
(7 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

i would say get the same ones that you already have on, but how do you tell?

Good question!!

No idea,lol. You could maybe take a string from your guitar to a shop and ask them if they can measure it if you have not got a measure device for strings.
I use "extra light" guage for my guitar the 1st E ( thinnest) is 0.010" or 0.25mm

you could try buying medium gauge and try them. then decide from their . If they hurt your fingers too much then go for a lighter one next time but if you do keep playing with them your fingers will toughen up more anyway and you will not notice any pain.
really it depends what sort of sound you want.
A really light guage gives a tinnier sort of sound where heavier gauges are duller,damper sort of sounds.

So, if I were you, I would go for medium if you cannot find out what you are used to playing with.
And remember, when you change your strings your guitar will sound completely different until the new string settle down.



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well, America is to blame for all these crazy rates since they let millions of people have mortages at ridiculous terms to start with . Now these people cannot afford the houses and cannot carry on with their mortage which is not too good for the bank if they get the house back but cannot sell it, and who can rehouse millions of people?
It affects all other countries since the banks lend and loan from each other.
America lends a bank i.e. Northern Rock $6 billion at an interest rate of 5%. Now when the american people cannot afford their mortgage so the banks are not getting as much interest as they expected to get, so to get that money they add more interst on to the loan to northern orck to 6%. Northern rock are forced to put up their interest rates but do not get more customers because of high rates. People go for the lowest rates for loans so Bye bye northern rock.
I made up all these % rates, they are only for examples. And I maybe completely wrong with what I say. But that is the way I perceived it from the news a few weeks ago.

As for oil, i dont think it matters at all what america do, the middle east will continue to increase their prices while the UK and U.S keep trying to bully the middle east into their way of thinking.

We should all get used to the idea of not having oil or gas unless you are well off enough to buy it in  less than 20 years time. Prices just keep rising over the inflation rate so soon no one will want to buy it. Which means train companies and buses will rake in the profits, and their prices just keep going up and up too. Also logistics go up because of fuel. Everything goes up, but at one point it must all stop somewhere.

I am glad I go up into the hills to bothies and love it. I know I can survive without electric or gas lol I will adapt very easily.



(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

(thanks bad eye, I was thinking of doing the same, gathering all the bits up and joining them,lol)

and julie andrews singing all .....


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Roger Guppy wrote:

so I closed my eyes

When I woke up I


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi andros
It is a shame that artists/recod companies feel the need to spoil people's fun by taking away sites that let their fans know how to play their songs, as if they never had enough money as it is without making more from Books on their songs. And most of the time you cannot even find the book by a certain artist for a certain song because they have not even published one.

As for mentioning chordie, I never have not heard of this. I dont see what they can do to chordie as chordie is only a search engine that takes songs from other sites.
Maybe record companies will find a way to point the finger at chordie too? But as far as I thought, if their were no other sites like tabmaster,pj chords etc, chordie could not direct you to a song.

Lets hope ALL guitar sites stay online.



(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

that she had never heard


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and leads them into a

I still have not seen this thing but my mate told me of it last year. He had a go and said it is really good, especially for younger people to get into the guitar. But like you rebel, I tihnk why not just get a real one and get lessons? Maybe this is a cheaper way? And they can play solos etc from songs I think? that might be what they only want it for?
I will comment more on this if I ever have a go on one



(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

the one with a funny


(197 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ok folk, a wee game for fun here.

You can only type 5 words to add on to the story at a time.
If 2 people post at the same time then it will be the last person's addition that is counted.

I am the story master and will edit or delete any unappropriate text, i.e swearing or nasty words. Or if it is going way off and not making sense it shall be edited.
All moderators for here and admin can join in to keep it in line please.

So, if I started it with

One day I was looking

the next reply would only have 5 words in it like
at songs in chordie until

the nanother reply etc etc.
one reply per person, i.e. you cannot keep coming in and adding to your own post.

So, the story begins

I was looking for a .......


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thanks guitarpix

Now I know the answer if I get asked it in a pub quiz lol my friends will be impressed.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

If you put your own songs onto your own website or another website you can go to resources here on chordie and click on the "add song". It will ask for a URL. Simply just copy and paste the address of the page where your song is.
It can take up to three weeks before it will appear on chordie.

