentally knocked down there is no need to let it go to waste.
Ever wonder why humans have incisor teeth? the eye teeth? the dracula fangs? so we can get them right into the meat and tear it!!
If we were meant to eat veggies and nuts we would all be rabbits lol
And if we were all rabbits how could we play the guitar? lol

now, who will start this DIY guitar thingy thread? lol

seriously though, You know what I want? I want a big pink guitar with fluffy ears sticking out the side.


(14 replies, posted in About Chordie)

nope, still not working.
I did press change before adding, but it still adds songs to the songbook that is first shown when you are in a song.
Maybe it has something to do with internet expolorer?
i cannot try it on my firefox as it will not open for some reason, I keep getting an error.

Maybe someone with firefox can try and see if this feature works?



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Fat painter,

If your time looks different then your time maybe set wrong!
If you go into your profile there is an option there for your own time. I have mine set on GMT.

And roadkill is great, or can be if you get it before the buzzards,foxes,cats etc get it.

When I go long drives an axe and a sharp knife in the boot of the car is handy as it is hard to get a full deer in the boot. A leg is quite enough for a feast and to share round friends and family.
Pheasant is quite easy though, just need a polly bag for them.
I have never tried squirrel but heard it is quite nice and just tastes like rabbit but a bit tougher and harder to skin!
I dont know about other places in the world but here in Scotland if you knock down any game, i.e deer. pheasant, grouse you are not allowed to pick it up and chuck it in your car but if you come across dead animals that have been killed you are free to take. I tihnk this is to stop people going out and trying to run over the animals, but if your mate up ahead of you " accidentally" runs over a poor disorientated animal on the road ( or slightly off to the side if it is safe and no one sees) and kills it, you are legally allowed to take it and eat it. ( just make sure your mate does not sto phis car ,:lol:
Not that I do this of course, but I know someone that had doen it year ago. And not with a deer either. have ye ever seen the mess of a transit van after hitting a deer? Ye just dont want to hit one of those beasts.

I will stick to hunting haggis lol



(14 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I never got it to work there either.
It seems that whatever book is shown first before trying to change it to another it is entering it in there.
When I was in a song and went to add it, I clicked on change book.
It was on my folk and country book. I clicked CHANGE and got the list of books in my collection up. I clicked on Pogues and tradtional for the song to go into but it ended up going into Folk and country.



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

then it might take a few weeks more before someone puts it on the net.

When it does go on the net, probably in ultimate guitar or sometihng like that, hopefully someone will link it to chordie.

so is the new album any good? I am interested in it


alvee33 wrote:

If i spend too much time on my guitar I tend to develop ear-ache. This is not down to my playing (bad as it is) but to my wife constantly nagging me to put the bloody thing away and get the housework done. lol

lol lol

must be the water in Scotland Al. I was coming in here to type the same thing. Only difference is my wife does not want me to do the housework, she just wants me to shut up lol



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Tana.

I did a goggle search of rthis and came up with no tabs or CHORDS.
This means the chances of it being in Chordie is even less chance as Chordie gets the chords and lyrics from other sites.
So if you are ever looking for a song and it is not here on chordie and you do a google search and get nothing then the chances are no one has submitted chords or tabs and lyrics to any site for a particluar song.


I moved this to a more relevant section.

upyerkilt wrote:

goo goo dolls do not even register in my mind as a band that can do songs lol ( sorry, couldnt resist that)

ok, sorry.

I looked up Iris, you got to have that one too jikklop.
but the other one mentions love lol

you guessed it, I have nothing better to do right now


Jikklop wrote:


Walking on Broken Glass - Annie Lennox
Wish You Well - Bernard Fanning
Green Eyes - Coldplay
The Scientist - Coldplay
Lady D'Arbanville - Cat Stevens
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Slide - Goo Goo Dolls
Dancefloor Anthem - Good Charlotte
Keep Your Hands Off My Girl - Good Charlotte
Everything - Michael Bublé
I Hope You Dance - Ronan Keating
Kiss From A Rose - Seal
Edge Of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Ebony and Ivory - Stevie Wonder
Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday - Stevie Wonder
If I Can't Have You - Yvonne Elliman

Woot! I'm on a roll.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I may have picked a few wrong ones.


Kiss from a rose mentions the word LOVE as does the scientist. I wouldnt say walking on broken glass was exactly a love song more of an admiration sort of song.
goo goo dolls do not even register in my mind as a band that can do songs lol ( sorry, couldnt resist that)
lots there i have not heard of and cannot be bothered to look up since I know of two straight away that mention LOVE in the song, but I will give you green eyes by coldplay
ebony and ivory is about white and black going together on a keyboard, not exactly a love song.
edge of seventeen mentions LOVE near the end ,lol
and Ronan Kaeton cannot sing a song without using the word LOVE, ever!!! lol

But, well done for having a go at so many.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi dillono,
I just tried it and it works fine for me.

Are you clicking "ADD" to save the song to your songbook?
Have you more than one songbook? maybe it has went into another songbook rather than the one you are trying to put it in?

If not then I am sorry, I am clueless to why you cannot get a song to go into your songbook

will have to wait on Per, see if he can answer this



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

you dont have to create different books if you dont want to.
to start off just keep the one book.
so any songs you like just add them into your songbook.
after you have a lot of songs and you feel like spiltting them up then click on "My SONGBOOK" tab, go to ADD book and add another, name it whatever you like.

next go into you songbook that has all your songs in it.
Once you see the list of your songs in the book you can choose what ones to move by clicking the box to the right of the song. the ngo to the bottom where you have a list of options to copy, move delete etc. there you can move or copy a song or songs to your new songbook.
