
(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

HiMr Jay

Simple answer is no I am afraid.

I tried this a few imes months ago but it does not allow you to do it.
It will allow you to do everything else with chords and lyrics but not the title,



is it a diamond or is it a "0" ?

a "0" means to play the string open.
that maybe is what a diamond means if it is a diamond, other than that i have no idea.

I dont think I have noticed any diamonds


I thought I knew this sort of

I got told years ago when it first came out that it said something about nuclear war or something like that,
but I had to cheat and look it up.

the cover decodes to
"Roger Waters Radio KAOS Who Needs Information Th".
On recent rereleases, the Morse code on the inside cover and underneath the CD tray reads
"E Powers That Be Home The Tide Is Turning Radio Waves".

I got that from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_K.A.O.S.

it also says
The album contains Easter eggs. The most well known of these is the morse code message at the beginning and end of the album. This is the "hidden verse" of "Tide is Turning":
Now the past is over but you are not alone
Together we'll fight Sylvester Stallone
We will not be dragged down in his South China Sea
of macho bulls*** and mediocrity

This verse, expressing Waters' dislike of the way Sylvester Stallone movies glorify violent actions, is alluded to in the final spoken line of the song, "The tide is turning, Sylvester."

which make a lot of sense as Roger is against war more than greenpeace, more than CND more than the pope probably.

No wonder I consider Roger a god, his words of wisdom will always be with me thru my life


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Ma,
Hope you are well and feeling good and everything is going well for you.

I have no been on much , well I have but not been posting much.

Errmmm, right where do I begin to tell you I stole something from you? lol

Stolen? me? well no, well yes well no well ok ,i did, but lets call it borrow.

I go to a few other forums and one of them I go to has a few people that are into the same interests as me,  going to bothies and hillwalking, Anyway, one of the guys from that forum is a bit annoyed at the way this certain forum is getting run so he started his own.
( her is the theft part coming up)
I made my user name, same all the time ,upyerkilt or upyerkilt123. So I was filling in the profile part and...... and....... sorry ma..... but I thouht it was so good I had to steal it from you. ooops,. borrow!! fro myou.
I am using your signature " why blend in with the crowd when you were made to stand out".
I have never told ye I dont think, but I love this.

I tried to write a song about it but I cannot come up with more than a verse, so it is in my " song ideaas" and I might get it finished in a few years time.

Hope ye dnot mind, just thought I would tell ye.

and also, this bottle of red is good, but now my good ladt has come hame early, I will have tae go turn my attention to her for a few minutes.

take care ma

yer scottish son

Ken xxx

for a 17 year old burd ( young women)
those lyrics are  superb!!
makes out like you have had a really hard time. Whether you have or not is not the point though. A fantasticlly written set of lyrics that I want to see chords with , then i want to hear it, then I want to see the video lol
rebel, I hope ye had a great birthday and I really hope to hear this if possible.

So 17????? life just begining???? hmmmm, I cannot remember much when i was 17 or 16 or 18 or 19. I remember bits,lol and it is not thru old age ( since I am still really young) nor was it the alcohol or drug abuse ( although that was good)
But I do remember I had a hard time now and again but not as bad as others. When I was your age I do remember thinking I had lived a life already ( I should write some songs about somethings) So, I can relate quite a bit to your song, I love it

thanks for sharing your song and thoughts.

All the best for the next year.



(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

I also want the chords for radio waves.
I looked for  ten a while ago but couldnt find them.
I am thinking of maybe just getting the lyrics and making up my own chords for it.



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I do not normally like censorship, especailly for anyone over the age of 16. Probably even younger as they hear and see everything  just as much, if not more than adults.  Does that make it ok for someone to say that there should be no censorshipthough because they have heard/seen lots already? I dunno!!.

I let my son ( aged 9) watc hsome films that are rated 12, 15 and a few 18.
Just because it has a bit of sex in it? this should not be hidden from any age as long as it is done in a tasteful way, but then what is a tasteful way when everyones sexual prefferences will change.