Hope this helps



(0 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Well last night's concert with Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham was superb!!
They were joined on stage wit hthe Royal scottish national orchestra.
Also Eddie reader ( the singer from the 80's band fairground attraction) was there and three young girls from Elgin , Scotland ( i think they might be the first students in Scotland to get a degree in music for folk music,, also Scotland is the first ever country in the world to give out such a degree)

Aly and Phile were super and had some good banter on stage, slagging each other off a few times in between songs.
The conductor for the orchestra , Gary Walker done a tremendious job. He was making the orchestra play along with Aly and Phil, instread of having them join in with the orchestra.
Aly done an old song called "day dawn" it is ab out 400-500 years old but sounded so modern.

Eddie Reader has a tremendious voice and if she never talked I would have thought it ok for he to be on stage. I just thought she was a bit full of herself, But her singing was superb!

These three young girls, or very yong women were astounding!!
They wrote their own songs, there was one on the fiddle one playing the accordian ( she was the main songwriter) and one on the guitar ( that could blow me away wit hher guitar playing)
I think people ( definitley in scotland at least) are going to see more of them in the future. I dont know exactly what age they are but at a guess I would say 14 - 17.  I never caught what they called themselves but top class!

So, had a great night and only had one pint so I was sober for the entire show.

I will go back next year



(24 replies, posted in About Chordie)

thank you for the kind words  John
And I am glad that you as well as a few others do not see any of the spam that gets posted sometimes. We do get rid of it as soon as we see it.
A few times it might be on for an hour or so, depending the time and if someone is on to get rid of it, but since we are al hooked to the site lol it gets reported quickly and gets deleted as soon as and the spammer gets a guarantee ban for his or her efforts.


yeah!! what a long title for a thread, must be one of my longest ones I thin.:lol:

So, anyone been forced to go or just went to a concert thinking it would be naff then walked out thinking, that was great!!

I dont think I have as I choose all my concerts carefully,
But I am going to see Aly Bain and Phil Cuningham tomorrow night along with the Scottish National Orchestra.
Not the osrt of thing I really attend but Aly Bain is absolutely superb on the fiddle and phile is a good accomplice ( is that the right word?) on the accordian.
So although I am in two minds to what it will be like, I know it is going to be good, which made me think of this thread



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I know where he is,lol
I just dont like to advertise it.

He will be fine hopefully,
he has some stuff to do.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I rely mostly on my singing to pull off songs as I am a strummer and dont fingpick or bend or do lead parts etc,
Igot told the same as you got told. Strumming is ok if you can sing with it.
Also a good guitar player ( as in lead and finger pick and strum) if playing the guitar good can get away with good playing and bad singing.

Now, when you get bad playing and bad singing, as long as you are having fun, forget what everyone say if they critisise.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

righty oh lol
I will try no tae interfere wae yer own plans ma ,lol



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I was talking to my mate last night, the one that lives in ballycotton. I was telling him about you being there or near there, he says the wee guy johnny that was painting his house would probably know you since he knows everyone in Cork,lol.
He was also telling me that Ryanair are starting flights from Prestwick straight to Cork, so none of this going to Dublin or shannon airports.

So he wants me and my family to come over early new year, Dont think that will happen but I have promised him if not early in the year then during the summer.
So, when I know I am going I will let ye know.

Yer scottish bhoy


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


How did you enjoy London?
Did you get to see a band while you were there?

Have ye even made it back yet?



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Sorry to hear you are having a problem like this.

I do not see any of the google adds going over any parts of the songs anywhere.

There might be a simple explanation?
something I cannot answer though,

If you can copy and paste an example in here so Per (the webmaster) can see if he can see what the problem is.
Also let him know what operating system you are using i.e Internet explorer or firefox and windows? mac?

This helps him sort things our easier.




(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cant help falling in love wit hyou

elvis/ willie nelson, botyh versions great

thats about all i can think of for a woman to sing to a guy.

love me tender...elvis

I cant live.... harry neislon



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

is this the same song that UB40 done?


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Before I saw arkady's reply I thought the same " hat off to you" but he beat me to it lol

but very well done James, a song that covers the entire world,relgious things fictional and non fictional and fantasy.
you have left nothing out in this song I dont think, no wonder it will be a 15 minute wonder ,lol.
excellent work mate



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

wrong island? hmm, maybe wrong country? no!!
lol, so my country is on the wrong island then lol I can agree with that.

cheers Ma,
if you open a bottle take it easy, dont drink two before midnight, two bottles that is.

Now I better go sit with my darling wife wife now, she asking what am i typing and to who and for ewhy lol
