
(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beautiful Beautiful Vikingsilver.

Are you going to record for F.O.C. ? Id love to hear your melody for this song.

Old  Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Welcome back James.

You, your songs and all the gems of info your brain contains were missed here.

Great song. Leave it to you  James, to write about such a modern phenomenon.

Well done.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Southpaw,

L.M.A.O.  We all need a miracle now and then. lol

Keep planning the work and working the plan!

Alls thats good to you and yours..

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Fáilte Vikingsilver,

Splendid song.  Keep up the good work and Welcome to chordie.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)


That did make  me smile. We used to play this on the top deck of buses many years ago.

Manys a good bruise i was left with by my friends.  Wonder where  and how it started ?

Thanks for the memory.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Eagleeye

Yes its very slow tonight.   Heres the same song different link.

I just love this song. So true so true. I think we all wait and waste time.


Hope all is well in your world.  I agree also with your other post.

Sure your a gent yourself. Treated as you treat others.   In a word { Respect}

Love to you and yours  Joe, from the Emerald.

Old Doll.


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The most stupid thing i ever done in my lifetime.

Was to believe everyone i met were genuine people. That all friends were loyal.

and nearly drowning 3 times through my own stupidity.   I simply Panicked when i should have kept my head

above the water at least. lol  .

Old Doll.

Ps Tim0473, no need to panic, nothing ever falls from an empty nest. lol

Well thats the news for now.. No offence  meant, just jesting with ya.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My son just recently introduced me to this guy.




Old  Doll,


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy,

Is one of the admin here Bejenks, He will give you the info you need. or are looking for.   Email him.

He is always willing to help a newbie.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great song Jets,

That lucky lady must have a couple of albums by now.

Well done and keep them coming. { Don Williams I always love to listen to }

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)


first of all i smiled when i saw your name. My old Uncle long passed now
always said when hearing something new " Well imagine that Bejenkers"! lol

Fáilte to Chordie Bjenks725.

Good wee song. Is it  about Temptation ? Do fill us in.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Welcome back LastRebel,

Your like a breath of the best  Fresh Irish Air..   So  to is your song.

Love it.  Ya havent lost the knack Girl.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You Zurf,

Graciously accepted.  A crate of Glenfiddich on its way to you! lol

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docs,

Yes I to shop abroad, Fantastic rates of exchange with the dollar.  But ive also done most of my shopping in northern Ireland for manys a year now.. Everything there is so much cheaper then Dublin.

Even though the sterling rate dropped so low  in the last few years.  It was still cheaper to shop there.

    You should see the N1 motorway now to Newry every Saturday and bank holidays.

Now the sterling rate has risen again , sure were delighted to cross the border. Well Thats another plus now,

NO BORDER. Yipee. Peaceful happy days.

My only gripe is, Home heating Oil has gone through the roof  at the moment { price wise }

Roll on Summertime.

Hugs to you Docs from the Emerald.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Badeye,

Wonderful stuff. You must be so proud of your Dads memory?.  While the disasters are sad,
they make great reading as to the bravery of the human spirit.

I to have some great memorabilia in my possession.  A  grand father saved 15 people at sea and was awarded the Albert Medal.  I have all his medals and parchements, Also a beautiful  Hunter  Fob watch and chain,

This was presented to him by a very wealthy   well known woman at that time.   He saved her and her baby from drowning that day. He had to drag a heavy furcoat off of her, as it was pulling her and her baby down with the weight of it.    He was a powerful swimmer. Cold water never bothered him. He would swim everyday, christmas day

This womans baby died some years ago, a very old lady.  Her wishes were to have "Her ashes"  brought from abroad back to Dunlaoigre to be cast on the  Irish Sea.  Which was done with a beautiful ceremony.

They were wonderful proud brave men.

God to them.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely catchy song Jets,

Let us  know when you record it.

Lyrics are excellent. It has a great flow to it.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Scrimmy,

Yes, I have listened to this song also. Very very good.

Lovely sound from your guitar. What brand is it ?.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Notch up another Jets.

Very well done.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Arkady,

A fine piece of work. Great recording . Gosh you have the softest singing voice.

I have listened and enjoyed it very much.  { Arthur, one mans quest for his hearts desire.}

Well Done to you Sir!

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love this piece.

You give a lovely lazy summers day image in these lyrics.

I really would love to hear the melody for this.. Go on now, " Finish the Creation  please!

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)


Thank You so much for the boob placement tips. I've been up and down

all night trying to get the position right! Around daylight my boobs finally nestled into position.

Nela! i am now making a career change thanks to you.   I have applied to join "Circus De Ole!

My new name is "Guitar Booby" lol Very soon Sir you will see my pic on this site.

http://www.familyoldphotos.com/circus/index.htm .

Dont fret now "Nela The Fella with all the uplifting tips. I will email you in good time
when we visit L O U S I A
Complimentary Front row position you deserve to see  These "LadyBumps" { Another new name For them }
doing there thing.