I did take a playstation game of my boy, it was an 18. It shows a young boy watching his dad getting killed, shot. Although it is only graphics it looks very real ( apart from all the colour)
If this was a film then I suppose I would let him watch it but to see that everyday when he wanted to play it was a bit too much, so he saw it once. He will get that back when he is about 14,lol and it will be very outdated and something worse will come along.

as for censoring swearing etc, I dont agree with that eithger. I swear like a trooper a lot , but never in front of my kids. I dont know why, maybe the way I was brought up? none of my family swore when i was growing up and I do the same with my kids, but they will hear it all the time. I just dont think it is right that a kid continually hears Effing and C'ing and a lot more, they hear the occasional S**T from me, but thats it.
I dont think I will mind them swearing in the house when they are a bit older, like 14 -15, but not swearing just for the sake of it.
Aroud this area ( central belt of Scotland) swearing is, I tihnk more acceptable than other places in the UK, apart from maybe some cities.
I have some friends and family in Alabama in america and they think they tamest of sweary words are very unacceptable, so it depends on where in the world you are and how you were brought up.

The C word was used very openly not that long ago. It was Queen Vistoria that decided it was not a nice word so she banned ppeople from using it and from there it became unacceptable to say it and now it is classed as the most unacceptable swear word that there is.
She also outlawed men being gay as she said it was not normal, but she refused to believe two women would or could be together, so Being a lesbian was never outlawed in the UK. ( I tihnk she was prbably one herslef and this is why she never outlawed it lol )

So, from churches to royalty, from family man to beggar, we all make our own censorship up depending on the circumstances.

As for censorship in Chordie? I will continue to delete things I persoanlly think there is nothing wrong with, but  iknow others would be offended, whether they are right or not to get offended is not for me to judge. Laws and rules are made and I help maintain them for the sake of a really excellent web site.



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was going to mention him too
But I thought, naaa, he is ok but not a world class drummer, he is a very tallented musician though



(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


D.C Lee is a woman, so it was not same sex marriage.

unless you are calling Paul a woman lol



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My favourite drummers are:

Keith Moon.
John Bonham ( who could also be classed as a lead drummer)
Neil Pert  ( not just a drummer but a truelly amazing percussionist)
Mark Breshiekie ( or however you spell his name, from Big Country. an amazing all round drummer)

and one more
a quite unknown drummer to most but Steve Grantley that plays with stiff little fingers and The Alarm , ( yes two bands at the same time) he is superb.



(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

thankfully a reunion of wham is false and I like it to remain that way. It is bad enough that the spice girls have decided to cash in on more youngsters.
George Michael did want Andrew to join him on stage this year sometime but Andrew rejected ( hoooooray!!!!)
Also, Wham had a backing singer/dancer called D.C Lee  who later joined the Style council and married Paul weller.

I have a couple of style council albums but they are nowhere near as good as the JAm, although a couple of the style council songs were actually recorded by the Jam first, but they spilt and Paul decided to use the songs with his new band.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think it is ridiculous that the government decide to ban things after 11th of the 9th month

I remember they even banned a few films from getting released because it had the towers on it, Spierman was one of the films.
Also some other film got shown on tv ( cant remember which one) it showed the towers near the end and loads of people complained in a merica because they said it was too soon and brought back bad memories.
People take things too far and love to dwell on things forever.

When I was 17 or 18 I saw a young boy of 13 getting run down by a bus, the bus wheel went right over his chest , I will not go into details what I saw but it was not nice. The next day I saw a big bus, Might have been the very same bus, but I did not complain and say that all busses should not be on the road in case it brought back bacd memories.

things happen, we should just get on with life and let the whingers whinge but dont let them get their way.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi cytania,
I moved this to a more appropriate place on the forum.

Songs that are guaranteed to get a crowd going??? hmmm, for playing the guitar I would say
Brown eyed girl.    by van the man
pinball wizard, the who

loads more



(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

thanks Jim

I have got loads saved on my favourites in youtube now.

