
(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)


finish this one , thats very good. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz Zurf! ah he's in Noddy land again.:lol:

Slán from The Emerald.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)


I do believe you, Dont be getting yourself all stressed now !!. lol

The Emerald Greets You.


Old Doll.



Theres more writing to be done. I dont believe you only have one song in you?
Isnt God so clever? He slows you down to bring out your creative writing ability.

Speedy recovery to you Sir!

Old Doll.

sTitle- Give a little love.

Singer /Song writer / ALBERT HAMMOND.

Yes. Its from Bugsy Malone.

Havent heard or seen the add.  This is all i know about the song.

Old Doll.

Fantastic Zurf,

You know why!The reality of this person came through.

So much id like to meet him.   Sounds a great character.

Well done to you.

Ps.  keep talking the tablets lol keep writing.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)


your a wee doteen. Put your feet up now and take a wee rest.

HAVE A CIGAR, a large glass of Irish Whisky "Ya did a great job."

Go Raibh Mile Maith Agat { Thank You Very Much}


Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Again a lovely tribute Jets.

Lucky you / Lucky Sister as you compliment one another. I do have a song written about my Sis who passed.

Im lucky enough to have one sister left.She is  My shining beacon. My 8 brothers! Wonderful protectors.

I never did think of writing a song about them..Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Thanks Jets.

Old  Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)


We have a member here sometimes " Doncorleone! He is Samoan. Must be busy with his horses

as he hasnt been here for a while.. He  linked me some stuff about his homeplace back a while now.   

    Sielo", You will need some strings, a broom handle,

large box or bucket for sound  effects. This sounds a lot like your Spamjo!!

Now Nella if your taking the , #### out of this Old Doll,   May heaven be your bed" because i have a

nice warm spot for ya.  "Buried in A bog in the West of Ireland":lol:

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


to be loved and love sincerely, Nothing better in life.

Enjoyed your website.. You sound a wee bit scared like i do when recording. lol

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Watlz Russell!

Yes! i love an ole waltz. The songs are usually sad or love stories.

Your song is a wee bit of both , Love of a Woman. Love of Drink.

The latter usually pays the price!!.   Good song, well recorded as always.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice song Phil,

about a real problem with some people.

I somehow feel they dont know how to be any other way.
These people are short of loving I guess.

Old Doll.


(26 replies, posted in Electric)

So very kind of you Russell,

But i didnt mean the forum to donate. "Unless they have the equipment he needs".

Please dont send me money.   The exchange rate here is amazin at the moment. Dollar/ Euro.

I normally would Email privately, but this person is young so in case his people take umbrage,

i sincerely would like to help them get there wish.

Ask and you shall receive.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Song Badeye,

A lady i know through the Womens Movement, lost her young husband in the Congo War. In the mid sixties.

She never did quite get over it. Also never remarried. War is such a useless waste of life.

Well done.

Old Doll.

We did to Badeye,

After torrential rain all night long.

Thanks be to the Divine. Its  been a long time coming.

Hugs to ya !

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Whooooooooo Daddycool,

I love trains, but ghost trains NO. All them strange things touching me in  dark tunnels

whoooooooooo No thanks. Good concept though.

Old Doll.

Ps . I got your email! Will do that. Thanks.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Phil,

Ah my God i was frantic reading this, as if i only had 6 minutes also.

I reminded myself it wasnt me . Took a deep breath and read again.

Its very good.

Old Doll.


(26 replies, posted in Electric)

Slash 1998,

Yes i to had a wee job at your age. Its a little more dangerous now for Kids your age.

BUT. If you want this a badly as you say Then! Do try to help locally. Starting at home. Then Neighbours. Tell them what your wish is.

Then you tell everone else you meet. You never know who you speak to. Put a add in your  free local paper.

  Ask in your local music store and local charity store, can you put a flyer in there window

or on there notice board asking for a donation.   Someone may have one lying around.

Failing this ,send me a email

and ill start the ball rolling for you. Ill send you enough to deposit. Then this will encourage you to get the rest.

When your famous everyone wants to know you. But ya gotta start somewhere. So im prepared to help you.

Good Luck.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Nela Pet!

Have you been sipping  "that MOONSHINE STUFF "again?

Or is this another of your Cackle Berries Stories?  lol

Old  Doll.

I always loved the original of this piece.

But this i feel is so good.


Old  Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Songwriting)

AH Badeye,

Me ould segosha. Lovely song.  You get the tea ready, and ill bring the tart! APPLE THAT IS!! lol

God i'd talk the legs off your table.

Well done.

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi 0)==#paranormal guitar.

This is really excellent.. First try? BRAVO!

I also Love your Irish Name of " Liam"

Take a Bow youngman.

Old Doll


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Jets,

Good to see you back here. Love your song..

   Chakra Wise, If im balanced alls good in the world. I could move mountains thoses days.


But tonight im tired so more meditation is needed. Lol.

Old Doll


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Well done to you. I hear this as a real catchy little tune..

Go Girl, you trendy Troll.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Tennessee Strat,

Pear blossom  is so delicate and beautiful. I can picture that.    Yes! Im still here.

As someone Irish and Famous once said" We havent gone away you know. lol
Thank God thats all behind us.

We also had a great St Patricks Day with Our American Visitors. Sure were all still recovering.

Thats the Irish for ya.

Happy Saturday to you.

Old Doll.

Hi Badeye from a wet and Cold Emerald.

I think Mise is going off my trolly here. Cannot fly to the sun as the Doc wont let me." Massive Groans"

Soon to be fixed i hope!  The up side is!  ive been writing a book  of short stories,

for some time now, so ive written loads with all this bad weather.. 

Love to you and Gem.   

Have a look at this Badeye. I think its very good.  {Love the kids expression at the end.