One big sunny salute to ya from the Emerald.

Im away now to get my ladybumps back into position. lol


Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is a great little piece.

I have one half done called, "How will i be remembered".

David 137, add to this piece.  What do you like to do in life?
How does it affect others you connect with.

What memories are you wanting to leave?
Whats your passions for this world and the people you share it with ?

Things you achieved, places youve been. Take a note book and write down key words.
You will have the rest of your song no problem.

Thanks for sharing David.

Old Doll.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good Morning Forum.
This is a post i received from VirginiaK. I make no apology for copying and pasting same to the Forum. I just Thank God, this kind of rancid negative raving is a rariety in this friendly cyber space.  Thank You Per and Admin for keeping it so.

He doll, I posted a comment, and have been harrassed by upyourkylt (or some such nonsense name).  I got a very ugly private email from him.

God, creepy....

I responded publicly, sticking to the topic, but mentioned his "not nice" private email.  He deleted it of course.  doesn't want anyone to know he's

getting ugly with a woman when no one's around..

Since then, I have been harassed by others and you....   god, I knew you would show up eventually...

BTW: I've heard you...

What I don't get about you guys is why you can't stand to hear anything that isn't coming out of a doctor's office.

I mean, I'm figuring out now that you guys all have NODES.

And don't  fool yourselves into thinking that that makes you a bigger artist that those of us who were smart

enough not to get them.  Unless you want to put yourselves in league with someone like Joe Cocker.

Improper breathing and dehydration...   Sounds like you were drinking too much.

Tell your Scottish friend he can call off the DOGS.

But please don't give advice to young singers.   You can only talk about nodes....  And doctors...   You're not help to anyone...

Bunch of losers.....{ End of quote}

Fáilte  VirginiaK.

You are one very "Very Nasty Woman..  I have lots of Woman Friends, very skilled in all there chosen fields.
But you know, they are mature woman. They dont throw there toys out of the playpen because someone doesnt agree with them. They have dignified discussions about whatever the subject matter is.

The funny thing in all of this, i as a very young girl had voice training. So much for all she taught me. I still got nodules!!

Also your Insulting remark about my drinking. I dont need to qualify my self to you. Im not looking for your approval!

Your perception of me wont make one iota of difference to my happy days or the Ladylike way i was taught to conduct myself in life.
But! because were Irish, people like you have the perception  " If were Irish we must be Drinkers?.  { cheap Shot that one as you appear to be an intelligent woman}.

I have no illusions about myself. i am  no bigger or better then anyone. { unlike your self }
Equality is what my life is all about..

As far as i know 2 of us here on the Forum have suffered with singers nodules. So learn how not to generalize
when writing.

Please dont ask me to do you dirty work for you? Use your own lack of communication skills to insult your fellow Chordians.  You must be so proud of your self, calling  "Chordian Members" Loosers.

I am so thankful that none of my family members will ever have to access your so called  ability to voice train.

Your negativy and anger would be contagious. We are all very happy people who can sing.
Our true feeling are expressed in our natural ability to sing and enjoy life with out the machanics. Like in  every other aspect of our lives.

Remember the laws of the universal Energy Virginiak, Everthing you give out you get back ! you will i have no doubt, be called a LOSER in times to come. WATCH OUT FOR THIS ! its a good lesson in how to live life graciously.

It just may jolt you  from sounding like a "Manic Menapausal Woman" into behaving like a Lady!

Get a nice sunlounger for your self. Sit in the sun and practise your own Breathing Exercises.
If done correctly, this will calm your mind and soul.

God's gift of peace is wished to you this day with easy breath control.

from The Beautiful Emerald.  { Sober as a Judge } Imagine that!!


Old Doll.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was just about to switch off here!

But i have to say VirginiaK to you . Your posts here are a tad insulting to the Chordie forum.

Do you realize you sound like "  no one else here quite knows what there talking about? There are

i can assure you  quite a lot of people here with great expertize in every aspect of the  music business.

  They just dont feel the need to air it, or prove themselves.

We can all only speak with honesty here. You seem angry and dismissive!

None of us are stuck were we are, unless of course we decide to be.

Oiche Mhait.

Old Doll.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Maybe i'm just tired tonight,

i am finding it hard to understand some of these post!

But i have read all the post here.  Ive been singing all my life.   in my early years i got a singers nodules.

My Throat Specialist removed them.  He  told me i would lose the E range in my voice which i did. 

He also told me it was caused by not having proper breath control while singing and dehydration?.

He, all thoses years ago sent me for breath control exercises. Which were amazing. These made a huge difference
to my singing.

Speak quietly, is a big one to protect the vocal chords.  Also Warming up before singing.,

I personally  have never tried to sing like anyone else. My own God given voice is unique to me.

as is to all of us.


Old Doll.