
(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

alvee33 wrote:

Is it only on the US store that you can buy a black T-shirt? I had a look in the Euro store and it only seems to be white that is available.

Hi Al,

I got my black tshirt from the european store.

I remember someone complaining about the quality of the t shirt and I said mine was good.
So it is a transfer, most tshirts are!
This transfer when new might look a bit plasticated to start with but I have had mine in my washing machine now at least 15 times and the print is still excellent.
There are no wee bit coming off at the edges, it has not really faed. If anything the sheen sort of new look on the transfer has faded, which is good, it makes the transfer blend in more with the black on the t shirt.
I dont normally pay a lot of money for t shirts unless I am at a concert where they will cost about 20 -25 quid. I think the chordie one was 18? maybe 19?. I canny remember now,
but anyway,
your question ,lol

I got mine from the european store and I still wear it, it is still in great condition.
And I have no idea why you cannot see it from the european store, but I am sure there is a link to get in touch wit hthem



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

nae bother MA,
Good to see yer ok.
Dinny worry about getting fatter at this time of year, ye will need it for when the heavy frost comes,lol.
I think I might have got a little bigger too but after new year I will lose it again in the best way I know how to, but I need permission from my wife too,lol. Hopefully no problems there as long as I am good.



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yes johnny and no johnny.
I do believe that learning to string a guitar properly is important but i dont think it helps much to let you know when the guitar is out of key. Or it doesnt for me.lol
I rely too much possibly on my tuner.

I learned how to string a guitar before I could actually play it. I learned from stringing my bass guitar. I used to string my mate's guitar before I started playing and he had been playing for years but could not grasp the art of stringing a guitar.

I just restrung my guitar yesterday after seeing this thread and I should have recorded what I do and put it onto youtube.
I use a wee crank thing on the tuning key, it saves you turning the key for ages.
I have only broke one e string while tuning a guitar ( before I had an intellitouch tuner)

I might go and buy more strings and restring one of my other guitars soon.



(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

pagie wrote:

just got an acoustic, no idea what I'm doing but would love to learn. any hints or tips would be great!! cheers!!

hi and welcome to chordie and to the guitar learning.

There are a few places online that teach you how to play from scratch.
Chordie advertises one here called PLayjam  www.playjam.com
. there is a section here that tells you about it and reviews. It costs money though, but not as dear as an actual guitar tutor.
Also there are free sites online.

http://www.8notes.com/  this site is very good

and also

http://www.musicmoose.org/index.php?opt … ;Itemid=46

hope these help you.



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi lorehany

welcome to chordie and the forum
hope you find it as useful and informative as everyone else does.


King Endow

King Owned

Ink Gowned


Dingo Knew




(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

control is what I need sometimes to keep my thoughts to myself or many would take me the wrong way


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

crue01 wrote:

Can we get aministrater here?

Sorry bout that, I did see the thread but I also noticed that the original question was answered by Arkady who knows his way about chordie. All help on chordie is not always from administrators, sure we see questions but if they are answered then there is no point.
And the original question was not even by yourself. your first post on this thread was what I quoted. IS that any way to ask nicely? I think not.
Apart from me seeing it and not answering as the question was answered and had it not been answered correctly or there were more problems then I am sure the original person that asked the question would have came back and said that something was still wrong, but since they have not then there is no need to add more to a thread that has been sufficiently answered.

Other times it might be possible that an administrator cannot answer a question and has to be left to PEr thee head admin, the webmaster, the owner, and sometimes he has to investigate into areas where other admin cannot go.

I hope this explains not just to you but to others about questions either being delayed in getting answered or not getting answered.
Most questions get answered all the time, sometimes within 5 minutes as WE ARE ALL very helpful on this forum.

thank you



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

only one year?
well yer doing a lot better than from when i started, from the stuff I have heard you do and your playing.

Well done and keep up the good work.

I love this site too so much. A few other sites I go to there is snidy remarks, cheek, arguments etc. I thought here was different because we all have the same interest but it is not just that as the other forums people have the same interests.
NO, I think this site is just so good for the really good people here. For the useful help we give each other, for the banter and usless info, it is all good.

All the best to each and every member that contributes to this forum, be them members, admin,moderator,webmaster



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

move is what your hips do when they are swaying side to side asnd also when you stick your tongue out and lick an ice cream cone frantically


(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

the jackson 5 are going to be touring in 2008 and Michael will be part of it.
They says they have been getting a lot of requests to form again and go on the road.
I persoanlly think they need more money after all those court cases they have went through.

Never did like them and probably never will.
I still do not see boy bands/girl bands like this as a proper band, they are singers and sometimes not that good either at singing and let the other better singers in the band cover for them. Yeah posh spice,, you are one of them.

not real music, all manufactured tripe

( my personal opinion)



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

apart from the option at the side for the font size. you could try after adding the song to your songbook editting it to make it shorter. i.e. take out parts that repeat or take out certain chords on certain verses if they are all the same as the rest.
other than that you could try finding an A3 printer and using both sides lol

Seriously though, sometimes ye just canny get al lthe lyrics onto one sheet of paper.



(136 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

true, and too much drink lol

the person below me cannot drink as they have to drive


(136 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

false. I was wanting a new kilt, a new guitar and a dragonfly stove
but very happy with what I got.

the person under me thinks I want too much


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was going to say this in the other crimbo thread but since this one has a better name from where I come from


I got a new digital camera that does everything apart from answer the phone lol
and a new fleece and woolly bunnet for my hillwalking

hope you all get good presies too, after all that is what crimbo is all about lol



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

lol lil lol

my kids think i am



(5 replies, posted in Electric)

Hi Mark
here is a question I can comfortably answer.
I have a green guitar here, it was only £80, but I tihnk I got it on sale, it was reduced from £120 I think?????? so long ago I canny remember.

The make was  hohner Countryman

I dont know where on the planet earth you are but I got mine from Argyll street in glasgow from a shop called victor divine.

I am sure you should get one somewhere else though.



(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

I done a google search on this and got nothing back so my guess is no one has put this on the internet,



(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi kazz

http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/urbancow … ldaway.htm

a quick google search found it

hope this is the same song,



(1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

this might answer your question




(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

chordie is a search engine that gets the songs from other sites, so if you want a certain song on here you will have to go to resources and request for a song to be added to the list.
So, if you cannot find it elsewhere then id deffinitley will not be on chordie..



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great info on bluegrass from quite a few.

cheers guys, even though I never orginally started this thread to ask, I still like it



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i have a stagg 12 string and I tihnk it is not bad, or not bad for the price I paid.
It may not be the best guitar in the world but it does the job.
Another thing I found was I found I had to change the strings more often on it to keep an alright sound. I dont know if this has anything to do do with the actual guitar or not???

but fir the cheapness, they are ok. Not great but I have played a lot worse

I would see them as more of a practicing guitar for a beginner



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

can is what baked beans go in and can give you a lot of flatulence lol


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

of can be confused with off when someone goes off subject and doesnt play the game properly