And Lieven,
I would have thought they were massive in europe too? oh well they were massive in the UK.
I got an email from the fan club yesterday saying they are doing a tour in america too so they must be still in demand over there too.
Only a few weeks away now and still looking forward to it so much.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi darkstar

Please click on the link. It will explain here why you cannot post your tabs on Chordie.




(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and apart from religion which was part of all wars in the past,
now it is oil!
We know it will run out so the big bad bullies( america and UK and some more nato) step in and say what is what in another country, as they always have done and always will.

They will use every cover up they can and make people believe just to go invade.

you could write a lot of songs about this.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and good luck to them against Spain.
It was a spanish ref that robbed us, and if you have their italian ref frined then I dont hold much hope.

but go on the North Iron!!!!



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Old Doll wrote:

Dont suppose you will be wanting Spaghetti Bolognaise or Pizza for din dins!!!

Your Ma!

Old Doll.


we were robbed by yet another silly linesman. But thats footy for ye.
the sooner tv evidence comes into decisions the better.
Even if we got a draw the chances are we would have went out, but it is the losing that hursts when we played better thaan the world champs, we deserved that draw.

Never mind, always the world cup to look forward to in 2010 and I will be renewing my tartan army membership at the end of this year to guarantee me a ticket for when it is announced that Scotland will play england.

got a bit of a hangover now and a sore knee ( from when we scored, I went mental cuddled and kissed 6 or 7 stragers and fell over the seats in front,lol)

think i will go a nice leasurely stroll now, clear my head.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just had to do this


Anyone fancy a bet at good odds? scotland 1 italy 0 with Barry Ferguson to score @ 50/1

I got a tenner on it.

if scotland win it will only be by one goal, and if we get a penalty it will be wee fergie that will take it and he is no bad at taking penalties so this makes it a good bet.

I dont care who scores really as long as we do it.
I am all hyped up over this with a few million other scots.



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks Jerome and Old doll ( ma)

I dont think I asked when i was in america what it was all about, and if I did I forgotten.

I can now see why people celebrate it but I still see it as a no popint festival. But then I think that of christmas,easter,anniversaries,birthdays,weddings, halloween,guy fawks night  and anything else that is commercialised.

Only thing I like celebrating is New year! best party of the year starting at about 10:30pm on hogmanay and ending about 6 - 8 am on new years day or whenever ye drop.

So, thanksgiving is really to the native americans? good!!!
I read a lot, years ago about how "white man" invaded their land. not only the british but other countries.
and to think that the UK and american governments dictate to other countries what they can and cannot do today after everything they have done in the past is just so wrong, but that is getting into a political debate then,lol

I now hope any of you that celebrate thanksgiving day had a good time ( now I know a bit more about what it is about)

another thing I hope to be celebrating is SCOTLAND beating ITALY in football today 5pm GMT
if we win we are thru. I will be leaving soon for a 4 hour warm up party before the game starts, so I probably will be in no fit state later tonight to press the button to turn on the computer tonight in about 12 hours time when i get back.



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm sorry but I just do not see the point in thanksgiving day. Is it a religious sort of thing?

When I was visiting my dad in Georgia years ago it was just before thanksgiving. it seems it is just like christmas apart from no pressies or santa and a lot of eating, in fact it oooks like ye eat as much has ye can all day.

I dont see why ye do this at all.
or if you want to do thats fine but why make a big thing of it?

I may be needing educated here. not for me to know what it is about but WHY you do it.


Yeah, loadds to choose from but a few I can think of right now are

Time... Pink floyd
Money....Pink floyd.
johnny was....stiff little fingers
beating around the bush.....ac/dc
whole lotta rosie....ac/dc


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)


go there Lieven, james has put instructions on how to do this.
It is a "sticky" subject at the top of the songwriting section

And good song Roger, good work



(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I have moved this topic for you ian since you never saaw " bands and artists"
this section is for bands and artists known or unkown.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

(if you're a drummer, I'm kidding)  (as far as you know)

lol lol

